Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1975)
THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1975 Page 3 I \KI\1IW cu r 3 Miles N.on Tabor Road Saturday Night: Jim Ed Brown & The Gems with the Gate Sisters From a \ p ni STAMPEDE Every Thursday Nite (ALL BRANDS BEER 35 cents) Every Tuesday Nite LADIES FREE MEN $2.00 Ail Brands Beer 35c 8-12 Music furnished by the Brazos Sounds 1 Henry Wellnitz (left) and Al Valdez once boxed for a living and were proud members of the 1st Infantry Division and 173rd Airborne, respectively. Now manager and assistant and manager of Duncan Dining Hall at Texas A&M, they leave the gloves on the peg when they disagree. Summer cruise expects 14 girls J COLLEGE STATION — In three weeks the midshipmen of the Texas Maritime Academy will begin their annual two-month summer cruise with a bumper crop of coeds aboard. Dr. William H. Clayton, provost of Texas A&M University’s TMA, said at least 12 to 14 girls will be among the 200 students expected aboard the 15,000-ton Texas Clip- Now a new way to save money at FedMart U.S.D.A. Inspected CALF It’s lean! It’s nutritious! It costs a lot less than beef. The price of beef is very high again. But now you can do something about it. Serve your family FedMart’s U.S.D.A. Inspected Calf. Check our prices below and you’ll find that Calf costs you substantially less than heavy beef, especially at FedMart’s low prices. It’s a great way to give your food budget a lift. FedMart’s Calf is about eight months old. It’s younger and leaner than mature, heavy beef with a greater proportion of tissue and less fat. Your family will like it and you’ll like the savings. And because Calf is primarily grass-fed, it makes more grain available to help feed the world’s hungry. Of course, FedMart continues to offer you U.S.D.A. Choice beef at lower prices than you’d find elsewhere. Grocery Savings 1 gal. carton ^ _ _ FM Low Fat Milk .. $1.20 16 oz. pkg. Individually Wrapped . FM Cheese Food .$1.17 Wisconsin Mellow FM Cheddar Cheese $1.31 ib. 1 lb. package Rath Bacon $1.39 1 lb. package, Oscar Mayer Ham Steaks $2.39 9 oz. pkg. Morton Honey Buns .... 59tf 12 oz. pkg. Downy Flake Waffles .. 530 17 oz. pkg., Sara Lee Cheese Cake $1.39 24 oz. pkg. Gorton Fish Sticks ... $1.67 1 lb. pkg. Gorton Perch Fillets ... 970 32 oz. jar Kraft Miracle Whip ... $1.13 9 oz. can, Twin Pack Pringles Potato Chips .. 830 Produce Savings Large Size, California Avocados 290 ea. California *\r\ Valencia Oranges . 230 ib. Large Stalks r>r\ California Celery .. 290 ea. 8 Ib. bag. US #1 Russet Potatoes 890 Yellow Onions 190ib. 8 oz. package Fresh Mushrooms 590 Firm Heads Green Cabbage 140 ib. Sunkist Lemons . 12 for 590 Calf Leg Sirloin Steak $1.19 lb. Calf Shoulder Blade Roast 690 lb. Calf Leg Round Steak $1.29 ib. - < ■ ■■ * , T -' Calf Leg Tip Steak . $1.49 ib. Calf Shoulder Blade Steak .... 790 lb. Calf Rib Chops . .. . $1.19 ib. Calf Shoulder Arm Roast .... 890 lb. Calf Cubed Steak . . $1.69 ib. Calf Leg Rump Roast . . . . .... 990 lb. Calf for Stew . $1 .1 9 lb. Calf Breast .... 49d ib. Grocery Savings 29 oz. can, Heavy Syrup FM Fruit Cocktail ...590 48 oz. bottle $1.59 FM Vegetable Oil 32 oz. bottle, Lemon-Lime Gatorade ...450 46 oz. can FM Apple Juice . 650 2 Ib. carton, Kraft Velveeta Cheese .... $1.53 28 oz. bag Adolphus Rice 620 18 oz. bottle, Garden Club Grape, Strawberry, Plum, Blackberry Apple Base Jelly 590 20 qt. box FM Non Fat Dry Milk . $3.89 Box of 100, Filter Thru FM Tea Bags $1.07 24 oz. jar, Garden Club Salad Mustard 390 1 gal. bottle, Rich’n Ready Breakfast Orange Drink 890 17 oz. can, Very Young FM Sweet Peas 330 Household Savings For eight interesting, different, economical, and delicious meat dishes, pick up a free Calf recipe folder at the Calf display at FedMart.® Monday thru Friday 9:30 AM to 7 PM/Saturday 9:30 AM to 6 PM/Closed Sunday The Consumer’s Friend Since1954 FedMart Family Savings Centers 701 University Drive East (at Tarrow St.), College Station Prices effective thru Tuesday, May 27, 1975. 20 Ib. box, Low Foam FM Detergent . $4.45 84 oz. box, 250 Off Label Cheer Detergent . $1.87 21 oz. can FM Cleanser ...260 15.5 oz. can Marvel Dog Food ...140 61 oz. box Clorox II . . . $1.27 32 oz. bottle, 25® Off Label Listerine . . . $1.57 Flicker Shaver.... . $1.25 ea. ' per when it sails June 8 for a cruise around the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Many of the students will be sophomore, junior and senior cadets who operate the ship under the supervision of the academy’s of ficers and staff. Others will be participants in TAMU’s “Summer School at Sea and earn up to six hours credit in mathematics, English, history', and geography. Satellite communications gear will he aboard for transmission of experimental data. An Automatic Picture Transmission Satellite will furnish them with infrared and visi ble pictures from space. They will also conduct ground truth rain rate experiments for NASA. Satellite rain measurements from space will he correlated with actual shipboard measurements. Surface measurements will he taken with precision radiation thermometers, measurements of temperature and water depth will he taken by electronic hathyther- mography, in addition to chlorophyll content of the water, sa linity, and wind speed. Itinerary for the two-month jaunt includes Mayport, Florida, where the cadets will participate in a firefighting school, then on to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Caracas, Venezuela; St. Nicolaas, Aruba; Kingston, Jamaica; Miami, Florida; hack to Houston August 3 and the final leg to Galveston Au gust 4. Relocation; Partially good, partially bad COLLEGE STATION — Re searchers have found that when the state of Texas decides to come through the middle of your house, it usually turns out to he partially good news and partly had news. A team of Texas Transportation Institute transportation economists at Texas A&M University analyzed the experiences of residents relo cated from their homes as a result of highway location in several areas of the state. Before relocation, monthly hous ing payments average $50 for homeowners and $80 for renters. After relocation, payments rose to $90 and $105, respectively. Relocation housing payments ap proved under the 1970 Uniform Re- .... location Assistance and Real Prop- . erty Acquisition Policies Act ena bled many respondents to upgrade their housing and neighborhood ac commodation. At least 60 percent upgraded their housing, including 40 percent who did so voluntarily by spending more than was necessary merely to secure decent, safe, and sanitary housing or housing com- . parable to their original homes. About 82 percent of the respon dents liked their new houses and neighborhoods about the same as or better than the previous ones. Sup plemental housing payments also encouraged home ownership. Half of the tenants became owners after relocation. Despite monthly housing pay ment increases for many house holds, only half of these thought that their financial position had worse ned. Generally, most respondents thought that (1) housing and moving payments were adequate; (2) the re- •• location program and relationship - with the State Highway Depart ment were either good or very good; 'ja and (3) the State Highway Depart- ‘ Y ment successfully solved most of the problems and provided most of the* services associated with relocation. P?'* There [S a ! difference!!! S VI fee • PREPARE FOR: | . LJkK. L S A T Over 35 years of experience and success Small classes study materials Voluminous home ^ fit Courses that are _ constantly updated* fe Make-ups for missed lessons • • EDUCATIONAL CENTER A TES4 PREPARATION ^ SPECIALISTS S«NCE 1931 k# 1«75 E*»t 1M* Str*« ftroofctyn. N 7 U27§ life. 5 THOUSANDS HAVE RAISED THEIR SCORES Call: 214 750-0317 or Write: 11300 No. C. Exp. Dallas, Tex. 75231 For class schedules • *: •Yfvl. • - 121?) 3?*-S3O0 . Branches in Major U.S. Cities , . ■ ■