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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1973)
Aggie Gets Rich In Alaskan Trip THE BATTALION Thursday, March 8, 1973 College Station, Texas Page 3 Senate Passes ‘Clean Air Financing Act’ v ALAN ALLEN Did you hear the one about the ky who went to Alaska for three oaths, fished 10 days for salmon, out and grayling, and made to help pay for his edu- ition? It’s no joke. David Constance, senior in building construction, djust that last summer. “When got to Fairbanks,” he said, “it ss 10 degrees and the ice was laking up in the Chena River, wasn’t what I had expected id I had left my coat in my itcase. "I had $70 when I got off the ane and figured it would last iedays. If I didn’t have a job then I would head out for An- orage and try there. On the urth day I got lucky; I got a b, It was with the only non- don (house) builder in town. I arted out at $7 an hour. Boy, ■was amazed. I was tickled to lath to get that.” He worked there a week, then i and two workers decided to ib-contract the framing of uses. “I guess I began averag- gJ10 to $12 per hour then. We orked for a flat sum and on an erage house I made about $600 five to seven days. The most oney I made on one house was ,(100 in eight days.” Between jobs Constance said he wnt his time at the University [Alaska where he made friends nd at nearby rivers where he ijoyed fishing. “The salmon were inning when I was there,” he aid, "and in one place on the ulkana River they were so thick WANT AD RATES £tdir St per word (t per word each additional da Minimum charge—7oc it looked as if you could have walked across them. I had never used a fly rod before, but I caught fish up to seven pounds the first day I tried.” Constance said he was impress ed with the people he met and their generosity. For three weeks he lived in a borrowed tent. The next four he spent in an ice fishing house his boss loaned him and ended the trip in the five- bedroom home of a family that was on vacation. He took the overnight fishing trips with people he met there and used their equipment. “All I took with me were Levi’s, shirts, two pair of dress pants, a coat and a sleeping bag. I guess they have to be nice because of the hard winters and need for coop eration.” Constance said he thinks a skill ed laborer has a fair chance at a job there, but they’re hard to find few jobs available. I got my ers to go just for the money,” he said, “because even residents find few jobs aavilable. I got my job because a man broke his leg and because of my background in construction.” Constance said the worst parts of the trip were the one-dollar hamburgers, the 60 cents per gal lon for gasoline and the mosqui toes. “The mosquitoes were worst in July,” he said, “they were ev erywhere. My God, you’ve never seen so many mosquitoes in your life. They were terribly bad, and big. And they loved me. If you ever go to Alaska be damn sure and take plenty of mosquito re pellent.” AUSTIN, Tex. (A*)—A “Clean Air Financing Act” using public credit to finance pollution control by private industry sailed through a Senate committee Wednesday with no dissenting votes. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Jack Hightower, D-Vernon, would let political subdivisions construct pollution control facilities through the use of tax-exempt bonds, and then lease or sell the facilities to industry. Industry could claim investment tax credits and normal deprecia tion allowances, but would be re quired to pay ad valorem taxes on the facilities, whether they owned them or leased them. “It’s simply a way by which business and industry can finance control facilities,” said Hightow er, noting such a plan already exists in Texas for water pollution control. He said 30 other states have such an arrangement. “If we fail to pass this bill we’re not permitting our industry to be competitive.” Wade Spillman, speaking for the Municipal Advisory Council of Texas, said the measure would “facilitate earlier compliance with air control standards.” “It’s whole purpose is to aid business and industry in Texas,” Spillman said. The measure was changed to exclude water districts but in clude multi-county districts in fi nancing the bonds, on a sugges tion by Jack Davis, general man ager of the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority. Also included are cities, counties, towns, and other political subdivisions. “If you’re going to play, we want in the game,” Davis said. He feared excessive competition among governmental units to at tract the bonds but his recom mendations to modify the bidding process were not adopted. There was only one witness against the measure, Houston at torney L. A. Greene, a member of a group known as Help Elimi nate Pollution. Greene said he disagreed with the concept of using public credit to finance private industry, “but that policy has already been set tled in Washington.” He was re- Eighty More POWs Return, Express Gratitude To Nixon (A*) — Eighty more freed pris oners of war arrived back in the United States Wednesday, this time taking an express route that brought them to military bases across the country and reunions with their loved ones. Four huge Operation Home coming jets travelled up to 11,- 000 miles from Clark Air Base in the Philippines to carry their passengers, still savoring the taste of freedom, to bases in Maryland, Texas, California and Illinois. At each of the bases, the for mer POWs expressed thanks at being once again on American soil and gratitude to President Nixon for having engineered the peace. “Our motto was unity before self,” said Air Force Col. Fred erick A. Crow Jr. at Andrews Air Force Base, just outside of Washington. “Our objective was to return with honor. We have accomplished our task.” Crow, of Gloucester, Mass., acted as spokesman for the 21 POWs to arrive at Andrews. Fol lowing the pattern at the other bases, some men were checked BATTALION CLASSIFIED linimum charge—7 Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertion DEADLINE I p.m. day before publication FOR SALE i W Mobile Home in Wellborn ; 7 (ram campus. Cheap land rent, utry ilmosphere. Good buy. 846-3158. 228tfn lobilt Home for sale. 12’ 3 toon. Excellent condition, or 846-0381. 50’. One Call 822- 227t8 Mcuh! Must sell 2 lots at Hill Top lisRemt City. Pay equity and assume (payments. Call after 5, 823-3225. 227t3 idin' and teen girls' clothes. Excellent Mm. Priced cheap. Call 822-5674. 226t4 *1 Chevrolet Belaire, 283 iriig, automatic. Needs minor rept td to get rid of before next Frid 1( offer if interested, tr! p. m. V-8, power s minor repair. Call 845-6500 226t3 (II Triumph 500. 846-1507. 226t3 Twe Class A uniforms, one dress blues, in offer. Call 846-1021 or 822-2601. 225t4 tnonth white face bull. [, m. 822-3 9 80 Call after 1(12 Honda SL 350. Very low mileage. H216. 214tfn GIRLIE MAGAZINES, GIRLIE POCKETBOOKS. SH Color Films, 8-track Party Tapes. Ogn 3 p.m. to 12 p.m.—7 days a week Tremendous Selection CENTRAL NEWSSTAND 333'/. University Dr. — C.S. 209tfn CHILD CARE Infant Care. Ages 5 weeks to 1 year. Sinai cure. References and experience. 111822-5614. 226t4 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 113 S. MAIN 822-2133 -EVERYDAY- OPEN 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon. Thru Sat. PREMIUM DOUGLAS TIRES F60 x 15 Glasbelt $39.95 06(1 x 15 Glasbelt $41.95 Includes Fed. Tax. Others at similar low prices. AH tires mounted and high speed balanced at NO EXTRA charge. Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66, Gulflube — 35c qt. SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 690 Each Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy and Friedrich Dealer “We accept BankAmericard - Mastercharge” Except on Prestone Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 27 Years In Bryan WORK WANTED Typing. Electric. papers, theses, resume correspondence. 846- 5291 after 1 p.m. Experienced in term 846- 22U8 Experienced typing, electric, near campus. 846-6551. 209tfn pus. 8 ng, e 46-647 ear cam- 168tfn Fast and expert typing, Julie, 846-0222 evenings. 143tfn FOR RENT One new upright refrigerator. $12 per month. Call 822-2369. 227t2 Three bedroom, two bath. Completely furnished, central air and heat. Mobile home in country. Ideal for three students', 823-0612, 823- two couples, 4521. family. Typing 822-0526. Typing near campus. Electric. Ex perienced. Symbols. 846-8965 or 846-0571. 124tfn Typing. Call 845-2451. Ask for Kathj SPECIAL NOTICE for )etiy poet to: POETRY WANTED stamped return envelope Contemporary Literature Press, 311 California St. Suite 412, San Francisco, California 94104 227t20 Free! Three puppies. 846-7343. The Aggie □es, >ooks Den at North Gate dominoes, posters, tapes, pinball, used books and tapes. ;e—pool. We buy 226tfn Readin t iful pn is designed to correct ing speed, ills ins rogram ade- our FAILING COURSES? comprehension, and study skil quate? The successful metropolitan campus not only minor but serious reading prob lems. For your future academic success: Call Dr. Scott (214) 424-6541, Ext. 40, or write P. O. Box 4180, Plano, Texas 75074. 222t8 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn PERSONAL To the students and personnel of TAMU. —Do you need to buy quality furniture? Discount Furniture sells and offers to you quality and national brand furniture at discount prices. You must see us bel yoi Discount Furnitu ality and nati scount prices. You must see you buy. Free delivery. Budget plan offered if desired. Location: 501 North Texas Ave., corner of East 22nd and North Texas Ave. Next door to Emplo; mpl ment Commission. Phone 822-1227. If you need furniture, you cannot afford not to see us before you buy at Discount Furni- 136tfn Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery TRAVIS HOUSE APARTMENTS 846-6111 505 Hwy. 30 C.S. Not too early to make reservations for summer. 223tfn Furnished apartment. Free air. Bills not paid. Newly redecorated. Couple or stu dents. Excellent neighborhood. 822-1481. $65. ' 222tfn Three room modern house. Unfur nished on Hwy. 6 South, 12 miles south of C.S. $70. 825-2402 Navasota. 211tfn Unfurnished duplex apartments A&M campus. Call 822-3793 weekdays 846-6296 after 5 and weekends. 205t30 near s and BROADMOOR ARMS AND PINE APARTMENTS 2 bdr. fui-nished or unfurnished. Central air and heat, carpeted. From $135.00 per mo. All bills paid, including cable. 5 minutes to campus. Office 1503 Broad moor. 846-1297 or 846-2737. ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. On ne dy Country 823-0934 ashateria on gri atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 822-6136. 16Gtfn ing. nosphere. after 5, 846-3408 U-STOW & GO SELF STORAGE Secure Accessible Fire Proof Six Sizes—Six Prices Reasonable Resident Manager 2206 Finfeather Rd. Bryan, Texas 822-6618 162tfn AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 ENROLL NOW STARTING TUESDAY, MARCH 20 McKENZIE-BALDWIN BUSINESS COLLEGE 702 S. Washington Ave., Bryan, Texas 77801 — 713 822-6423 Call in Person or Phone for Bulletin HELP WANTED LVN’s wanted at Sweetbriar Nursing Home of Navasota. Excellent starting mg salary to $400 plus employee benefits. ike Hodge, Administrator at 825- y ‘ Call Mi 6463 or 825-7208. 220tfn R.N. wanted as Director of Nurses at Sweetbriar Nursing Home of Navasota. Excellent starting salary to $800 plus traveling allowance and employee benefits. Call Mike Hodge, Administrator at 825- 6463 or 825-7208. 220tfn Summer Research Jobs Department of Electrical Engineering RICE UNIVERSITY Summer research jobs available for 10 to 12 weeks May 14 - August 25. Must have completed junior year with major in Elec trical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, or Applied Math and expects to receive bachelor’s de gree in 1974. No age restric tions. Will work with faculty member on specific project in field of bio-engineering, comput ers, materials and electronics, or control and communications. Salary $80 per week. Send transcript and letter of refer ence to Chairman, Department of Electrical Engineering, P. O. Box 1892, Houston, Texas 77001. An Equal Opportunity Affirma tive Action Employer. 227t4 OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION. All Jun iors and Seniors in curricula of the College of Science who have not completed the re quired English Proficiency Exam must take this exam on Wednesday, March 21, 1973 at 7:00 p. m. BIOLOGY Department Curricula — Room 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula — Room 308 CHEM MATH Department Curricula — Room 207 ACAD PHYSICS Department Curricula ■— Room 233 PHYS guidelines on th< nature of the examination departmental secreta For information and guidelines th secretary me of Science, is a prerequisite for Candida for a degree. guidelines on the m, check with the iry. Completion of this examination, a requirement of the College didacy 224tl1 aity hav To be eligible A&M Universit; student must ye (9 the Marc to purchase the Texas ring, an undergraduate i at least one academic ear in residence and credit for ninety-five (95) semester hours. The hours passed at 12, 19 ty t: - jalifyin grade ary grade report period 73 may be used in satisfying this ninety-five hour requirement. Students this regulation may now with the prelimina h nir fyi i their names with the ring Room Seven, Richard Coke Building. She, in turn, will check all records to determine qualifying leave thei under names clerk. rn, ring eligibilit; be taken by the ring 26, 1973, and continui 1973. The rings will be returned to the Registrar’s Office for delivery on or be fore June 14, 1973. The ring clerk is on Mon- ng March ng through May 4, ill be returned mg duty from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, day through Friday of each week. Edwin H. Cooper, Dean Edwin H. Cooper, Dean Admission and Records Mrs. H. Brownlee, Ring Clerk LOST Ladies’ gold Walton bracelet wristwatch lost Friday between Architecture Bldg, and Nagle. Please contact Cathy Klatt, 846-3369. 228tl Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding: Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 into a medical facility at the base and others were flown to military hospitals elsewhere in the region. Crow expressed thanks to “our God, our commander-in-chief, our families and all the people of this wonderful, wonderful country, and indeed of all the world who have worked so hard to bring us home.” ferring to a federal law under which Hightower’s bill can be im plemented by the states. But Greene said the Texas Con stitution may prohibit the legisla tion. “This can’t be resolved by me,” he said. “It will be settled else where.” Asked if that meant in court, he said yes. Greene also asked the commit tee to toughen the bill’s language on requiring industry to pay ad valorem taxes on any equipment it obtains under the bill. He said the Houston domed stadium was built on public credit, yet its valuation was fixed at only $1 per year. “But wasn’t that a political decision?” asked Hightower. “Yes, senator, that’s what I’m trying to head off,” Greene re plied. “I would hope each rendi tion under this bill is not a poli tical decision.” Supporters of the bill agreed to work with Greene to change the language where necessary. Bulletin Board THURSDAY Business Administration Wives Club will have a demonstration and exercise session at 7:30 p.m. at the Figure Salon. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity will meet in Room 2C of the MSC at 7:30 p.m. Christian Science Organization will have an organizational meet ing for Asher House at 6:30 p.m. at 201 Boyett St. Association Of Mexican Amer ican Students will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Architecture Build ing lobby to discuss upcoming events. Student Y will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the Apollo Club Steak House. FRIDAY Phi Epsilon Kappa will meet at 7 a.m. in the Memorial Student Center Cafeteria and discuss the Brazos Valley Rehabilitation Cen ter. Senator (Continued from page 1) to file in a different position,’ Vincent said. Candidates for office may place campaign signs in four areas on campus, said Vincent. These areas include the grass strip be side parking lot 35 (the lot across from Krueger-Dunn), the area between Bizzell Hall, Lamar St., Military Walk and Houston St., the grass area on the north side of Duncan Dining Hall and the area between the construction fence and Houston St. by Sbisa. Spring elections will be held March 29. PARADIS REGISTERED DIAMOND RINGS Watch & Jewelry Repair Engraving- Diamonds set in senior rings Seiko & Bulova Watches Embrey’s Jewelry “The Friendly Store” North Gate — 846-5816 PAWN LOANS Money Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Cash Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop 1014 Texas Ave., Bryan Weingarten Center A L. LiE N Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 Ponderosa Specials • Friday Evening Fish Fry — $2.00 • Sunday Noon Lunch $2.00 • Special Weekend Rates for Parents & Students Call 846-5794 Ponderosa Motor Inn LAKE VIEW CLUB 3 Miles N. On Tabor Road Saturday Night: Darrell McCall & The Tennessee Volunteers From 9 - 1 p. m. STAMPEDE Every Thursday Nite (ALL BRANDS BEER 350) CUT RATE PACKAGE STORE NO. 2 210 JERSEY Across From Southside Shopping Center Specials Good Friday & Saturday, March 9th & 10th SMIRNOFF Vodka BACARDI Rum SEAGRAM 7 Crown Blended Whiskey 80 proof Qt $4.69 80 proof Fifth $3.89 86 proof Fifth $3.99 CUTTY SARK Scotch Whiskey CROW LIGHT Light Whiskey J & B Justerni Brooks Scotch Whiskey 86 proof Fifth $6.19 80 proof Fifth $3.97 86 proof Fifth $6.19 ANCIENT AGE Straight Whiskey WALKERS Gin OLD CHARTER Straight Whiskey 86 proof Fifth $3.79 90 proof »/z Gal. . $7.99 86 proof Fifth $5.19 OLD FORESTER Straight Whiskey RON RICO Rum J.W. DANT 10 yr. old Straight Whiskey 86 proof Fifth $4.89 80 proof Fifth $3.69 86 proof Fifth $4.19 Windsor Canadian Canadian Whiskey SEAGRAMS Gin CANADIAN BAY Canadian Whiskey 80 proof Fifth $4.29 90 proof Fifth $3.79 80 proof Qt $4.59 LEGACY Scotch Whiskey POPOV Vodka LAUDER’S Scotch Whiskey 80 proof Fifth $3.49 80 proof Fifth ..... $2.89 86 proof Fifth $4.39 BUDWEISER OR MILLER BEER AA 6 Pkg. Cans SSI SCHLITZ 6 - 12-Oz. 6 Pkg. Bottles BOONES FARM Wines Strawberry, Apple, Wild Mountain These Prices Good At All Cut Rate Package Stores Credit Cards Not Accepted On Sale Items