Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1978)
Page 10 THE BATTALION MONDAY, JANUARY 16. 1978 Qbc INTERSTATE '^'UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER! 846-6714 & 846-1151 ^No Guest Tickets: OF THE THIRD KIND 1977 COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES INC M Wk % A Columbia EMI Feature ^ jLJL CINEMA II , DAI LY 7:30 9:50 LAST 4 DAYS LJ ^ o HURRY! HURRY! Use your ABC Guest Admission Ticket Before Expiration Date! LIHAA-H II tilt HAAiHAA. campus activities Monday Spring Semester Classes begin Thursday ( Basketball, Texas A&M Ladies vs. Southwest Texas, 7 p.m., G. Rollie White Coliseum Cepheid Variable, "Beauty and the Be ast,” admission $1, Rudder theater Friday Last Day to Enroll, Add Courses Hong Kong Club, 7:30 p.m., 145 MSC Aggie Cinema, “A Star Is Bom,” 8 p.m.. Rudder Auditorium, “The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday,” 12 Midnight, Rudder Theater Saturday Brazos County National Organization for Women, bake sale and membership drive, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Manor East Mall main foyer Aggie Cinema, "A Star Is Bom,” 8 p.m.. Rudder Auditorium Sunday Travel Committee, "We’ve Never Been Licked,” 8 p.m.. Rudder Auditorium Aggie Cinema, “Benji,” 2 p.m.. Rudder Theater LSU chief to speak at industry meeting Dr. Paul Murrifl, Louisiana State University chancellor, is keynote speaker for the 33rd annual Sym posium on Instrumentation for the Process Industries, starting Wed nesday at Texas A&M University. Other speakers from Texaco, DuPont, Conoco, Mobil, Fluor En gineers, Beckman Instruments, Tex-A-Martin, Combustion Engi neers, Fischer & Porter and Ford, Bacon & Davis are part of one of the oldest and largest such programs in the U. S. “However, many of the principles and equipment involved are com mon to nearly all types of present- day industry.” Numerous technical paper pres entations will round out the affair Friday. The conference is hosted by Texas A&M’s Chemical Engineering De partment. About 50 commercial exhibits will be on display in Rudder Exhibit Hall adjacent to Rudder Tower, meeting headquarters. Abandoned bikes to be auctioned “The conference is primarily con cerned with instrumentation applied by continuous fluid flow process industries such as petro leum refineries, chemical plants, natural gas and cycling plants,” said director Dr. R. G. Anthony. The Houston Fifty to sixty abandoned bicycles, collected on the Texas A&M campus by the University Police, will auc tioned at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 21 at The Grove. The sale is coordinated, by the A&M Wheelmen, an organization of bicycling enthusiasts, and proceeds will go to the A&M Student Pro grams Office. A similiar auction this past summer brought in more than $700 to the office. Kim Strickland, Wheelman presi dent, said the auction is open to the public. All types of bikes - single to 10- speeds - will be available. Charge! This squirrel had to think twice about making the journey from a ledge on the Academic Bldg, to a nearby bush. But after speculation, the landing was successful. Post AGGIE SPECIAL £ £ THE NEWSPAPER -FIRST” SPRING SEMESTER Jan. 16 - .60 (Excludes Spring Break) May 5 822-4351 846-0396 Pizza inn When better Pizzas are made. Pizza Inn of Bryan- College Station will make them. f Buy One Pizza Get The Next \ I Smaller Size Free With this coupon by any giant, large or medium size thin crust pizza at regular menu price and receive one pizza of the next smaller size with equal number of ingredients and the same type crust free. Valid thru Sunday, Jan. 22, 1978 ' 0 Pizza inn. wgf-m] Valuable Coupon Present With Guest Check J I I ft VCi ve got a feeling > youre gonna like us! NOON BUFFET 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. Mon. - Fri. All the pizza & salad you can eat. 1803 GREENFIELD PLAZA (Next to Bryan High) 846-1784 846-6164 Aggies Stay Informed With the only daily in Braz County which gives you all theslj UEW features: What & when it's on the Boob Tube and the Big Screen. All the news-world, nation, state, city, and A&M. Where to go for specials,lx it food, clothes or thosf special wheels. Doonesbui' »llecti kmwi eyes S : o\v r isiden ichen and Peanuts. The best Jod [writ coverage in the area. Dr. M Spring Semester $700 exec ding* jilPh Circulation Department 822-3707 The Eagle ener help liere Amo n’t ge : my c 'fowl AA ■ McDonald's MCDONALD’S <«> DRIVE-THRU WINDOW INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS McDonald's BREAKFAST EVERY MORNING Wanted: Aggies for Intramural Competition Competition Free Throw Contest All you old and new Aggies, men or women, who are currently students, faculty, staff or spouses are wanted by the TAMU In tramural Office. We have an offer “you can’t refuse.” This semester we have “rounded up” 20 separate sports activities offering a variety of com petitive skill options. In most sports, men’s, women’s, and co- recreational competition is provided. Divisions of play in clude men’s dorm, women’s dorm, corps, fish, and independent. Such a variety of sports, skill op tions, and divisions should provide a place for every Aggie in our pro gram. hours. Individuals who feel “fenced-in” so often, may like our single elimination tournaments in racquetball or table tennis. Dou bles may enjoy the tennis doubles or horseshoe doubles offered this semester. You and your gang might try basketball, flickerball, and other team competition. Flyers providing entry dates, event times, and other important information are posted around campus and by Hassel Free in many apartment complexes. Each Monday this McDonald’s In tramural advertisement will provide more current information. If you miss both these sources, call us at 845-7826. To sign up for an activity, drop by the Intramural Office and fill out an entry blank or check with your dorm or corps athletic man ager. When you enter, make sure you check all important dates so you don’t miss a meeting or your first game. Also, pick up a copy of the rules to your event. So, get out of your rooms and into the world of Intramural sports. “Doing time” in Intramur als may be the best time you ever spent. Remember, in the eyes of the Intramural staff everyone of you is a “wanted” person; wanted for fun and participation. All eligible students, faculty, and staff may compete in the free throw contest to be held Monday, February 13. Any participant may enter individual and team compe tition in men’s, women’s, or co-rec divisions. January 24. Competition will be White gymnasium, from 7:00 P 'l Stuck held on the main floor of G. Rollie through 10:00 p.m. Iwing Latent Sports Writers Sought You who are “on-the-run” with little free time may prefer special events, such as frisbee or free throw. These events usually take place on one evening for several Last semester we started a new type of feature article. Individuals from various Aggie teams put the successes of their teammates in black and white. For their efforts they received five BOG (Be Our Guest) cards which can be re deemed for free food at your local McDonald’s Restaurants. They may not have become stars over night but friends and family were able to read about individual and team efforts in intramural sports. Take advantage of your oppor tunity to put the efforts of you and your friends in the weekly McDonald’s page. It doesn’t have to be a final playoff’ match to be good news. Make time to write up a clear description of the event and submit it to Pat Keller in the In tramural Office, DeWare Fiel- dhouse. You’ll be glad you did. Individual competition consists of shooting 20 free throws. The in dividual who makes the highest number of the 20 free throws will be the individual winner. The team competition consists of three persons. Each member shoots 20 throws. The team that scores the highest percentage of 60 free throws will be the team champ. Fall Bowling All-University Champs Men’s A Aston 15 Men’s B Squadron 4 Men’s C Squadron 2 #2 Women’s A (Three Turkeys j Women’s B Mosher #1 Women’s C Mosher #15 Sign-up for the event begins Monday, January 16, at the In tramural Office at DeWare Fiel- dhouse. Entries close Tuesday, Acknowledgments AA £ McDonald's This ad is sponsored by McDonald’s on University Drive and Manor East Mall and under the direction of the IM Office. Here a player from the independent football team. Jockey Underwear, threaded his way through defenders for Hart Hall. Hart Hall #1 won the class B Ail-University men’s football competition. EVENT JANUARY ENTRY DATES ENTRIES OPEN ENTRIES CLOSE Free Throw Flickerball Horseshoes Fencing Handball Doubles January 16 January 16 January 16 January 23 January 23 January 24 January 24 January 24 January 31 January 31 BASKETBALL BEGINS All team captains should be on the alert. Intramural basketball games begin tomorrow night, Tuesday, January 17, so look up your schedules to double check your game dates. Games will be taking place Monday through Thursday evenings and some weekends. Some games are scheduled for late hours to allow all 552 teams to play in round robin leagues before playoffs are scheduled. The officials who step on the | courts will have experienced hours of training to provide the best offi- (ciating we can for your games. Good luck and have a good sea- json! “I SPY” LURKING Keep your eyes open for the “I Spy” camera. It might be pointed at you; and if it does, you could be very lucky. Each week a “participant of the week” is selected from the Intramural photos, an individual is circuled and becomes eligible for a BOG (Be Our Guest) McDonald’s card. This BOG card may be redeemed for free food at your local McDonald’s Restaurants. Watch the McDonald’s Intramural page to ' see if you or your friends are caught by the “I Spy” camera. FACILITY HOURS G. Rollie White Coliseum Monday through Friday Saturday and Sunday DeWare Fieldhouse Monday through Friday Saturday and Sunday DeWare Weight Room Monday through Friday Saturday and Sunday 4:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Meetings, Meetings! Did you forget the time, date or location of some Intramufl meetings last semester? WaW this Sports Shorts portion of McDonald’s Intramural Highlight for upcoming meeting inform* tion. Ref s Cornet Basketball Referees: Check will the Intramural Office by Monday January 16, to learn the time date, and location of this week* basketball officials’ meeting Weekly meetings will occu 1 throughout the basketball season Job Opportunities: Those in terested in officiating flickerball and softball (slow or fast pitch should report this week to Jamc‘ Welford in the Intramural Office DeWare Fieldhouse.