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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1976)
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MAR. 30, 1976 Page 9 School Board Place 4 >ards William Wasson am Wasson, 28,1312 Airline systems audit manager for is A&M System. by do you think you’re qualified ^)ld a position on the school hink that this school board is to have to answer some of the lifficult questions in the history district, in particular in the of finance. By that I mean ring programs and financing ies. I think my background ex- nce lends itself well to this type Icision making. I’ve been work- ™n administration and planning since I graduated from college, t eight years total. William Fitch I'hat do you consider to be the jest priorities of the board? >gmmsf(^think at this point the highest ity of the board has to be the l0 *dd c«) opment and maintenance of j ling fiscal plants. It must be n to CO!] luate in terms of overcrowding, hile (bed | campus Ire you in favor of the April 3rd •esponsili Pissue? What objections, if any, mt ourd: | ou have to it? til weld f 5 ' It looks like a good package to at is res; land I think there are so many ikeepMRs in there that we need and we William Wasson should have had some time ago that we can’t afford to wait any longer. One possible objection. It might have been better to split it into pro positions but as far as objections to the Bond issue, I have none. Would you support another bond election if this one fails? Yes, as soon as adequate planning could be done and voter response could be measured to determine why this one failed. See Wasson, page William Fitch, 54, 1712 Glade, builder and investor. Former councilman, 1952-56. Why do you think you’re qualified to hold a position on the school board? I’m 54 and I’ve devoted the last 30 years of my life to building College Station in home building, apart ment, and commercial business and developing subdivisions to provide places for the people who come to Texas A&M University to live — the staff, faculty, and students. With the experience I have had in this city, I think I know what we can afford, and what the people want. What do you consider to be the highest priorities of the board? The highest priority of the board is to see to it that we have a good, basic, fundamental elementary education system. It has nothing to do with buildings, it’s what happens inside the classroom. We want a good school system, we want the best, but I don’t think that it necessarily fol lows that if you have the best it has to be the most expensive. Are you in favor of the April 3rd bond issue? What objections, if any, do you have to it? I have to be in favor of the bond issue because time is running out and I would like to see the people approve this bond issue. I’m afraid they won’t. I think all the cost proposals are overstated by 30 per cent at least. They have allocated twice as much money as they need to accomplish what needs to be done. We have to have these additional facilities. And rather than put it off for another two months and not being able to finish what we need to have finished by next fall I d rather go ahead and pay this one. Would you support another bond election if this one fails? Yes, only we’d cut it to about $4.5 million, and we would clearly state the needed items so the people can pick what they want to vote for. The school board has made a dili gent effort to put out this informa tion, but they cast the information in such language that most people don’t know what the board said. Should the curriculum be ex panded on both the elementary and secondary levels? What courses should be included? I think if anything, we may have an overexpanded curriculum right now. I see a drift beginning toward more and more cluttering up of our elementary educational system with what’s called enrichment programs. But I think they’re confusing pro- SENIORS Check our special prices for full length portraits for the Centennial Class of ’76. Offer expires Saturday. April 3 UNIVERSITY STUDIO 115 College Main, Northgate 846-8019 AMERICAS FAVORITE PIZZA Fred Bouse isfied« current lone vei)i ;kingali| /e not i e scWl nner. !ki iinds tol 'oodf I Bouse, 41,2911 Texas Ave., pcultural engineer. Vhy do you think you are qual- 1 to hold a position on the school |rd? j have been interested in the ols for a number of years, I have children currently in the system. I have worked ac- lly with various community ac- |ies the last several years. I have pen to know a lot of people; I think pi in a position maybe to express lir views on the board and to rep- Int a fairly large segment of the Imunity. | am an agricultural engineer, (See Bouse, page 10) Helen Wilborn Fred Bouse Helen Wilborn, 23, drug abuse counselor at Crossroads Out reach Center. Why do you think you’re qualified to hold a position on the school board? I’m very concerned with my people and I love children. I’m will ing to give time and effort to the community and I can’t think of a bet ter place to start than the school sys tem. If the students fail then society is going to fail too. What do you consider to be the highest priorities of the board? The greatest responsibility that they have is making the policies that will affect the entire school district. (See Wilborn, page 10) William Fitch grams at the expense of seeing that children by the end of the third grade can read and write well and have a basic background in elemen tary mathematics. In what cases should corporal punishment be used? I don’t think that you ever need to strike a child. I think that the proper attitude and the demand of respect on the part of teachers starting in the very first grade, and if you let them get to the fifth grade running wild I think you create a bunch of little hoodlums. Is there a drug problem in the district? If so, what corrective mea sures should be taken? I would really like to handle drug pushers and peddlers by banging See Fitch, page With this coupon, buy any giant, large or medium pizza at ‘ regular price and receive one pizza of the next smaller size with equal number of ingredients FREE! One coupon per visit, please. VALID THROUGH Monday, April 5 Share af | VAL iL Moi OfaXxvwww * today... PIZZA INN NO. 2 PIZZA INN No. 1 1803 Greenfield Pleza Next to Bryan High 413 Texas Ave. S. Helen Wilborn anotll ils? Bruce Upham :uluni 1< emenW V’hat «* ce Upham, 20, 1209 Munson Ive., sophomore business man- ment major at Texas A&M. ir oft fhy do you think you’re qualified bold a position on the school rd? ve lived in College Station for the t 12 years and am attending ool(Texas A&M) locally. I started d grade in the A&M Gonsoli- ed system and graduated in 1974. It that being in the school system 10 years as a student and now ngout of the system looking back jj lhaving the experience I had with community plus attending board etings would give me a good kground. rVhat do you consider to be the jhest priorities of the board? One of the most urgent needs is bond issue. We need new ilities and upgrading of the llities we have because they are |Tcrowded. They are falling apart t jnojPsome of them are even washing ntand* fV' 1 th® creeks from erosion. "“'I these things need to be taken of because of rapidly increasing ollment. We also have to provide m for a full-day kindergarten to m in 1977. We also desperatelv d a vocational building to al- ate the crowding in the classroom he high school and to keep our accreditation which we risk losing. Are you in favor of the April 3rd bond issue? Yes. Would you support another bond issue if this one fails? The board woidd have to evaluate why the bond failed and then do any thing necessary to alleviate the prob lems of the schools. It might even call for a new bond issue, but if the bond fails another solution may have to be found. Should the curriculum be ex panded on both the elementary and secondary levels? What courses should be included? In the fifth and sixth grade cur- riculums should be expanded if the bond issue passes because they will be moved into a new building. I’m satisfied with the elementary and high school curriculums. I wouldn’t be against any expansion in the number of courses offered, but I don’t see any need right now. In what cases should corporal punishment be used? It should be used very seldom be cause it is degrading to the students. It shouldn’t be used in the first few offenses. The students should be counseled out of the classroom. Re peated offenses, like constantly play ing hooky, or serious offenses bor dering on suspension, should re quire it, but only in the case of seventh grade or above. Is there a drug problem in the district? What corrective measures should be taken if there is? school jurisdiction over the drugs. Have you been satisfied with the performance of the present school board? I think the school board is doing a good job. They have been examining everything very closely. I’m satisfied with their decisions. In cases where they didn’t know themselves they’ve asked the community. They’ve done as good a job as they can do. Texas A&M University Town Hall Special Attraction proudly presents LEO K0TTKE Friday, April 2, 1976 Rudder Auditorium Tickets and information available at MSC box office. All Seats Reserved A&M Student $2.50 General Public $4.50 KANM 89.1 FM Will be giving away albums nightly No cameras or recording equipment will be allowed 8:00 pm 845-2916 Bruce Upham Yes, there is a drug problem in the district and it extends onto the A&M campus. There are quite a few students in the A&M Consolidated system who do use drugs. Most of the drugs are used away from the school. Unless the students bring the drugs on campus and store them in a parked car or in their locker or are under the influence of drugs, there isn’t much the district can do. I think any preventive measures should be taken by the parents. One of the measures being taken is put ting no parking signs on both sides of the street by the high school forcing the students to park their cars on the school property, thus giving the Are You Interested In: Dance Programming? Spot Programming? T ANYTHING GOES SUNDAY, APRIL 4th - 1:30 PRESENTED BY THE RESIDENT HALL ASSOCIATION ON THE DRILL FIELD Chess? Bridge? Public Relations? Table Tennis? •Bowling? •Billiards? ►Cards, Checkers Dominoes or Backgammon? Finance? Then P.M. more come Wednesday, March 31, at 8 to HECC 105 and discover how to get enjoyment out of your interests! IF YOU’RE INTERESTED, CONTACT YOUR DORM PRESIDENT Sponsored by MSC Recreation Committee