Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1976)
Pag* 6A THE BATTALION WKONUUAT MAM 74 1«7« WANT AD RATES lOt prr word Minimiim charffr — $1 00 (^WacArd Df^Aiy II 05 per odumn tarli MrL inxrttnn AL1. rlaii^Wd ad« mud hr prr-pmd DEADLINE 3 p «n ci»> itrfurr pulAmion offk:iai. notice TKX%S Vi>M I NtMCmm •d ncc or tme dean or * MYMIAOON* AND Arc <X)f*s TO BF Kucmsiun Mm ATE TME TEXAS VfcM MN«. AN l NDEM.MMM ATT vn DENT MI ST HAVE AT LEAST ONE TEA* IN HI SIDENC E crsimt ro* at lea«t ninett two «c acmes T»* MM US AND M IN MANIMNC. SA I III TME I'ND I KSfTT A TEA* IN BEMDENC E MAT CDNSISTIir TME r SLDAND snUNC. SCMESTTRS or ON* or TME SHOVE and a FI IX SI A4MEII At SSION Roll! |||» MRS] a\I> SMOND TE RMS THE HCM Rs TAMED AT TME FREMMI NART i.Radi REFoirr rrrhid in march iitn MAT RE I sn> IN SATIsnriN*. THIS NINETT TWO (Rt HOI R Rf D< I RE ME ATT ST1 DE NTS VI Al IM INC I NDER THIS RCT.I UATKIN SHOt LIT LE AS E THEIR NAMES W ITH THE RIM. C IE RE ROOM AEVEN RICHARD COKE BITLITINC THIS SIKH ID RE DONE PRKTR TO MARCH lOTH IN ORDER FOR AIJ. RFC ORtTS to RE CHEC KED TO DETERMINE RIM. EUCIBII.m m DENTS AI. RE aDT h saint, ninety two «s (timflctfn HCM RS ON RECORD AS or THE FAU SEMESTER HITS M AT ORDER AT SNT TIMt THESE REC.ClAR ORDERS SREMAIIXDTHEIASTW-EEEOFKAC II MONTH I.RADI ATT fTVDENTS ARE EUCIBI F TD ORDER wmi FROOF REITtlKT' THAT TMET have fii ed for c.radi atton ORDERS I OR MID SEMESTER WUX BE TAKEN BY THE RING C1XRK STARTING MARCH t* I ETCS BATTALION CLASSIFIEE) Historian proclaims crisis, points to cowhide benches OFFICIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE HELP WANTED -AEMMC. AWAROB I i tW Ar ■> F« ' <*> pm . -an THE GRADE ATE COLLECC F«d Eli ■Willi, far D—fd IWcrw Nmt ( ~ir W ,Bm* M l>>M*» D Ed hadaNTtal EAmUmu IN«*rf«Mm THE RE1-ATTOK OF SELCCTKD S SRI SRI XS AND DRDTNG PERFORMANCE IN DRIS ER EIX'CATTON TWw April 6 l«7R al 930 >.■> Ftarr Bona 104 A tm iKr M E Ska,. D»«n d fkr <.nJ>m»r (xRrw PHOTOS BY MAC SHAD1X Weddings & Commercial 846-0868 Sits ns- For \ll C!l»r\ sIat ( hi p < l.irs Hods \\o.k I'.iiiihnu HAI.SKI.I. M< )T< >H < < >MI* inc: Doditr mnI S«-i > u»- Sums* 1922 lillTt-vts \a»- S2-1-SI1I FWal E> THE GRADCATE COtXKCE FOR SALE Urvsv Hi D W laiEutnal ti«»i»i«Tiaa l>ivHal«M> THE CORRECTIVE NONLINEAR simfixx seam:h ALGORITHM AND ITS appucatkin to the refine MENT PROBLEMS OF CRYSTAL STRICTURES Tiw April I 1976 M V TO a m PW .101 in Zarhn VA Kuivr rVan id llw Gradualr ( nRrpr OFFICIAL NOTICE C.oRfpr .4 Ntrmr Kndi'k Pndkiann Eraimnatiun AIX JCNKHLS and SENIORS m rumoila of rt» ( ullr(r AND W1IXCONTIM E I NTH. APRII.O. IV76 ALL >dSomra murt lakr Rr Eii«ImI< PraActmev EunnnMton RINGS Ml ST BE PAID FOR IN FVIX WHEN THE ORDER IS PlJlCKD. STl DENTS WTU. SAVE TIME IF THEY WUX BRIM. MID SEMESTER GRADE REPORTS ALONG W HEN RE ADI TO ORDER rrVDCNTSW HtCHAVE FAIt-EDTO LEAVE THEIR NAMES IN SDYAfecE WILL BE ASKED TO RE TCRNTATEHTD AUCSW TIME FOR RECORDS TO RE CHECKED DIE RINGS are: Dl E TO ARHIA E AT DIF RFC.IS THAR'S OFFICE. ON ICNEBl 1976 AU. RINGS OK drgrrc DERED REI. AKDCF SSOF W IIFmit^)N^^R<_|J AT THE <m WrdnmW. March 24. 1976 al 7 30 p m BK)IXX:Y Drpaifrml Cumrula Room U3 BARE CHEMISTRY Drpartmrnt Curnmla • Rooni IO0CHEM MATH Drpartnrnl Currlcwla • Room JOB ACAD PHYSICS Department Curricula - Room m2 PHYS Foe information and mdrlmri on the nature id die lamination, chrcfc with the departmental tecretarv ( ..Iwpimun id thn ernammahon. a mpuremenl oi the taitepe id Science. M a preiequitilc for randtdar» for a irish sftttkh pI'^s AKC and FDSB Bred for hunting from proven bloodlines. Sire imported from Ire land. 845-1531 or 846-3946. Must Sell: Couch, Chair, Din ing Set, Area Bugs, Curtains, Child s Chest-of-Drawers Ac Desk. 693-8417 after 5:00. Mil BANJO KITS Write for free catalog Stewart MacDonald Mtg . Box9D0\P Mhem. Ohio45701 8«tl5 Amasni : a I il IU JT a ill a .1 .* IL TV I *|I1C DIF RINI. O I Hk ISON DID FROM S A M TO 12 MM»N AND I I* M TO S I' M t»F F A< M WEEK. MONDAY THRO! gii i KIDO HOWEVER, IN <»K DFRS FOR RECORDS D> RK I HECK CO ORDERS MVSTBI PLACED FMORTO11 «> a \i AND4P vt WE Hon TIMS IN FORM Alios Will BE HELP- II I will MEND Ol R ( OM.RAD I ADONS I l)\\ l\ H COOPER DEAN admissions and records t CAROLYN WKUeS. HIM, c:I .MU Tile CaAIH ATK UMJeCCK IVnm ftation THK BOLE OF THE SCHiHH. SI PEHINTENIHIVT IN TEXAS AS PEBCKIVED HY LHE Si Pf.HIVTLVDE.NT ON THE PKEM i>f m or rm m h h board st PmiNTKNDENT IN TEXAS AS I'EH CEIYRD BY THE Si PI HI NTE NDE NT ON THf PRESIDENT Of LIIF S< MI M )l ROSRI) Turn- Mari h 25 IV76 at a m lidae HtwHi.MK \i».t»M M T HaHNBm* Ed ( enter (.iMirge W kim/e Ik un ol tht* (.rarhut* ( <>lk*ge ‘72 Toyota Olica. 30 mpg. air. mag% 6743 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Hm) fc»mY% will he available at Bldg HS23 A6cM Annrv Hc***-areb Outer and fad* wiB be received in the Office «if the Inventory Siiprr>iw at the new Purchasing fit Stufev Bldg on Afp'onomv Kd . AArM camptiv until 10 SM Mar< b 31. H#76 for vurpiu» prupert> lYwtvivhng of Ihiv partial lw( and other itrtm Wurhtzer organ, dediv. profeitiev. lharher chair, howling equipment, floor |M»fcdicrv cahtnets. nihbei mate, mattrewev. tvprwrit- er%, < hairs ratlar equipment, large vahev a total of 2^2 lota Tim property ma> lie inspected between the hours of5 00 \M and 4 -30 PM Mondav through Fndas eacei>t holidass. hs contacting the Warehouse Super- siaor at the above address The nght la resetSed to reject any and all hidi and to waive any and all technwalities For ndormation call 713/7TB-9443 1V74 Eawawki 90(k < B45-37V7 eaceBent condition $1805 Call 03th 1072 Triumph 500 with Ceriani forks, helmets N46 MB \ out Bring your hikes to White’s Auto Store, College Station, your oldest and most dependable store, for parts, repair or trade and prices vou like. FOB SALE OR BENT HISTORY MAJORS The English Praftnenc> Examination is a requirement lor graduation fur all those who either transferred English KM or its equivalent (2nd semester of freshman English or those who took this course al A4i M and made less than a C. This exam will he given Wednesday March 24 and Thursdas March 25 at 3 00 p. m in f Geology 206X Come hy the History office at 311 Academic and sign up. 93t3 BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 mirmti'N triHii i ampus iinu |mm»| TY cable*, all cits i In S22 2326 or S22 2421 < ret the B«*st l«»r la*ss FOB RENT Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 APARTMENT PLACEMENT SERVICE 3200 South College 823-7506 Reserve your apartment now for the Summer or Fall Semester before the prices increase. We Will Show You a Wide Selection of Apartments in the B-CS Area OUR SERVICES YOU Cynthia .ianser 779-2047 Murray Sebesta 693-8950 TO Jenny Pitts 846-1924 J. Glenn - Broker Duplex nearing completion. Walk, hike, or ride shuttle Inis to school 2-bedroom, water paid. $218/month. Call 693-7519 nights or weekends. Duplex available around 29th. . - 91 (6 Private room for rept upstairs with three girls, all TAMU students. Large closets, kitchen ami laundry privileges. Large home on 3Mi acres, 5 min. from campus. Will consider a pet. Call 846-5694. Ilorxe pasture and stalls. 846-7015 HELP WANTED M I cannot tdl a lie... UliHeufkk i/a revolutionanj place to live.” George Washington ★ ★ RN POSITION AVAILABLE Inpatient psychiatric unit, JCHA accredited, offers train ing program and challenging working situation for RN 'in terested in mental health spe cialty. Position fulltime. Con tact Director Hospital Services, Central Brazos Valley Mental Health Center, 822-7326 for further information. imit Brand New and Now Leasing.. .Choose from effi ciency style, and spacious 2 bedrooms (1 bath or two) featuring: • Huge walk-in closets • Party clubhouse and pool • Free Cable TV •Top-rate movies available via TV cable service • Bus service to Texas A&M campus. From $145 to $220 Plus Electricity 502 Southwest Parkway 693-1325 illowick apartments Professionally manoQed by MV MR. GATTI’S is looking tor additional \crsatih <*iit« - i t.micj s: guitar. banjo pianist. sing«*rs. duos and groups W«* an* also olb-ring a cash award plus contract lor the inrinatimi o| a “Mr. (■ Ragtime Hand. II \ou Imac talent anil uouhl like to audi ti<ut call M6- tN(M lor appoiotnicot ILKCME ^ Slui-c x • %XTSi /vvt 800 325 4867 Utv.Travel Charters 'Manio/ion 0a/to "PItta Inn WANTED: Part and full time help. Apply in person. 413 Texas Avenue College Station ♦v-l SECRETARY City of Bryan has immediate open ing for experienced secretary. Typ ing and shorthand required. Must he self-starter and enjoy working with peoplp* Excellent hinge benefits. Appk in person: City of Bryan Employment Office 300 South Washington Brian. Texas Equal Opportuniti Employer P izza ion Needs Assistant Manager Apply in person to 1803 Greenfield Bryan NEED INPATIENT COUNSELOR Valuable clinical experience (al tered on JCHA accredited psychiatric Inpatient Unit. StaH function as active participants in group-oriented milieu. All positions full time. Contact Di rector Hospital Services, Cent ral Brazos Valley Mental Health Center, 822-7326 for further information. « ASSISTANT Apartment Manager needed. Call 846-5707 for interview be tween 9 and 5 only. ^ 93tS Architecture is in the most pro found crisis of its history, a visiting architectural historian and Centen nial Professor said yesterday. ' American architecture is remark ably uniform -of distinct character, vet homogenized in form.” James Marston Fitch told students and fa culty in the Architecture Building's auditorium- The director of architectural his- tory and preservation at Columbia Universitv, Fitch has written several looks and is technical editor of Ar chitectural Forum. He attributed the architectural c risis to technology and the ' lunatic exploitation of vacant land.” "These technological forces once signaled the l>eginning of a new hopeful era in architecture: now they hail the end of one," Fitch said. "Wherever you go. architects are making exactly the same errors iK r .».in<r out the accumulated ex periences of the last 10.(XX) years of f itch'said. “The interiors of skyscrapers today, however, aren't much different than those built in 1910 *' He said the John Hancock Build ing in Boston demonstrates the "ut termost limits that this (technocracy) can 1m- taken.” Most of the windows in the 60- story building blew out during con- . struction and have been replaced several times at the cost of million dollars. The owners have also had to purchase several surrounding build- He also called the \1S( \ cowhide | mgs that were damaged by flying benches vulgar and typical of the panes of glass. center s "whorehowae design.” Fitch also criticized the new Dallas-Ft Worth Regional Airport as a misuse of human talent and energy These two projects wmliolize our present plight.” Fitch said. "If we would pay more attention to the hiilk environment you'd see fewer such chandeliers and sterile airports." panes ol glass. “They figured the cost of buying the buildings was cheaper than any possible lawsuits." Fitch said. The historian pointed to the lamps and chandeliers in the Memorial Student Center lounge as an "out rageous misuse of human talent and energy—the worst I've ever seen anywhere." Book sale scheduled The Friends of the Texas A&M donations at McDonald s w ill receive University Library are sponsoring a y a free coke. hook sale to be beld April 7. outside the TAMU Library. Donations of books, magazines, maps, sheet music, and posters may be deposited in boxes pmvided at McDonald's, area food stores, the Library, and campus dorms. Anyone dropping Proceeds frotp the sale will be used to purchase art prints that will circulate from the library. Dirge do nations may he picked up hy calling Tamara Frost (845-6631) or Connie Bihon (845-1452) at the University Librarv. Fluorides topic of speech Attractive cocktail waitresses wanted evenings, 6 days a week. Mansard House, 693-22(X). Attrac tive salary and tips Also salad girl wanted. Mill Baskin Robbins 31 Ice Cream Store 2500 Texas Avenue 822-9732 Openings for 2 men: 7-11:30 night shirt 9413 Ifodi^TV hrlprr P»r1 or lull Hum- S22 IS82 41th Addressers wanted ImmediateK* Work At Home — no experience necessary — excellent |m> Write American Service, 1401 Wilson Rhd Suite 101. Arlington. Va. 22200 72130 Experienced histologist needed lull turn- Contact Smith Kline Clinical Lab. 2717 Osier Blsd S23 hqmy sat* WORK WANTED Full tunr typing. Swnhob Call 12.3-7723.' 3e»tfc? TvptnR 123-4579 aFlcr 5 and Saturday, 43t20 Tipiug F.tprnrnn-d. fait, accuratr \ll ktudy 122- 9544 sit 11 LOST REWARD Blond, short-haired male puppy, lost Friday, March 12 near Aspen and Old College Main. 846-8313 or 846-7826 after 7. 9914 Mow. «!>M K A H " 145 31(17 FOUND Lanor. black.. %hcpherd-t> pe »naW* dog S4b-6505. 845- 4315 m3 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Wchh I Farmers Insurance Croup 3400 S. C ullt-gt- S23-SOS I SOSOLIK’S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713$. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 ■ □□uafiBCDoca □ □□□CBBUtlDOa aaaaounauaaa u o u a u n u b n o n o SALES • SERVICE RENTALS (pAST, ACCURATE TYPIST.... Executive secretary [Background over 16 years. [pROM SUNDAYS - SATURDAYS. ; Veryday until 10:00 p.m. fg^EAT YOUR DEADLINES! COLLEGE STATION — Dr. Kenneth S. Pitzer of the Depart ment of Chemistry at the Universitv of California at Berkeley will lecture at Texas A&M University Tuesday (March 30). He will appear as a participant in the Visiting Centennial Professor program speaking on "Peculiarities of Xenon and Radon Fluorides” at 4 p.m. in room 226 of the library. Prof. Pitzer is an outstanding re search scholar, teacher and academic administrator. His fundamental re search on molecular dynamics supplies the basis for our com prehension of conformational analysis of organic ring systems. Pitzer has been president of Rice University and Stanford University. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and has re ceived the Presidential Medal of Sci ence. In his lecture Pitzer will present and analyze certain basic theoretical problems in chemical bonding. The bonding in nohle gas compounds in volves a phenomenon called hyper- SEE HOW FAR YOUR DEGREE CAN TAKE YOU FIJI * BOTSWANA * LOUISIANA * ZAIRE COLORADO * BELIZE * SIERRA LEONE SAMOA * NORTH DAKOTA * MALI * KOREA WE NOW HAVE ASSIGNMENTS WAITING FOR YOU STARTING THIS JUNE THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND AROUND THE WORLD. HOW FAR CAN YOU GO WITH YOUR DEGREE? VISTA PEACE CORPS REPRESENTATIVES ON CAMPUS THIS WEEK STUDENT CENTER RUDDER TOWER valence. It is not basically new. hav ing been known for a long time, but as manifested in the nohle gas com pounds. it focuses on certain of these Ixisic problems. Repaving to close Agronomy Traffic entering Agronomy Road from FM 60 will be blocked about May 1 as reconstruction of the road begins at Texas A&M. During construction, traffic to and from the College of Veterinary Medicine research forms. USD A en tomology research laboratories. Pur chasing & Stores building, the motor pool facility and forestry lab will have to enter Agronomy Road from its north end. V’et school officials have an nounced that during phase one of the construction f— expected to lx* com pleted around Sept. 1 —a temporary access road to tlx: student parking lot from FM 60 will he laid. The access road will lx* west of the Agronomy Road entrance, at the east end of Parking Lot 38. That lot entr ance will be closed at the completion of construction. >1 Bookstore requests due The deadline for eligible Recognized Student Organiza tions to apply for Bookstore funds is 5:00 p.m . March 31. 1976. • Please have your budget re quest completed, signed, and turned in to the MSC Student Finance Center on or before March 31, 1976. . Battalion Want Ads MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL SPECIAL Salisbury Steak Mexican Fiesta with Dinner Mushroom Gravy Two Cheese and Whipped Potatoes Onion Enchiladas Your Choice of w/chili One Vegetable Mexican Rice Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Patio Style Pinto Beans Coffee or Tea Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Com Bread and Butter Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $1.49 Plus Tax. “Open Dally” Dining: 11 AM to 1:30 PM — 4:30 PM to 7 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Beef Steak w/cream * Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other . Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies ' Choice of one vegetable Roll or Com Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL “Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style" Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Ron or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee Quality First’' SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roi or Com Bread - Butter - Coffee or Tea GftXet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable |