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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1975)
'SjMT presents PROF. IVY’S OLD TIME PHOTOS “WHILE YOU WAIT’’ SLIP BACK IN TIME IN DIFFERENT PERIOD COSTUMES FITTED OVER YOUR STREET CLOTHES. COMING THURSDAY SEPT. 4. Eamon de Valera Ireland’s former leader buried NEED MONEY?? Position: Intramural Flag Football Officials — Men & Women Associated Press DUBLIN, Ireland — Eamon de Valera was laid to rest Tuesday just a few graves away from Charles Stewart Parnell and the other great Irish heroes. The gray granite rows of Glasne- vin Cemetery, where the ordinary people of Dublin climbed up Celtic crosses and perched on headstones for a look at the dignitaries around the chief s grave, took in almost the entire sweep of Ireland’s fight for freedom down the years. Now the man whom many regard as the father of modern Ireland joined that select company, at tended by a few tottering survivors of the 1916 uprising who stood at the graveside, their medals glittering in the late summer sunshine. An Irish-American mourner, Princess Grace of Monaco, an old friend of the De Valera family, stood out in the ring of official mourners that included U.S. Secretary of Labor John Dunlop and Sen. James L. Buckley, Con-R, N.Y. Also at graveside, their rifles held upside down in tribute to the com mandant at Boland’s Bakery, the last to surrender in the Easter Mon day rising, was an honor guard of army cadets from the same unit De Valera sent to Washington for Pres ident John F. Kennedy’s funeral. His coffin draped in the tricolor of the Irish republic that he helped bring about, De Valera on his last ride through public was taken past the general post office, where the silent crowds were 15 deep. Here in 1916 the republic was proclaimed by rebels who came out on bicycles and by street car to take on the British Army. Prime minister of Ireland for 21 years and president for 13, De Val era in his 92 years had also been a country school master, a professor of mathematics, actor at the Abbey Theater, guerrilla chief, gun run ner, jail breaker, member of both British and Irish parliaments, pres ident of the League of Nations and the foremost exponent of the motto "England’s difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity.” An immigrant who went the other way, De Valera was born in New York, which probably saved his life and propelled him to the forefront of Irish rebel politics when the other 15 leaders of the Easter Monday re bellion were shot by a British firing squad. No tombstone yet has been raised to De Valera but his monumental- ready is atop Dublin castle, tile tricolor of the Irish republic: green for Ireland, orange for Ulster, white for the principle of unity of purpose that would some day reunite them, but alas not in his long lifetime. Ford says advisors may go into Mideast Pay: $2.26, $2.36, $2.45 per hour. Football Sign-up meeting: 6:30 p.m. Thursday Sept. 4, 1975 Room 267, G. Rollie White. U.S. can’t solve it alone Other officials needed for: softball, tennis, soccer, volleyball, track & field, basketball, waterpolo, swim ming and handball. Questions ?: contact John Meyer-Intramural Office- Deware Field House 845-2624. Associated Press WASHINGTON — President Ford and Treasury Secretary Wil liam E. Simon told other world leaders Tuesday the United States cannot single-handedly end the world’s recession. “No country can expect the ac tions of others to resolve its prob lems, Ford told delegates attend ing the annual meeting here of the 127-member International Monet ary Fund and the World Bank. Some nations and IMF director Johannes Witteveen have urged the United States, Germany and Japan to take additional steps to boost their own economies and help end the recession in the rest of the world. “We respectfully disagree,” Simon told the delegatesVToo many of our current domestic troubles are rooted in such excesses in the past.” Simon told newsmen earlier Tuesday he is satisfied with the pace of the U.S. recovery from recession. “My concern is not that we have done enough; my concern is that we have done too much,” he said. Ford said in his brief remarks that “a sound, healthy and growing U.S. economy is the best lasting con tribution this nation can make to other nations. Order Now for Christmas and Graduation A&M RING CREST JEWELRY Beautiful replica of your A&M ring. Finely crafted, custom made. Also, now available in White Gold-in 10K items only.’ Order from: * White Gold-$3.00 added to Student Finance Center regular price of 10K item. Room 217 - MSC 845-1114 Items 1/10 10K Gold 10K Gold Pin & Guard $11.50 $28.50 Disc Charm $10.50 $34.50 Pendant w/24” 1/20 10K chain $13.00 $26.75 Cufflinks $15.50 $47.00 Tie Tac $8.25 $21.50 Tie Bar $11.00 $42.00 Guard (only) $5.00 $9.00 Allow 8 weeks for delivery! While the United States will as sist expansion and trade and do its part to promote prosperity in other countries, he said he remains con cerned about a resurgence of infla tion that could retard the nation’s economic recovery. “Each government must make its own difficult choices about its own problems," Ford said. “No country can expect the actions of others to resolve its problems. And no coun try should follow policies designed to solve its economic problems at the expense of others. In his speech, Simon said it “would be unrealistic” to expect any single country could lead the rest of the world out of recession. The IMF includes three Com munist countries. A spokesman said Tuesday that the new Communist government of South Vietnam has claimed the South Vietnamese seat without protest from other mem bers. The other countries are Romania and Yugoslavia. Neither the Soviet Union nor Communist China is a member. Associated Press The Ford administration pre dicted Tuesday that Congress will approve stationing American tech nicians in the Sinai Desert under terms of the new Israeli-Egyptian accord. Egyptian officials prepared to leave for Geneva for formal signing of the pact, and Israeli officials sought its approval by the Knesset, or parliament. Presidential spokesman Ron Nes- sen said the White House gave ad vance notification to 29 congres sional leaders Monday before the Israeli-Egyptian agreement was made public and most of them indi cated their approval. He said President Ford expects Congress’approval "within a couple of weeks. ” Some members of Congress, in cluding Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, D-Mont., fear that the dispatch of up to 200 Americans to operate monitoring stations in the desert buffer zone could lead to another Vietnam-type involve ment. But Nessen said he sees “no similarities with the Vietnam situa tion. Israeli officials were awaiting ap proval of the pact by parliament on Wednesday. The ruling Labor party and two small coalition parties held central committee meetings and ag reed to support the pact. Political observers said their action would provide 69 or 70 votes out of the 120-seat parliament. Diplomatic sources in Geneva said the formal signing would he held Thursday afternoon in the Palais des Nations before American and Soviet observers and Gen. Ensio Siilasvuo of Finland, cliiel coordinator of U.N. forces in (lit Middle East. Secretary of State Kissinger, who shuttled between Israel and Egypt for 12 days to accomplish the ag reement, flew to Saudi Arabia on Tuesday and assured King Klialed that the United States will notrela\ its drive for a final Mideast settle ment. He left there for Jordan anil talks with King Hussein, then plan ned to continue to Damascus and finally home to Washington. Khaled, successor to assassinated King Faisal, wants Israel to relin quish all territory captured during the 1967 October war, including East Jerusalem taken from Jordan The Sinai agreement carries no commitment for negotiations on the Syrian and Jordanian fronts. However, the pact does describe the desert withdrawal as one phase toward an over-all settlement. Under the accord, Israel agreesto vacate 1,9(X) square miles of desert that it captured from Egypt in 1967 — 1,520 square miles to go to the U.N. force for an expanded buffer zone between the two armies and the rest to Egypt. The new buffer zone includes the Gidi and Mitla passes, the traditional invasion route through the Sinai mountains. Egypt will take over the old U.N. zone just east of the Suez Canal as well as the Abu Rudeis oilfields on the east coast of the Gulf of Suez and an access corridor to them. Israel and Egypt both pledge to refrain from the threat or use of ; force, and Egypt agrees to allow nonmilitary cargoes going toafrom Israel to pass through the Suez Canal. If you’re taking these courses SCHEDULE Engineering Design Graphics Environmental Design Landscaping Design All Architectural, Art & Engineering Courses BER0L TECHNICAL PENS The newest advancement in techni cal pens. Build your own set. Clog- free! BRUNING ELECTRIC ERASER Cord or Cordless . . t ... » . DRAFTING BOARDS All sizes you need us. 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