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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1973)
Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1973 READ BATTALION CLASSIFIEDS A place happy to eat. The Tokyo Steak House is a place happy to eat. The menu is traditional, the atmosphere authentic, the service polite, the food terrific. In the Teppan Yaki (iron grill) room, your choice of steak, shrimp, or chicken (plus bean sprouts, onions, zucchini and mushrooms) are cooked right on your table. Chef Toshio is a master of the Japanese cooking ceremony which makes cooking an adventure and eating a delight. There are chopsticks for purists, forks for those with hardy appetites and fortune cookies for everyone. Come as you are —but come hungry and in the mood to have a relaxing, happy dinner. TOKYO STEAK HOUSE Townshire/Texas Avenue/Bryan for reservations call 822-1301 V Chinese Feast (7 traditional dishes for 2.95) Tuesday-Thursday J The Opera and Performing Arts Society presents VAN CLIBURN in concert “There are gifted and great musicians today, but none is so beloved by his audience as Van Cliburn” —James Felton, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin 8 p. m. Thursday, December 13 Rudder Center Auditorium Van Cliburn Managed by Hurok Concerts, Inc. Tickets at Rudder Center Box Office Texas A&M University 845-2916 OPAS is a functioning committee of the Town Hall Committee of Texas A&M University. Rockefeller Resigns Governorship ALBANY, N. Y. <A>) _ Nelson A. Rockefeller resigned as gover nor of New York Tuesday after 15 years in office and insisted the decision was not part of a drive for the presidency. ‘T have concluded that I can render a greater public service to the people of New York and the nation by devoting myself to the work of two bipartisan national commissions,” Rockefeller told a news conference. The resignation will become ef fective next Tuesday, and Lt. Gov. Malcolm Wilson, a fellow Republi can and Rockefeller’s running mate in four election campaigns, will take over as governor. “My only regret is that my undertaking these tasks has been interpreted as a political maneu ver to seek the presidency,” Rockefeller said. “I am not a candidate for nomination for the presidency or for any other politi cal office. Whether I will become a candidate in the future, I do not know. I should like to keep my options Open.” He continued to issue disclaim ers under persistent questioning. State Republican leaders con tacted Tuesday, however, viewed the decision as a prelude to an other run at the White House. One state GOP chairman, South Carolina’s Kenneth C. Powell, said, “The more time you have to pursue anything, the better Gripes (Continued from page 1) quested to hold a meeting over a staff member’s dispute. Staff meetings have been held specifi cally to keep me out.” Ms. Ashwill’s paycheck was the one used to do this and she said she had agreed to do this only if she could get additional money, also. Rice showed the SPB financ ial recox-ds kept by his secretary that showed he only got about one-fifth of the vacant position’s money and that the other four- fifths went to the rest of the staff. Rice said he felt that in “emergency” situation he could pay himself more but since he lacked a real adviser on the mat ter he id what he though was right. Campus Briefs Outstanding Engineer An electrical engineering pro fessor in the College of Engineer ing has been named “Outstanding Young Engineer in Texas” by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. Dr. Thomas Rhyne, associate professor, was singled out for the honor by a statewide selection committee. His name will also be forwarded for consideration of national recognition by the Amer ican Society of Professional En gineers. North Pacific Experiment Long-range weather forecasting and subsequent fuel savings is one of several results anticipated from the North Pacific Experi ment (NORPAX), a portion of which is being researched here. The NORPAX study is being undertaken by several scientists and institutions and concerns the correlation between weather con ditions that develop in the North Pacific and move into the Conti nental United States. Firemen School Personnel from the Texas Fire men’s Training School will visit Weslaco for a three-day training school beginning Jan. 9. The school will be the 21st annual Rio Grande Valley Fire Department Conference, conduct ed jointly by the Engineering Extension Service and the Texas Education Agency. Discussions will be held in the Weslaco Service Center with reg istration starting at 6:45 p.m., Jan. 9. The program is spon sored jointly by the Lower Rio Grande Valley Firemen’s and Fire Marshals’ Association and the State Firemen’s and Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas. Dynamics of Carbon Study A study of the marine geo chemistry of carbon isotopes has been funded by the National Science Foundation. The project, headed by Dr. William M. Sackett, professor of Oceanography, wil consist of four areas of study, including the dynamics of carbon in the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Honors Graduate Marine 2nd Lt. George C. Siller, 1973 graduate, graduated in the top ten per cent of his Officer Basic School class at Quantico, Va. The school is part of the Marine Corps Development and Educa tion Command. Lt. Siller, formerly of La- Marque, majored in accounting. He was a member of the Texas Aggie Band in the Corps and Semper Fidelis Society. By Charles M. Schtriz PEANUTS PEANUTS chance you have of winning.” Rockefeller tried for the Re publican presidential nomination in 1960, 1964 and 1968. In 1960, he pulled out in the face of a battle with Richard Nil. on, then vice president. In 195(, he made an all-out try and was defeated by Sen. Barry Goldwatti of Arizona. ($) mm HARRY DISHMAN Sales & Service 603 Texas Ave. C.S. across from campus — 846-3316 BAHA'IS BELIEVE One God One Religion One Race Come and Let’s Talk .... 7:30 p.m. Thursday At Krueger-Dunn Coffee Shop CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATING SENIORS IT’S BEEN A PLEASURE DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU AND WE WANT TO WISH YOU THE BEST IN THE FUTURE. For your reference library we have used books for bOf to 95^. Come by and see us, we’re serving cookies and punch this week. GOD BLESS YOU OLD ARMY Lou, Class of ’32 LOUPOT'S f pent house 1 Located at Plantation Oaks Apts, above the leasing office. Now has their own disc jockey to play your records by request. LADIES (UNESCORTED)—ALL DRINKS HALF PRICE—ALL OF THE TIME. Christmas Special through December ON ALL BAR BRANDS Monday All Scotch Drinks 65c Tuesday All Collins 65c Wednesday All Bourbon Drinks.. .... 65c Thursday All Vodka Drinks 65c TRY IT —YOU’LL LIKE IT! UNIVERSITY TRAVEL MERRY CHRISTMAS and DRIVE CAREFULLY Loupot’s Lou’s Class of ’32