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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1972)
HE BATTALION Wednesday, November 1, 1972 College Station, Texas Page 5 Vietnam Cease-Fire Agreement Remains Unsigned WASHINGTON UP) — The ten tative, nine-point agreement to end the war in Vietnam remained unsigned Tuesday but plans went forward for having a 1,000-man force in place to super-vise the cease-fire when it comes. Canada, Indonesia, Hungary and Poland have agreed to provide 250 officers each for what is ex pected to be the complex and difficult job of seeing that terms of the peace aceoi-d are carried out in the field, informed diplo matic sources said Tuesday. As the Oct. 31 deadline origi nally set by the North Vietnamese for signing of the pact passed, the White House continued to withhold any hints on when this ceremony might be carried out. Presidential press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler told newsmen that the objective remains “to achieve the right kind of agree ment—one that will last” and one that “does not leave the seed for future conflict.” Henry A. Kissinger, President Nixon’s chief foreign-affairs ad viser and principal U.S. architect of the pending agreement, said last week that one more meeting of three or four days with the North Vietnamese is required to iron out all the details of the agreement which would provide for an in-place cease-fire and withdrawal of all American troops within 60 days, accompanied by release of all prisoners of war over the same span. The reported new international policing agency would line up two Communist nations with two non communist countries, supplanting the old, ineffective commission created under Geneva agreements and made up of India, Canada and Poland. At the State Department, spokesman Charles W. Bray neither affirmed nor denied the new watchdog commission is tak ing shape. The United States would like to see the International Control Commission put in place at the same time the Vietnam cease-fire is promulgated. The timing of the cease-fire an nouncement appeared to be draw ing nearer. According to diplo matic sources Kissinger and Le Due Tho, Hanoi’s Politburo mem ber who has negotiated for North Vietnam in Paris, will meet again this week. The final accord could come by Sunday, according to some diplomatic sources. In Japan, South Vietnam’s spe cial envoy Pham Dang Lam, Sai gon’s chief delegate to the Paris peace talks, told Deputy Prime Minister Takeo Miki there are still some points to be ironed out before the cease-fire agreement could be signed. Lam said the Saigon govern ment wants further clarification on the withdrawal of North Viet namese forces from South Viet nam. In the Jan. 25 proposal put aJSKAGGsN ALBERTSONS DRUGS & FOODS J Specials good:Wed.Thur.Fri.Sat.-Nov.1,2,3§4 Si MOUfYOU SHOULDER LUNCH MEAT DECKERS QUALITY SALAMI, PICKLE, BOLOGNA, OLIVE, SPICED LUNCHEON 6 OZ. PKG. WIENERS ...,,0,^ 58* BONELESS HAM ROUND BONE R0ASI “E“:.. 78* RIB STEAK..r::™". s r # GROUND BEEF. COMPARE QUALITY (GROUND CHUCK) u.85* SHRIMP COCKTAIL. 3 OI FISHSTICKS..=™ p.G 4 ™ $ r° SLICED BACON , * ™ 85* STARKIST TUNA CHUNK 1/4 CAN * HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE 300 CANS COMPLIMENT COOKING SAUCE $ ALL FLAVORS W OZ. CANS DELICATESSEN-SNACK BAR IMPORTED BAKED HAM. ....■/, LB. 85* Rill OPNA ECKRICH ALL MEAT SLICED TO ORDER ..... LB. 45* BABY SWISS CHEESE...".?..... lb. 6 9 * CHICKEN BREAST ."™" ..... LB. 75* HOT BBQ CHICKENS....-™™™"-. .99* Limit Rights Reserved BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES GREEN BEANS 5^*1 ASPARAGUS... JACK-O-LANTERN 3 CAN CORN. JANET LEE CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL ^3 $ £ OLEO ALBERTSON'S 1-LB. TUB VINE RIPE CALIF. $ LBS. FOR ONLY I 'GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKES COMPARE OUR QUALITY!' FRESH CRANBERRIES 3 ss? $ 1 00 CALIFORNIA CELERY 25* CALIFORNIA CABBAGE ~ 10* FLORIDA CORN. -- 5H59* TEXAS ORANGES .™? 5^° 68* BANQUET CREAM 4 PIES „ ALL FLAVORS 14 OZ. | WEST PACK BRUSSEL SPROUTS 3 *1 FLAV-R-PAC GRAPE JUICE 12 OZ. CANS BAKERY PLAIN OR SEEDED HARD ROLLS 3* MERINGUE PIES CHOC. OR 8 IN. LEMON PLAIN OR SEEDED FRENCH BREAD 2 uoz ’ AQ loaves non " BOXED COOKIES HOURS MON. THRU SAT. f A.M'.-t P.M. SUNDAY .10 A.M.-7 P.M.- DOZ. UNIVERSITY DRIVE AT C0UEGE AVENUE AMERICAN BEAUTY USANCE • OZ. BOX i TOWIt SUNSHINE ADAMS EXTRACT SKINNERS MAGGIE ATKINS OLIVES CRACKERS VANILLA MACARONI BOUILLON CUBES PICKLES s yr c 7 < 42* 89* £ 45* •o'? oci CHICKEN 12 JKM WP 1 89* McCORMICK CINNAMON i forward by the United States and South Vietnam jointly, there was no mention of withdrawal of North Vietnamese forces from the South. It said there would be a total withdrawal of “all U.S. forces and other foreign forces allied with the government of South Vietnam within six months of an agreement.” The Saigon government has never renounced that offer. Bulletin Board Brazos County Democratic Headquarters will be open from 9 a.m. Saturday to 9 p.m. Sunday. Refreshments include coffee, cookies and Budwieser. TONIGHT Victoria County Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 113 of the Plant Sciences Building. Sophomore Council will meet at 7:30 in Room 301 of the Physics Building. Weightlifting Club will meet at 7 in G. Rollie White Weightroom. Home movies taken at the 1970 World Olympic Championships will be shown. MSC Recreation Committees Mixed Group and the Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet in Rooms 3B and 3C of the MSC at 7:30. THURSDAY San Angelo-West Texas Home town Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3A of the MSC. Electrical Engineering Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 103 of Zachry Engineering Center. Phi Sigma Beta Fraternity (Iota Chapter) will meet in the Social Room of the MSC at 7:30 p.m. Chemical Engineering Wives Club will meet in Room 103 of the Zachry Engineering Center at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Dr. Leon Rasherry. MSC Radio Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the MSC. A&M Unicycle Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 302 of the Cushing Library. One need not own or ride a unicycle to join. If interested but unable to attend, call Bill Crider, 845-6178. El Paso Hometown Club will meet in Room 2A of the MSC at 7:30 p.m. Picture will not be taken. Sports Car Club To Hold Rallye The A&M Sports Car Club will drive a Post-Halloween Rallye Friday. Registration will be at 6:15 p.m. and the first car will leave the Zachry Engineering Center parking lot (No. 50) at 7 p.m., announced President Kerry Bon ner. Club members and non-mem bers are eligible for the event. It will run primarily on paved roads. Entry is $3 per TAMSCC member, $4 for others. A 75-car limit has been set for the rallye. TAMSS will hold its Walter Mitty Memorial Trials at Texas World Speedway Nov. 19. Charles Meyer of Houston won the recent member-only autocross at the TAMU Research Annex. He turn ed the mile course at one minute, 20 seconds, in his Mach I Mus tang. Held on public roads observing regular traffic laws, the Post- Halloween Rallye consists of a driver and navigator per car driving a required route at pre scribed average speeds and an swering questions about various route features. “Cars should have good head lights and safety belts, but need meet no other requirements,” ex plained TAMSCC publicity chair man Richard de Bruin. Each team supplies its own flashlights, watch and pencil. Additional data can be obtain ed from Joel Hirsh at 845-3706. AJLLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 PAWN LOANS Money Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Cash Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop 1014 Texas Ave., Bryan Weingarten Center