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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1976)
Page 10 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MAR. 30, 1976 Bouse (Continued from page 9) j| which I believe would be of some j benefit as we appear to be moving into a building program again. What do you consider to be the highest priorities of the board? 1 think probably to assure that we have an atmosphere in our schools that is conducive to learning to pro vide adequate facilities for the teachers to work with. Also, to insure that we have policies and goals that the people in our community woidd like for us to have. Are you in favor of the April 3rd bond issue? What objections, if any, do you have to it? Yes, I am supporting it. The bond issue will go a long way to satisfy a lot of needs that our schools have, espe- i cially with overcrowding in the j classrooms. Some of the other things in the bond issue that I think are extremely important are the vocational facilities. Would you support another bond election if this one fails? I think we have to kjeep coming back until we get some of these needs satisfied and I really don’t think we have any choice. I don’t know for sure what I would be in favor of cutting out if we felt like we had to reduce it at this time. So many of the things are important, and we ve fallen behind in a number of areas that this bond issue will take care of. Should the curriculum be ex panded on both the elementary and secondary levels? What courses should be included? I think this is something that would have to have a lot of study and I have not been deeply involved with curriculum. I have not looked closely at some of the enrichment programs. I think they would have to be evaluated in a lot of detail. The first area that comes to mind is the vocational area. I think that we could use a stronger industrial arts type program in the high school and the vocational area. I know that we need to strengthen the vocational ag ricultural area some, we need better facilities there and possibly some additional help in the teaching area. In what cases should corporal punishment be used? Wilborn (Continued from page 9) My concept of the school board is that it should be an agent of the community and take it on them selves to investigate the problems and relay it back to the community and find out what they feel about it. Often times the policy is made with out soliciting any input. Are you in favor of the April 3rd bond issue? What objections, if any, do you have to it? Yes, I’m supporting the Bond is sue. I wasn’t aware of the over crowded conditions in the high school because I had graduated from the old high school. The bond issue is Filing for positions for Graduate Student Council is now open. You may pick up an application in Room 216 of the MSC (see Linda, the Student Government secretary). All forms must be returned by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 2. Filing will close at 5:00 p.m., April 2. Elections will be held April 7 and 8. If you have any questions, please call Sandy at 845-2646. Number of Positions Open in each College: Agriculture (4) Science (2) Liberal Arts (2) Education (2) Engineering (3) Business (1) Architecture (1) Veterinary Medicine (1) Geosciences (1) “SAVE A BUNDLE” Remember the old, Cash and Carry, money saving trick? Buy a pizza at the Commons Snack Bar and eat it there or take it anywhere you wish. Prices are right, and the pizzas are great. Bicentennial Special Hamburger Pizza 1.29 Sausage Pizza 1.29 Pepperoni Pizza $1.29 I think this has to be left pretty much to the discretion of the school administration and the principal of the school at each campus. I cer tainly do not favor any rash action by teachers or by administrators. I think they should use all other possibilities first. But I think certainly discipline must be maintained, and if they feel this is the method that will be bene ficial to the student then definitely this should be the policy and I would support it. Is there a drug problem in the district? If so, what corrective mea sures should be taken? I really don’t have any first hand knowledge of the drug situation in the schools. I hear a lot of things but as far as Tm concerned they are strictly hearsay. Tm sure that we have professional people that are looking at this all the time. Have you been satisfied with the performance of the current school board? I have thought that the present school board should probably have put some emphasis on some areas. I think the maintenance of our facilities should have been much bet ter through the years. I would also like to see the board take a stronger interest in the area of community relations. I think many times either the community does not understand the problems that the board has or the board fails to com municate their problems. I would like to see more cooperation be tween the schools and city in many areas, especially in the recreational programs. a building issue. It’s all to handle the facilities and the facilities are bad. It may not have been projected far enough into the future but the ad vantages outweigh the disadvan tages. Would you support another Bond election if this one fails? I would have to. One is definitely needed. I would be willing to work and make another one more perfect. Should the curriculum be ex panded on both the elementary and secondary levels? What courses should be included? In the high school, I am for expan sion. What is definitely needed now is allocated for in the bond issue — the vocational program. In the elementary schools, they have just started a career guidance program and I don’t think elementary school is too early to start it. The enrich ment programs open up more doors for students. Some of the things I’m talking about can be incorporated into existing programs where you don’t have to have additional teachers. It’s necessary to make maximum use of what is there. In what cases should corporal punishment be used? I am against corporal punishment. I’m for discipline but I think whenever you’re talking about a dis cipline problem, you’re talking about a behavior problem. The prob lems should be handled with be- havorial methods. I’m not for any corporal punishment in the high school. Often we get caught up with handling the symptom rather than the problem. I would try and sit down and deal with the student and his behavioral problems. Is there a drug problem in the district? If so, what corrective mea sures should be taken? There is definitely a drug problem in this area. I have not dealt with anyone in the elementary school level but I know for a fact that even in elementary school there is ex perimentation with drugs. Often the children get into their parents’ medicine cabinet. There are approximately 200 he roin addicts in Bryan-College Sta tion. From the high schools we get mostly abusers of pills and marijuana. Often it is the result of family problems. There was a legislative mandate handed down which said that drug abuse education and crime preven tion programs would have to be taught in the schools. Teachers are tiying to set up workshops and semi nars in the schools. This is something they can easily do without increasing anybody’s taxes because there are so many social agencies that are avail able. Have you been satisfied with the performance of the school board? I don’t want to say that I’m not satisfied because I know that the people on the board are doing as much as they can. But the fact is each person only carries one vote and often decisions are made too quickly. A little more information could be acquired before making a decision. Other than that I am satisfied with it. That Placer PROGRESSIVE PRECISION HAIRCUTTING 707 TEXAS 846-6933 JAMES W. COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL OPEN PLACE 3 Monday thru Friday 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. “QUALITY FIRST” wmmmmmmBBmmmmammm AN AGGIE CONCERNED IN CITY AND TEXAS A&M PROBLEMS VOTE APRIL 3 AD PD. BY CRAWLEY FOR COLLEGE STATION, C.S. LUKER, TREAS. WOMGN 4WhRGMG9S GXHIBIT OPGNING NbRCH,Q9 CRdfT SHOP GdLLGRY, M9C fiGMTJRING LG4DIMG WOMGN 4RTI9T Of BRhZ09 M4LLGY Council (Continued from page 3) create a 42,000-acre reservoir located on the Navasota River, 12 miles southeast of College Station. A reservoir on the Navasota was first mentioned in 1954, and the Millican site was chosen from among six possible sites. The Brazos River Authority and the U.S. Corps of Engineers are coor dinating the studies of the site. Congress has appropriated more than $2 million during the past five years for pre construction plans and studies on the proj ect. The Brazos River Authority maintains that the reservoir is needed for water sup ply, recreation and to relieve downstream flood problems. Area environmentalists have opposed the project. They say the reservoir is un necessary and would destroy a unique hab itat, the heavily-wooded Navasota River Bottom. The Corps of Engineers and the Brazos River Authority recently announced that the Millican site may be reconsidered be cause of a large amount of lignite coal in the basin of the proposed reservoir and the surrounding area. Six candidates are opposed to the dam, three are in favor of it and two had no opinion. Bravenec (Continued from page 3) that we are wedded to Bryan. We will not stick with them under all conditions. Why are you running? I think I have the responsibility as a citi zen ... to take an interest in municipal affairs. In a larger sense Tm running be cause I have a stake in seeing that this community has an orderly growth. Would you like to see College Station change to a ward system of elections, as proposed in the referendum on April 3? I’m against the change and in favor of the at-large system. My viewpoint toward stu dents doesn’t influence me one way or another. Some people have said they favor the ward system because they are worried about students taking over city govern ment. I’m not worried about students tak ing over city government. I think that stu dents in this community are generally satis fied with the way city government is run. They don’t have any stake in trying to run something like city government and I don t think they would particularly want to. Tm basically in favor of retaining the present system because it’s more advantageous to citizens in general. If you have a complaint you can talk to seven people instead of just somebody from the ward, because theoret ically all seven people represent you. How do you think the ambulance service should be run in Bryan-College Station? I feel that the citizens of College Station deserve a first-class ambulance service. I suspect that this city government will move bit by bit toward a first-class ambulance service, and if this means leaving Sherrill (the present service) I suppose it means leaving Sherrill. If Sherrill can provide the Hazen (Continued from page 3) job. I would like to follow up on what I have been doing on the bikeways and walkways. Tm concerned about all the apartment complexes and the need for more protec tion from the fire and police. We need a larger city staff to handle the road maintenance. I suspect they need a larger staff, but they’re just overwhelmed with the everyday problems caused by the rapid growth. I feel the ordinary citizen is not being heard. When the city spends its time worrying about where tbe new de velopments are going to go and what we re going to do with the waste material, water run-off and safety, the ordinary citizen that needs a new street light or needs his street swept is just sort of neglected. I think I can represent a lot of people that had not felt that they had anyone in city hall. Would you like to see College Station change to a ward system of elections, as proposed in the referendum on April 3? No, I would not. I think that this town is still small enough so that the councilmen should be able to represent the whole community. If the community grows and then stabilizes, a ward system may be needed. But I think that now, during this period of rapid growth, by the time they set up a definite ward it could change too rapidly. For instance, apartment com plexes being built could change the whole population. How do you think the ambulance service VCollege Station buys its electric and water supply from the city of Bryan. Bryan recently requested a 24 per cent increase in electric rates and a 19 per cent increase in water rates. There has been talk among councilmen of finding another source for utilities. Gulf States Utilities, a private firm, has offered the city a price for electricity that is 40 per cent less than what is being paid to Bryan. All council candidates advocated going with the source that gives the best price to the city. VCity officials are currently chosen at- large, that is, all voters cast ballots for every position on the council. A referendum on the ballot asks if voters would preferaward system. In this system the city would be divided into six districts or wards, and everyone in a ward woidd vote for one councilman from that district. Under tbe ward system, the mayor would be elected at-large. Two candidates are for the ward system, six for the at-large system and two for a combination ward-at-large system, One candidate expressed no opinion. V College S tation contracts with Sherrill’s Ambulance Service of Bryan for ambulance services to the city. The city owns a modular ambulance which it loans to Sher rill. There has been criticism in thepastby residents and councilmen concerning Sherrill’s response times to calls, its han dling of victims and its record keeping prac tices. | y K Bat e Texa oil the ispract eAg«i< Emory id wht |a £ bunch Napel Is. 0 type of ambulance service we need I sup pose we ll stay with Sherrill. 1 don’t know how good the service is right now. I im agine we ll investigate that. In tennsofa cooperative venture with other gov- emmental units, Tm sure we ll be open to that. We ll do whatever we have todotoget a first-class ambulance service. Are you satisfied with the enforcement of existing ordinances? Do you have any plans for new developmental controls? I think we need to have an ongoing re view of our ordinances. I imagine we ll con tinue to review our building standards and standards relating to construction of streets. The recently enacted parks ordi nance is proving somewhat complicated to administer and we might have to amendit to make it a little simpler to administer. You might see a new sign ordinance anda new ordinance dealing with noise, particu larly dealing with minibikes and motorcycles, as well as cars. How do you view the role of mayor? Other than the ceremonial aspects, I think the mayor has the responsibility of conducting the council meetings and trying to get the city council to have some goals. I think one of the first things the city council will do is to try to formulate some short-range goals and some long-range go als. The short-range goals are those which we can probably accomplish within one year, such as enactment of the new sign ordinance and a stopgap noise ordinance. The long range goals you might classify as working toward an adequate park system,a civic center and a system of lanes and paths for bicycles and pedestrians. You have to recognize that there are a lot of strong indi viduals on the city council. I think you won’t have a dominant mayor on this city council. I think you'll have more of a team effort. er mini enaci II our Hun a 7 gi ihiga but r le wii 'e mi spec nine led ger to h t emn ate dich hen you abou “You nent lenw im V should be run in Bryan-College Station? Tm not happy with the ambulance ser vice the way it is. I feel very strongly that we should have a good ambulance service and that we’ve got the money to pay for it somewhere. It does cost money and it won’t make a profit. Mr. Sherrill (tbe owner of the pre sent service) is in it to make a profit. That’s his business. I feel that just like the fire department sits there waiting for some body to need it, you should have the same thing with an ambulance seivice. I’m not ruling out that it should be paid for by tbe county. I think in this instance we all pay county taxes and this might very'well be a function of the county. It has to serve the whole county and I think perhaps this might be a better way to go. Are you satisfied with the enforcement of existing ordinances? Do you have any plans for new developmental controls? Tm not satisfied with the existing ordi nances. I think many of them are outdated. I would like to see them strengthened, and I would like to see stricter developmental controls. Tm discovering every day new ordinances we should have but don’t. As far as narrowing it down to specifics,! certainly would like to see “no parking ordinance for hike lanes. We still have not been able to get the hike lanes signed. The city says it doesn’t have money to buy tbe signs. I think they should find the money. I think it’s just as important as having another policeman to have safe bike lanes. We go by the Southwest Building Code now. I do not think it is strict enough con sidering the number of complexes we have. mo\ getti scon ayed mrna sman the I ay in iersb ’isma ed th Mich et vo be Ag wins e ma as th of d-rob ie Ag onT jer sh Innel kb swc fiday i insin a 6-3 Wilkes (Continued from page 3) classroom with average students and the normal classroom teacher. In the special education classes, students and teachers are in many cases on a one-to-one basis. They are using classrooms that are de signed for 25 or 30 students. Another real problem in our educational system is the fact that SAT scores are going down. To me this is very basic; having the ability to communicate and having skills in reading, writing and math. We should have very strong improvement in these areas, regardless of whether the student is going on into college or whether he is going on into a vocation. In what cases should corporal punish ment be used? Bray (Continued from page 3) evaluate what the superintendent’s people 'come up with. In what cases should corporal punish ment be used? I think corporal punishment has a place. Discipline is a need that exists in all the schools. I don’t think corporal punishment should be administered in a way that humiliates or ridicules. I think corporal punishment should be used as a last resort. I think we do have a good policy on this and the teachers are very conscientious in following these policies. This form of discipline is not abused, as far as I know. Is there a drug problem in the district? If so, what corrective measures should be taken? I think if you have only one kid there isa drug problem. I haven’t had enough re ports to say whether there is a real dmg problem. Have you been satisfied with the per formance of the school board? I think every one of them is working and has had a sincere attitude. I am not in agreement with them in all cases. In fact, I’ve been in a minority on many of these issues, including the bond issue and the past budget. Is there a drug problem in the district? If so, what corrective measures should be taken? I hear that there is the beginning of a drug problem. I don’t know to what extent it really exists. We really can’t make a judgement without adequate data. Have you been satisfied with the per formance of the school board? I’ve been impressed with what they’ve done. They’ve done a tremendous job over the last two or three years, beginning to get these policies written down, and beginning to get an evaluation process. Ag tliis a I TGI riday; mate! A.I SE or evt 7 ‘ Sc ^ tea Hler bflpe iniati iootii line 'otoc 'nee Ossfr eron