Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1973)
Page 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1973 Be the first to have one of our new Peugeot cyles that just arrived. A new shipment of Peugeot bicycles just came in and if you are fast on your feet you can have a choice of style and color. They won’t stay around the shop very long since it seems everyone wants a Peugeot these days. PEUGEOT THE BICYCLE FIT FOR YOU. ¥ CENTRAL CYCLE & SUPPLY Accessories - Closed Monday Take East University to 29th St. (Tarrow Street) Sales • Service • 3505 E. 29th. — 822-2228 BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day per word 4C per word each additional day Minimum charge—75c Classified Display fl.00 per column inch each insertion WORK WANTED Will do typing. Call 823-4579 after 6 p. m. or all day Saturday. 322t3 Q. WHAT CAN YOU DO is much easier than their ‘‘cure.’ ABOUT CHIGGER BITES? However, once bitten, anti-irri- A. Chiggers are tiny mites tant measures can help. (Calamine which partially burrow into skin lotion, anesthetics, etc.) Painting and cause intense itching. Pre- ^ bites, which contain tiny red vention of their bites—insect re- , .. .. , pellants, protective clothing, larvae, Wlth c l ear fingernail pol- prompt bathing after exposure— ish can help. Exchange Store Allocations Distribution of Exchange Store profits for the 1972-73 school year was approved by the Board of Directors last week. The profits were distributed as follows: BOOK STORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Distribution of Profits to Student Organizations 1973-74 Accounting Society ^ 52'nn Amer. Assn. Agricultural Communications of Tomorrow 5000 Agricultural Economics 50 00 American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Meteorological Society cn'nn Amer. Institute Aeronautics & Astronautics cn'nn Amer. Institute Electrical & Electronic Engineers »u.uu American Nuclear Society e;n’nn American Society Agricultural Engineers American Society Mechanical Engineers °”nn Amer. Veterinary Medicine Association ?c'nn Asso. Stu. Chap. American Institute of Architects Association of Computing Machinery 1 uu.uu Associated General Contractors Asso. of Grad. Wildlife & Fisheries Scientists au.uu Biomedical Science Association ^ Chemistry Club 150’on Dairy Science Club icn’nn Collegiate Future Farmers of America '^u.uu Finance Association oti’nn Floriculture & Landscape Horticulture Food Science & Technology Society Texas A&M Forestry Club Texas A&M Geological Society Health & Physical Education Majors Club Texas A&M Horticulture Industrial Education Society SJnn Institute of Traffic Engineers Student Chapter 50.UU J.T.L. McNew Chapter American Soc. Civil Engineers 75.00 Marketing Society Mechanized Agriculture Club National Association Home Builders |B.uu Petroleum Engineering ^ ^ Range Club Student Education Association National Association of Bioengineers bO.uu Marine Biology Association 25.00 Texas A&M Microbiology Society 25.00 Pre-Veterinary Medicine Society 50.00 Society of Women Engineers 50.00 Wildlife Biology Association '50.00 Sociology Graduate Student Organization 25.00 Pakistan Students Organization 25.00 PSI CHI National Honor Society Psychology 25.00 CHI EPSILON 50.00 PI MU EPSILON 1 00.00 PHI Philosophy "0.00 A&M Society Landscape Architects 50.00 Mexican American Student Organization 50.00 Alpha Lambda fO.OO Alpha Pi Mu 50.00 Cap & Gown 25.00 CWENS ^O-OO Modern Dance Club " Debate Club 2,200.00 Lincoln Union 20.00 New Tradition Singers 300.00 Omega Phi Alpha 200.00 Phi Alpha Theta 5ail(J Residence Hall Association 2 - 0 °0.OO Sigma Delta Chi 50.00 Sigma lota Epsilon 50.00 Tau Sigma Delta 50.00 Women's Awareness 50.00 African Student Association 25.00 Arab Student Association 50.00 Association of Students from Mexico 50 'n2 Chinese Student Association 50.00 Hong Kong Club 25.00 Pan American Student Association 200.00 Texas A&M University Young Republicans 50.00 Brazos Bowmen ][50.00 Diamond Darlings 250.00 Collegiate Horsemen's Association 100.00 Texas A&M Flying Club 175.00 Texas A&M Rodeo Club 500.00 Rugby Club ' 700.00 Skeet and Trap 200.00 Weightlifting Club 100.00 Cadet Awards Trophies 750.00 Cadet Headquarters 500.00 Fish Drill Team ^ }'nnnnn Ross Volunteers I'OOO.OO Parsons Mounted Cavalry 200.00 Texas Aggie Band 3,000.00 Texas A&M Singing Cadets 1 .500.00 M.S.C. Recreation Committee 400.00 Aggie Players 20° Oceanography Graduate Council uo.oo Bonfire, Reveille, Yell Ldrs., All-Univ. Calendar 5 'onnnn Dormitory Athletic Equipment TAMU Sports Club Association ^,000.00 Sub-Total $33,590.00 Departmental and Professional Clubs $ oQ’nni'nn Non-Depart mental Clubs 29,005.00 $33,590.00 Reserve for National Meets 6,701.73 $40,291.73 291 73 Less Balance from Club Aid Total Allocation from Book Store Profits $40,000.00 Furniture Stripping Antiques AMITY, Inc. of Bryan 1103 W. 25th 10% Discount To Aggies on Stripping Marc D. Luther 713/822-7717 Bryan, Texas 77801 315tfn Typing done, reasonable rates. Can do theses and dissertations. Mrs. Whitmore. 693-4483. 291tfn Typing - fast, expert - proposals, theses. 846-6196 after 6:30 and week-ends. 281tfn Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0644. 233tfn Experienced typing, electric, near campus. 209tfn Full time typing. Call 823-7723 or 823- 3838. 267tfn CHILD CARE Babysitting: would like to do in my home. Call 846-9182 or come by Y-3-H Hensel. UNQER&RDUNt) RECARQSL , StomS-DWah-fteatleSl -tA/rite-Por'Tree til flpfr(^i«/dluPe-AuSt,n T8105I SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 Barcelona Kl MAI Ot I'll I NOW OPEN EOR SI LI < 1 ION FOR SALE HELP WANTED Austrian Ski Boots, ladies medium, never worn. 846-7639. size 6 J /j 32213 1967 Camaro 327, new tires — $676. Pioneer amplifier and speakers, NEW - SX 424, $200. Eddie, Plantation Oaks Apart ment 103. Students to work as waiters and wait resses, night hours. Apply in person Crown and Anchor Inn, Route 30 beyond the by pass. 322t3 322t3 Bring your bikes to White’s Auto Store, College Station—your oldest and most de pendable store—for parts, repair, or trade and prices you like. 230tfn Architects, city planners needed for Peace Corps and VISTA. Large variety of pro grams in all areas. Representatives on campus today in MSC. 321t3 Mustang II loaded, less than 1,000 miles, will discount. Bill Leigh, 845-3091. 321t4 1966 VW rebuilt engine, new paint, brakes, 27 m.p.g, seatcovers. Call 846-5622 after 5. ' 321t3 Wanted: Student night clerk, share 7 day week with student now on duty 7 p.. m. -7 a. m. Western Motel, College Station. Also lady afternoons 12 to 6 p. m., 6 day week. 321t2 1968 VW, good condition, 8600 BTU air conditioner. Call after 5. 823-3225. 321t4 1969 Pontiac GTO air, power, automatic, good tires. 846-2292. 321t8 5.5 cubic ft. refrigerator and Irish Set ter (female) for sale. Call 693-3154 after g 32015 1970 Ford pick-up, air conditioning. All extras. $1696. 823-7867 after 5. All day weekends. 320t5 1971 Torino 500 excellent condition. 693- 3296. 316tl4 Mobile home for sale. 12 x 52, 2 bedroom. 846-4865. 307tl8 # CURB ATTENDANTS *FRY COOKS ^FOUNTAIN GIRLS *DAY COOK Part Or Full Time SONIC DRIVE-IN 104 E. University 320t4 SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available now. Married students welcome. 134 Luther (off old hwy. 6 so., C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 Need waiters, waitresses and bus boys. Apply in person 3C Barbecue. 320t5 HELP WANTED The Dean’s Office, College of Liberal Arts has two Student Work Study (federally assisted) positions available. If you qualify, please see Dr. Pope. Room 801, Univ. Educ. Center, or call 845-5141. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER 32114 SPECIAL NOTICE Service For All Chrysler Corp, Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED STUDENTS DESIRING Full-time work for between semester break and possible part-time work for next se mester. Base earning for semester break, $600.00. Call for Bill from 6:30 till 9:30 p. m. 846-6307 313tfn HELP WANTED RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77868 or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr. Fraley Ad ministrator. 308tfn WANTED Wanted. Honda 350, must be in good running condition. 823-7966 after 6:00. 321t7 B.S. Ag Econ needed for Peace Corps assignments as Ag advisor to Ghanaian Business Bureau. Call Tuesday through Thursday, 846-1046. 821t3 ph.D. or MS Zoology/Biology needed for Peace Corps assignments as instructors at Pan American Ag School Zamorano, Honduras. Call Tuesday through Thurs day, 845-1046. 32143 Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery LOST 1 mile from campus Volleyball Court & Swimming Pool Recreation & Club Rooms AH Utilities & TV Cable paid Now Available 1 Bedroom, 1 baths 2 Bedrooms, l 1 /^ baths 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths FAMILY AND STUDENT SECTIONS. mvm M’ THINGS] Repair & Install Auto Radios, All Tape Decks. -~— 503 E. 30th — 822-1155 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms (Studios) 10 Floor Plans (650 to 1360 sq. ft.) Washer - Dryer Connections Shuttlebus 24 hour Security 1600 Southwest Parkway Phone: 846-5767 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 GENERAL ELECTRIC TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES Like Home Living 2 bedroom - 1% baths - carpet - drapes central heat and air - electric kitchen - range, refrigerator - dishwasher - disposal - washer dryer attachments in garage, fenced back yard — pet accepted. 846-3988 1712 Trinity Place College Station, Texas HICKORY HILLS MOBILEHOME PARK —Private club & pool for adults -Rec. hall & pool for families -Picnic tables & Bar-B-Cue pits -Ponds for fishing -Paved streets, driveways & patios -Underground utilities -Planned community activities Rentals Available 2001 Beck Street 822-6912 COUNTRY STYLE LIVING NOW LEASING AT— The Oj^ks apartments were built for people who insist on the very best. A totally unique and exciting way of Life is afforded by a completely new concept in garden apartments—locat ed on a \private wooded 4ake—coun try living at a convenient location. FOUND Found small blonde colored dog. ForiJ formation Call 845-6298. FOR RENT Available December 15, 3 bedroomi ment. $105 month. Prefer 2 or } s students. 3 blocks off csmpus. 8iWi Call after 5. One bedroom furnished aptrtmenj mile from North Gate. Koomy, hit conditioner. Utilities paid. $80.0‘ Phone 822-1669, 8:00 a. m. .6:00p,i| Roommate wanted for trailer house 10 x 52 2 bedroom, $65 month. Bills paid. Call 693-2652 after 3 :30 p. m. 322t3 BCLAIR . PAW FOR RENT OR SELL 2 brm. Mobile Homes For privacy and nice liviny see Bel Air 2201 Leonard Rd. 822-2326 or 822-2421 M 6 room furnished duplex with fii, glassed in den, nice yard, halt blot! campus at 603 Jersey. Water andju; Couples only. $160 month. Call 81Wii.| I!: Furnished 1 bedroom efficiency ment % block off campus. 603 le Street 'Water and gas paid. {80 846-5231. Near A&M large 2 bedroom housef. yard. Available December 15th. Mir couples preferred. 846-4456. |the Ph.D. or MS Entomology needed for P. C. assignment as advisor to Cotton Coopera tive of the South. Choluteca, Honduras. Call Tuesday through Thursday, 845-10-PL BROADMOOR APTS 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, central airt heat, panelled, carpeted & drapt! close to school, University Stop ping Center, & Medical Cento $145. unfurnished. $165 fumislj ed. All bills paid including cablij 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 84 6-2737 HMl Mobile home space for rent 6 milMts campus. Couples only. Call 846- REWARD for return of watch lost in or at vicinity of bonfire. Sentimental value. Please call 845-5275 after 6 p. m. 322t3 Diamond wrist watch, gold, lost Saturday between corp dorms and Kyle Field. Senti mental value. Large reward. Call 822-2810. 31914 VARSITY APARTMEMS Walking Distance From Campus, 1 Bdrm furnished apts. Carpeted, From $77.50 up 846-5563 SMALL COMPLEX WASHIb ;ressional fuesday t jungling n the Small lion. House B restigator >BA also h many ca: ,'ealthy wl rather tha md strug) ten. Prins tes learings b illeged con said that tl >ral occasic igency to | jusinessme The bull jovered th [ice where 1 lillion in wenl ;d to Josep [lottesville, directoi ms been si Palumbo [for comme [any wrong Prins als iss subco preli SBA i :ities Asked tl [offenses, I there is cr some of thi ian’t say n but it i tribes to r lividuals w is SBA loa irly with rr Prins sai trvened or a fon tall player for Preside construe ;inia. Prins qu the Rich to his loan Iturned dov for McRae put the pa] as possible, case and th Idone |into Iby ' Quiet Atmosphere One and Two Bedrooms | Furnished and Air 823-5735 or 846-1151 ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES.®; and 2 bedroom furnished apartments. Sit for occupancy. miles south of camp Lake for fishing. Washateria on aroW Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain fe 823-0934 or after 6, 846-3408 or 822411 in Bel Air Mobile Homes Now renting brand new 2 bdrm. mobile homes For privacy and nice living see Bel Air 822-2326 or 822-2421 U-STOW & GO SELF STORAGE 120 Units To Serve Your Needs 2206 Finfeather Rd. Bryan, Texas 822-6618 162* HWY. 2818 at industrial Park (713) 822-7650. PICTURE YOURSELF AT Willow Oaks Elegant, New, Apartment Homes Singles Susan and Dottye invite you to see the excitingly new 1 -bedroom efficiency apartments furnished in contem porary bright, cheerful color decor. Each apartment is equipped with a G.E. all-electric kitchen, private balcony or patio, and individual heating/cooling. All utilities paid including cable T.V., and you receive excellent main tenance service. 3902 E. 29th (Bryan) or Call 846-7996 GENERAL 4^ ELECTRIC McDonalds LOOKING FOR MEN OR WOMEN WANTING PART TIME WORK. NOON TIME HOURS FREE LUNCH AND UNIFORMS. INTERESTED? Apply In Person 801 UNIVERSITY DRIVE 321t2 —EVERYDAY- OPEN 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.i Mon. Thru Sat. PREMIUM DOUGLAS TIRES F78 x 14 $32.45 G78 x 14 $34.45 Includes Fed. Tax. Others at similar low prices All tires mounted and higi speed balanced at NO EXTRA CHARGE. All Major Brand Oils At Best Prices SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 69^ Each Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 14.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer pric® Your Lawnboy Dealer “We accept „ BankAmericard - Mastercharge Except on Prestone Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 27 Years In Bryan Jier WASHIl (shortage h; on jobs, pc work befor of an exp layoffs tha ment up s' Layoffs auto, chen textile ind Frontier ing 150 wi nation’s 1: Air Lines gin layoff; ployes Jan Economi say it is s mine the f crisis on j The nal been antic as the na slowed, an is expecte< Some p forecast i next year 8 per cent rent rate A rate throw an Americans the 4.1 m: Sources on’s Coun ors say i sc h e d u Thursday, ment rate cent next Labor ] administr: casts earli inflation unconvinc BATTAI