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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1975)
*, HE BATTALION Page 3 jtlNESDAY, MARCH5, 1975 m proposes ways to lower fatality numbers ■Today Texans are walking away mm accidents that almost certainly ftuldhave meant death or serious injury a few years ago. [New types of bridge rails and iftardrails are considered responsi- e for cutting certain fatal accidents y more than half in the state, re- ort TAMU researchers from the »xas Transportation Institute TI). “Guardrails, curbs and dividers structures present on or near idges that account for half of the tal accidents with fixed objects,” id Dr. R. M. Olson. “The percen- ge of fatal accidents occurring at end of a bridge rail has de based in Texas probably because a amber of new smooth, structurally mnd transitions between guar- rails on bridge approaches and the ridge rail.’’ Their report also noted the major- y of fatalities occurred at night on ry, good pavement and 80 percent fthem at speeds of more than 50 liles per hour. Olson noted they are recom- lending higher barriers with reakaway devices and elimination fcurbs. Crafts classes o be offered t local school The Community Education Prog am is adding sections in four ourses currently offered. A five-week session in macrame rill begin Monday at South Knoll ilementary School. Sessions will un each Monday night from 7 to 9 nd registration is $5. A section of needlepoint will also legin on Monday at South Knoll vith a session to be offered from 7 3.m. to 9 p.m. March 10 and 17 inly. Registration fee is $2. A six-week, session of auto maintenance will start March 13 vith a $5 registration. Beginning March 27 at the high chool is a session of woodshop. Re- pstration fee is $6. Reservations can be made by eal- ing Ernest Harvell, the Commun- ty Education director, at 846-3820. BIG FOOD SALE! OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. WE ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMPS SPECIALS IN THIS AD GOOD THURS., MAR. 6-12, 1975. U.S.D.A. CHOICE GOLD LABEL BONELESS SWISS STEAK LB l 0 ’ BONELESS ENGLISH CUT ROAST lb.I” LEAN RIBS for BARBECUE lb 69 EXT HA LEAN SMOKED SELECTED PICNICS lb 69 EXTRA LEAN SLICED PICNICS lb 75 SMOKED HAM HOCKS . lb 65 IS POTATOES w STALK 29' TODAY SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS meets at 5 p.m. in room 7 ofZachry Engineering Center for yearbook picture and a business meeting. 1 PASO HOMETOWN CLUB meets at 7:30 p.m.' in Lounge B in the Corps Area. PRE-VET SOCIETY meets at 7 p.m. in room 203 of Zachry for yearbook pictures and a short meet ing. SENIOR CLASS COUNCIL meets at 7:30 p.m. in room 502 of the Rudder Tower. CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT hosts a graduate lec ture by Prof. Kenneth J. Klabunde of the Univer sity of North Dakota at 4 p.m. in room 231 of the Chemistry Building. Topic is “Organic Chemis try of Metal Vapors.” METEOROLOGY SEMINAR features Dr. J. J Stephens of Florida State University at 1 p.m. in room 210 of the O&M Bldg. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS DEPT, will pres- entaseminarby Dr. A. F. Spilhaus titled "Poten tial Food Production from the Sea and the Growth in Population" at 1:15 p.m. in rm. 226 of the Library. ECONOMICS DEPT, will present a seminar by M. 0. Reynolds entitled “A Model of IQ, Occupa tion, and Earnings.” The seminar will be at 3.30 p.m. in rm. 209 of the Harrington Center. CHEMISTRY DEPT, will present the following seminars: 11 a. m. Faculty recruiting seminar in rm. 1032 of the Chemistry Annex. 2 p.m. “Ap proaching Enzyme Models with Crown Ethers” in rm. 1032 of the Chemistry Annex. 4 p.m. “Organic Chemistry of Metal Vapors in rm. 231 of the Chemistry Bldg. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY seminar on “The Role of the Manufacturer’s Representative" will be at 3 p.m. in rm. 305 of Fermier. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING will present a lec ture entitled “Applications of acoustic Emission in Evaluating the Stability of Geologic Structures and Materials" in rm. 102 of Zachry. GRADUATE LECTURE will be presented by Dr. Walter Rundall at 4 p.m. in rm. 204 of the Har rington Center. THURSDAY MARINE BIOLOGY ASSOCIATION presents Dr. Thomas Bright discussing the marine life of the Gulf of Mexico at 7:30 p.m. in Library room 226. DR. P. B. VISSCHER will speak on “Time- Correlation Functions and Chemical Reaction Rates” in room 146 of the Physics Bldg, at 4 p. m. WATER SKI CLUB is meeting at 7:20 p.m. in rm. 225 of the MSC. Dues and a club outing to Lake Conroe will be discussed. "Juptnamba 1 "Eddie Dominguez ’66 Joe Arciniega 74 Greo Price us. No. 1 MILD YELLOW ONIONS 3^ G 39 . CALIFORNIA LARGE w ^ FRESH CRISP CELERY.. .. GARDEN FRESH CRISP CARROTS , LB BAr 27< GARDEN TENDER ••1LB.BAG-*# GREEN CABBAGE lb15 < FRESH TENDER ^ YELLOW CORN ear 3 for 55' GARDEN FRESH BELL PEPPERS LB 49c TEXAS RUBY RED ’ ‘ ’ GRAPEFRUIT 5 .LB. 49' 4 for! 00 FOR l 00 U.S. No. 1 ALL-PURPOSE, RUSSET LB. BAG TOMATOES LARGE SIZE CALIFORNIA AVOCADOS SWEET TEXAS JUICY ORANGES .12 for1 0< CALIFORNIA NEW CROP MANDARIN ORANGES LB 29 SUNKIST CALIFORNIA LEMONS lb 39 PRETTY BOY BRAND WILD BIRD SEED blb bag99 PRETTY BOY BRAND SUNFLOWER BIRD SEED. 2 LB BAG 89 HAMPATTIES 2 caS z 1 69 SINGLETREE CRYOVAC SAUSAGE LB. OSCAR MAYER BOLOGNA MEAT OR BEEF FRANKS 1 LB. PKG. OSCAR MAYER RATH MEAT WIENERS 12 OZ. 99* 12 OZ. MARKET SLICED BACON lb V 5 “LITTLE SIZZLERS" HORMEL i2oz89* HEAT & EAT" CONVENIENCE FOODS BREADED BREADED » _ r . „, n Beef Paties. LB.98' Flounder Fillets . . LB.I 1 * FULLY COOKED XLNTBRAND Corn Dogs LB 98' Brick Chili .. 8 oz. 79' BREADED XLNT BRAND Fish Sticks LB. 69' Tamales 6 CT. PKG.1 19 BREADED FILLETS Ocean Perch XLNT BRAND Burritos GLADIOLA FLOUR 10 CT. BOX TRASH BAGS BAGGIES COFFEE FOLGER'S liSl 79 FOLGER’S HUNGRY JACK 2 LB. Coffee i lb. 99' Pancake Mix. .69' CHUNK LIGHT TUNA DETERGENT 22 OZ. Star Kist ... c?n 49' ChlffonLiquid . 49' BLEACH Purex HUNTS Peaches SOFT PLY 5 LB. BAG "UMIT 1 WITH $7.50 PURCHASE OR MORE PLEASE / II you want the real Ithlng, not frozen or canned ... We call ft "Mexican Food Supreme." Dallas location;: ’ "3071 Northwest Hwy." 352-85 70 JUMBO TOWELS ORANGE JUICE 12 OZ.CAN GREEN GIANT NIBLETS 303 CAN FRENCH GREEN BEANS UNCLE BEN'S CAT FOOD Friskies SURE Deodorant ANTISEPTIC SCOpe 24 OZ. 1 IMPERIAL MARGARINE IMPERIAL MARGARINE 59' LUX BAR BATH SOAP 49' 2 FORI Limit 2 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker and Kmart Foods. Expires 3-12-75. SAVE 13' °2 n With 3 his Coupon PITTER PATTER COOKIES 78' 16 OZ. Limit with coupon. One/ DO coupon per family. Good only ( “V at Lewis & Coker and KmartV v Jl' th Foods. Expires. 3-12-75. V-°up 2700 SOUTH TEXAS AVE