Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1975)
Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1975 KRAFT SUMMER CLOSEOUTS GIBSON Cools Botfor Exclusive Air Sweep Hydra-Coil Economical Operation 10/000 BTU $244.95 16/500 BTU $288.95 18.000 BTU $333.95 24.000 BTU $388.95 HOOVER SPECIAL Dlol-A-Motlc Cleans Shag \ Carpet Ex P «rt' ^ \ getter Hoover Gibson Admiral 10 Ft Refrigerator $189.95 Refrigerator 15 ft $339.95 Washers Ranges Disposals Dryers $139.95 $169.95 $29.95 $139.95 Holds 350 lbs. of frozen food, new thinwall insulation, aluminum liner won't rust. FROST QUEEN CHEST TYPE Save $40 $ 233 NOW! STRATOLOUNGER WAREHOUSE SALE 25 models to choose from In Herculon, Nylon, Vinyls & Florals. This Week Only. SAVE UP TO *50 TRUCKLOAD SALE! Iffice Furniture FILES CHAIRS SAVE DESKS UP TO MOO KRAFT FURNITURE 2008 COLLEGE AVE. gggpiisi From yoga to welding Consol offers it all Aggieland attraction Although the Aggielands are in, students were waiting as long as an hour to pick them up Thursday. Lines stretched from the second floor of the Reed McDonald Building down the stairs and out the front door when this picture was taken. Hearst inquest stalled Associated Press HARRISBURG — Micki McGee Scott and Martin Miller, granted immunity from prosecution, re fused again to answer questions Thursday before a federal grand jury investigating the Patty Hearst case. The panel promptly adjourned indefinitely. Prosecutors took no action toward initiating contempt proceedings Party set to honor Bill Moore State Sen. William T. Moore, D-Bryan, will be honored by his close friends and associates Oct. 14 at Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park. The event, an old-fashioned bar becue and party, will be held to pay tribute to Moore’s 26 years of ser vice in the Texas Senate. Enter tainment will he provided by the Prairie View A&M Band, Texas A&M University Singing Cadets and others. Gov. Dolph Briscoe is also scheduled to appear. The event gets underway at 5 p.m. Tickets are available to the public for $2.50 each. For tickets and information, call 823-8179. against Miller or Mrs. Scott, which surprised the pair’s lawyers. “They said we re excused until further notice,” said Mrs. Scott. Attorneys for Miller and Mrs. Scott seemed puzzled by the ad journment but said the government could call them for a future con tempt hearing. Their attorneys viewed the im munity grants as an effort to force Mrs. Scott and Miller to testify against her husband, Jack, a sports activist and considered to be the target of a federal investigation into the alleged harboring of Miss Hearst last year. U. S. Dist. Judge R. Dixon Her man signed the petitions of immun ity for Mrs. Scott and Miller and said the testimony was necessary for “the public interest.” Herman called both witnesses be fore the bench and told them that under the immunity grant, they “can’t he prosecuted except for per jury, giving a false statement or for failing to abide by this order.” Attorneys for Mrs. Scott saiid legal complications are involved in her testimony — including her marital right not to testify against her hus band. Outside the courtroom, before his wife and Miller returned to the grand jury chamber, Scott called the government action “despicable and outrageous” and a continuation of a pattern of harassment. “Now what the government is try ing to do is take my wife and one of GOING SOMEPLACE..TOGETHER? GO GREYHOUND CHARTER AND LEAVE THE PLANNING TO US! Greyhound Charter takes a char- tertrip out of the ordinary . . . for any group. There's air-conditioning, rest rooms, roomy reclining seats, tinted picture windows . . . the works! All atan easy-on-the-budget price. Just tell us where you want to go ... and where to pick you up. We’ll do the rest. CHARTER US ^ information and THE BUS. pnce schedule . ca " If Greyhound A change for the better. 823-8071 GREYHOUND BUS STATION 1300 TEXAS AVE. SAVE A BUNDLE Remember the old, Cash and Carry, money saving trick? Buy a pizza at the Krueger-Dunn Snack Bar and eat it there or take it anywhere you wish. Prices are right, and the pizzas are great. Before Thanksgiving Special Hamburger Pizza 1.29 Sausage Pizza ......1,29 Pepperoni Pizza $1.29 OPEN Monday thru Friday 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. QUALITY FIRST’ my closest friends and attempt to jail them, Scott said. Scott’s attorney, William Kuns- tler, said the government was at tempting to turn Mrs. Scott and Miller “into informers . . . We are back to Nazi Germany when parents had to testify against their children and sisters against brothers.” The attorney said he believed the government eventually would in dict Scott on harboring charges. Nixon gives tapes to Senators By PAULA GEYER Staff Writer From belly dancing to welding, the A&M Consolidated School Community Education Program teaches it all. The program, which begins clas ses Monday, is designed to provide area residents a chance to get in volved in educational, cultural and recreational activities. Charles W. Greenawalt, com munity education director, said 737 students of all ages were already en rolled Thursday. Total enrollment in the 60 classes is expected to be between 1,200 to 1,500 students be fore classes are completed in five to 10 weeks. “Education doesn’t stop when formal schooling is out of the way, ” Greenawalt said. “The students are coming from College Station, Bryan, Franklin, Hearne and as far as 40 miles away.” Tuition fees are 50 cents per class hour with a minimum fee of $5. Tui tion does not cover costs of class materials. The classes will he held week days, evenings and weekends at all four A&M Consolidated schools. The schools are: A&M Consolidated High School, 701 W. Loop; A&M Consolidated Middle School, 200 Anderson; South Knoll Elementary School, 1220 Boswell; and College Hills Elementary School, 101 Wil liams. Classes will also be taught at the A&M Consolidated Special Ser vices Building at 1300 Jersey St.; First Baptist Church of College Sta tion, 200 Main St.; St. Thomas Episcopal Church Center, 906 Jer sey St.; and at some local busines- for men and women, indoor garden ing, beginning electronics, sewing, wrestling, typing, estate manage ment, cheerleading and yoga. Already 66 women have signed Jfcoach (; up for the belly dancing course.B years Greenawalt said. H 19751 “The schools belong to thecom hglit in V munity, he said, “so the commm-||rie foe, MODERN Makes you feel at home . . . instantly! FURNITURE RENTALS Make your choice in the newest furniture rental showroom In the Brazos Valley Area . . . single pieces or complete apartment. All are available in your favorlle style and color. Furnish a one-bedroom apart ment from $29.00 a month (plus sales tax) a Now open at 1816 Ponderosa Dr. 100 per cent of payments applylo purchase. ses. (Continued from page 1) delayed the committee’s investiga tion of the CIA and other U.S. intel ligence agencies. The Nixon files, consisting of some 42 million items, are the sub ject of a complex legal proceeding to determine whether they are owned by Nixon or the government. The subpoenas were issued by the Senate committee as part of its investigation of Nixon administra tion efforts to prevent Chilean Mar xist Salvador Allende from coming to power in the fall of 1970. Classes will be taught by local re sidents who have good background knowledge in the subject and would like to teach. Some of the teachers will be Texas A&M University graduate students. No teacher’s cer tificate is required. “The program pays for itself, Greenawalt said. “The tuition pro vides the teachers with a salary of $5 an hour and also pays for use of the buildings.” Babysitting will he provided at the schools for 50 cents per child per hour during evening classes. Courses offered include carpen try, needlepoint, auto mechanics Chev 75 BLAZER *4295 Chevy 73 CREW CAB *5795 CAMAR0 LT 75 *4695 PONTIAC 72 LeMans *2295 CHEVY 75 VEGA *3495 CHEVY 73 CAMPER WINDOW VAN *4295 CHEVY 74 NOVA *3595 PONTIAC 73 VENTURA $ 7QQ5 CHEVY 74 LUV PICK-UP *2895 Cheyenne Super, Air, Power, Automatic,Slid-l ing rear glass, New Tires extra clean (54,000) V-8, 4 Wheel Drive, 4-Speed, Factory Air- Conditioning, Power, Still in factory warranty (11,000) 350, Automatic, Factory Air, Power, Vinyl | Roof, Low Mileage, Rally Wheels, Console, Absolutely like new 9-Passenger Wagon - Full Power, Factoy Air, Rally Wheels, One Owner Extra Clean Hatchback Coupe - Automatic, Factory Air- Condition, Rally Wheels, White Walls, 9,000 Actual Miles, Still in factory warranty Pop top, Refrigerator, Sink, Beds, Curtains, Automatic, Air-Condition, Power, Low Mileage Hatchback Coupe-Bucket Seats, Console, I Sport Stripes, Rally Wheels. Full Power, Air, | Absolutely like new 4 dr - V-8, Automatic, Factory Air-Condition, AM-FM Stereo and Tape Vinyl top, has all factory equipment plus radio, Low Mileage and extra clean a Real GAS SAVER Lawrence Marshall Chev-Olds, Inc. Open 7:30 - 7:30 daily and until 4:00 Saturdays Hempstead, Teiss WANT ad rates One day 10c |>er word Minimum charge — $1,00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication BA TTALION CLASSIFIED SPECIAL NOTICE FOR SALE HELP WANTED Limousine Service to: Houston, $30; Austin, $30; San OPTICAL NOTICE „ No use driving and hunting — just see Cowan’s White Anu.nio, $50; Dallas, $60. Cal! 846-9925 or 823- Auto Store, North Cate. We have it: auto pTts. home appliances, bikes and repair, home needs and lawn 229tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE TO TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY STUDENTS In the past, certain information has been made politic by Texas A&M University as a sets ice to students, families and other interested individuals FOR SALE , for sale or rent Under the “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974,'’ the following directory information may be made public unless the student desires to withhold all or any portion of it: Student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study , participation in officially recognized activities and sports, dates of attendances degrees and awards received, and the most reoent jyrevions educational agency or institution attended by (he student. Any student wishing to withhold any or all of tins infor mation should fill out, in person, the appropriate form, available to graduate students at the Graduate College and to undergraduate students at the Registrar’s Office, no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 12, 1975. Fossilized SHARK’S TOOTH Jewelry Necklace, key chain, tie tack, $2.98 each. Broughtons, Box 3321, Sarasota, Fla. 33578 owe-x-.-cw OFFICE FURNITURE Desks, Filing Cabinet, Storage Cabinets, Cal culators, Typewriter. Typewriter Table, Typist Chairs, Executiy e Chair, Check Writer, 19" Zenith Black 6c White Portable TV. Phone 846-3248. BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots. 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn FOR RENT Edwin H. Cooper, Dean Admissions and Records Texas A&M University 3(6 SPECIAL NOTICE 608 South Bryan Woodburning Heaters & Cookstovfcs, Round Top Trunk, Victrola, Foot Pedal Sewing Machine, Iron Washpot, Antique Oak High Back Bed, Brass Firep lace Set W/Andirons, Kerosene Lamps, Depression Glass, Silverware, Brass Items, Flower Pots, Rock ing Chairs, Oak Tables, Oak Pie Safe, Washstand, Old Pictures & Frames, Antique Walnut What- authinkitis?, Antique Woodworkers Tools, 1,(XK)& 1 Iron Collector Items, Old Books, Bocks, Petrified Wood, Crystals, Geodes, Agate, Mineral Speci mens. Furniture Restoration. Repairs, Refinishing, & Woodcarving. 3t6 WELCOME BACK AGGIES!!! Bud Sparks ’74 invites you to Nifty Thrifty Collectables, 2504 South College, Bryan, 822-1293. Used furniture, antiques, collectables. Limited desk supply. 132t6 Has the follotvitif’ openings: Sec re tar)’ Experienced Credit Clerk Clerk-Typist Bookkee|>er Sales Clerk Experienced Brick Layers AND OF COURSE: Numerous other positions 822-7308 2008 Texas Ave. Plantation Shopping Center 1 E I For University couple with advanced standing who like quiet and beautiful surroundings, a one bedroom air con ditioned, furnished apartment, 822- 6668. RUMMAGE SALE St. Thomas Chapel 906 Jersey, C.S. Sept. 4, 5, 6 Thursday 9-5; Friday, 9-5; Saturday, 9-12. COTTONWOOD CREEK MOBILE PARK 1707 Palasota, Bryan. Large nice lots, with 2 months free rent, $28.50 monthly rent, cable contract, water furnished, park-recreation area with trees, sensible restrictions. 822-3014 or 846-1854. Student Assistance needed by local funeral home. Living quarters provided plus salary. Neat appearance and ability to answer phone is necessary. 82,1- 8125. 2t4 1 Single, with hath. Private entrance. Central air, heat. Nicely furnished. Close to campus. 846-0454 or 845- 2124. 4t2 The Country Kitchen is looking for neat, energetic people. Waitresses, cooks, bus boys needed. Apply bet ween 2 pm-5 pm daily. No phone calls please. Carpets, light green plush, practically new. 10x10', 6'xl2'. Call 846-7620. 4tl Large, 2-bedroom, furnished apartment, Bryan. Utilities Iraki, except electricity, 822-5311, 822-1078.4t2 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estiinates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodarc Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 67tfn Turntable, $10. Speakers, bookcases, babybed, desk, mini-pooltable, misc. Weekends, Avenue C, 16-D.4tl Panasonic AM-FM receiver with 8-track player- recorder and automatic turntable, $185, 846-8329. 3t5 HELP WANTED MOM, help balance the family budget with part time income and he a full time mother, too. For appointment and in terview, call 846-7381, afternoons. English shepherd puppies. U.K.C. registered, excel- lent stock dogs, watchdogs, pets, companions. 823- 0828. 3t4 $500 REWARD. For identity of either white male who stole batteries, chain saw and gas can from garage on Friday, 3:30 p.m. at 101 North Ave. Last seen in late model pickup, gold with light top. No Questions asked except for identity. James E. Vincent, 101 North Av enue. 2t3 Chevy van ’68 LWB, 6-cylinder, standard, 25,000 miles on new engine. Paneling, cabinets, shag. 693-1749. 2t3 GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, 9-5, 1305 Walton Drive, C.S. Furniture, clothes, books, misc. 2t3 Part time production workers wanted, 5:30-9:30 p.m. Trailite, Inc. 822-6671 An Equal Opportunity Employer 4t8 Female help wanted. Apply in person. Goodtime Char lie's, 807 Texas Ave. 846-9513. 3t6 i WORK WANTED Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. 392tfn Deadline for refunds for 76 Aggielands 'S November 1, 1975. Bring fall ’75 lee slip to Rm- 216, Rued McDonald Bldg. 2t5 1974 Yamaha 60 Street Bike. 845-4111; kilter 5, call 846- 6948. H4 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. H22- Experienced electronic technician. Must be able to re- 0544 4R4 pair audio amplifier. Also experienced horn repairman. Lange Music Co., 1410 Texas. It4 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales, and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 Full time Christian housekeeper and babysitter. Call 3 bedroom, 2 baths house. Large den. Phone S22-49(X), $22-2334 or 823-5985. It4 after 6 p.m. 3t2 ’72 Suzuki 550cc, extras, $950, 845-1-549. Part-time student employment in drive-in grocery. Ap proximately 15-20 hours weekly. 846-4141. 4t3 Battalion Classified ■□□□■aHQQoQa ■■■■DQOQOhMb BoaaijBBQOEHaa SALES • SERVICE RENTALS Haze you tried the new RAMADA BARBER SALON? WANTED! owned & operated by Troy Causey Roffler products for men.^ 846-8811 ext. 104 Carriers for the Battalion AUTO INSURANCE 1 FOR AGGIES* CALL CIRCULATION Call: George Webb ■ Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 845-2611 for further information i - •BCPisa JromCinei Jii 6 V T V T