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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1978)
Page 4 THE BATTALION The Battalion Classified PIPES — CUSTOM BLENDED TOBACCO CIGARS — DOMESTIC & IMPORTED CAREER SALES SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT COUNSELING is pleased to announce its affiliation with: INTER-CITY PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES and the TEXAS PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT ASSOCIATION Our experienced counselors now offer over 1,000 new\ career opportunities every month in all professional fields. N.E.C. specializes in Texas A&M graduates and recruits\ directly and indirectly for thousands of companies across | I the nation and abroad. Contact us now, and have your career waiting. PLACEMENT SERVICE 707 University Dr. Suite 11 College Station, Tx. "across the street from campus” 846-3741 Ken Appelt is singing and playing at Zacharias during Happy Hour today at 4 p.m. 115tl OFFICIAL NOTICE SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE For Students Completing 92 Hours at the End of the Spring ’78 Semester To be eligible to order the Texas A&M Senior Class Ring, an undergraduate stu dent must have at least ninety-two (92) semester hours, with 30 hours at A&M and be in good standing with the University. To order at mid-semester using mid-semester grades to fulfill the above requirements, please note the following instructions: 1. Leave your name, major and I.D. number with the Ring Clerk, Heaton Building, prior to Spring Break if possi ble, or at least one week in advance of ordering. This may not be done by phone. 2. Bring Mid-Semester Grade Report along when ready to order to verify passing hours. 3. Anyone having failed to leave their name in advance and fail to bring their Mid-Semester Grade Report along when ready to order will be asked to return later to allow time for records to be checked. 4. All rings must be paid for in full when the order is placed. Senior Ring Loans are available through Student Financial Aid in the YMCA Building. 5. Mid-Semester orders will be taken only from March 22nd until April 28th, 1978. 6. Students who do not place their order during this period may order after final grades are posted. (Whenever 92 hours have been completed and are on rec ord, there is never a dead-line, except a monthly mailing date on which we send orders to the factory). 7. The Ring Clerk is on duty from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, Monday through Fri day. However, in order for other duties to be carried out, Absolutely no orders will be taken between 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. or between 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 8. All rings ordered, regardless of whether on March 22nd or April 28th, will be de livered on the same day which will be approximately June 29, 1978. OFFICIAL NOTICE College of Science English Proficiency Examination ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula of the College of Science must take the English Proficiency Examination on WEDNESDAY MARCH 22, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. No makeup exam will be given this spring. BIOLOGY Department Curricula- ROOM 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula - ROOM 100 CHEM MATH Department Curricula - ROOM 101 MILNER PHYSICS Department Curricula - ROOM 301 RHYS In order to qualify as a candi date for a degree in the Col lege of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himself (or herself) in acceptable English. This re quirement may be satisifed by (1) passing an examination in English composition (EPE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing English 301 with a minimum grade of “C”. ANY STUDENT WHO FAILS THE WRITTEN EXAMINA TION (EPE) MUST SATISFY THE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENT BY TAKING ENGLISH 301 AND EARNING A MINIMUM GRADE OF “C”. For information and guidelines on the nature of the examina tion, check with the departmen tal secretary. 110110 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment 2401 Texas Ave. 823-80Q2 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Kaufman, Harold Wayne Degree: Ph.D. in Plant Pathology Dissertation: A COMPARISON OF REAC TIONS TO CEPHALOSPORIUM DIOS- PYRI IN FOUR TREE SPECIES Time: 1:15 p.m. on March 22, 1978 Place: Forest Science, Conference Room G. W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College Need A Band For An Upcoming Dance? Call 822-3900 Apple Bookings We handle the new 60’s rock group Bobcat Cuba and the Fabulous Falcons WANTED Full time typing. Symbols. 1 7723. .'all 823- 392tfn Typing. Experienced, first, accurate 822-0544. All kinds. 83tfti Typing. 846-3491. T7t55 Typing 75c page. 846-7577. 107110 JOB OPPORTUNITIES WORK IN JAPAN! Teach English conversation. No ex perience, degree, or Japanese required. Send long, stamped, self-addressed envelope for de tails. Japan-133, 411 W. Center, Centralia, WA 98531. . fosi? INSTRUCTION Guitar, banjo, fiddle, lessons. 779-9871. 112tl5 SERVICES Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 ROOMMATE WANTED Roommates needed, male/female. 2600 S. College. 3 bdr./2 bath. Fully furnished. Share expense of $150 & bills/mo. 823-7347; 845- 2617 ask Kay. H4t2 ROOM FOR RENT Room for rent two blocks from campus. Fur nished $85 per month, unfurnished $70 per month. Male student, please. 846-1901. 113t3 PETS Free to good home. Black Sheperd Lab female 6 mo. Come by #660 Plantation Oaks 6:00 P.M.-10:00 P.M., Thurs. 8:00 A.M.-10:00 AM. 113(3 FOR RENT Rich pasture: 22 acres for your horse. 693- 3190, 822-4029 $20 month. 113t4 NEW APARTMENTS. Efficiency $135 month. One bedroom from $150 month, two bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electric ity. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, Manager. 822- 7772. 75tfn Parkway Apts. 1,2,3 bedroom apts. Fur nished or unfurnished. Shuttle bus. Open daily. 1600 S.W. Parkway. 693-6540. 111(6 THE iMUiS LA SALLE li; Attention Co-op Stu dents. A quiet, dignified place to live & study. Monthly Rates 120 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN 713/822-1501 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 FOR RENT HELP WANTED Sublease duplex for summer. 3 bedrooms 2 baths $290 plus utilities. 846-3181. 112U0 THE OAKS APARTMENTS 1,2,&3 Bedroom Apts. Furnished or Unfurnished Rent starts from $185.00 . All utilities paid West bypass - Hwy. 2818 822-7650 Large 3 bedroom house for lease. Near A&M, 1 bath, 1 car garage, fenced yard. Available now 693-4759. COUNTRY LIVING Mobile home spaces. Huge lots and garden space. All pets wel come, including horses!! 6 mi. from A&M $40-mo. Call 693- 3190 or 822-4029. i 13 t4 Draftsman with pen and ink experience 20 hours per week. Call: Dr. White 845- 7141. H4t2 Construction worker wanted (part time) 15 hour min. in cluding Sat. Some experi ence required. Call Jacob Beal Realty for appointment 823-5469. U3t5 Female afternoon bartender, wait ress, disc jockey. Weekend night bartender. Call for appointment 846-9390 or come by Sonny’s 3606 S. College Ave. Formerly Lou's 19th Hole. 113t3 Imported Cigarettes SNUFF AND SPITTOONS Town & Country Center Excellent future for respond sales-orlented Individual whow|o| active contact with public. For pi manent resident only, notraviL&l penses paid at home ofllco traiii school plus training locally. Poi; offers stable career with subst*; income and managerial opportune Call Frank Novak At 846-2426 or 693-8754 PACK’S PLASTER AND CERAMICS s z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 CHEYENNE APTS New 4-plexes 2 bedroom, 1 bath Washer/dryer connections, refrigerator, dishwasher Fully carpeted 825 feet We pay water & cable Lease now - Aug. $188/mo. unfurn. $230/mo. turn. Cheyenne Apt. 846-2426 693-6893 UNIVERSITY ACRES APARTMENTS We now have 2 bedroom apts. available for immediate occu pancy. Located off Wellborn Road, V2 mile past 2818 on FM 2154. New washateria, many new improvements. All bills paid except electricity. Rates begin at $155.00 to $170.00. Get country atmosphere close to campus. Duplexes available. CALL TOM CLEMENTS at 846-5796 or 846-6189 weekends and after 5 p.m. Joe Courtney, Inc. t oat 19 Waitress positions now available. Apply in person at College Station Pizza Hut, 102 University Drive between 11 a.m. 5 p.m. Wanted. Part time help for leading shoe retailer, preferable retail experi ence but not necessary. Contact B&F Shoes Manor East Shopping Center. Call Ray Daughtery at 822-7811. 110t7 One of the largest selections of plaster in Texas Art supplies, ornamental concrete and candles. Tues., Wed., Thurs. 1 p.m.-9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m.-5 p.m. ^ .. We Pick Up & Deliver (J FM 2223, Old Wheelock Road (off Tabor Road) 823-3965 BUD WARD VOLKSWAGEN INC 693-3311 Sun Theatres 333 University 846-9808 The only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week Open 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Mon.-Sat. 12 Noon • 12 Midnight Sun No one under 18 Escorted Ladies Free BOOK STORE & 25c PEEP SHOWS Embrey’s Jewels We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set -. Sizing — Reoxidizing ~ All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 848.581 By 1 B The Soi basketball happened : most excit : For the ference’s i Kvere invil H NCAA pos ^ Universiti jerth intc 92-90 victc Texas in ment last And ev upset by t ienii- NCAA toi the Razorl of the nine wn-confei But whc conferenc rhance to jivith its 1 Cougars, i choice of burname STUDENT MANAGER GROVE SUMMER MOVIE SERIES Must be enrolled as a stu dent for both summer terms. DATES: June 1 through August 18 DEADLINE FOR APPLI CATION: 5 p.m., Friday, March 31. Application forms and job description available at the secretaries’ desk in the Student Programs Office, Room 216 in the MSC. mt9 VARIETY CRAFTS SEMINAR A Crafts Seminar concerning various subject matter! will be sponsored on March 20, 21 by the Crafts and Arts Committee. Anyone interested in showing their work should call: 845-1515 MSC PROGRAMS OFFICE — OR — 693-4630 CHIP DEMOIS FOR MORE INFORMATION. YOUR PARTICIPATION WILL BE APPRECIATED. r i » » FOR SALE HELP WANTED GUITAR - Gibson Les Paul deluxe. Sunburst finish, with case $375. 846-9431. 113t4 u 2 Loupot’s — Your Complete Calculator Headquarters BP-1 A Battery Packs (Fits Tl models SR50 thru TIS9) Loupot’s Bookstore Off Campus Student Assn Open to the Public Revisions to the constitution and proposal by laws will be discussed at this meeting, Regular Representative Meeting. 5:30 p.m., March 20 Room 216 MSC Conference Room Northgate — Across from the Post Office Need college students im mediately to work weekends painting rental houses. Also odd jobs. Must be reliable. Call Michelle 693-2800. '71 VW Van. New tires and battery. 846- 2919. U5t5 MCDONALD’S' Manor East Mall MAINTENANCE POSITION 11 p.m.-7 a.m. Good wages. Apply in person only. Ask for LeRay Novacek. Olivetti portable electric typewriter for sale. $50 or best offer. Call 693-1110 or 693-1011. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 11313 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER City of Bryan is accepting ap plications for electrical engi neer. Degree in electrical en gineering required. Salary $1,218 a month, excellent fringe benefits. Send resume City of Bryan Employment Of fice, 300 South Washington, Bryan, Texas 77801. Affirma tive Action/Equal Opportunity Employer/M-F. 11512 Sot* A Chair Bargain Lifetime guarantee on solid oak frames, timeless styling, color ful family proof Her colon. Both pieces only$139.95 Limited quantifies Texas FurnitureOrtlel 71] Villa Maria Open » AM -1 PM Bobbi’s^ Books Paperbacks 3529 Texas Ave. Price Ridgecrest Center Open 10-6:00 (T.-S.) Closed Mondays /upTntmh w Eddie Dominguez & Joe Arciniega 74 M ijiaiMi 5 Piece Dining Set....$4f.tS Sturdy wood grain dining table w/4 durable matching uphols tered chairs. Manufacturer's full warranty. Texas FurnltureOuttet- 712 Villa Maria Open » AM tot PM “WANT TO SPEND THIS SUMMER SAILING THE CARIBBEAN? THE PACIFIC? EUROPE? CRUIS ING OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD ABOARD SAILING OR POWER YACHTS? BOAT OWNERS NEED CREWS! FOR FREE IN FORMATION, SEND A 13c STAMP TO SKOKO, BOX 20855, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77025” Hsu WANT TO KNOW WHAT S PLAYING IN TOWN? Check the Battalion ads! HAVE LUNCH ON US! Everyone who leases an apt. through A&M Apt. Place ment Service will be given a FREE Lunch at T.J.’s. Our way of saying, “Thanks Ags." LEASING NOW FOR FALL 78 ^ Call for appointment A&M apt. PLACEMENT SERVICE |Mr A Free Service JWI 693-3777 ^ If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned ... We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dalles location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 HELP WANTED FULL OR PART TIME Day Shifts (10-3 p.m.) (11-3 p.m.) (10-5 p.m.) Night Shifts 5 p.m., 2 or 3 nights a week and weekends. Also have full time work. Ideal position for mothers with children in school or students, we will arrange hours to fit your needs. COUNTER AND CASHIER WORK $2.75/hour apply in person only WHATABURGER Bryan 1101 Texas An Equal Opportunity Employer College Station 105 DominLk > 75tfn . . . SPRING SPECIAL . . . COLLEGE STATION — 3 bedroom, 1 bath with carport, some with washers & dryers and fenced yards. Lawns are maintained for you. Rent now and save . . . $255 - $265 per month. THE CRUSE CORPORATION Offices (8-5) 693-2800 Evenings & Weekends Thelma Costa 846-7318 Larry Cruse 693-3047 Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased M These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods Each Daily Special Only $1.69 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. —4:00 P.M. to 7:00 PJ MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Dinner Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas w/chili Mexican Rice Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Beef Steak w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butt# Coffee or Tea THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL “Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style” Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee “Quality First” SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable /