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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1973)
IE BATTALION Friday, February 9, 1973 College Station, Texas Page 3 International Money Crisis Undermining U. S. Dollar LONDON OP) — The two-week- Id international money crisis un- ermining the strength of the U.S. dollar appeared Thursday to be headed for a climax, perhaps by the weekend. The value of the American cur- ■eney was particularly threatened n West Germany by money deal- rs seeking to buy marks in an- icipation the German currency irill be revalued, despite Bonn’s •esolve not to do so. The dollar-dumping in West lermany and other money mar- ttts reflected a widespread judg- nent that the dollar’s official The National Science Founda- on has approved second-year mding of $174,700 to A&M for (isic studies into the role of hor- tones in development. The latest grant brings total imding to $328,700. NSF expects continue support for three taiore years, bringing the total igrant to $890,000. Dr. Herbert A. Roller, profes- r of biology, directs the studies. ■. Karl H. Dahm, associate pro- ;or of biology and chemistry, Vtj WANT AD RATES |Dne day 5c per word 4c per word each additional day Minimum charge—75^ Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication EoFord Ward, in value is pegged higher than its real worth, and that sooner or later the official rate will have to give. Washington wants the readjust ment to come by revaluation of foreign currencies, particularly the West German mark and the Japanese yen. But neither the Japanese nor the Germans, so far, have been willing to undercut their export chances. If their currencies were re valued as the United States wants, imports such as Volks- wagens and transistor radios would be more expensive in U.S. NSF Approves A&M Grant is co-investigator. The two scien tists have worked as a team since 1966 studying insect hormones. Their work is known interna tionally, including credit for the isolation, elaboration and chemical synthesis of the juvenile hormone, one of the two hormones in insects which regulate developmental processes. Those findings have served as a basis for industrial development of hormonal methods of insect control. stores. And conversely, U.S. ex ports would be cheaper in Ger many and Japan, giving U.S. traders an edge. Reports from dealers in Am sterdam and Zurich said Middle East government banks joined the dollar-selling wave Thursday, put ting more pressure on the U.S. currency. According to these ac counts the Middle East banks, which receive heavy dollar pay ments for oil, were cashing in these holdings for West German marks. Earlier in the week, the bulk of the dollar sales were said to be from funds deposited in Eu rope. Partly as a result of the new influx from the Middle East, West Germany’s state bank was forced to take in an unprecedented $1.7 billion Thursday, the biggest one- day amount of support buying in the current crisis. The Germans, under interna tional agreements, are pledged to step in and buy dollars to keep the U.S. currency from falling below the permitted floor rate of 3.1500 marks. But despite the massive support operation, the dollar closed in Frankfurt at 3.1495 marks, fractionally below the floor. This was because the state bank, as it usually does, left the market an hour before close. It is virtually certain to step in again when the market reopens Friday. Otherwise the dollar would be in effect devalued and the international exchange rates worked out in Washington in the Smithsonian agreement of De cember 1971 could be wrecked. The agreement sealed an 8.57 per cent dollar devaluation decided because of earlier pressure on the U.S. currency. Governors of state banks from leading West European nations were due to meet in Basel, Switz erland, over the weekend to dis cuss the current crisis. The guide lines of any attempt to resolve the crisis could emerge from that meeting. Chancellor Willy Brandt’s gov ernment has repeatedly pledged it will not revalue or let the mark float up. It has promised to con tinue support buying as long as necessary to maintain the ex change rate. But speculators are still betting that the Germans will have to give in to combat inflationary pressure and let the mark move Ag Engineering Researchers Study Pollution Control At Border Station Researchers from A&M’s En vironmental Engineering Depart ment have returned from Laredo where follow-up studies on pol lution control at the border cross ing station have been made. Dr. M. P. Boyce, Dr. J. M. Hughes and graduate students Gary Rollins and Anantkumar Desai found that ventilation sys tems installed following environ mental engineering studies at the border crossing facility were BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE Ford 2-door sedan. Flathead V-8, running condition. $150. 846- 212t3 Imported 10-Speeds. $85.00 and up. Bryan Discount Cyclery 715 S. Ennis Bryan 822-2852 ire blood dalmatian puppies. 1 Cougar. Low mileagi ic, many extras. Excel! will sacrifice. 846-7464. Call 823- 212t8 Air. auto- ent condition 212t6 Vega Gt—4 sp.. radio, rear speaker Sharp! Make reasonable offer. IPG. 845-3757. 211t4 -Hfii 12 Honda 175. 845-3875. Plus 2 helmets. 1,400 211tfn iMOTE CONTROL MODEL AIR- NES. New. Heathkit 5-channel rig. iplete with new plane, new engine, lellania, $250. 846-9679 after 6. 210t4 x 6' Gooseneck Trailer, in good shape, ;ood tires. Call 822-3980 after 6 all day gooi irda; y & Sunday. GIRLIE MAGAZINES, GIRLIE POCKETBOOKS. IM Color Films, 8-track Party Tapes, (pen 3 p.m. to 12 p.m.—7 days a week Tremendous Selection CENTRAL NEWSSTAND 333*4 University Dr. — C.S. 209tfn ,Beautiful purebred silver and black Ge: shepherd puppies for sale. Eit (weaned) $20. Phone 823-214' on weekends. :r- ht weeks after 4 1!66 CMC Van, new motor, $500. Call 13 6183. 198tfn SOSOLIK’S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 edmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. [Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery -EVERYDAY- OPEN 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon. Thru Sat. Premium grade Douglas Tires hounted and HIGH SPEED lalanced for no extra charge, ’need below the so-called Sale” prices on most tires, ust check price with any thers. We sell only Premium fade tires, and gladly invite omparison. Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66, Gulflube — 35c qt. SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 690 Each Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy and Friedrich Dealer “We accept lankAmericard - Mastercharge” Except on Prestone Joe Faulk Auto Parts 320 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 27 Years In Bryan SPECIAL NOTICE Escorted Scandinavia and Great Britain Tour. June 7-28, 1973. $1,249. From Hous ton, Texas visiting Holland, Germany, Den mark, Sweden, Norway, Scotland and En gland. Contact Richard M. Yuill, 846-0205. Deadline for reservations; March 16. 212t4 Have you picked up your 1972 Aggieland? th< get 202tfn If not, please come by cations office, 216, Student Publi- Services Bldg, and get your copy. ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES ! Grad uation announcements will go on sale Jan uary 16 - February 23i Monday-Friday, 9 :00-4 :00, Cashier’s Window, MSC. 199t20 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY. INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn WORK WANTED Typi paper) 5291. ng. Electric. Experienced in term . theses, resume correspondence. 846- Exp 846-66 ?rier.ced typing, electric, near campus. 51. 209tfn Typing, electric, experienced, pus. 846-6478. ear cam- 168tfn HELP WANTED BURGER HUT. Attractive needed. No experience needed. perier views only. No callsl 317 North Gate. iceded. Inter- University Dr., 213t4 BUGGE’S PLUMBING REPAIR and Emergency Service Master Plumber and TAMU ME STUDENT Call 846-9355 195tl Two coeds to work part-time Sunda through Thursday, 6 p. m. to 10 pe to rou r hi P- i our. Call Mr. Thomas, Monday 12 a. m. 3 p. m. 846-8811. 212t2 art-time student labor. Available to k from 4 p. m. Call between 7:30 and 822-4967. 212t4 Part-time worl 10 p. SECRETARY — SALARY OPEN Top executive in local ;rsonable secretary with above average skills to handle 'op eed ive ive s attractive and pe: organization enable secretai confidential office correspondence and filing. 823-0066 210tfn Fast and expert typing, Julie, 846-0222 evenings. 143tfn Typing 822-0526. Typing nes perienced. Symbols. mpus. Electric. Ex- 846-8965 or 846-0571. Typing. Call 845-2451. OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the ublications before deadline proceeding publicatio of Student Pu 1 p.m. of the day ons before dei le Office idline of THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Riddle, David Clinton Degree: Ph.D. in Chemistry Dissertation: ON THE DETERMINATION OF SOME MEDIUM AND HIGH Z ELEMENTS USING CHARGED PAR TICLE ACTIVATION ANALYSIS. Time: Place February 16, 1973 at 3:00 p. 104 in •e V Dean of the Graduate College Room 104 in Teague Bldg, eorge W. Kunze PERSONAL To the students and personnel of TAMU. —Do you need to buy quality furniture? Discount Furniture sells and offers to you quality and national brand furniture at discount prices. You must see us before you buy. Free delivery. Budget plan offered if desired. Location: 501 North rner of East 22nd and Texas North Ave., corner of East 22nd ar Texas Ave. Next door to Emplo ment Commission. Phone 822-1227. If Commission. Phone 822-1227. If you need furniture, you cannot afford not to — ‘ Furni- 136tfn u cannot afl see us before you buy at Discount ture Co. TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED MEN — WOMEN WORK ON A SHIP NEXT SUMMER! No experience required. Excellent pay. >rldwide travel. Perfect summer job career. Send $2.00 for informatior World SEAFAX Box 2049 - DZ, WA 98362. Port Angeles Full-time RN. pa pay if residir r-4211 Goodnight Memorial Texas. Good salary, libera] fringe al insuranc residing outside of count; •y, hi benefits including paid hospital atsi Travel pay if Call 567-4211 collect 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. T. insurance. ty. L. Hospital, Caldwell, 210t8 REGISTERED NURSE Position Available For R.N. Small dispersible type school hospital. Need Both Live-in and Live-out R.N. Salary, Hours negotible. 823-0066 210tfn Sales person for manufactured housing, tarting type person. Maximum 30 per week. Intervie ment. 846-3767. Self-star hours per week. Max only by appoint- 198tfn Housewi vive rk. or students for full o 10 a. m. to 2 or 3 p. m. and weekends, arranged. Openings at both ly in person only at Whatabiin 1101 Texas, Bryan. time 5 p. m. to 10 can be arrangi Appl 43. r part- p. m. Hours stores, ger No. 161tfn AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 SPARKLIMG] NEW 1 and 2 Bedroom Flats and Studios Quiet, Wooded Residential Location - 24 Hour Security Students - Adults - Families - Individual Heat and Air Private Patio or Balcony - Pool - Sauna - Tennis Courts Club House - Fireplace - Billiards and Table Tennis Shag Carpets - Custom Drapes - Ail Electric Kit chens Free Cable TV and Bus Service to A&M Campus Southwest Village Apartments 1101 Southwest Parkway & Medina St. College Station, Tex. From 150" - 846-1931 This is Living! This is Plantation Oaks Tehnis \ Private Club\ | Swimming Men’s & Women’s $ Sauna and Exercise Room 1201 Hwy. 30 L Callege Station (713). 846-8561 ^ FOR RENT Near A&M. Av bedroom house. lilable February 15. Two yard. 846-4465. 213tfn suable 1 fenced Room for rent. 4301 or 822-5235. Single man only. 822- 21014 Aggie Couples or Vet Stu dents save $10 a month on rent. Special Rental $120 a month on apartment re gularly renting for $139 a month. 2 bedroom furnished central air & heat less than 1 year old, central location. T.V. Cable & Utilities Fur nished Except Electricity. 201-A Lane Dr. — 822-5236 Two bedroom furnished carport, carpeted a. m. to 4 ap id. , bills paid. 822- After 6, 822-6848. artment with 822-0676 10 210t4 Three room modern house. Unfur nished on Hwy. 6 South, 12 miles south of C.S. $70. 825-2402 Navasota. 211tfn Unfurnished duplex ap: A&M campus. Call 822-3793 weekd: 846-6296 after 5 and weekends. artments a5 205t30 iar nd Travis House Apartments 846-6111 505 Hwy. 30 C.S. Our 2 bdr. Apts, have 960 sq. ft. 4-Students $57.40 each. All bills paid cable T.V. 2 pools Bus to A&M Ruth Shelby - Mgr. Verda Shelby - Asst. Mgr. Will show apts. anytime. 202tfn Broadmoor Arms and Fine Apartments 2 bdr. furnished or unfurnished Central air ard heat, carpeted. From $135.00 per mo. All bills paid, including cable. 5 minutes to campus. Office 1503 Broadmoor Ph. 846-1297 ATTENTION^ MARRIED COUPLES. One campus, ids. Cain Co., 822-6135. 166tfn mg. Country atmosph 823-0934 isphere. ifter 5, ashateria on ground: Call D. R. Cain Co 846-3408 or U-STOW & GO SELF STORAGE 120 Units To Serve Your Needs 2206 Finfeather Rd. Bryan, Texas 822-6618 HICKORY HILLS Mobile Home Community Bryan’s Newest & Finest Spades & Mobile Homes for rent Phone 822-6912—823-5701 2001 Beck Street Also entrance on Hwy* 2818 at Industrial Park mtfn Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER 909 S. Main CO. 822-6000 working as expected, but a need for more ventilation during cer tain peak periods of activity was discovered as a result of the follow-up study. “The original problem was caused by heavy traffic flow through the covered inspection station,” Dr. Hughes said. “We found a ventilation system that took care of most of the exhaust fumes that were making inspec tion personnel ill, but there is still a problem when traffic is heavy and wind is at low velocity.” Before the ventilation systems were installed, carbon monoxide was found to be over 99 parts per million under the facility’s roof. By comparison, bad days in Chicago found 56 ppm in the air, and Los Angeles had 46 ppm. Measurements taken during the recent follow-up showed a reduc tion in carbon monoxide to 20-40 ppm at the inspection station. Dr. Hughes said check-point personnel were pleased with the results of the initial ventilation installation, and Jim Blackstone, regional General Services Admin istration official from Fort Worth, said GSA was moving as quickly as possible to install the additional suggested ventilation systems. The Laredo station is the larg est border-crossing point between the United States and Mexico, and its low-lying position prevents natural wind ventilation from oc curring. up, even if that means export losses for Germany. The continuing flood of dollar sales in Europe, meanwhile, re mains a test of nerves between speculators betting on realigned exchange rates and governments fighting to maintain the current ones. Japan, like Germany, has a rel atively strong currency and has been forced all week to provide heavy support buying to main tain the dollar’s yen exchange rate. Like the Germans, the Jap anese want to avoid a revaluation that would hurt their exports. Japan bought an estimated $105 million Thursday. Dealers in Europe have tended to blame the crisis on the newly announced deficit of $8.5 billion in the U.S. 1972 balance of pay ments. •y Ke® Douglas Jewelry 212 N. Main - Bryan - 822-3119 v Bulletin Board FRIDAY A&M Lacrosse Association will practice at 5 p.m. Players with out transportation will be assign ed rides to Sunday’s 2 p.m. scrim mage with Houston at Kincaid Prep School. SUNDAY Young Republicans will hold an organizational meeting at 8:00 p.m. Call 846-3629 for further in formation. Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, will meet in Rooms 3B and 3C at 9 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center. MONDAY Animal Science Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 203, Animal Science Building. G. T. King will discuss opportunities in Animal Science and will give a tour of the department. A&M Musicians Society will meet at the University Lutheran Church, 315 N. College Main at 6:30. Come and bring your instru ment. MSC Camera Committee will meet in Rooms 2B and 2C. Every one is welcome to the program on “Entries to Salon ’73.” PAWN LOANS Money Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Cash Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop 1014 Texas Ave., Bryan Weingarten Center Ponderosa Specials • Friday Evening Fish Fry — $2.00 • Sunday Noon Lunch $2.00 : y-y- - =!» I'i • Special Weekend Rates for Parents & Students Call 846-5794 Ponderosa Motor Inn %’ A NOW SHOWING 2 p. m. - 3:45 - 5:30 - 7:15 - 9:10 JOHN IUHEINE HNN'JnHRBVIET ROD THEKaOR THE TURIN BOBBERS |PG| Panayision® Technicolor® CAMP, U.S*) NOW SHOWING 1:45 - 3:40 - 5:35 - 7:30 - 9:25 QUEEN STARTS TONITE 6:15 - 8:00 - 9:45 p. m. “HIT MAN” (R) Skyway Twin o.,v,-,« ytr :;y,; i’v; WEST SCREEN AT 6:45 P. M. “SWEDISH FLY GIRLS” At 8:20 p. m. “CHASTITY” (Bath Rated R) EAST SCREEN AT 6:45 P. M. “PLEASE DON’T TOUCH ME” At 8:15 p. m. “WILD, WILD WORLD OF JAYNE MANSFIELD” (Both Rated R) •JCiRCLE^ I T W# L -j IV. I E - I W TONITE AT 6:45 P. M. “POWER TO SPARE” At 8:30 p. m. “WALK IT, LIKE YOU TALK IT” heritage THE heritage EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1706 Texas Ave. • Room 205 • Bryan, Texas 77801 713-822-9125 “SERVICE IS OUR PRODUCT” 4 4 4 4 f Musical Jewelry _ Boxes Are In (Including the revolving musical photo cube) • Every kind you can imagine • Please that favorite Valentine (For Men & Women) HAPPY COTTAGE 809 E. 29th GIFTS » % 4 »