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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1976)
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APR. 27, 1976 LAKEVIEW CLUB 3 Miles N. on Tabor Road Saturday Night: Tony Douglas and The Shrimpers From 9-1 p.m. Ladies $1.00 STAMPEDE Every Thursday Nite Men $2.00 (ALL BRANDS BEER 40 cents) LADIES $1.00 Every Tuesday Nite All Brands Beer 40c 8-12 Dance every Tuesday and Thursday MEN $2.00 Navy performs aerial acrobatics to lure potential officer candidates Marines vow: training quality to be maintained |y° u oughta’ l^see our plants. we invite you to compare: quality and price. Isales, ileasing & ^maintenance university drive texas a&m campus the greenery 4303 texas ave. 846-2838 tropical foliage * the greenery By JOE SCAMARDO “Where did you say that barf bag was?” a shaky voice asks from the back seat of a Navy trainer as it rolls out of a violent maneuver that seems to cause the world to roll and spin wildly outside the plane’s plexiglas canopy. Even to people with extensive conventional flying time, the acroba tic maneuvers such as Immelman turns, barrel rolls, split-s’s and 1/2 Cuban eights performed for in terested persons by Lts. Steven Booher and Wally Brians of the Navy Aviation and recruiting team, can be upsetting, physically as well as men tally. The recruiting team has been out side the Memorial Student Center all week, but the acrobatic flights were completely booked by Monday afternoon. The recruiters said the Reserve Officer Training Corps do not pro vide the number of officers needed, so they recruit at the four-year uni versities. Lt. Booher, a one-time finalist for the Blue Angels (the Navy precision flying team), said getting airsick is a normal part of learning aerial acroba tics. “I got airsick half a dozen times when I began flying acrobatics,” he said. Before leaving Easterwood Air port, all passengers signed a waiver form, in case of any accident. After being outfitted with a fireproof suit, a helmet and a parachute, each passenger was instructed in emergency procedures. “If we have to evacuate the aircraft while air borne, this (the D-ring you pull to open the parachute) will be good for a free drink in any bar,’’said Booher. After takeoff, the passenger dubi ously pushed the parachute instruc tions to the back of his mind. Feeling a bit nervous but exuberant as the plane climbed away from the airport and up to 5000 ft., he experienced the unique adventure of aerial ac robatics. AGGIES Do you want a friend as your Brazos County Sheriff? Or do you want as sheriff a man who has been after Aggies for eight years as an Officer of Col lege Station? Do you want common-sense law enforcement? Or a man who wants a big rec ord of arrest? ELECT W. R. Bill Owens The Aggies’ Friend Since 1930 Paid Political Adv. Paid for by W, R. Bill Owens 120 Highland Bryan, Texas SPECIAL NOTICE TAMU Traditions Council will meet on Tuesday, April 27 at 8:00 p.m. in Room 141 of the MSC. Anyone with a love for A&M and its traditions is in vited to come. BATTALION CLASSIFIED MOBILE METRIC MECHANIC Road Service/House Calls Datsun • Toyota • VW Bob Atkins 846-8213 109t8 BROMELIOD PLANT SALE Come by and look over our Tillandsias from Mexico and large selection of potted bromeliads. 8-6 p.m. Wednesday, April 28 only. 400 and 413 Ehlinger, 822-5358, 822-4850. 113tl ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLES Quiet, clean, economical transportation: 30 mile- per-hour, fifty-mile range. Recharge overnight on house current. Meets all requirements for street use. Only $495. P&M Sales, 701 North Main St., Bryan. 779-4459. 113t4 MR. GATTI’S the best pizza in town . . . honest! Two female roommates needed. Oak Forrest Mobile Park No. 165. Come by before 10:30 a m., after 7:30 p.m. Talk rent over. Mr. Gatti’s is presently accept ing applications for full and part time help. Starting im mediately. Above minimum wage, 20-40 hours a week. Call 846-4809 for appointment. Christian male roommate needed to share 2 bedroom apartment for summer and/or fall. Southwest Village Apts. 693-5703. 113t4 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Rody Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922- 1411 Texas Ave. —823-8111 EUROPE - discounts ve Inc. 4228 F 934-6662. ISRAEL - AFRICA - ASIA. Travel «' round. Student Air Travel Agency, rst Avenue, Tucker, GA. 30084 (404i 109tl4 LOST Lost April 6, Lady’s Cat’s Eye Ring. Please call 693- 7795. 113t4 PERSONALS DISCOUNT STEREO C.B. & TV 20 - 50% Off List Over 100 Brands Call Leland Anderson 693-6594 after 5:30 uwt2 Applications for bus drivers being accepted now for the fall. At least 21, good driving rec ord, Chauf. license. Equal Op portunity Employer. Apply 3611 South College. JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE: 1974 Suzuki “50” motorcycle in ex cellent condition with less than 3 thousand actual miles. Call 822- 5995 after 5:00 pm. SAN ANTONIO SUMMER WORK Let White’s Auto Store, College Sta tion, serve you with your hardware and plumbing needs. North Gate. ^N ! sTnTLVN ? ^ieedeXpart^ime or full-time on 3-11 and 11-7 shifts. Call or come to Grimes Memorial Hospital, Navasota, Texas. (713) 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkel- mann, RN, Director of Nurses. 101t20 SR-50, excellent condition, $60. 822-7770. 3 or 4 nights a week, 4:30 - 9:30 p.m. Apply in person. 846-2033, 3-C Corral. 113t4 INTERESTED IN NO-FRILLS LOW COST JET TRAVEL to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Far East? EDUCATIONAL FLIGHTS has been helping people travel on a budget with maximum flexibility and minimum hassle for six years. For more info call 800-223- 5569. 96t29 FOR RENT Mansard House needs bus boys; dish washers - and summer cocktail help. nights; 106t8 WORK WANTED ■ □□□■E1HC3CIOC3H □ □□□□■■DI1E1E3B ■ (■■■aaOQDBHH BOBBOBBBBE1E10 New proposed duplexes (2 bed room/1 bath). Corner at Southwest Parkway and Anderson. Signing leases now for Fall. Editing, revision sonable. 846-5131. Fast, accurate, rea- 109t7 Have Job Openings in San Antonio. Must be free to work all summer. Car necessary. Pay above average. Must have desire for rapid ad vancement. For personal interview, call Mr. C. G. Rodriguez, 845-1613, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. 846-2067. Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822- ! 0544. r 99tl8 SALES • SERVICE RENTALS Boys Only. Furnished apartment, good for 2 boys, $90. Vi utilities paid. 846-5132 after 6. 113t4 Horse pasture and stalls, 846-7015: f . 99tl8l For Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 PETS Female puppy to give away. Mixed breed. Call 693- 7795. 113t4 SPECIAL DISCOUNTED SUMMER RATES 1.2. 3 Bedrooms Furnished ond Unfurnished Exsrcls* Rooms (Men & Women) | 2 Swimming Sou no Bofhj Tenni* & Volleyball Courts Recreation Center HThere goer frieedk > are goer ipigflibers AU BILLS PAID MOVING? It doesn’t have to be a hassle! Reserve your U-HAUL truck or trailer at U RENT ‘Briarwwf tr&pertmeeis FREE APARTMENT RAFFLE CALL FOR INFORMATION DEADUNE TO SIGN UP APRIL 30,1976 693-2933 1201 HWY.30 693-3014 BRYAN 1904 TEXAS AVE. 779-0085 COLLEGE STATION 2305 S. TEXAS 693-1313 As the plane rolled into a maneu ver, the intercom echoed Booher’s off-key singing, while the passenger’s stomach complained about the unnatural motions it ex perienced. It was hard not to feel a little queasy, but it was even harder not to be thrilled by performing ma neuvers that were more the province of birds, rather than Aggies. Some of the maneuvers, such as inverted flight in which passengers actually stood on their heads on the canopy,and attack dives, which were easy until the centrifugal force tri pled their weight during the pull out, were especially hard on the stomach. Most initiates to acrobatic flying were relieved to be on the ground again after the flight. However, many of those who returned with fil led barf bags were disappointed when the 20-minute flights ended and were ready to try it again some time, but with a more empty stomach. Associated Press SAN DIEGO — The commander of the San Diego Marine Recruit Depot says he will not permit any decrease in the quality of training at the depot or the men it turns out. “We plan to furnish the same dis cipline, spirited Marines and treat them with firmness, fairness, dignity and compassion,” Maj. Gen. Ken neth Houghton said in his first inter view since the death of Pvt. Lynn McClure. McClure, 20, of Lufkin, Tex., was knocked unconscious by one of the padded ends of a pugil stick last Dec. 6. He died still unconscious in a Houston hospital March 13. An investigation has been com pleted by the Marine Corps and Houghton said he is studying it. Copies are expected to be made pub lic this week. The assistant base commander. Brig. Gen. David Twomey, said in an interview with the Washington Post that McClure’s death was very tragic. It should have never happened. |rpieo ts de Twomey said. “It’s a against the Corps. Ifsablad] against me because I waschiefi at the time.” Twomey said recruits reports the San Diego base and the Marine recruit base at Parris S.C., will find a welcome from the one that greeted Mi Some Marine drill ins (DIs) interviewed by the lieve new policies designed Jo i the training abuses will resultinalgcnts, failure rate ainond recruits, [petion Post reporter George Cjfiangfo interviewed a half dozen DIs* Pro! Marine Corps Recruit Depot Jean c Diego, Calif. Bid E The instructors told WilsoiJi^rge 1/ A IT o m oval. Pres will carry out a new lowstress| ing policy because the comm ordered it. “It’s going to be a ehalleMfitinc Gunnery Sgt. William A. LovfB Acci 36, of Brighton, Mich., told tl menta NEARLY NEW THRIFT SHOP 711 S. Main NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS WED. THRU SAT. 10 - 5:30. LADIES AND MEN'S RESALE CLOTHING. CLOTHES ON CONSIGNMENT. QUALITY CLOTHES AT BARGAIN PRICES. 779-1731. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 The Television Shop TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 EURGPE / A fore 707 iifi day advanr.«> payment ion iree 800-325-4867 sS) Un.Yravel Charters VALUABLE COUPON Good through April 30 THE VARSITY SHOP 301 PATRICIA N0RTHGATE 846-7401 COUPON SPECIAL $2.00 OFF On a wash, cut, & style with this coupon. Professional Personalized Hair Service for Men and Women CUP AND SAVE “1 think there’s going to be heartbreaks for a while. “Many of these kids have failures all their lives. Theyqi school, they quit jobs and now going to make them fail you’re going to give themanii ity complex.’ Under the policy, Corps mandant Louis H. Wilsonhas nated motivational platoons, recruits who couldn’t keep up their contemporaries wereassii McClure was a membero( platoon when he was in a training drill. In the Post inten iew, the structors said the motivational toons succeeded in making emits work harder and thoi vented them from dropping the Corps. The changes in recruittrain being put into effect elsevdie well, a base spokeswomansait VILLA MARIA One-hour Cleaners 710 Villa Maria 822-3937 FREE SUMMER ST0RAS Mon.-Fri. 7:30-6:0G Sat. 8:00 - 2:00 AN ALTERNATE ROUTE Peace Corps*Vista USE YOUR DEGREE IN A DIFFERENT WAY PEACE CORPS * VISTA MATH, SCIENCE, FRENCH, SPANISH, HEALTH, AG ECON, ANIMAL SCIENCE, FORESTRY, EDU CATION, ARCHITECTURE, ENGINEERING, AGRO NOMY, PLANNING, INDUSTRIAL ED, HORTICUL TURE, BUSINESS, LIBERAL ARTS, AND MORE ARE NEEDED TO FILL VOLUNTEER POSITIONS OVERSEAS AND IN THE U.S. INTERVIEWING SENIORS/GRADS: PLACEMENT OFFICE, 10th FLOOR, RUDDER TOWER ON CAMPUS MAY 3 - 6 hbWrd IS E. If 4.' CouiWi. i MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY SPECIAL SPECIAL EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak Mexican Fiesta Chicken Fried Beef with Dinner Steak w/cream Mushroom Gravy Two Cheese and Gravy Whipped Potatoes Onion Enchiladas Whipped Potatoes and Your Choice of w/chili Choice of one other One Vegetable Mexican Rice Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Patio Style Pinto Beans Roll or Corn Bread and Bi# Coffee or Tea Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea » T MSC Cafeteria Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased U These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Fo Each Daily Special Only $1.49 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 AM to 1:30 PM — 4:30 PM to 7 P THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL “Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style” Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee “Quality First” SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter- Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable