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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1975)
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1975 Congressional action Ford’s energy proposals Favi £ ‘headed for trouble By WASHINGTON (AP) — Legisla tion to block the first part of Presi dent Ford’s energy program won Senate committee approval Wed nesday but it appeared that if the bill passes, the Senate may have trouble overriding Ford’s expected veto. The bill, already passed by the House, would suspend for 90 days Ford’s $3-per-barrel special tax on imported oil, giving Congress time to write its own energy program. Ford s plan is intended to discour age energy use by driving up prices. A White House press spokesman said after the 12-2 Finance Commit tee vote: “The President just be lieves Congress is wasting time try ing to delay action’ and should be working instead on his economic- energy legislation. Although 54 of the 100 senators are sponsors of the delay bill, up to 67 votes would be required to over ride the veto. Democrats hold 61 Senate seats and could be expected to pick up eight or 10 Republicans on an override attempt, but there is doubt enough Democrats could stick together to enact the delay over a veto. against it, including chairman Rus sell B. Long, D-La. “The President’s program will become less popular as it becomes more clearly understood,” Long told reporters after the committee session. “But it has the advantage of moving us towards solutions to a problem that has been plaguing us for over a year.’’ Sen. Bob Packwood, R-Ore., who with Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., op posed the measure in committee, said he favors Ford’s energy plan, based on higher fuel costs, because it is better than rationing. Packwood noted Senate Democ rats are working on an alternative that would include a gradually rising gasoline tax, but said for a tax to be effective it would have to increase taxes by 55 or 60 cents a gallon. The tentative Democratic plan would provide a 10-cent hike. The bill allowing the 90-day delay is expected to reach the Senate floor for debate next Monday, but it is doubtful it can be passed without four or five days of discussion al though plans for a filibuster have been dropped. Such a filibuster would delay a vote on a bill, asked by Ford, raise the ceiling on the national from the current S495 billion! $531 billion through June 30, That House-passed bill unanimous approval of the Finn Committee on Wednesday. At least three of the 12 Finance Committee members who voted to send the bill to the floor will vote FBI asks for stiff handgun law ‘Legitimate and proper’ use shouldn’t be stopped DALLAS (AP) — FBI Director Clarence Kelley suggested mandat ory sentences Wednesday for per sons convicted of a crime involving a handgun. “Handguns were involved in over half the murders committed in 1973,” Kelley told the Greater Dal las Crime Commission. “More must be done to keep these lethal weapons out of criminal and irres ponsible hands.” He said he was not opposed to the “legitimate and proper use” of guns, but that regulations pertaining to handguns must be “strictly and vig orously” enforced. Citizen involvement, Kelley said, is essential for crime reduction. He compared citizen action to the “Hue and Cry” concept in early England, where citizens were called to assist police in crime prevention. In a news conference before his address, Kelley said there is no “secret or undisclosed relationship” between the FBI and the Bell tele phone system. “If we get information from them which is obtained in a legal manner, we can open a case and proceed with it,” he said. But, Kelley later told his audi ence, a provision in the Omnibus Crime Act of 1968 makes it illegal for the FBI to “proceed with infor mation tainted from its inception. There have been reports from un identified police officials that fed eral agencies still work with tele phone companies on unauthorized wiretaps, and that they regularly trade information of mutual in terest. The FBI director denied know ledge of such practices, saying, “I do not condone unauthorized taps or intrusions into telephone conversa tions.” Although Kelley said he favors “regular” reporting by the FBI to Congress, he said he is opposed to a citizen review board to oversee the bureau. He said the FBI does not know the whereabouts of fugitive news paper heiress Patty Hearst, who has been missing for more than a year, but, “We sincerely feel we will find her.” A separate group of agents in San Francisco and Los Angeles is* signed to the case and "leadson are given their primary attenfa Kelley said. 11e had m ixed news for the Dil police department with areportl crime in Dallas during thefirsta months of 1974 increased by 19pr cent over the same period in 191: Violent crime, includingaggravA assault, murder and robbery,! said, decreased by 14 percent. 1974. Bank directors name officers Bill Landiss was elected vice president of the University National Bank at the Board of Directors meeting in January. At that meeting Ruby Arnold and Jan Taylor were elected assistant vice presidents. Elected assistant cashier were Doris Newton and Kay Young. Landiss, who has been with the bank since 1960, is currently serving as head of the Installment Loan Department. Arnold was employed as head teller in 1970 and promoted to assistant cashier in 1973. Taylor, the first woman loan officer at University Nation, will head the bank’s newly created woman’s division. Head of the bookkeeping department, Newton has been at the bank for two years. Young, employed since 1968, is head of the note department. Tear gas guns converted for new criminal activity '/e/pTnamh m WASHINGTON (AP) — The government said Wednesday that the small tear gas devices used by women to repulse attackers are also being used to commit crimes and will henceforth be classified as firearms. WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word Minimum charge—$1.00 BATTALION CLASSIFIED harge Classified Display - column inch FOR RENT S1.5U per each insertion DEADLINE 3 p m. day before publication 1 bedroom furnished house. 402 Ennis. In Bryan. $65 monthly Call 822-2352 73t2 SPECIAL NOTICE FOR RENT OFFICAL NOTICE in STEREO EQUIPMENT 4 [m CREED L. FORD, 111 "Discount Prices on Name Brands” 414 Stasny No. 6 College Station 713 - 846-8329 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn TRAVIS HOUSE APTS. Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom Furnished or unfurnished All utilities paid Swimming pools 2 laundries Play yard Shuttle bus service From $155 505 Hwy. 30 846-6111 40tfn Will the artist who drew the tree which accompanied Marsha Burke’s Dreams this summer, please contact the Battalion, 845-2611. 63tfn SHAMROCK VILLAGE APTS. '• ■ one bedroom furnished utilities and cable paid convenient to shopping center 3 miles from TAMU 823-8041 846-3687 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Thompson, Charles Albert, Jr. Degree: Ph. D. in Microbiology Dissertation: INTERRELATIONSHIPS OF EN VIRONMENTAL FACTORS, VIBRIO PARAHAEMOLYTICUS, AND OTHER BAC TERIOLOGICAL INDICES OF OYSTERS, WATER, AND SEDIMENT FROM THE GULF OF MEXICO. The decision subjects the de vices, their owners and manufac turers to local, state and federal gun laws effective June 1. It was an nounced by the Treasury Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. It becomes effective June 1. buyers will be required to meet cer tain qualifications. Not all pen guns can be adapted to fire bullets, and Davis said the change in classifica tion is aimed at those models that can be converted into a lethal weapon. Models whose purpose of firing tear gas or signal flares cannot be altered will not be subject to the new regulations, he said. Eddie Dominguez If Joe Arciniega 74 Greg Price Snap! Giggle Cougl “All ri the prof final. “But, said hei honest, my fif thingh That’s a Forri dents, p suspect particul; ing chai ing heai tions vii by men Bean the ere student exam is is. Thr two she three ; 'Mtl • H' iii.i l Hii i .mi Two bedroom fornished house in Glen Oaks Mobile Park, 6 miles from campus on Hwy >30. Call 846-1865 after 5. 72tfn Time-. February 24, 1975 at 4:00 p.m. Place: Room 203 in the Animal Industries Bldg. Rex D. Davis, director of the bureau, said many models of the weapons, known as pen guns, are easily converted to firing small bul lets, from .22 to .32 caliber, with an effective range of up to 25 feet. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College Horse pasture and stalls, 846-7015. Rentals near campus, $60 a month. 846-8209. 71t4 Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preced ing publication. He said police agencies around the country “have reported to us an alarming incidence of the use of converted pen guns ...” Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set— Sizing— Reoxidizing— All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 If you want the real Ithlng, not frozen or canned ... We call It ‘‘Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 Apartment for rent for 2. $45 a piece, 846-5132. lOtfn HELP WANTED WORK WANTED EUROPE — ISRAEL — AFRICA — ASIA Travel discounts year-round. Student Air Travel Agency, Inc. 5299 Roswell Rd. Atlanta, Ga. 30342, 252-3433. 58tl6 ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES You may begin ordering graduation announcements January 20-February 21, at the Student Finance Center, Room 217, Memorial Student Center, Monday thru 59t20 Friday, 8:00-4:00. FOR SALE BROADMOOR APARTMENTS 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, central air & heat, panelled, carpeted & & draped, close to school. University Shopping Center, & Medical Center, $155. unfur- pai cable, or $130 unfurnished, $150 furnished including water and cable. 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 846-2737 NIGHT AUDITOR Hours 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. 5 Days per Week Apply starting Feb. 17 Mr. Hawley, Rodeway Inn 1601 Texas, Bryan Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. 392tfn Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. 822-0544. All kinds. 233tfn The Federal Aviation Administ ration has seized an estimated 3,000 to 5,000 of the weapons from per sons boarding aircraft, Davis said. He added that it was his under standing that most of the FAA- seized weapons had been converted to fire bullets. Typing, reasonable rates. Can do theses and disserta tions. 846-4960. 59t59 Roofing, painting and remodeling, 846-9470. 67tl6 Sell your used air conditioner to White’s Auto Store or trade on new Catalina home appliances. AKC toy poodle puppies, black, 589-2241. silver and apricot. 72t4 TREEHOUSE 846-5707 Kustom 150 amplifier. 822-7987. 1973 Honda, 175-CL, $550, condition. 693-3070. excellent 70t4 EFFICIENCIES 1974 Fiat 124 Spider. Low mileage, warranty. 846-0107 after 6. 71t4 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom ’71 two bedroom mobile home, 12x55, washer, drve 823-8613. 1969 Mustang, Mach I, 428cu. in., standard, $900. Call 693-2943. 71t4 RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77868 or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr. Fraley Ad ministrator. 308tfn $65 to $95 WK/PART TIME Unlimited earning potential in addressing en velopes at home. Companies pay top money for that “personal” touch. For further information regard ing opportunities with these companies, send $2 to Phoenix Advertising, P. O. Box 11707, Atlanta, Ga. 30305. 71t4 The pen guns, designed as a per sonal protective device to fire tear gas, frequently are carried by women in their handbags. Another model fires small signal flares for small boaters. Treat That Someone Special to a Special Treat at the Captain’s Table PERSONALS Davis said there were a number of other devices that women could use for protection, including whis tles and tear gas devices that cannot be converted into firearms. With a Champagne Dinner for two $10.95 or Any of the Other Delicious Dinners AVON Needs part-time help in this area. Call 846-8224 369tfn summer ■neurope CHARTERS LESS THAN 65 DAY ADVANCE PAYMENT REQUIRED U S. GOVT. APPROVED TWA PAN AM TRANSAVIA 707 707 707 Under the new regulations,. Davis said manufacturers and deal ers of pen guns will have to be licensed by the bureau and that Friday and Saturday 2900 Texas Avenue 822-2223 1/2 REG. / ECONOMY FARE uni-travel charters 4th ANNUAL PORTRAIT SALE • CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-325-4867 • ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. Oneand2bed- room furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. IVj SALE OR RENT miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on One or two people to work 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Also one or two to work weekends and two or three nights aweek. Salesor cashier experience helpful. Apply in person only, Whataburger, Bryan or College Station. 67tfn WANTED TR6 Triumph. 823-2369 after 6. borker photography Industrial Engineer. For information, write Director bf Industrial Operations, Fort Carson, Colo. 80913. 64tfn BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from cam Swimming pool, TV cable, ipus _ pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots, from $29. 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn 2 bedroom apartments, $90, Bryan. Appliances fur nished. Jacob Beal Agency, 823-5469 54tfn FOUND AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Ladies’ white gold watch. Call after 5, 693^4252. Found by G. Rollie. 72t3 APARTMENT PLACEMENT SERVICE (Formerly Apartment Selectors) 3200 South College 823-7506 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available Married students welcome. El Tr Gi Select Your Roommates Now And Reserve the Apt. of Your Choice for the Summer or Fall Semester We Will Show You a Selection of Apartments in the B-CS Area. Donna Brunton 823-8531 Murray Sebesta 846-3060