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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1972)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, November 1, 1972 THE BATTALiOl Stanfield Is Apparent Winner Of Canadian Election Ag Stumpers TORONTO WP> — The Con servative party led by Robert L. Stanfield emerged Tuesday as the apparent winner of an elec tion which repudiated the ad ministration of Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. The hair breadth margin at latest reck oning was 109 to 108. The result, leaving the major parties at almost a standoff, was one of the most incredible in Canada’s political history. With recounts to come in some areas it remained to be seen whether Stanfield could form a new gov ernment displacing T r u d e a u’s Liberals. In any case, the Liberals had lost the majority they had in the last Parliament and could rule only with minor-party help. That was true of the Conservatives too. For the time being Trudeau re- NSF Seeks Proposals For SOS Program The National Science Founda tion seeks proposals for its Stu dent Originated Studies (SOS) Program under which under graduate students initiate, plan, and direct projects dealing with significant societal problems. The Foundation expects to make approximately 140 SOS awards totaling some $2 million during March 1973. The appli cation deadline for the program is Nov. 30, 1972. The SOS program provides support for small student groups each of which will apply science and technology to the study of a significant societal problem. The projects which usually take place during the summer last for 10-12 weeks and are conducted on a full-time basis. A student stipend of $80 per week is paid to participants, with a maximum individual student stipend of $960. The SOS program is designed to encourage students to “ex press in creative ways their con cern for the well-being of the country, and to provide support for students who demonstrate a readiness to assume inrcrdased re sponsibility for their own educa tional development,” according to NSF officials. The projects pro vide opportunities for faculty to assess the desirability of such studies as a means for introduc ing greater flexibility into the preparation of students for sci entific and technical careers. In addition, the projects provide students with insights as to how science relates to the problems of the real world. For additional information contact Mrs. Gentry, Room 123, Teague Building. Political Forum Presents Rather Retired Army Gen. Maxwell Taylor, Texas Senator Pete Snel- son, U. S. Cong. Donald Riegle of Michigan and Dan Rather, CBS News’ White House correspon dent, will speak at A&M during the remainder of the fall semester. Scheduled by Political Forum, the presentations may be joined by other fall programs. Chair man Mike Lindsey announced. Gen. Taylor will present his view of “Intelligence and Presi dential Decision-Making” Nov. 8 in Political Forum’s noon series. Student admission will be 25 cents, non-students $1. A Nov. 9 noon series address on “The Need for Tighter Prison Release Policies” will be presented by Sen. Snelson of Midland. Learn to fly with the Texas A&M Flying- Club expert instructor. Cross-Country aircraft available for qualified pilots. mained prime minister, although the voters had given his party only 40 per cent of the House of Commons seats it sought. Stanfield is a former premier of Nova Scotia. As a graduate of the Harvard Law School he is the first Harvard man to be in line for leadership of the Ca nadian government. Stanfield is 58, Trudeau 53. Trudeau told supporters he was sorry things turned out as they did — and advised them to cheer up and hope for better days. The election was for 264 seats in the House of Commons. Late standings gave the Conservatives or Tories 109, the Liberals 108, the New Democrats 30 and So cial Credit 15 — with two seats going to independents or unde cided. A new federal election is prob ably just around the corner, per haps in the spring. It is dolor ous news to the political parties, already nearly broke from the expenses of this campaign. The Canadian system, like the British from which it is derived, requires the party with the most House of Commons seats to form a government under the party leader, who becomes prime min ister. In 1968 a political bulldozer powered by a fuel called Tru- deaumania flattened the Con servatives in a triumphal sweep that left the Liberal leader in command of a majority. The Trudeau magic disap peared this time and the result is political chaos, at least tem porarily. The virtual standoff was un precedented. Constitutional ex perts reckoned that Trudeau had a duty to face the new House of Commons, and see how it lined up, before admitting defeat or deciding what other course to take. The socialistic New Democrats, under the leadership of David Lewis, were in a balance of pow er situation. Addition of their 30 seats to those won by either of the major parties could give the Conservatives or Liberals a working margin in the House. A majority is 133 seats; the Lib erals held 155 after the 1968 elec tions. WASHING tative, nine- end the wax- unsigned Tu< forward fox- force in pin cease-fire wh Canada, Ini Poland have officers < pected to b difficult job of the peace out in the f 3 VALUABLE COUPON taiiM breck basic hair SPRAY WITH PR0TEIH TEXTURIZERS «01. Club Meeting, Thurs. Nov. 2 Room 229 Chmistry Build ing 8 p. m. New members welcome. Douglas Jewelry 21? 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