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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1975)
,1 age 2 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, OCT 7, 1975 I 1 ^ Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor ' ^r of the writer of the article and are not necessarily those of Jie university administration or the Board of Regents. The j] , battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting enterprise operated ‘ ’ >y students as a university and community newspaper. Edito- | hnl'-policy is detennined!fr’§y&& editor* >• epre: New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. s LETTERS POLICY The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M, is published in 'College Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods. September through May, and once a week during summer school. Mail subscriptionsj year. All subscriptions subject-fo 5% sales tax. Advertising request. Address: The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. is yTe $5.00 pe^*- semester;.$9.50 per j^chool year; $10.50 per hill ions subject to 5% sales tax. Advertising rate iurnisned'on . » | Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are ' ■ ubject to being cut to that length or less if longer. The editorial I ~ taff reserves the right to edit such letters and does not guaran- I lee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed, show the iddress of the writer and list a telephone number for verifica- ii I*. ion. 1 1 ** Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room ‘ill?. Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843 Members of the Student Publications Board are : Bob G. Rogers, Chairman; Dr. ! . J »ary Halter; Dr. John Hanna; Roger P. Miller; Dr. Clinton A. Phillips, Jeff Dunn, !, ' Pom Dawsey and Jerri Ward. I Director of Student Publications: Gael L. Cooper. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for reproduction of.all news dispatched credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of reproduction of all other matter herein are also reserved. Copyright © 1975, The Battalion. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Editor James Breedlove Assistant Editor Roxie Hearn City Editor Steve Gray Campus Editor Karla Mouritsen Special Section Editor Sandy Russo Sports Editor Tony Gailucci Photography Director Jack Holm ilCE2 n Andes ltD.^ i i ii * SALES: AlumaCraft, Grumman, ABS | T :,p ,<< 1! Tejas & Blue Hole RENTAL: Special group rates DR. MICKEY LITTLE College Station, Tx. (713) 846-7307 ■ i Also your local booking agent for canoe S’ | kayak rentals on the GUADALUPE RIVER | , for TEXAS CANOE TRAILS. $15/day in- | eludes shuttle. Phone CANOES, LTD. for | < 11 details & reservations. .. ! Clip and save ALLEN Oldsmobile We have CAKES Cadillac We have ice cream too SALES - SERVICE BASKIN-ROBBINS "Where satisfaction is standard equipment" it ICE CREAM ■* ® 2401 Texas Ave. 2500 TEXAS 822-9732 823-8002 Order 3 days in advance for custom-made desserts. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TOWN HALL SPECIAL ATTRACTION PRESENTS JOHNNY RODRIGUEZ WITH ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL Friday, October 24, 1975 8:00 p.m. A&M student General Public G. Roilie White Coliseum Reserve $3.00-3.50 4.00-4.50 General Admission $2.00 3.50 Everyone must buy a ticket. Ticket and information available at MSC Box Office, first m/C) floor of the Rudder Tower. Open 9-4 Monday-Friday, 845-2916. No cameras or <3 recording equipment will be allowed. ;0£ You don’t poke fun at research By ROXIE HEARN Assistant Editor The Ombudsman is a reader service that fields questions, complaints or comments about The Battalion. This column is a discus sion of calls and letters received throughout the week. Two items stood out on the list of complaints this week: a column on cockroaches written by the editor and a misleading news article on choice of professors. Wednesday’s Editor’s Notes enti tled “The lighter side of editorial living” was supposed to be a humor ous discussion of a research docu ment on roaches. That’s a bad move when the people who do the re search are also the people who read the newspaper. Dr. Gordon W. Frankie of the Entomology Department was the first to call. His department re ceives a $30,000 per year grant from the Environmental Protection Agency to find ways of controlling cockroaches without the use of chemical insecticides. He felt the article was ridiculous, unfounded and misrepresented the research of the department. The article was not intended to be a slur on the researchers, or on the German population (as many felt the remarks aimed at German coc kroaches were), but was merely the editor’s attempt at humor. We apologize for the poor judgment. Within tlie week we hope to ha\ e a news article on the t\pe of re search Dr. Frankie is involved in. The second problem we had this week was our lead story in Friday’s paper that announced, “Students to choose times, profs.” The article gave readers the impression that the choice system was already a reality. Actually, it is still a proposal, in little more than the committee stage. This is a constant problem faced by this student newspaper: getting the hierarchy of campus power straight. There are all sorts of or ganizations that must approve pol- The Aggie Players present RUDDER CENTER FORUA/I October 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 8:00 p.m. Tickets at MSC Box Office or at the door Students $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Others $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 AGGIES! Douglas Jewelry offers Student ID Discounts! 15% off of *50°“ or more 10% off of under ’SO 00 CASH PURCHASE ONLY icy changes before they can go into I effect. Student organizations arel only the first small step. Before choice of professors caul become a reality, it must be aji| proved by the student senate and I the university s Academic Council I Another question readers liadl throughout the week concerned the I layout and design on The Battalion I A few weeks ago we started a "Spc I cial Section that was filled with rt-1 views, coming attractions and feaj ture stories. At f irst, it was two full extra jxiges hut when that got too expensive, we had to do some shift ing on the news pages to make rooni j for it. Were trying to work out a better system, but in the meantime we ll probabb just appear unor ganized. NOW OPEN Q- O 3= GO GC LU O Petal Pushers 846-6713 707 TEXAS COLLEGE STATION Complete Floral Service Free Delivery and Wire Service 212 N. MAIN 822-3119 ACROSS FROM A&M Located in the new 707 Texas Complex 846-6933 THE NEWEST, MOST UNIQUE HAIR-STYLING EMPORIUM FOR GUYS & GALS. We’re not freaky, spaced out or cheap! JUST TERRIFIC! DOWNTOWN BRYAN OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS IN OCTOBER 5-9 P.M. CALL 846-8019 TODAY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT. UNIVERSITY STUDIO 115 COLLEGE MAIN - N0RTHGATE 846-8019