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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1973)
Intramural Results VOLLEYBALL CLASS C CHAMPIONSHIP — Moses over Hart, 2-0. SOFTBALL CLASS B — Al, B Athletics, double forfeit, Squad 16 over Squad 7, 23-14; M Band over Squad 8, 23-6; D2 over Gl, 10- 2; W Band over Cl, 14-6; N1 over HI, 17-3; Squad 5 over Squad 9, 8-7; Squad 4 over Squad 3, 22-9. CLASS C — Fowler over Davis- Gary, 6-4; Crocker over Pur- year, 11-9. CLASS G — Gl over Squad 11, 11-3. eurooe Free 212 Page Book! 67 different tours to all of Europe, plus Eastern Europe, Balkans, Holylands, Morocco. 2 to 4 weeks escorted, all expense incl. air, $697 to $1697, double occupancy. Frequent departures! For free copy contact: Jjjggk ROBERT HALSELL *W$r TRAVEL service 1016 Texas Ave. Bryan 822-3737 NOW SHOWING 1:15 - 3:16 - 5:19 - 7:21 - 9:24 “POSEIDON ADVENTURE” With Gene Hackman (PG) SAT. & SUN. — 1 ;30 - 3:30 © MGM CHILDREN'S MATiNEES TECHNICOLOR’ M CAM RU.S1 NOW SHOWING 2 P. M. - 3:45 - 5:30 - 7:25 - 9:20 Ube Legend of Boggy Creek O A TRUE STORY A iiowci-t. by HCMNKJXOfP (#med»i UCHRfiCOPt TV4E S-TOWY a*= TME "FOUKE (VKYMSTEIY QUEEN LAST NITE — 6:15 - 8 P. M. 9:45 “SUPER FLY” (R) Skyway Twin yf ir:A--\v; a WEST SCREEN AT 6:45 P. M. “2001-A SPACE ODYSSEY” At 8:50 p. m. “NITE OF DARK SHADOWS” (Both PG) EAST SCREEN AT 6:50 P. M. 2 Walt Disney “NOW YOU SEE HIM” At 8:35 p. m. “NIKKO, WONDER DOG” Strange things have been happening in athletics lately especially in basketball and football. The most noteworthy being the fact that Randy Knowles didn’t make first team All-Southwest Conference in the recent Dallas Morning News basketball poll. It’s also strange that Mario Brown and Mike Floyd weren’t even mentioned on the second team. The first teamers named were SMLTs Ira Terrell and Sammy Hervey. Tech placed Ron Richardson and Richard Little. Arkansas placed Martin Terry. The two names one must question on the basis of play are Little and Richardson. Richardson especially. The only answer is that Tech won the conference and should place members on the elite unit. If that is true, why were Terrell and Hervey picked? SMU finished the season with a lackluster 7-7 record and lost six of the last seven games after beating A&M in a brawl at Dallas. The Mustangs were a firm pick for the championship crown after tying for it last year and replacing its two lost players with All-America performers Terrell and Hervey. Where does that leave Knowles? He finished the conference season scoring at a 19.1 clip plus grabbing 9.7 rebounds a game. That put him fifth in scoring and third in rebounding. He outscored Terrell, outrebounded Hervey, outrebounded Terry and outdid Richardson and Little in both categories. You can’t blame his team’s play. It finished in a second place tie with Arkansas and gave champion Tech one of its two losses and that was in Lubbock. Then you’ve got Brown and Floyd. Brown, although having his ups and downs this season, was definitely one of the most exciting players in the conference and finished the year scoring at a 14.9 clip. His performance should have been good for at least a second team berth. Now look at Floyd. By the end of the season, the sophomore standout was far and away the best guard, with the exception of Terry, in the conference. Only Terry’s scoring kept the spotlight away from Floyd. Opponents and fans were in awe of his uncanny ability to stick the ball in the hole from anywhere on the court. He usually took the hard road, taking in where the big men live even though he had an adept touch from outside. He hit 13.6 points per game and played tremendous defense. He is a true competitor and is the top prospect to land as one of A&M co-captains next year along with Knowles. Having a junior with as much leadership potential as Floyd comes very infrequently. Maybe other polls will be a little less anti-Aggie and give these performers the credit they deserve. Another puzzling thing is the reform being sought by Texas Longhorn coach Darrell Royal of late. He has come out and offered to donate $5,000 to help the NCAA check the recruiting practice of member schools. Many articles have been distributed quoting Royal that recruiting violations are the worst they have ever been and he wants them stopped. It looks like sour grapes to me. He and his staff did not sign one single Texas Bluechipper and overall did not have a very good year enrolling new football giants. It seems becuase of this that he feels all the other coaches are “buying off’ the prospects he wants to enroll at the University of Texas. A few years ago, my high school days, any normal red-blooded Texas football player would give up his stolen football jersey to play for “The University”. That’s the way they recruited. They would let you play for them if you were good enough. That’s all it took to get a high school prospect to Austin and it has paid off abundantly the past five years. Now things have changed. The Texas coaching staff has to fight for prospects. There are more and better coaches circulating around trying to enroll athletes in their programs. These schools and coaches are no longer a joke and the programs they are selling aren’t a loser. Back in the old days, 1969 high school graduates remember, if you were recruited by Baylor or Rice you must not have been very good. Look at those schools now. They have put resources into their programs and have gotten results. All schools have better football teams than they had a few years ago but the Longhorn coaching staff thinks no school can compare with its program. It hasn’t lately but things look to be changing to where Texas won’t be winning the conference football championship five more times in a row. Darrell, you’re gonna have to fight like the rest of your coaching fraternity brothers to get the top players. They’re not going to come automatically like they once did. So, save your money and quit dreaming. Other teams want those good players and are going to do everything they can to get them. There is no more under-the-table money being flashed here than there is in Austin. THE QREflT PANT PLOOH jT(r(t » IS THE REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF TME M K CORPORATION ATLANTA GEORGIA Loupors Across from Post Office Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, March 8, 1973 THE BAIT ‘You Can’t Fight City Hall,’ Gang Two Assistants Fired At SMl Southern Methodist assistant basketball coaches Neal Kinlund and Mike Pinkham were fired Wednesday but Mustang head coach Bob Prewitt was given a one-year contract in the wake of a turbulent season that saw the pre-season Southwest Con ference favorites sink to a 7-7 record. Pinkham told The Associated Press, “It’s an injustice. I’m a disciplinarian and I tried to dis cipline the kids and he (Prewitt) didn’t. I can’t see kids getting by with things. “Three kids were out drunk before the second Arkansas game with girls and I caught them. I don’t think you can win doing things like that. I don’t think the players should have been al lowed to play.” A statement from the SMU faculty committee on athletics read: “Since the end of the bas ketball season at SMU there has been a careful re-evaluation of the entire cage program carried on by the faculty committee on athletics with the assistance of Associate Athletic Director Jim Brock. “Reports of the direction of the new program were made Wednesday afternoon to Presi dent Paul Hardin and to members of the basketball squad. Included in the new program will be the appointment of a new assistant basketball coach to replace Mike Pinkham and Neal Kinlund whose contracts as assistant coaches have been allowed to expire im mediately without renewal.” Prewitt will announce his new assistant soon. Prewitt said: “A vigorous pro gram of recruiting both in Texas and on a national level will be continued by SMU.” Pinkham said, “I’ve worked hard and done the job. I’ve been as loyal to the coach as I know how. I’ve done the work he has asked me to do and even more. I’m not ashamed. I know I did a good job—look at the record . . . look at the recruits.” “I don’t know how they could have dismissed me and Neal and they don’t dismiss him (Prew itt),” Pinkham added. “Look at his record 65-85. I admit I’m bit ter and upset but I know I can coach.” Pinkham, who was actively seeking the Oklahoma State job, said “I’ve been as loyal as I know how to be to improve the pro gram. I’ve never been a loser. I wanted to win.” He said nothing was ever done to discipline forward Ruben Trip lett “because he talked back to me.” Pinkham said, “Some of the kids even came to me wanting discipline. In practice they could Aggie Football Coach Accepts Texarkana High School Job Officials at Texarkana, Ark., High School announced Monday that Robert E. (Swede) Lee, de fensive ends coach at Texas A&M, has accepted the positions of athletic director and head foot ball coach of their school. Lee, in College Station, said it was a very diffcult decision to make. “I have been very happy in my relationship with Emory Bel- lard and Texas A&M. I know that the coaching staff here is as fine as any in the country and I’m firmly convinced that A&M is one of the finest schools any where. I believe that so strongly that I plan to send my son, now in the ninth grade, to A&M for his college education,” Lee said. For Lee and his family, the move to Texarkana will be “re turning home.” “Both my wife, Jeanne, and I grew up in Texarkana. It is where I served as coach and athletic director for three years, 1962-64. My parents still live there and Jeanne and I have many close, personal friends in that area.” Bellard, in Houston where his wife, Mary Kay, is hospitalized, said: “It goes without saying that we hate to lose Swede. He did an outstanding job for us, both on the field coaching and in recruiting and he is a person with outstanding capabilities. But, the opportunities in his new positions were such that he could not afford to decline. The desires of the people in Texarkana to get him to return certainly express the confidence and high regard they have for him. We wish him and his very fine family all the success in the world.” The Lees have two children; son Robert, 14, and daughter Lezlee, 12. COLLEGE GIRL there is a Shop for you! THE CLOTHES HORSE 3801 E. 29th Just off University Dr. Barcelona RINT AL OFFICE NOW OPEN FOR SLEI ( I ION 700 Dominik C.ill S46-1 709 lot Inf orm.iiion • A&M Shuttle Bus • 1 Mile to A&M • AH Utilities & T.V. Cable Paid 4 Students in large 2 Br. - 2 Bath — $62.50 ea. Family & Adult Sections. 1 Br. - 2 Br. show up late ... or do anything they wanted to do. There is just no discipline here. I coached most of the kids here as freshmen and they know.” He said there weren’t any rifts between the black and white players on the team. “I know I treated evd] alike,” Pinkham said. “Hii stuns me. I thought pn they would fire all threti But I’ll be better off get a better program.” SAINT THOMAS’ EPISCOPAL CHAPEL M STUDENT CENTER 906 Jersey Street (Southern Boundary of Campus) Telephone: 846-1726 Sunday, 8 and 9:30 a. ni. and 7:00 p. m. Tuesdsiy, Canterbury Eucharist and Supper, 6: 30p. n| Thursday, Holy Eucharist and Breakfast, 6:30 a. m. The Rev. James Moore, Chaplain. Cates Typewriters Co. Owned By MIKE MISTOVICH Royal & Smith Corona Typewriters Summit Mini Calculators Victor Adders & Calculators 909 S. Main No. AJ048M — $125.00 17 jewel, self-wind, Bellalai 98.2 ft. water tested, day-d calendar instant date clian yellow top/stainless steel hi SEIKO Douglas Jewelry 212 N. Main Bryan 822-3119 EVERY THURSDAY at The New EAST GATE LOUNGE $ 1 QQ Pitcher Night (Lone Star Beer) 8 p. m. to Midnite Under New Management DISCOUNT LIQUOR LONE STAR t %E$I.OO BUDWEISER 6 Pkg. N.R. <£1 Bottles epl.UU SCHLITZ 6 Pkg. N.R. Aft Bottles epl.VU PEARL 6 Pkg. N.R. QQ 315 Texas Ave. Sale Items Discount No. 1 Only 1600 Texas Ave 846-0990 Credit Cards Not Accepted On Sale Items 846-2521