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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1977)
Page 5 us - denn, L ‘d IowjIi . eric 'a.| It. inor f [ 5 "j oiirrtli) dileninuj n docuu t ., “ remailj, ? the Sjj ersityofi ^erhispr would h ucedralf,, J te lendini :t comm,, alls and|i 'f illegal iq Bentsen 2 fits tide sts Bryan man transports old houses BY FRANK VASOVSKI People who have to move hut hate to leave their houses behind sometimes find solutions in house movers like Richard Pena, the operator of West End Salvage in Bryan. Pena hegan moving houses 12 years ago. "I discovered that there was a steady demand for old houses in the area," Pena said last week. "At first, I was moving them around with the help of an independent mover. Re cently, I decided to try my own hand at it. “The job of moving houses re quires a lot of tools, patience and planning." Pena is assisted in his work by two part-time employees who are available on a standby basis. There are three other companies that perform services similar to Pe- ofToasl counter; ‘teive it for minlsln .’ante to, $780, n m regnl official! e a (Mu be mai in WW n ayeanf 1 tutorinj certify itor J 9 ht Of re na s. "There is merely a trace of com petition among them because there is enough business here for everyone,” Pena said. Pena credited the current eco nomic situation and high cost of building new homes for the in creased demand of small, used houses. The people with modest incomes and ranchers living in towns are my best customers," Pena said. W hile the first group is motivated solely by the financial consid erations, the ranchers like to use the old houses as a second house on the* ranch.” No special license is needed to move a house but some administra tive requirements must be met to insure the legality and safety of the operation. “I am bonded with the Texas State Highway Department and with Bryan authorities, Pena said, and I carry an adequate liability coverage to protect my work.” Not all roads are' open to the* movement of houses. Secondary roads are used for that purpose. Pena must submit a detailed schedule of the* proposed route to the Bryan branch of the Texas State Highway Department. Local au thorizations cover moves within a 5-, 10- or 15-miles radius, depend ing upon the size of the house. The larger the house, the smaller the radius of the authorization. Major highways can be used only for access to a secondary road and on a distance less than one mile. £9 PRINTING * Of MCi SUPPLY compfinv 707 icIAS AVfNBf BUHOINC C SIMM 120 ACROSS FROM THE CAMPUS IN COlliCI STATION SILF-SERV COPIES SPIRAL BINDING ENLARGEMENTS WRITING MATERIALS FILING SUPPLIES RING BINDERS RUBBER STAMPS PORTFOLIOS ATTACHE CASES ORNAMETAL CASTINGS SONY DICTATING EQUIPMENT 846-5794 Jlul Pdifciil '846-6714 & 846-1151 -i JNIVERS1TY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER M , ^ - HELD w 7:20.9:40 LAST 3 DAYS! daily 7:30 9:30 ADMISSION ONLY $2.00 WITH TAMU student id now thru SEPT. 30, 1977. STAR WARS IN Dolby 4-channel stereo 8:30-9:55 THE DEEP 6:55-9:20 ONE ON ONE THE STORY OF A WINNER 6:10-8:10-10:10 Skyway Twin WEST SCREEN Ruby plus Terror of the Yellow Night EAST SCREEN End of the World plus Clone fCamp •us 846-6512 COLLEGE STATION Bound for Glory 7:15, 10:00 Fashion show set For Richard Pena of Bryan, bringing them their house. A flve-dollar special permit, valid for three days, is required for each movement. Additionally, an ad vance clearance is necessary when the move expects to cross under low power or communication lines. “Houses larger than standard size must he cut in at least two sections without affecting the structural sta bility of the house," Pena said. The moving operation begins as soon as all utility and service lines are disconnected. Pena and his hel pers separate the structure from its base and place it on the transporta tion rig with the help of power winches and heavy-duty jacks. One truck with warning devices precedes the rig and another simi larly equipped truck follows approx imately 100 feet behind. The movement must he completeed be tween 8:30 a. m. and 4:30 p.m. of the same day. Upon delevery, Pena is responsi ble for leveling the house without causing any damage to the trees and crops in the area. Then his respon- Battalinn photo by Frank K. Vasovski helping a family move means siblity toward the client ends. The cost of moving a house de pends upon many factors involved in the operation. "In the beginning of my opera tions 50 cents per square foot of the house was considered to be a fair price," said Pena. The current price, however, is much higher because of the increased labor costs and inflation, he added. Pena, a native of Bryan and a graduate of Bryan High School, plans to stay in ibis area. "I believe that I am helping many of my clients with modest financial resources to own a decent home at less than hall the price of (he cur rent market value of a comparable new construction, Pena said. Kenneth Olexey of 900 Bryant St., Bryan, owns a frame house de livered by Pena. ()lexey agreed w itb Pena's estimate ol savings. An ex perienced carpenter, Olexey ex pects additional savings in rebuild ing the house to suit his specifi cations. be able to do their Christmas shop ping in one stop at this event,” Parker said. Career day Federal Career Day, with infor mation on government employment and the* Civil Service Commission is planned for next Tuesday in room 302 of the Rudder Tower from 7 to 9 p.m. The program has been arranged by the Career Planning and Place ment Center in cooperation with the Federal Job Information Center in Houston. Any student at the junior or senior level should find the information of interest and assistance, says Malon Southerland, associate director. The program w ill deal specifically with the process of applying for fed eral jobs. BACKGAMMON TOURNAMENT TONIGHT 8 P.M. ZACHAR1AS GREENHOUSE dub & game parlor 1201 Hwy. 30 (The Briarwood Apartments) “Fashion Fantasia,” a women’s clothing show by an award-winning designer will be featured Saturday, Oct. 1, at Texas A6cM University. Creations by Les YVilk of Dallas will be shown, with professional models from Wilk Inc. Presnted by the Memorial Stu dent Center Hospitality Committee, “Fashion Fantasia” will open at 1:30 p.m. in the Rudder Theater. Tickets go on sale Monday at the Rudder Center ticket office at $1 per student and $2 per non-student. Wilk, who is donating his time, will emcee the show, Committee Chairman Vernene Parker said. "Fashion Fantasia” is the MSC committee’s first major activity of the 1977-78 school year. The 82- member organization will also pres ent “Merchant Fair,” a showing of gift ideas by local merchants, in De cember. "Texas A&M students will THE Em /AiuiON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, T977 (7 W G.& Company STEAKS * SEAFOODS Let us cater your special' party All You Can Eat $2 50 • Bar-B-Que Beef • Bar-B-Que Sausage • Cole Slaw • Pinto Beans per person • Bread • Pickles & Onions • Ice Tea Ideal for that special event this fall 317 College Avenue 846-8741 McLaughlin’s is now jhhieavic ciLAjfjf Call 846-4771 for the classiest cut in town 301 UNIVERSITY/GEORGE GREEN TOWER Campus •us 846-6512 COLLEGE STATION STARTS WEDNESDAY The folks at the Olympic Gym would like to invite you over for a little workout. ..-J5MY Hungry JEFF BRIDGES .o'STAY HUNGRY"co no.-mgSALLY FIELD on« .n..od U <;.ng ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER D.^oed °v DOB RAFELSON Piodwced by HAROLD SCHNEIDERond DOD RAFELSON nploy by CHARLES GAINES o DOD RAFELSON * Dosed on the n Ovel by CHARLES GAINES United Artists LITTLE PIE<EJ OF EARTH FOR SALE.. BY THE CARAT Diamonds - Rubies Sapphires - Emeralds Nature’s Own Wonders Carl Bussells Diamond Room 3731 E. 29th 846-4708 Town & Country Center lAi'j-i) Ml Mill K AMI Kk' \\ (.1 M six. II I 1 Tjxs iMUj •) mim ry i RHYTHM MOVES OUR BODIES AND PIONEER MOVES OUR RHYTHMS. aDRioiMeerr AM/FM STKRKO RKCK1\ KK Continuous power output of 15 watts per channel minimum RMS at 8 ohms from 20 to 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.5% total harmonic distortion. Sale Price $149.95 Reg $200 00 ^4 ^ $ & © 6* <U) p»ior\ieeir \M KM STKKKO KKCKI\ KK Continuous power output of 20 watts per channel minimum RMS at 8 ohms from 20 to 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.3% total harmonic distortion. Sale Price $179.00 Reg $250 00 PL115D SEMI-AUTOMATIC BELT-DRIVE TURNTABLE Sensitive S-shaped pipe arm with anti skating device and convenient cueing. Supplied with Audio technica ATI IE cartridge. Sale Price $125.00 Reg. $175.00 \M KM STF.KKI) KKCKIN KK Continuous power output of 35 watts per channel minimum RMS at 8 ohms or 35 watts per channel at 4 ohms from 20 to 20.000 Hz with no more than 0.3%total harmonic distortion. Sale Pride $229.95 Reg. $300.00 \M KM STKKKl > KKCKI\ KK Continuous power output of 85 watts per channel minimum RMS at 8 ohms from 20 to 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.1% total harmonic distortion Sale Price $429.95 Reg. $600 00 AUDIOW \M KM STKKKO KKCK.D KK Continuous power output of 65 watts per channel minimum RMS at 8 ohms from 20 to 20,000 Hz with no more than 0.1% total harmonic distortion. Sale Price $359.00 Reg $500 00 707 Texas Ave. in College Station 846-5719 ] tlr