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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1976)
e failed ll( y relega ial tasks. another i ! yweresJ lice frustrated errorists hit France Associated Press «, studenii PARIS — Shadowy terrorists have tkt nextslfi iked France as a place to carry out useofem assinations, kidnapings and 'ste sek»| pings, leaving French police in a ition, te ot deep frustration. In the past few years, two ambas- 10 t contiiiK Sors have been assassinated in the id not bets of Paris, two other diplomats [iously wounded, an Air France niheSovig | ne hijacked, bazooka shells fired rapean % pa^li planes, and scores of ter- jgrams M bombings and other violent ians did m Sl Bnly one major terrorist organiza- n has been broken up by the Rnch police. The biggest fish of all, the international terrorist leader wn as Carlos, skipped through a ice net and out of France after ing two detectives in a bungled lice operation. nterior Minister Michel liatowski has said he is convinced It the terrorist groups would be “Ismantled one day.' But a ik Gaston, 1 chairnJ s anythin! lot doingt: on of slid inded statt| ton. IU ikesman for his ministry admitted It the identities of most of the ter- ists are unknown. hey sign tracts after attacks with my organization names made up occasion, changing them each e, so it’s very difficult to tell ich are connected,’ he said, he “Che Guevara International ;ade” claimed responsibility for ing the Bolivian ambassador, n. Joaquin Zenteno Anaya, on a ftris street last May. The “Che evara International Brigade” has erbeen heard of before, or since, len. Zenteno Anaya commanded military force which tracked down and killed the Cuban revolu tionary in Bolivia in 1967. Police confirmed a terrorist claim that the same gun was used to kill the Bolivian ambassador and to wound Capt. Barolome Plata-Valle, deputy Spanish military attache in Paris, last October. No valid connection has ever been made between the two attacks. A source who has studied the pat terns of terrorist activity said that Paris might be a major center for a number of reasons. Among the reasons cited: Paris is an international travel hub, France has a long tradition of giving haven to exiles, a very wide range of diploma tic representation is in France, large delegations of foreign students or dissidents who might provide bac kup or logistic support without even knowing it are residents of France. Foreign visitors of all nationalities pass unnoticed in the streets. Passport control at highway or rail border points is only perfunctory. Palestinian supporters have been the most active in terrorist opera tions around the world and have pul led some of the most daring in France, including attacks on the Saudi Arabian Embassy and Orly Airport. One informant who has studied the methods of Palestinian terrorists said that for important operations an advance group is sent in to scout out targets, check their movements and decide on locations. The man or group assigned to carry out the at tack arrives on the scene only a short time ahead of the strike and does not 8741 lission ps are er any hem it ispon- StageCenter Presents THE MAGICK THEATRE (A Professional Touring Company) in DOCTOR JECKYLL AND MISTER HYDE The most horrifying and entertaining play ever written. PERFORMANCESrTHURS., FRI. & SAT. 8:00 P.M. SUNDAY 6:30 (All seats $1.50 Sunday Only) Villa Maria at South College Student Prices know the target until a few hours before the action. All movement is by broken voy ages, to leave a cold trail. Someone traveling from Beirut to Paris, for example, might first stop over briefly in Vienna, Copenhagen and Zurich. The planning party is probably al ready outside the country before the attack comes off and the strike man and accomplices leave as quickly as possible, the source said. There is no way of knowing if others operate in the same way, but it is considered possible that there is some sort of intelligence interchange among international terrorists. Capture of international terrorists often leads to another terrorist oper ation to free any jailed operatives. This leaves police and government authorities wondering whether it is worthwhile to risk lives in a futile cause. The only terrorist group that has been “disorganized” in France was the International Revolutionary Ac tion Group, which was active with bombings and kidnapings in France against primarily Spanish targets last year. This was essentially a domestic group, living and operating in France, making police work easier. A smaller catch came wtih the ar rest in June of Evelyne Barge, a 31- year-old militant anti-Zionist revolu tionary, and three alleged male ac complices. They were accused of bomb attacks on a Paris police station and a branch of the Rothschild bank. Miss Barge had been arrested at Israel’s Lod airport in 1971 when she was found to be traveling with a false passport and carrying explosives. She was sentenced to 14 years in prison but pardoned and expelled from Israel in 1974. She had been working as a schoolteacher in France. No one has been arrested in the case of Jochim Peiper, a former Nazi SS colonel, who was burned to death in his home in eastern France in July. A clandestine group calling it self the “Avengers” claimed respon sibility for the death. Police said that assailants sur rounded the house and hurled fire bombs at the wooden structure. EXECUTIVE POSITION TRAVEL, RESPONSIBILITY, EXCELLENT BENEFITS. 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TI 30 1270 2550H 1600 1650 SR 50A 51A 56 52 SR-51A Performs logarithms, trigonometries, hyperbolics powers, roots, reciprocals, factorials, linear regression mean, variance and standard deviation. • AC Adapter/Charger included. 79.95 AVAILABLE AT: ^ ‘Couftott BOOKSTORE 59.95 SR-50A • Performs all classical slide rule functions — simple arithmetric, reciprocals, factorials, exponentiation, roots, trigonometric and logarithmic functions, all in free floating decimal point or in scientific notation. • AC Adapter/Charger included. Northgate-Across from the Post Office Phone 846-6312 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30 Sat. 8-5 Names in the News THE BATTALION Page 7 Thursday, September 2, 1976 By the Associated Press Reagan tapes political talks “This is Ronald Reagan and I’m back on the air every weekday with comment on politics, current affairs and world affairs,” said the man sea ted at the big boom mike in the radio studio in Los Angeles. Reagan, wearing a sports shirt and maroon slacks, was taping the first 12 shows yesterday in his new series of five-minute daily political commen taries. After the recording session, the former California governor and ex actor sipped champagne in a “Wel come Back to Hollywood” party in the sound studio with Jack Webb, Art Linkletter and other Hollywood personalities. Novelist Waugh unkind to British Though he’s been dead 10 years, satiric novelist Evelyn Waugh has some new unkind words for the British upper classes he ridiculed in his books. Waugh’s diaries were published today, revealing gossip about the high and fashionable that he jetted down from the time he was 7 to his death at 64. Hearing that Randolph Churchill, son of wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill, had been oper ated on to remove a malignant tumor from a lung, Waugh wrote, “It was a typical triumph of modern science to find the only part of Randolph that was not malignant and remove it.” Means to serve prison term Ru sse 11 Me ans, leader of the American Indian Movement, is scheduled to begin serving a 30-day jail term next Tuesday after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge. He was sentenced Wednesday by Lyman County Circuit Court Judge John B. Jones on the charge stem ming from a Feb. 6, 1973, court house riot at Custer, S.D. Jones also ordered him to pay a $100 fine and court costs. Carter gets advise, not money from Bartlett Republican Sen. Dewey Bartlett has responded with advice, not money, to a plea for funds to support the campaign of Democratic presi dential nominee Jimmy Carter. Bartlett received a fund-raising letter from Democratic National Committee Chairman Robert Strauss. Saying his contribution should be - more valuable than money, Bartlett offered this advice: “Neither a politi cal party nor a government can live indefinitely beyond its means; you get what you pay for. . . .” Tennessee students forge certificates At least 30 unmarried couples \yho are University of Tennessee stu dents used fake marriage certificates to move into the school’s housing for married students, officials say. Earl Underwood, manager of UT’s rental properties, said his office discovered the bogus certificates during a routine check of the files about two weeks ago. Underwood refused to say how many certificates were in volved, but Knox County Court clerk Dwight Kessel said Under wood brought about 30 fake docu- Kessel said an examination of the photostat copies of the marriage cer tificates showed they had been forged. Liquor is stilled, not is growing The good of boys who gave Wilkes County in the mountains its reputa tion as the moonshine capital of North Carolina have gone to pot. Law enforcement officers have destroyed more than 35,000 marijuana plants in the county this summer—-and only two liquor stills. Sheriff Bill G. Anderson and Greg Radcliff, State Bureau of In vestigation special agent for narco tics, thinks some of the former moonshiners are now in the marijuana business. Libyan leader offers peace to Egypt’s Sadat Associated Press TRIPOLI, Libya— Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy yesterday ex tended an olive branch in his dispute with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, saying, “No Libyan soldier will ever fight his Egyptian brothers.” He also appeared to MSC mascot given name MiSC-RAT is the name of the new mascot adopted by the MSC Council at the new student open house last Saturday night. The name was cho sen from over 70 entries in the “Name the Rat Contest” and is the creation of Ginny Sudela of3402 Col lege Main, Bryan. Judges for the contest included Vice President of Student Services, John Koldus, and Brad Foster, the creator of the original C-Rat car toon. Sudela will be awarded with a pair of reserved seat tickets to the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band concert on Sept. 10. MiSC-RAT is pronounced like muskrat, only with an “i” sound, said Kathy Oeffinger, an organizer of the contest. Oeffinger works with the MSC publicity team, headed by di rector Marie Sohner, which will now use the MiSC-Rat in the bi-weekly MSC Diameter, on posters, and other advertisements. suggest a meeting with Sadat to set tle their differences. In a 2 1 /2-hour speech marking the seventh anniversary of the revolu tion Khadafy led against King Idris, the colonel said he had ordered the Libyan army to “provide water, food and other provisions to Egyptian troops on the border because they were suffering from heat and hunger.” Egypt reportedly has massed up to 30,000 troops along its border with Libya in recent weeks. Relations between the two coun tries have steadily deteriorated be cause of Egypt’s alleged softness to ward Israel and because of a number of bombings, other sabotage and an air hijacking in Egypt that Sadat blamed on Libya. Birds halt project Associated Press PORT ARTHUR, Tex. — Con struction workers are waiting pa tiently for the end of the late summer nesting season for black-winged skimmers. Thousands of the birds moved onto part of the construction site for a huge $300 million petrochemical ex pansion at the Texaco Inc. refinery about six weeks ago. Work has continued on the project in adjacent areas, but a Texaco spokesman said part of the work is being delayed until baby birds are able to fly in three more weeks. THE PANTRY For the very best in natural foods, vitamins and protein supplements. 3525 TEXAS AVE. 846-6897 RIDGECREST SHOPPING CENTER WE ACCEPT FOOD COUPONS TIPiTQP RECORDS $$ AND TAPES AGGIE DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! STEREOS ALBUMS 45’s TAPES &TDK Blank Tape Quantity Prices CUSTOM RECORDING & BROKEN TAPES REPAIRED i 1000 S. COULTER BRYAN 823-5745 WEEKLY SPECIALS LP 3.99 OPEN 10 AM TO 6 PM Linda Ronstadt Hasten Down the Wind” Elton John Here & There 315 UNIVERSITY (NORTHGATE) 846-5515 v" :' r :.v■■■ ti'’::• ■ • i • ••jL >.• r- FREE UNIVERSITY WANTS YOU We need students interested in organizing, advertising and scheduling FREE UNIVER SITY CLASSES. 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