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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1974)
SITV N OF ORQi * s AW|, least o •two (9 “tofUdJ u,( l afiiUji eras), nj )r, pei»i,| "Ktliisni RuniWtli lerinj ^uldbeij s lo bed s already 3 cord n c3rape W> > /V Bistro SANDWICHES—PLATES—'WINE—^ BEER-IMPORTED CHEESE Open for Lunch: 10-9 Mon.-Thurs 10-10 Fri.-Sat. PITCHER OF MICHELOB BEER 60 oz. $1.25 Offer good 5-8 Mon.-Fri. 2-8 Sat. Located One Block North of Bank of A&M on Texas Ave. in old Tasty-Freeze College Station 693-3335 by iht continue fe paid fn : l lit i ready to;) in ad™ for retted,.] at the R •dered,n etemberj,] ? clerk is j 1 idelines o tion, i etary. ni nation, | of! itionforf jMWr mr\M INI OttflUl NUVT OUTT ” Jrn onwcomo wvt« ounoiio /^lOIESlAR^k ^HEAVY DUTYj i'IHORSE lijl! CATTLE ^ HAHueacrwato at . 1 TEXAS FARM PR00UCTSC0 | tucooncws Tl*AS • LASATER FEED & SUPPLY Hwy. 6 South at Rock Prairie Rd. phone 846-3764 complete line of horse feed and supplies Alfalfa Hay $4.50 Bale — ".<4- THE BATTALION Page 5 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1974 ( Campus briefs ) The 104-member precision marching unit includes 72 junior members of the Corps of Cadets. Senior members make new mem ber selection on the basis of academic standing, military achievement, character and extra- curriculur activities. New RV’s join ranks The Ross Volunteers will in duct 72 new members Thursday at a banquet. Texas Rep. Bill Presnal of Bry an will speak at the 7:30 p.m. banquet at the Aggieland Inn. Charles L. Harvey, RV’s com mander from Houston will preside. Trapeze swings with music The “Hues Corporation” and “Trapeze” will appear in a Town Hall Special Attraction Friday at 8 p.m. in G. Rollie White Coli seum. “Freedom for the Stallion,” “Miracle Maker” and “Rock the Boat” have been successive hit singles of the Hues Corporation. Trapeze takes the high wire with an album including “Bark Street Love,” “Take It On Down the Road” and “Midnight Flyer,” among others. Town Hall Chairman Doug Thorpe reminded that Town Hall Specials are non-series events, re quiring separate tickets for ad mission. They are on sale at the Rudder Center box office, on the first floor of the University Center Tower. ROTARY COMMUNITY SERIES IN COOPERATION WITH TAMU—TOWN HALL PRESENTS GEORGE BERNARD SHAW’S DON JUAN IN HELL STARRING RICARDO MONTALBAN ★ EDWARD MULHARE KURT KASZNAR and MYRNA LOY AS DONA ANA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1974 8:00 P.M. BRYAN CIVIC AUDITORIUM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT MSC BOX OFFICE (ON THE FIRST FLOOR OF THE RUDDER TOWER) 845-2916 OPEN 9-4 MON-FRI GENERAL PUBLIC $5 50 A&M STUDENT & DATE $2.50 EACH Consumers can save resources Dr. Albert J. Fritsch will speak Thursday in Great Issues’ “Quali ty of Life” series. “The Contrasumers: A Citizen’s Guide to Resource Conservation” titles Dr. Fritsch’s presentation. The public-free program will start at 8 p.m. in Room 601 of the Rudder Tower. Dr. Fritsch co-directs the Cen ter for Science in the Public In terest. Fritsch also serves as an ad visor to the National Council for the Public Assessment of Tech nology. Dr. Fritsch was formerly a science consultant for Ralph Na der’s Center for the Study of Responsive Law. He has written two books on the impact of science and public interest. He spoke at the United Nations Con ference on the Human Environ ment. Bulletin board TODAY MUSLIM STUDENTS ASSOCIATION will hold a Eid-ul-Fitr prayer meetintc at 7:45 a.m. in the All-Faith Chapel. TAMU HORSEMAN’S ASSOCIATION will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 215 of the Animal Industries Bldg. CIRCLE K will meet at 7 p.m. in room 228 of the MSC. GREAT ISSUES will present a speech entitled "ContrasOmers: A Citizen’s Guide to Resource Conservation,” at 8 p.m. in room 601 of the Rudder Tower. SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MILITARY ENGINEERS will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 209 of the Harrington Center. WOMEN’S AWARENESS WORKSHOP will meet at 8:30 p.m. in room 402 of the Rudder Tower. BOWLING CLUB will hold a constitu tional meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the MSC Bowling Alley. BLACK AWARENESS COMMITTEE will meet at 8 p.m. in room 229 of the MSC. RADIO COMMITTEE will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Programs Office, rooms L and M. SOPHOMORE CLASS COUNCIL will meet at 7 :30 p.m. in room 401 of the Rudder Tower. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING WIVES’ CLUB will meet for a trip to Bob's Green Thumb Nursery at 7 p.m. in room 128-B of the Zachry Engineering Center. WINTER GARDEN AREA HOMETOWN CLUB will meet at 8 p.m. in room 404 of the Rudder Tower. People in the Crystal City, Carrizo Springs, Asher- ton area are invited. Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In A#erie Rings. Diamonds Set— Sizing— Reoxidizing— All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ ASSO CIATION will hold an organizational meeting at 7 p.m. in room 226 of the MSC. CHESS CLUB will meet from 7 till 10:30 p.m. in room 301 of the MSC Tower. ARTS COMMITTEE will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Programs Office of the MSC. “MAKING AND BREAKING SUPER CONDUCTING ELECTRON PAIRS” at 4 p.m. in room 146 of the Physics Building. FRIDAY TOWN HALL will present Trapeze and the Hues Corporation for a special pre sentation at 8 p.m. in G. Rollie White Coliseum. Everyone must buy a ticket. BASEMENT COMMITTEE will continue its ’free tunes’ program from noon to 4 p.m. at the MSC fountain. CHESS CLUB will meet 7 to 11 p.m. in room 401 of the MSC Tower. India Association will observe Eid Celebra tions at 8 p.m. at 702B Cross Street. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ ASSO CIATION will hold an informal coffee hour 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the old Exchange Store. SATURDAY MIDLAND HOMETOWN CLUB will have a hamburger party after the game at 6 p.m. in Williamson Park. There will be a charge of $1.50 per person. A place happy to eat. The Tokyo Steak House is a place happy to eat The menu is traditional, the atmosphere authentic, the service polite, the food terrific. In the Teppan Yaki (iron grill) room, your choice of steak, shrimp, or chicken (plus bean sprouts, onions, zucchini and mushrooms) are cooked right on your table. Chef Toshio is a master of the Japanese cooking ceremony which makes cooking an adventure and eating a delight. There are chopsticks for purists, forks for those with hardy appetites and fortune cookies for everyone. Come as you are —but come hungry and in the mood to have a relaxing, happy dinner. TOKYO STEAK HOUSE Townshire/Texas Avenue/Bryan for reservations call 822-1301 Chinese Feast (7 traditional dishes for 2.95) Tuesday-Thursday SHIRTS ARE GOING INTO PRINT ! BOLD PRINTS, SOFT PRINTS. OLD PRINTS. NEW PRINTS. EVERY PATTERN SUITED TO YOUR STYLE... WITH THE COMFORT YOU LOVE TO LIVE IN. . .EASILY WASHABLE, N0-IR0N AND SIZED 5-13. REG. 14.00 iiisir{|os l«i moilc HOLIDAY INN SOUTH X MANSARD DINE OUT AND SAVE OVER $100.00 HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: ONLY $9.95 FARMER’S MARKET You pay for one dinner and receive one dinner )j free in each listed - restaurant one time. You and your guest(s) may select any dinner from the restaurant's regular menu. You need not order the same dinner as your guest. No restrictions or limitations of any kind. Present your mem- [ bership card only when presented with the bill. Your membership is normally valid five days a week. Sunday thru Thursday excluding days closed and holidays lisled. Your directory will list any excepticns or additions. Some restaurants are valid seven days a week. THE EPICUREAN DINNER CLUB PROGRAM begins October 15th, 1974 and runs thru April 15th, 1975. CALL - 846-1126 OR MONEY GUARANTEE BACK Examine your mem bership. If you are not satisfied, return all materials unused within 10 days for full refund. I enclose $. for membership(s) at $9.95 each r=j r=j r—U fwij r^J r=J r=J r=J r=J fcsj r=j r=j r»=Jr==J.c=jf=Jf=^f=j.[=?g r : |iK{igsJS^jjfe*S ORDER YOUR MEMBERSHIP NOW! MAIL APPLICATION TO: THE EPICUREAN DINNER CLUB ROUTE 3, BOX 573 BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 Name Address City CASA HOLIDAY CH1PULTEPEC ngpjii 3—C BARBEQUE w< m, ■), m. Mr 'fc v. 'i, 't. 'ir Mt--fc ’i. -’fL 1 ic=z;t.i’r^iE3iH^iS[^2^=pn-T?n^i^JH2^-.?iegrc:-.?i^i l Mc.-i, m