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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1978)
Page 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1978 Beef T-Bone Steak Loin cut. tail removed USDA Good 1.07^’ Picnic Cut Water Added k/l Boneless Tip Roast Beef Round USDA Good FedMart for savings on meat Beef Hound Steals Bone in USDA Good 1 1*7 ML JO^L j^p BeejC Porterhouse Steak Loin cut, tail removed USDA Good 2.07 Beef Top Sirloin Steak Loin cut , boneless USDA Good lb. gOOD Your favorite cuts of beef are also available at FedMart in the USDA Choice grade. Shop FedMart and save a bushel I) ^ ' Oscar Mayer Smokie Links 12 oz. Fleischmann 1 s Egg Beaters Two Oscar Mayer Sliced Bacon Cof fee-mate Non-dairv Creamer.16 oz . 1.09 Folger's Flaked Coffee 13 oz. 2.47 Fireside Saltine Crackers 1 lb . Kraft Cheez Whiz Plain or j alapeho 16 oz. .39 1.39 *the spot for smart shoppers How Compare price. Compare quality. Crinkle Cut Potatoes crinkle FM Brand Golden Crinkles 2 lbs. FM Buttermilk Biscuits U pkg. of 10 7-§- oz. Por your convenience open Saturday — 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. O m t*'* £3 T TT T* T r'' O C' -r* a r'l n a 1 m O r' ^ -i+\r _ Compare price. Compare quality Blueberry Muff in Mix FM Brand IS-g' oz. Duncan Hines 13-g- oz. .55 .69 FM Premium Pancake Mix 4 lbs. .79 Log Cabin Syrup 24 oz. Compare price. Compare quality Concord Grape Jelly FM Brand 32 oz. .79 Bold 3 Detergent plus Fabric Softener.84 oz Food stamps gladly accepted. Prices subject to change March 6, 1978 Welch 1 s 32 oz. .89 m m, \ Joy Dishwashing Detergent 22 oz. 1.09 2.19 .85 Compare price. Compare quality All Meat or All Beef Wieners FM Brand Fed. Mart’ the spot for smart shoppers Dallas: E. Northwest Hwy. (at Jupiter Rd.) Forest Lane & Marsh Lane Houston: Mykawa Rd. & Loop 610 4004 Bellaire Blvd. (at Weslayan) Wirt Rd. & Kempwood (W. 34th) Spring Branch Pasadena: 4616 Spencer Highway (at Preston) College Station: 701 University Drive East (at Tarrow St.) San Antonio: S.W. Military Rd. & Zarzairora Northwest loop #410 (at Vance Jackson Rd.) Victoria: E. Mockingbird & Laurent Streets Brownsville: Boca Chica & Central Ave. History pn will lecture on France Dr. Archibald Lewis, prol medieval history at the Univenj Massachusetts will lecture or pi French Medieval South anilFi Unity ” next Wednesday at J 206 Memorial Student Ce * Lewis obtained B.A., Ml. Ph.D. degrees from Princeto versity. He also taught atll* versity of South Carolina | University of Texas. Hehealj i, UT history department™ 1958, and in 1963. Lewis is the author of nini| several of which are on Fren, I tory. Teaching fa depressed pay, reduced qualif | United Press Intenwlioiul College students whown, that pays rather than one suits in unemployment doii teaching much consideration, Education majors hare i time finding any kind of security after graduation, there are many more ar graduates than jobs. The situation is expectedk rect itself as teachers die, i move into some other field. But while the teacher sup through its balancing act, 4' ity of students selecting educaS a major is declining, saji Timothy Weaver, associatep sor of education at Boston ll sity. Weaver found that ateii leges the verbal “Scholastii titude Test’ scores of hi choosing teaching had bv 50 to 100 points betwesj H and 1975. : This is a much greatc.'ii than the national average the college aptitude test, aptitude scores of the selecting education as a map helj also down significantly erage decline. The tight job market forte vhc has led students with (it he abilities to go into other fields Weaver. In a report in Education, 111 a newsletter for school leads |ay< T ipai firei T Th "g (oil T byt trm die or T gi*we pou at fun All, says, “Left behind is the is m who don t have such options, 13 “Engineering went throuj! 3)’ same experience during the: ou and some schools of engim eased their strict enroll policies almost to open enrol ?o<j to fill their classes. Weaver sees the dedii test scores among teacher dates “particularly alarming. A number of studies .(k«vill verbal ability of a teacher is variable that makes ference in student learning. Deans of education maintai they' are keeping standards Weaver disagrees. “The data I have, incJudf scores of those trying for school, show otherwise, ” he If the need for teachers during the mid-1980s as pred by Weaver says that the more potential teachers will be from the current reservep timated at 500,000 — tl among new graduates. The decline in quality of( tion majors also has “poweif; plications’’ for the developu leadership in education, said. From the pool oftei come the professors of and administrators. “Our next generation tional leaders is now enteii schools of education,” he safi Weaver said the educate less ion has not responded erf* to the educational market cd The schools of education see selves as factories for the schools. But they ignore the needsi formal learning complexes ts outside the schools. VVeavti these include the military, rate and health care fields which have increased their tion functions enormously. Some estimates show ttt peripheral area of learning h $44 billion-a-year annua Yet this development has ignored in the curriculum leges of education, says Wea" “For the most part, edaf trainers have ignored what is ing up outside the school sysl If they paid some attend® theorizes, they would be a* show interested students tlif of opportunities in educal side the traditional public si* And then? The schools of education again attract high level sti These students would devehf the top quality educational ^ needed for the last part of t^ century. THE BAT! DOES IT DAILY Monday throng Friday