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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1976)
Page 8 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1976 Royal praises Walkon Cordaro LUNKERS ‘N LIES A must for Thomas By JIMMY GUILLOT Backs face final cut Associated Press Associated Press AUSTIN, Tex. — Mike Cordaro was just an unfamiliar face in the crowd when assistant Timmy Doerr told Texas Coach Darrell Royal, “Watch that kid throw the ball.” The “kid” wasn’t on scholarship, and he was playing catch with a bunch of “walkons” when secondary coach Timmy Doerr directed Royal’s attention to him. A year later, on Wednesday, Cor daro, 6-2 and 180, sat between two All-American prospects — fullback Earl Campbell and defensive back Raymond Clayborn — as sports writers questioned the trio about Texas’ 1976 football squad. Cordaro, a defensive back at San Antonio Highlands, has been peg ged by Royal as Texas’ No. 1 quar terback in an “extremely close” con test with another San Antonio sophomore, Ted Constanzo. The Cordaro-Constanzo ranking, Royal stressed, “is not necessarily permanent.” Cordaro would be the first “wal kon” to start at quarterback for Royal. After his first glimpse at Cordaro, Royal recalled, defensive chief Mike Campbell had Royal watch a film of Cordaro passing against Campbell’s No. 1 defensive unit. “That kid is putting on a throwing exhibition down there,” Campbell said. It wasn’t long before Cordaro got a scholarship, and after only a week’s work at quarterback in spring prac tice, he hit eight of 11 passes for 155 yards. "I was amazed at his poise,” Royal remembered. He said Cordaro and Constanzo are “highly motivated,” intelligent, popular with their teammates — “top-notch people, a pleasure to be around.” Cordaro said his only college scholarship offers were to play football-baseball at Angelo State University and Bee County and Ranger junior colleges, “but I would have come to Texas no matter what. ” He said his allegiance resulted from his parents and brother attend ing the University of Texas. Royal said both quarterbacks lacked the speed and strength of Marty Akins, and he was surprised sports writers had picked the Long horns to win the Southwest Confer ence since an untested quarterback will lead them. “Quite obviously,” Royal told touring writers, “you’re not as con cerned at the inexperience at quar terback as I am.” Texas plays Boston College in its opener this year, and Royal noted that Boston College has eight of 11 starters returning from a team that ranked among the top 10 in defense in 1975. Royal said Texas’ kicking game is “improved and solid” and the vet eran defense — which returns 10 starters — should be improved this year. “Thank goodness they’re im proved,” Royal said, “because it looks like they’re going to be out there a loi.” '&■ WELCOME BACK AGGIES! DON-A-RICK HAIRSTYLING UNISEX SALON A splashing school of white bass can make even the most serious black bass fisherman drop his worm rod and change his mind about what kind of fish he wants for supper. This is especially true during the summer months when the largemouth fishing gets slow. Schools of white bass often appear on certain lakes just in time to save a fisherman from going home empty-handed. This has happened to me several times on Lake Somerville. Heading back to the boat ramp after a non productive day of searching for blacks around the lake, suddenly two or three schools break the sur face. Within an hour, an ice chest can be filled to the brim with these small, hard-fighting fish. Although whites usually run about a pound or under, the fishing is fast enough to keep you excited for hours. And the action can be doubled by switching to light tackle and tying on a speck rig with two quarter-ounce jigs on it. When you are casting directly into a school, you can consistently take two fish at a time. White bass are not found in all Texas lakes, but Lake Somerville is full of them. They begin schooling activities in the spring and it con tinues throughout the warm weather. Usually heavy schooling occurs early and late each day, but during cool, cloudy weather, whites will sometimes school all day. When not schooling, whites sus pend over deep water structure and are much harder to find. As mentioned earlier, about the best lure for taking white bass is the speck rig. This rig consists of a heavy monofilament leader with two jigs abut three feet apart. The jigs are usually white or yellow, and some rigs come with a jig of each color. Of course, many other lures will take white bass. A Little George or other bass lure with a jig tied behind it will work about as well. Many white bass fishermen swear by their own inventions, and about anything will work when the bass are chasing shad. One of the best things about white bass fishing is that you don’t necessarily have to own a boat to catch them. A friend and I once caught 45 whites in about two hours while wade fishing on Somerville. However, it’s sometimes heartbreaking to see a huge school moving away from shore knowing you can’t follow them. The best area for white bass fish ing on Lake Somerville is the open water in front of the dam and the Welch Park area, although I have seen whites all over the lake at cer tain times. They do seem to concen trate, however, in the above- mentioned areas. It’s a common sight on calm days to see 10 or 12 boats in a circle fishing one school. If you’ve never fished for whites, it would be worth it to drive to Somerville some morning or eve ning and give it a whirl. If you don’t have a boat, I suggest simply driv ing back and forth between the dam and Welch Park until you spot a school within wading distance. Watch the dropoffs, though, be cause you tend to get a little excited when the splashing of a school is in sight. If you can’t quite reach the school, casting toward it will pick up a few fish, though not as many as when the school is actually reached. White bass make excellent eat ing. If a lot of fish are caught, it’s usually easiest to fillet them with an electric knife or some other means. But, as usual with any fish, at least three-fourths of the fun is in catching them. DALLAS — The Dallas Cowboys’ final cut will fall like a guillotine on one of the seven remaining running backs on the team next week. Coach Tom Landry said Tuesday that Saturday night’s final preseason game against the Houston Oilers will be vital in determining some kicking and running back jobs with the Cowboys. At running back, Landry said Pre ston Pearson, Charles Young and Robert Newhouse have clinched spots on the team. But the Cowboys must cut or trade one man from the list of Duane Thomas, Doug Denni son, Ron Johnson and Scott Laidlaw. The Thomas situation had drawn the most interest because he is a former Super Bowl hero for the Kashmere duo register for fall r ■h Professional Hair Service 8:30-5:00 MON.-SAT. 326 JERSEY* 846-8945 Southside Shopping Center Call for Appointment BRING IN THIS AD FOR FREE SHAMPOO. Mom’s Dining Room will be open September 2. 1207 E. 25th Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 Karl Godine and Jarvis Williams have made the headlines again just by registering for fall classes. And class they have if that is news. Rumor has it that Godine and Williams are registering because the NCAA may overrule the S.W.C.’s decision of probation for alleged recruiting violations. Do not become too elated, this would be a first, and not many firsts occur at Aggieland. Assistant coach Bob Gobin said, “The NCAA has never reversed a conference decision on recruiting violations. We were investigated this summer, but no word has been given on the verdict.” Last spring Godine and Williams were placed on one year probation for alleged violations. The S.W.C. did not place the basketball team on probation, but it remains a possibil ity of the NCAA taking stricter mea sures. Meanwhile Godine and Williams can practice with the team, but not be allowed to play. Headcoach Shelby Metcalf said, “Both players are in a state of limbo while the NCAA decides what to do.” This will not be the first ruling this year by the NCAA on the S.W.C. Last week six Texas Univer sity athletes were cleared on charges of accepting extra pay while working for the state. The NCAA said that it was a clerical error, and that the athletes had no knowledge of the violations. Economical basics. Powerful slide rules. And, a programmable powerhouse. TI-1200 TI-1250 TI-1600 TI-1650 Goes where you go. Adds, sub tracts, multiplies, divides. Per centage, too. Automatic constant. Full floating decimal. 8-digit dis play. Replaceable battery. Optional adapter available. $995 ! Everything the TI-1200 has —plus. Full function memory: add, sub tract, recall or clear with a single keystroke. Also, a change sign key. Replaceable battery. Optional adapter available. $1295* Super slim. High-styled. Four func tions. Percent key. Automatic con stant. 8-digit display is easy on the eyes. 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Financial and statistical operations are preprogrammed. Handles: annuity, simple and com pound interest, sinking fund, amor tization, cash flow, cost control and depreciation —and more. AC adapter/charger and carrying case included. $4995* Super slide rule that’s program mable. A powerhouse. 10 memo ries. 100 program steps. 9 levels of parentheses, 4 levels of subroutine. AOS (Algebraic Operating System) lets you handle complex problem^ naturally, left-to-right. Battery pack, AC adapter/charger and Ap plications Library. $10995* Special SR-56 $10.00 rebate. Texas Instruments will rebate $10.00 of your original SR-56 purchase price when you return this coupon and your SR-56 customer information card post marked no later than October 31,1976. To apply: 1. Fill out this coupon 2. Fill out special serialized customer information card inside SR-56 box 3. Return completed coupon and information card to: Special Campus Offer P.O. Box 1210 Richardson, Texas 75080 Name Address City State Zip University Name of SR-56 Retailer SR-56 Serial No. (from back of calculator) Please allow 30 days for rebate 'Suggested retail price. 451976 Texas Instruments Incorporated Texas Instruments I NCORFORATED Cowboys who left the team in a mas sive personality conflict four years ago but has returned with a reformed outlook. “Duane has to come on this week,” said Landry. “He knows his situation, where he stands. He has to show up pretty strong against Hous ton because he hasn’t had a real good game yet. “The lower echelon of backs are competing and my final decision will be based on performances this sum mer, “not on what I think a player might do in the future.” Two veteran kickers also will be having their final chances to impress Landry. He said Toni Fritsch and Efren Herrera are going j Oiler game about even, Fritsch has led the Cmln fORES scoring three of the lastfoiin pprs s He was injured in 1974 and| jry wi led the team in scoring thatif lure W Landry also said at hisi prs to 1 press luncheon that roddeij pin th ceiver Duke Fergerson maijpn Ten for the season. Fergersoninj® jm stii right hand against Pittsburgli &> e a day and underwent surgeryS) Beedec Landry said he did not eips lafter jured fullback Robert Newku[th Afri safety Cliff Harris to play ag jrtat thi Oilers, but one or both nJjpay h action in the first regularithe con game against Philadelphia'• ■nu t pre-law? pre-pare The next LSAT is Oct. 9. A&M students can improve their score with the proven prep course! Course will be held in College Station. The LSAT Review Course con sists of 24 hours of classes taught by a qualified attorney. Learn critical timing techniques, types of questions and how to answer them plus valuable methods for squeezing out a few extra points. THE COBRA 85 SPECIAL <£ 1 z:Q95 PRICE A 07 4 CB OUTLET 103 WALTON DRIVE COLLEGE STATION e Artists St Market AUGUST SPECIAL Booth spaces available now SEPTEMBER 4 & 5 1st Sat. & Sun. each month Call 822-4688 or 822-3251 To be held at 2200 S. College. Out of town exhibitions. All media must be made by exhibition or family. No imports or pur chased merchandise for resale will be allowed. Call 822-4688 or 822-3251 HE iftC hel