Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1975)
-> ofC| profess hartiyf vices srj n the He Dallas. 1902,i ■ resides n fcr| -arrol r of ring xas kk\ ementi professo mingh he »i theDe Sul E«. 1935sit : B.A.4 2 Colb from is He If jfessioni lingbea ademy aaaw tion, ipotts Good owim M-ies, deal c Cowan’s W auto parts, ka nerds d* k rmy grew 5 Blue-Mess & incoat. Media Mi write DirttfJ 1 :olo. 80913 Kl Call Ci\bi rED time [lift ,1; ige 3 Me# . Jui is 778fii for ctor iley w Six senior cagers play in last game tomorrow By DAVID WALKER Staff Sports Writer Saturday’s A&M-Texas match will be the final regular season game for six seniors: Jerry Mercer, Mike Floyd, Webb Williams, Cedric Joseph, John Thornton, and Chuck Tone. John Thornton and Chuck Tone are junior college transfers but the other four have been at A&M for four years and have played in 51 victories, the second largest total in A&M history. The 1922 seniors played in 53 victories, a total this year’s seniors could surpass in post season play. Jerry Mercer came to A&M from Houston Cypress-Fairbanks High School. He was all-state in both football and basketball at Cy-Fair and also lettered in track. He has started every game since the begin ning of his junior year. His career high of 18 points was against Stephen F. Austin and Baylor last year. His high of 18 rebounds was against Sam Houston State Univer sity this year. Cedric Joseph also was a high school All-American. He played for Ft. Worth Arlington Heights. Joseph was district most valuable player for two years and was named Texas Player of the Year his senior year. He was Freshman of the Year in the Southwest Conference. He holds the A&M varsity rebounding record with 23 against San Angelo in his sophomore year'. Career high scoring was 25 against Rice. Mike Floyd came to A&M as an all-state player from Rockford, Il linois. He, like Joseph, was also MVP of his district twice. Floyd was hampered by injuries last year but is still the fourth lead ing Aggie scorer. During his playing days at A&M he has earned the nickname, “Mr. Clutch. It was never more evident than in the Ar kansas game when he hit a despera tion jump shot with two seconds left in the game to give the Aggies vic tory. One of Floyd’s highlights was a three-game stint when he hit 46 straight free throws as a sophomore. Aggie coach Shelby Metcalf has often said that Floyd is the best guard that he has coached in his 15 years at A&M. Webb Williams was an all-district and all-state basketballer at Com stock High. He played 20 games last year and played all 25 games this year. Shelby Metcalf said at his weekly press conference he has kicked himself 1500 times for not red-shirting Williams his freshman year. “Webb isjust now coming into his own and is really helping us, I just hate to see him go now that he is coming along so well.’’ Chuck Tone is one of the two Aggie seniors who has played at A&M only two years. Tone transfer red from Iowa Central Junior Col lege, fall of 1972. He was an all district and all-state in high school at Grinnel High. He was a part-time starter as a junior at A&M before sitting out last year. Coach Shelby Metcalf tells that Tone should write a book called “Come Out of That Zone.’’ Tone is known for his out side bombing that tends to make teams change from zone to a man- to-man defense. John Thornton, like Tone, is a junior college transfer. Thornton came from San Antonio Jr. College in 1973. Thornton was twice all-city and all-district at San Antonio Holmes High School. He became a starter during the last half of the season last year and went on to become the Aggies’ Most Valuable Player. Thornton is team captain for this year. His career high was against Baylor last year with 31 points. Ip inttii* ‘ st* 11 ' el with W 1 * s. For in^ eat ’ashtf' fenc^ 1 exas III When you need a calculator you need it now. No waiting for delivery. Your University Calculator Center has the largest inventory of quality units available anywhere. Plus, we specialize in the calculator requirements of the college student. / ‘ i V" f / * -A C' '' + - / ^ s c/ i # * % / r ■ / .I V< / f B ' W ll i Wm HP-45 From HEWLETT-PACKARD, manufacturers of the most advanced, quality calculators in the industry. HP-45. A highly advanced science and engineering pocket calculator. Pre-programmed to solve complex problems with unprecedented speed. Performs trigonometric functions in any of 3 selectable angular modes. Instant conversion to or from degrees/minutes/ seconds. 9 addressable memory registers. Even does register arithmetic. 4-register operational stack. Polar coordinates in any of the four quadrants can be converted to or from rectangular coordinates. Performs vector arithmetic. Metric conversions. Also, common and natural logs. Calculates mean and standard deviation. Scientific notation. And, much more. $245.00 LOUPOT’S Northgate Across From The Post Office University Calculator Center Service Mark Incorporated Application Calculators Incorporj © 1974 Application Calculators Incorporated Coach Shelby Metcalf and head trainer, Billy Pickard, get a shower after Ags win 1969 SWC crown. Will Metcalf get another Saturday? Ags can clinch title with win over Texas By DAVID WALKER Staff Sports Writer When it comes to sports the Aggie dream is to win a champion ship against the Texas Longhorns on the last day of the season. The Aggies have a chance to realize that dream Saturday as they host the Longhorns in the 1975 Southwest Conference champion ship game. The Aggies have a one- game lead over Texas Tech and Ar kansas with only the Texas game left on the schedule. A victory over the Homs would give the Aggies the undisputed SWC championship, their first since 1969, and a trip to Lubbock next weekend to play in the Midwest Pre-Regional. The Aggies and Horns got to gether earlier this season in Austin with the Aggies winning 80-74. That win came at the end of a two-game road trip that saw the Aggies take wins over Texas and Texas Tech. That was the first big two-game road trip. The second on-the-road biggie was completed Tuesday night in Dallas when the Aggies, taking part in the SWC title race, crunched the SMU Mustangs 100-77. A&M, now 19-6 on the year, has a chance to win 20 games for the first time ever if they defeat Texas. With the road trips behind them for awhile, the Aggies are concen trating on the Longhorns. The Horns are 6-7 in the SWC and 10-14 on the year. The Texas game in Austin earlier this season was close all the way and Aggie coach Shelby Metcalf doesn’t see it any different this time. “Texas is going to be tough, they always are,’’ Metcalf said. “They are going to be a lot tougher than they were against Tech on TV last week. Krueger and Johnson had bad games against Tech, but they won’t against us, they always play good against us.” John Thornton was the leading Aggie scorer against Texas in Austin with 17 points. Jerry Mercer was the leading rebounder for the Ags with 11. The game was played be fore a turn-away crowd of 8,000. Saturday’s game is expected to have another turn-away crowd as there will be no closed circuit TV. The game will be televised by TVS. Game time 2:10 with the gates opening at 12:30. All reserved tick ets are sold out but general admis sion tickets will go on sale at 12:30 when the gates open. For those who don’t get in or don’t hitye cable TV you can hear the game on KTAM with Mike Mis- tovich announcing. mERLE noRmAn COSmETIC STUDIO University Square Shop will be open until 8:00 p.m. Monday through Fri day. Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. All members of ZETA TAU ALPHA please contact Laurie Ernest at 846-8148 IMMEDIATELY Luggage Carriers Custom made *18 80 to ‘BO 00 SPECIALLY MADE FOR FOREIGN CARS, COMPACT CARS. VW BUSES AND CAMPERS. ALLOW 2 DAYS AT LEAST FOR ASSEMBLY. 846-0171 B-CS FLEA MARKET Opens March 15&16 1800 S. Texas College Station HANDICRAFTS, COLLECTABLES, JEWELRY, HOUSE HOLD ITEMS AND MORE. . . Space Available $3.00/day Reservations 822-6590 EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Remaining Presentations: KteitTolB Gordon Tullock crime:economic or social? 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