Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1976)
THE BATTALION »*D»«0*V M t*7» Cepheids exhibit illustrations Ilhistratiom that have appeared in Playho>’, The National Lampoon and Analog magazines highlight a two- week exhibit of science fiction art in the MSC s gallery The exhibit, assembled by Cepheid Variable, is being shown in conjunction with AggieCon. Cepheid's annual science fiction convention. Most of the exhibit's major contributing artists will he guests at the convention and will judge the convention's amateur art contest this Saturday. Many of the illustrations come from the Sketch Pad. a professional graphics and design business in Ar lington. Tex. Sketch Pad works base appeared in Playboy. True. Esquire. Time. Look. Redbook and many other publications. Don Ivan Punchatz. owner ot the Sketch Pad. is also the creator of Light at the End of the Universe. ” a painting in which an Amerian, as tronaut confronts a frozen Tyran nosaurus rex orbibng the earth The painting is a cover illustration Ibr a science fiction paperback. Mike Presley, another Sketch Pad artist, is represented by "You've Got to Believe Me. a National Lampoon painting featuring a smiling Ameri can mom holding an apple pie while standing in a typical American living room on her green crab-like legs. Doug Potter, a well-known illus trator of science fiction maga/mes. also contributed several works to tin- exhibit. including pieces bv Kelly Freas. George Metzger and David Klliott. Potter is tin- art director of a screen printing plant which pro duces designs on t shirts. The exhibit will he open to the public from 8:00a m until 7:00 p m. daily through April 2. AggieCon's amateur art contest anil In- displaced this weekend at AggieCon on the 3rd floor of the Rudder Tower. Nominations open for women 'Kelly Freas' futuristic engraving of an electronic spy butterfly peering into a dun geon is one of the many science fiction and fantasy illustrations currently being ex hibited in the MSC art gallery. The Freas’ engraving originally appeared on the cover of Analog magazine. Photo by Tim Sager Sci-fi festival to begin AggieCon, Cepheid Variable's annual science fiction convention, gets underway at 2 p.m. Friday in the MSC s Rudder Theater and Convention Center. This year's convention— AggieCon VII—will feature eight frill-length science fiction films, a dealer's mom where books, comics, posters, paintings, photographs and other science fiction artifacts will he sold and a model display and slide ■ slMf|v. Panel discussions will be held on science fiction fan magazine pro duction and mythological creatures in science fiction. “Star Trek episodes and bloopers and NASA and CBS documentary films will be Ahown. An authors' reception and autog raph party will !>e held Friday night in honor of the convention s chief guest. Anne McCaffrey, an expat riate American writer who lives in Ireland. McCaffrey has won both the Hugo and. Nebula awards, science fiction’s equivalents of the Oscar and the Emmy, and is the author of the "Dragonriders of Pern series, 'The Ship who Sang." "To Ride Pegasus,” and "Decision at Doona.” McCaffrey will speak at 2 , Saturday in the Rudder Theater on "The Whys and Wherefores of the Dragon Series." Friday night “Fan tastic Planej, ‘ The Mephisto Waltz," "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and “The Wizard of Oz" will In- shown. “Rollcrball,” “ZRC.” TIIX 1138'* and “The Seven Faces of Dr. Lao” will be shown Saturday night. All movies will lie in the Rudder Au ditorium. Several “Star Trek" episodes will be shown in the MSC ballroom be fore the movies. “Star Trek" bloop ers. a collection of scenes in which actors or props did not perform ac cording to plan, will he shown An amateur art contest will lie dis played on the 3rd fi»x>r of the Rudder Tower. Judging will In* Saturday and cash prizes will lie awarded Saturday liefore the movies liegin. Several Texas neopros, authors who have sold only a few minor works, will also lie guests of the con vention Lisa Tuttle, Howard Wal drop. Joe Pumilia, Bruce Sterling and Steve Utley will give readings of their works Saturday in the Rudder Theater. Advance tickets for the convention will be on sale Wednesday and Thursday in the MSC box office at SI per day or $2 for the entire conven tion. Tickets at the door will cost $1.50 per day or $3 for the entire convention Registration begins at noon Fridav. 9 Eddfe Dominguez 66 Joe Ardmege *74 Grea Price IffliEU Nominations are being sought for the Outstanding Young Woman of Brazos County Award. Nominees should be age 21-35 and live and work in Brazos County. En trants are judged on community ser vice, leadership and professional achievements by a five-member panel. Deadline for nominations is March 24 with the awards ceremony and announcement following April 24 Nominees may he turned in to Karen Switzer, student develop ment coordinator, YMCA Building. Texas A&M. Come hack in to see us! We have new Rifts and Hallmark surprises. Am/ don t forget to order your corsage or boutonniere for this weekend! AGGIELAND FLOWER & GIFT 209 UNIVERSITY wimvounns GOFURTH^m WHEN YOU SHOP AT THE STORE THAT CARES ABOUT YOU! a] SKAGGS ALBERTSONS DRUGS & FOODS STORE HOURS MONDAY SATURDAY 8 All. T012 PM. SUNDAY 9 AM. TO 10 P.M. PUKES EFFECTIVE «KB SOT. MARCH 24 27.1976 .GILLETTE THE DRY LOOK.. 'CMCHITMTED UOTtU SHAVE CREAM 11 0Z BARBASOL BEARD BUSTER fFEE FILTERS 00 > G Bicycle TIRES ALL SIZES YOUR CHOICE Accessories REGULAR BIKE TUBES ALL SIZES TH0RNPR00F BIKE TUBES ALL SIZES TIRE SEALER ^ 0NLY TUBE •spue 3-PIECET00L KItTb Water Bottle & Bracket.. . J l 44 24” Luggage Strap.... Handle Bar Tape iReflective Tape 66* |2” Safety Reflector. ....IV [l8” Foot Pump. ... W*