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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1976)
A Special From “NOSCO” Buy a 1V6" Vinyl Binder for 3.50 and get a 100- sheet pack of Filler Pa per (worth 98c) free! News Office Supply Co. 108 College Main — Northgate Immunization program to focus on rare flu strain WASHINGTON — Two dozen of the nation's top scien tists are meeting with President Ford amid reports that gosem- ment health experts are re commending a massive cam paign to innoculate every American against a rare and deadly flu strain. Any such immunization prog ram would be the largest in the nation's histors and would be aimed at the swine flu sirus. a strain that has been dormant ibr nearly a half century. The swine flu strain was blamed for 20 million deaths world-wide during a 1918 epidemic that claimed more American lives than World War I combat. In all, 5(K).000 Ameri cans died of the flu strain during the epidemic. Last month, the virus killed an Army recruit and afflicted four other soldiers at Ft. Dix, N J Since then, public health specialist^iav^heei^veighin^ whether a massive public in- noculation program should be launched The Washington Post said today that Ford's health ad- sisers base concluded that such a program is needed Officials at the National Center for Disease Control in Atlanta indicated that a decision would be announced shortly The center said Tuesday it would take nearly six jiionths to produce enough y accuse to pro- y ide shots for 211 million Americans Estimates of tin* crash prog ram’s cost range from S107 mill ion to SI50 miltioti Phar maceutical companies would use millionsoffertih/dd chicken eggs as cultures to develop the vaccine The center reported last week that this winters epidemic of A-Victorih type flu has passed its peak. Through February, the flu had caused 1,270more deaths in the United States than the 3.7(H) flu ami pneumonia deaths the center predicted for this winter. Commencement exercises THE BATTALION ** f* 1*T« 5A Speaking honors shared Leon Jaworski and Gen. t red C. Weyand. Army chief of staff, will share speaking honors at Texas A&M centennial commencement exer cises May 7-8. jaworski. widely honored for his service as special prosecutor for the Justice Department in the wake of Watergate, will speak May 7 at 7:30 p m. ceremonies for candidates for HUH LEON JAWORSKI graduate degrees and undergraduate degree recipients in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Education. Liberal Arts. Science and (Geosciences. Jaworski is a senior partner in the Houston law firm of Fulbrigbt, Crooker Ac Jaworski and is a past president of the American Bar As sociation. Even prior to his role as special prosecutor for the federal government, be was widely bailed for his governmental service on both the national ami state level. He also has served in top positions for numerous civic, educational and charitable orguuzations. as well as basing made major contriliutions to the legal professions in various capacities. (General Weyand has been the Army's chief of staff since October 1974. He entered active duty- in 1940 as a second lieutenant and was pro moted to his current rank in 1970. He has held a variety of key line and staff assignments. General Weyand will address un dergraduate degree candidates from the Colleges of Agriculture, En gineering, Business Administration, Veterinary Medicine and Moody College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Resources at 9 the folfow- ing morning. The general also will speak at 1:30 p m. ceremonies the same day for degree recipients being commis sioned into the military. All three events will be held in G. Rollie White Coliseum. AAcM President Jack K Williams said dual commencement exercises are necessary to insure seating for families and Iriends of the centennial class, expected to total more than 2.300 students. ROUND FULL CUT USD A CHOKE BEEF. T" .LB. TKini BABY FOOD AIBIRTSON S FABRIC SOFTENER 1 GAL. BOTT. men in USOA CHOICE BEEF, BONE IN RUMP ROAST . .1“ USDA CHOICE BEEF , BONELESS ROUND STEAK ...V" GENUINE VEAL ROUND, BONELESS VEAL ROAST .. .1 78 PATRICK CUDAHY, FULL COOKED CANNED HAMS £6” RATH'S, HICKORY SMOKED SLICED BACON .il 48 SWIFT'S, BROWN & SERVE, REG. BEEF, OR VARIETIES LINK SAUSAGE .■ 89 c FISHERBOY, JUST HEAT l SERVE FRED C. WEYAND GOLDEN STAR FISHERBOY, JUST HEAT t SERVE ■ **■•-»■* FISH STICKS BUTTER BASTED ClfAftftC AIRFDTtnN'C (INGLE WRAP SLICES I 1% SKAGGS ALBERTSON'S, SINGLE WRAP SLICES SLICED CHEESE .iil 1 WOLF, PLAIN CHILI 19 OZ. TIN BAMA, STRAWBERRY I I JANrr lEE PRESERVES IIPORK & BEANS 18 OZ. JAR 15V, OZ. TIN FOR ONLY USDA GRADE . .LB. JANET LEE, FRUIT COCKTAIL 16 OZ. TIN DELICATESSEN-SNACK BAR-B-QUE SANDWICHES.°r: 2.99* HOT DOGS 19‘ HOT LINKS ...r.5-'*1 JANET LEE, 1 DOZ. GG AA'" LARGE ss INSTORE BAKERY! CARROT CAKES LARGE 8 INCH N TWO LAYER r/ FROZEN SEE LEMONADE 15 C FRENCH RREAD .. puun oa s»ofo 3 “ M COFFEE CAKES ... Attoano won puled ,... »98 e HOT CROSS BUNS •atAKPAST TBtAT ... »i79 e MERINGUE PIES . (.(MON . .. .-1” lIREAM puffs ... iAao< 19^ HAV-R-PAC PM Oil RfOUUR t 0L TM SHERBET 88 c ML FLAVORS 4 ML ROUND DINNERS 59 e NMMT HAWK STIAI A TAM 4 01. PIG BAGEL'S 47 c Mi VMKTVS 12 OZ. PW CARROTS ... TF. 0 . 3£89 c AIR FRESHENER ~ £47 c CRACKERS ... “'r. £41 c FARM FRESH PRODUCE LETTUCE ^' Vm CALIFORNIA, ICEBERG hm LARGE HEADS M H ^ DS \\ nil ONLY CANTALOUPE . 7rK ... 59* POTATOES .. .7?:: .. .5r79‘ AVOCADOS .. .. ..49* YELLOW ONIONS .. .17* ROCCOLI 39* BROCCOLI IAMT ia 3 CHOP PM 10 OL P00S. NTIKENT PALMOLIVI LIQUBl DfTIRGBn ” OZ. • bott: STORE HOURS MIWY SMUMY MM ID m SUNDAY SAM ID 10PM UNIVERSITY DRIVE AT COLLEDE AVENUE Council to hear rezoning, requests I wo public hearings concerning and rezoning will Ik* held at the Col lege Station City Council meeting Thursday night. Brentwood Ine. has asked the council to re/.one .50 acres of land 1 from s'ingle family residential to dup lex residential. The tract is located northeast of the intersection of South Texas Avenue and Southwest Park way. A request to rezone a 12-acre tract from single family residential to apartment building will lx* made by Edsel Jones of Mohawk Ltd. The land is located on the south side of Luther Street approximately 1000 feet west of Wellborn Road The council will also consider an application by Roy Ellis to operate a bus in College Station. | The meeting will lx>ginat 7p.m. in city hall. International Week to hold displays, films International Week at Texas A& M will begin March 29 and last through April 2 Sponsored by the International Students Association, the week will include displays, films, a banquet, a talent program and -roundtable dis cussion. Opening the week of activities will l>e a two-day international displav in rooms 212, 224 and 225 of the Memorial Student Center and a Monday-only displav in Evans Lib- raiy. AtSp.m., <To Die in Madrid,” a documentary will be shown in Rudder Theater. Tuesday, displays open at kj a.m. There will be a banquet at 6:30 p.m. followed by a show at 8 p.m. in the MSC. There will lx* a roundtable discus sion at 3:30 p.m. in Rudder Tower on April 1, and on April 2 another fea ture length documentary, “One Quarter of Humanity." which will be shown in Rudder Theatre. Admis sion to films is $1. Texas A&M has about 1.000 inter national students representing 75 nations. Student lobbyists to confer The National Student Lobby’s" | (NSL) annual Lobbying Conference wilHx* held April 2-6 in Washington. Students will spend two days on Capitol Hill conferring with mem bers of Congress and their staff's on economic and educational issues af fecting students. Congress is considering a supple mental appropriations bill that could add as much as $792 million to the Basic Educational Opportunity Grants program for the coming school year. NSL is calling for a strong student turnout in order to demonstrate to Congress wide spread concern about the need for the Basic Grants supplemental funds. Students will learn how to lobby in a series of legislative briefings, work- shops and training sessions which will include role-playing with mem bers of Congress and piiotfo-i lobbyists. -interest