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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1978)
Page 8 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY. MARCH 22. 1978 Expose Your Talent! Talent needed for RHA Casino Night. All kinds of talent are wanted. Auditions will be March 28 & 29 in the Coffee House Basement. Call Carolyn Brothers between 6 and 7 p.m. nightly to sign up for an audition or for more information. 845-5762 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * APRll 2. 1978 2:00 P.M. Applications: March 20-29 in MSC, Commons, Sbisa $5 per teams All proceeds will be donated ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Y We're Building a New Town a car-free village for 2500 people of solar homes, organic gardens and small businesses. We are establishing a new way of living with an emphasis on community life, the integration of work and play, and living with nature through appropriate technology. Join our 8 week summer workshop and help create an eco-systemic and human scale town. College credit. Please write for descriptive catalogue. The Center for Creative Community ^Cerro Gordo Ranch, Dorena Lake,Cottage Grove, Or.97424 < i\ ^ Swift Profen ROUND STEAK # • • * i ;. .T:.T.; i i Full Cut : j 1 Bone In • SPERRY AND V*,. Swift Proten RUMP ROAST 18 Bone In > Medium Size \ SPARE 1 RIBS 4 | Armour Star Speedy ■ BONELESS Cut ■ HAM HALVES . * 1 S Royal Heart Grade A ■ YOUNG 8-ion, ! TURKEYS . " I Mohawk ! CANNED S HAMS .. ® Woody s J ib * Woody s tJiaa '—.....5—ffi -w I 39 Neuhoffs t SMOKED 8 ‘“ lb J TURKEY. ft. Cure 81 BONELESS HAM 1/2 . HHIshire Farms SMOKED " 1>5 SAUSAGE Neutron ... 1 a PORK '1 SAUSAGE. v*' ■ Swift Proten Full ROUND B , STEAK . * ik* Swift Proten Tenderized ROUND STEAK. ... Ik \ Pimento Swiss American $ KRAFT 12 oz. Sliced CHEESE..-^les... Armour Star White Meat $ TURKEY 2 i k - to- ik. ROAST Swift Proten Boneless PIKES PEAK ROAST Banquet Frozen ^ lb f FRIED 2 * CHICKEN.. Folger’s 1 lb can With $7.50 or more purchase 69\! 12 oz. tin . = Tom Scott MIXED NUTS Del Monte *2 1/2 PEAR HALVES 29 oz. can Eagle Brand C0ND. MILK w«. *n tmrt 4 please GELATIN 3 «• kor Mrs. Smith's Frozen APPLE PIE . Green Giant Frozen jo oz. BROCCOLI SPEARS ^ Green Giant Frozen | 0 oz 1*9/0“ 89 k 59* 59* 15* ^49 50 ct. 49 18"x 25’ roll 5 17 oz. cans BRUSSEL SPROUTS Kleenex Paper DINNER NAPKINS Reynolds Heavy Duty FOIL WRAP Del Monte Early Garden SWEET PEAS Sunsweet PRUNE JUICE . Pops-Rite YeRow POP CORN cheesTspread 5 .”-. ,klss ..49* ! Jiffy White Yellow or Chocolate ^ 9 oz. $ * 1 dozen CAKE MIXES 5 1*9*- 1 \u__. qt. W. 2 ' 5 02. PigjV Wiagiy LARGE EGGS \ t Piggly Wiggly Brown' n Serve % | !! ROUS DINNER •••••••••• »4 12 ct. pkgs. SPERRY AND * HUTCHINSON JfH *1 :| Peposdeot Adult mam US # 1 RUSSET „ CRANBERRY ?«» \ SAUCE , 5 fT, | CREAM PMadeWa CHEESE ?.”-.l*9-. I TOOTHBRUSHES... S fef T 151 Off Gllette Deodorant RIGHT GUARD .. 3 oz. can 79 )•••••••••I SPERRY ANO •••••••! • SPERRY ANO • HUTCHINSON COTTAGE CHEESE Piggly Wiggly 16 oz. dn. 68 ICE CREAM Piggly Wiggly 1/2 gal. chi. limit one 88 US # 1 Salad Yine Pink SALAD TOMATOES US *1 Simkist Arizona TANGERINES Cakfomia AVOCADOES US ff 1 Texas Ruby Red GRAPEFRUIT Double fisH Green Stamps every Tuesday with^Z^Oor more purchase. JTCMINSON • •2700 Texas Ave. S •3516 Texas Ave. •200 E. 24th St. •9 Redmond Terrace COLLEGE STATION and BRYAN .TEXAS ■: • HUTCHINSON • PTA to help TV watchen with courses United Press International Johnny, that All-Ameria dummy, can’t read, write, ad(l,sul tract, divide — as you know. To keep this non-sexist, you i know there’s an elusive female dummy on the school scene. H« name is Janie. And she am t do all those things either. Every schoolroom in America ij supposed to have students followinj the non-performance curves of Johnny and pitiable Janie. The lists of things Johnny Janie can’t do is growing. The Intel addition: Watching television in# intelligent manner. Johnny can’t, says the National PTA. Andneilki can Janie. But the two dumb ones neet feel so disgraced over this lattsl shortcoming. The PTA says mot students are deficient when itcoms to being able to watch television^ an intelligent manner. The reason: There is no course! viewing skills — a problem the Na tional PTA proposes to remedy the next several years. Grace Baisinger, president oftk National PTA, told all about it tk other day in New York. She to the International Radio and Tel vision Society, a group composed! broadcast executives. Baisinger, from Washingtoi D.C., said the PTA’ s new televisim project is to prepare comprehensiw curriculum materials — 1 ent curriculums — on intelligent viewing. There will be one for kindergsi ten through grade 2, another[» grades 3 through 5, another! grades 6 through 8, and a fourth,! high-schoolers. In an interview Baisinger saidtli television course materials will ti about three years to develop eration will be sought from the felt vision industry. Funds for the multi-million dolk project will be sought from irani sources. To maintain independemt however, no more than $30,000»i be accepted from any source CBS already has donated $30,(K and Baisinger said Gene Jankowski president of the CBS Broadcast Group, will help raise hinds “We will invite the television is dustry to join with the staff event the initial formulation of the » riculum content and outline, Baisinger said. “During the project develop ment, we will ask the industry rep resentatives to serve on theadvisoi board which will give continuald rection to the project staff.’ The curriculum material fashioned to educate youth alio the operation of the television dustry and the problems and clia lenges faced by the industry. Technical film methods willl reviewed with particular empHai on the use of the camera to create image, convey an emotion, imply a value. Materials will include lessor plans, discussion questions, instnic tions for script development, a® videotapes of actual programs a»( interviews with members of W television industry. Commenting on the project, Ju- kowski said: “The American people s know more about television, b an art form and as an industry, should know the good and the W and how to tell the difference “They should bring to televisim the same sense of understand®! and criticism that they bring other forms of communications. The PTA’s concern about tele'! sion and youth led in 1976 and ff to the sponsorship of eight region* hearings on television violence, Witnesses came from the ranks 1 the law, medicine, religion psychiatry, education and include 1 parents and students. In city after city, speakers ciW the reality of television in the live* of children, and the need for parent and teachers to accept that realit) Speakers also called for a co® prehensive curriculum in viewini skills. The call came from broadens' ters as well as professional educate and parents. “We were told over and overtM educators and parents and student need to learn to deal with television constructively because it is medium that is here today Baisinger said. “We were told to equip the cM' dren with the ability to ‘read’ tele®' son on the intellectual and the sub liminal level.” The curriculum the PTA has on the drawing board will do just tl® 1 — it is hoped. B' wi magi'* the n have becor bougl An arom come erly, dress on th there avail' prodi Lei 10,00 most and a 62 mi Lis rentei age f thous; tect i name the n are nc Nai telepl (such panic jnd n Tin rents X-rays may pose risk MADISON, Wis. - Patient X-rays taken by many dentists, doc tors and chiropractrs needlessly ris* doses of radiation that could cans* cancer, a medical professor says “I don’t want to scare peopleawa! from getting X-rays,” said John Cameron, a Univeristy Wisconsin-Madison medical physi cist. “I thing they should he aware however, of the risks X-rays pose and what they can do as individual' to reduce the risks. Cameron heads one of six feder ally funded units monitoring the use of X-rays. He said recent studies show overexposure may cause leukemia, breast cancer and thyroid card ers th Clyde more gendi There studei each ould hin Sor: u. Tape Cenl Bi dinn lege T7 MSC Oi byD der Pr der Rud< T. Cam VV Tt Coni Rud< A ( Rud< W p.m. A* hire ditoi A| Rud nigh A| Rud M MSi A Rud A Rud A Rud V Pov, T Run Tov Peri S, p.m