Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1972)
THE BATTALION 9, 1971 Coltac* Station. Turn Pnca I A&M still leads Air Force ROTC A AM not only ftteinod the na tional land In Afar Forea ROTC officer production durfof fiscal ItTt, but increased Ha margin, announced Col. Robert F. Croas ts nd TAMU commissioned ISf of fl ea ra. an iacraaaa of 19 par cant near fiscal year 1971. Tbs Citadel ranked second in Air Force commissions, with 88. Other military colleges, with full time, uniformed cadet corps, ware VMI with <0, VP1 44 and Nor wich University four, revealed Col. Croaaland, prof* of Among other AFROTC detach ments in Texas, UT-Austin com- miaaioaad 49, 1>Mh 88, 8MU, North Texas and Southwest Tex as 22 each, Baylor and TCU 18 each and East Texas 17. Croaaland said the full nation al report offers several Interest ing comparisons among * total male enrollment, AFROTC enroll ment and officer production. * A AM ranks 24th on the list in male enrollment, second in num ber of cadets in the Air Force program’and first in officer pro duction. Only Ohio State to among the top 10 in all three categories. First in total male enrollment, the Buckeyes rank fifth in AF ROTC participation and fifth in number of officers, with 87. M The only school with a larger AFROTC enrollment than Texas A AM to Memphis State, which has compulsory ROTC for freshmen, 1 * Crossland reported. MSU’s 1,699 in AFROTC include 1,422 fresh men. la 1972, €1 officers were commissioned. T A Mil’s AFROTC enrollment for the year past was 1,081; The Citadel. 684; Clem son, 411; Ohio State, 408, and Brigham Young, 408. Trailing AAM and The Citadel in officer production are Auburn, 80; Brigham Young, 72; Ohio State, 87; Oklahoma State, 86; Alabama, 88; Kansas State and Memphis State. 81 each, and VMI, 80. ■ BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES .M « pm wars aacfc sSUHisi,. Mtsfci— Asm TSa OhmiMDtaelar •i sejjw sstsws >seS DEADLINE FOR SALE Caatart WaUaa a«Ma h>>S V A. aoa- str, Mlor: saM. tSSS. NaaMtt S4S-MM 1WU to MO S44-TMA lUtl Xus. SS LWtas room ckalr SIS Book aSahraa. U Waakia* aaarklaa. SSL S44- *SU S-SS-A Collaea Vtaw ISStl aoa Drlaa aaar OaUt h sara let PW. Wti tvaaa 0-0 S. W off Mua- Cail SXS-S11S or saw. Coot 11##. WUI ■t offer Will SaHrar MM to Its* TWotapaon. Call bull Haaa aararal I and • b«Waf saw mobiU boaaaa Mora la at tU Soars approved credit. Saa aa at HI NEIGHBOR HOB1LE HUM EE CX Itetfa WANTED FOR RENT t baWnms unfuraWtad apartmaat (wltb raaea asd rafrlaaralar) fTt M. alaa t bad- roosi furaWMd SM.M. New ASM. Pbaae »to mi after » p. aa. IMtfa Nlaa fersWaad Stria Alaa, farm tab ad apart atari Statiaa. MS-tTU aa ui-lMI. CaHage IMtfa Call • 144 Call AUSTIN Law • srad. Stadaata Hampton Plaaa Complex 1 B/B "tisexe - SI SAM", t B/B—1* BaOi "SIMM - S1TS.M Studio Apartaaasta Shas carpet, dtah- waaber. dtapoaal. patio, peel, laundry aeulpmeat S4S-STS aa ft too E Croatia TS7St 411/MS-SMS or sit/ssexm. "Assto Owned S Operated" llttSS ATTENTION MAEB1RD COl rLBSt One aad two bodraom fumlalvad apartmaato ready tor oaaepeM*. 114 sMMa aoatb of Caatoua. Laka for ftehtas WaakaUria oa sroeada Country atmoapban. Call D. B. Cata-Ca.. SSS-0SS4. or after S. SSS-MSS aa •St41SS SStfa '■HhMpm toy after aa _ wanted to miad S year old eefcool S4 :M p. m. SSS41SS IMtfs elark ■ p m - S a m Aasaat rtmial student dark tea via* for Waotom Motel. Hlab way A S4S- ■ like to akare coot of cltter In tor bama Monday through A usual tS Asm t to I 1MM Friday ba*tnntn« A prafarrad. »17.M/< «ltie> beft>ra S 4*) OFFICIAL NOTICE Official cf Stadont I p-m. of the das THE GBADDATE COLLEGE Final Esamiuutlou far Urn Doctoral Dagroo Name: Brows, Jack Cola Degree: Pb.D Is EduaeMSB Dtaaartattaui A GOMFAEATIVE STUDY LEADING TO THE CREATION OF A MODEL FOR COMPUTER GRAPHICS INSTRUCTION IN POST-SECONDARY SCHOOLS OP TEXAS. Timet Auguat M. MTS ad Stge p. m. Place: Room SIP-A to M “ BMg George W. Kunae Doan of Urn Graduate Collage THE CRADUATB COLLEGE Pinal Examination for the Doctoral Degree Naum: Ruth. Carl Eugene Degree: Ph D. la civil EUglaoortng Dtaearlatiau: THE FEASIBILITY OF DE- SIONING FOR COMPOSITE ACTION IN A PRE8TRKS.SED PANEL TYPE HIGHWAY BRIDGE Tima i Auguat to, ItTt at 1 MS p. m Place: Conference Boom In the Hwy. Re- Dee n of the Graduate Collage HICKORY HILL Mohito HILLS $ LVN want, or Mm. Vtaly id. Contact Mra MaGUtorry BSP-SSt* Navaaota 1SSIS Bryan’s Ns A Finest Spnctos A Mob . . Hogses for rest M-8819-828-S791 7 [777 1991 Beck Street - J 'a I Also entrsnes on HwyASlS L • > at Industrial Park Utomhi mmc c a [■ , i ‘ ATTENTION AGGIES PwmagMrt am- pkymaul. Evening work. Time ana be arruagud to amat ecbcdule, $!«• par amak mtai cat cat after aaa weak training. Apply X01 Varlaco BMg. between l S 4 d»Uy. Thla la a calca paaKlaa I** 14 HELP WANTED MokaL Call or am MStfa EM. needed full-Uaa. aa dmrga nurae OB It-T ahtfL EM. an 4c4 aa raHaf charga uuraa oa S41 ahift aad/or ll-t shift Top pay. goad working < Shift differential, plus I. L.V.N. 114 shift Call or a TTeSS. (Til) MS4SM Ask for Mra Wiakdmaaa. Director z,"— - ^ “■'sss THE GRADUATE <' Flaal Mtaatination for the Doctoral Degree Nome: Patton. Alton Da Witt Degree Ph D. ta ■ntHaal ~ Dtaaertatton: DYNAMIC OPTIMAL D PATCH OP REAL POWER FOR THEE MAL GENERATING UNITE Time: Auguat 1R 1VTS at S :0S p. m Place: Room *14-A la the Saehry E tf to* Callage Final Examination v ,tTL c SPECIAL NOTICE _ M PED. la History Diaaartation RICHARD BENNETT HUE HARD: TEXAS POLITICIAN AND t DIPLOMAT. Tima i Auguat 11. 1PT1 at 4 :Se p. m Place: Room 401 la lha University Ubrary George W. Kama Dean of (Me Graduate Collage Drawing and patottag. ones isaeoai la my horn. Group flexible times, awy ago group. mu Service For All . 9 ChOftor Corp. Gets Ltadp Work — PsiiUtec Free Estfanttea 7 -^ m i K 1 1 STRl HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY. INC. Dudga Sales aad Sarvfee Slues MU 1411 Texas Are. — SU4I1I STtfa WORK WANTED THR GRADUATE COLLEGE Pinal Examination for Urn Doctoral Degree Name: Herron. Mary Alloa Dagraa: Ph D ta Veterinary Anatomy IMsnrtatioa A DR EN ERG IQ CONTROL OF OVA TRANSPORT AND ITS RE LA HON TO ESTROGEN. Time: Auguat 11. 1PTS at t:#S a m. ItT-D la the VoC M 4.% Kunae TEE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Mirtoa. Jaha Eatort ^Kiatto^ 0 (VARIOUS FN8 ON ^ IVTt at 4 SS p m i m la a Ronw whiu George W. Ream Dana of the Graduate Collage OFFICIAL NOTICE Pinal Naas. D ^r TER GRADUATE COLLEGE Eaamlaatfau hr toe Doctoral Dagraa Bar mb. E 1 aaa : PVD la Edaoati WtM AOEICUTUEE PRODUC TION CORRELATE OP BELATED IN STRUCTION REQUIRED POE TRAIN ING VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURE TEACHERS IN THE UNITED STATES Tme: Auguat 14. IMS at 1 :#4 p m lace: Roam MS ta BoMoa Hall George W. Kunae Dona of the Grodaota rnllaga THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Dagree Naaaa: Borden, Lloyd Reger. Degree: Doctor of Edeeetion ta Induetrtal Kdlu cation Dtsaertotion : RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN STUDENTS OOMPLEITMO SELECTED HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS AMD ACHIEVEMENT BY COLLEGE INDUE TRIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS Mam: August IE ItTt at 1 :M p m. Place: Room • Id the M R Blto Oshmm W» Kmm Deanof the Graduate Colima THR GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Dag Mama: Mahnffoy. Baajamta DonaM Dagraa: FED la EduaaUoa (Carrtaal and Instmctlaai Diaaartation: A STUDY OP PRO PI SIGNAL RECOMMENDATIONS POE CURRICULAR GUIDELINES OP t VIRONMENTAL INTERPRETERS Time: Auguat IS. ItTt at 1 :M p. m. Place: Room SOS-A ta Urn Academic Bl 0cargo W. Kunae Dana of the Q coda ate Colima TEE CRADUATB COLLEGE Flaal Ewamtaatlna for the Doctoral Dm Name: O'Coaoor. Gary Edward Dagroo: Ph-D. ta Meteorology DtrymtaStaa: A STOCHASTIC HYDRO- METEOROLOGICAL MODEL POE THE OPTIMISATION OP MULTI-BBS] VOIR OPERATION Time: Auguat IS. ItTt at t:0S p m. Place: Room SN ta Goodwin Hall George W. Kunie Baa a of the Graduate Collage THE GRADUATE CO LUKE Pinal Examiaattoa for the Doctoral Dagm Mama: Terry. Jamea Wewdall Dagraa: Ph-D In Hoalth A Phyetaal Education Diaaartation: THE DEVELOPMENT OP A REGRESSION By t A HON TO PRE DICT WORKLOAD POE THE AS- I RAND-RHYMING TEST Time: Auguat IE 1PTS at t :0C a. m. Place. Roam ZM ta G Roll la WbHe George W. Kuaaa Dana of the Crude ala Collage Symbol. Hood a married part-time Good Barua *TE StS-SPS that will work lea. Can Bill mu. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: CsU: OSorgc Webb Fsrtnem Innormncr Group ISM E Cottage MS-MI 1 Electric Ex- US or S4S-MT1. 1SStfa Peat and expert typing. Julia. SIS4SSS veningc ItlUS TEE GRADUATE COLLEGE Plual Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Grtmiaad. Andrea Cbm to tagmsPh D. hi Health aad Phyuieal DtaaartoMm: THE EPPBCTS OP SE LECTED TEACHING STYLES ON LEARNING AN INDIVIDUAL SPORT .ime: Auguat 14. im at t.-fit p. m. Ptaca: Room MS ta a Rollk White George W. Kunae Dana of the Graduate Colime Typing Call SSS-SSSl. A ok for sxtFn CHILD CARE HUMPTY DITMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER. S4M South Col'age Aaa., Bryan. Stale Uceaeed. SSS-MSS. Virginia D. Jonaa. RN. ' PPtfn _ THE CRADUATB COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Dagraa N *T*? l,Wr - c fa4» Erwta, Jr. wraa: Ph D. In IT iIxmc Admlaiatration AN EVALUATION O P [mm: August IS. IPTS at 1:M p m Plaaa: Room SIS ta Pcaarta Hall Oaocgo W. Kuaaa Dean of the Gradaato Collage Apartment Dwellers Join the Golf Coast Sailboat Host and enjoy special low rates for storing your boat in our warehouse GC-U’s in stock. Go sailing this weekend Financing avails bie. SPARCO — 846-6544 Gulf Coast Sailboat* —EVERYDAY— Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66, Gnlflnbe — 86c qt. SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 69* Each Alternators 18.95 exchange % Starters • Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Year Lawsboy sad Friedrich Dealer Prestone Anti-Freexe and summer coolant $1.69 Joe Faulk Auto Purls 229 E. Si 822-1889 Giving Better Service For 28 Years In Bryan TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED SOSOLIK'S TV A RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color A SAW • TV All Makes RAW TV Repairs 712 a MAIN 822-8188 _ Texas* Home Outlet • Low down payment • Local Bank financing • Up to 12 yean to pay • Free delivery and set up Phone 822-9140 Rentals-Salee-Service I TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calcs la ten A Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-8999 MOBILTOWN PARK Mobile Homes and Spaces For Rent Spaces $26 - |36 per mo. Natural gas—Pool—Near AAM Stables—$16 per mo.—Working pen and riding ana available. TV Cable Available Local Moving Service 499 Eh linger Dr—222-5868 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Plual Examination far Urn Doctoral Name: Graven, Jamea Merritt Dagraa: Pk.D. ta Hi Education DtooartaUou: THE EFFWt PS OP E SOTS* CLUE PROGRAM ON TME SELT-CON- CKPT AND SE1 IXTUD PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES OP It AND IS YEAS OLDR Tima: Auguat SI. ItTt at S :M p. m Plate: Room 2SS ta G RelHo White George W. Kuaaa Dana of the Graduate Collage S Physical Final TEE GRADUATE COLLEGE E *“toaU°u for the Doctoral I Btawaa, Bhupatl »— a—— RaftiflUl Ph D. ta CtvU togtueo VT-T’.T ACCELERATED . AND OTHER PACTORS IN- FLUENCING SOIL STABILIZATION. Auguta 1A IMS at to :M a. m. Ptoa: Coufbrcnee Roam ta the Texas Transportation Institute George W. Kanac Dana of tha Graduate Colima , YU* GRADUATE COLLEGE ttoo for tha Doctoral Dagraa 1*—' taoto. Pater AaguaUa* Drnrm: PER ta Oaotagy . « tM ?teytaUoT> pacfra Patterns due- UJG TRANSGRESSIVE SEDIMENTA- ■ T ? ON FORMATION. LOWKH CRETACEOUS UAL TEX- Ttoa: Auguat Ik. ItTt at SMS p m fcmm ISS-A is tha Gaoaato Mg. George W. Kuaaa Daau of tha Graduate Coltegc THE CRADUATB COLLEGE ItagS^Phi. 1a HaaHh S Physical Wjewtotloa: THE EFFECT OP INTEN- N .?xJ,7 K 4Ji° N OK kxxscise CAL^MPONENTE OT THE CARDIAC W: Auguat JS. I STS at I OS a. m W Room M0 hi a Rollte White George W. Kuaaa Dear, of the Graduate CoUaga the GRADUATE COLLEGE Ptaal Ex am last Ion for Urn Doctoral Dm Name: Cathey. Jtmmie Joe Dagroe Pb.D ta KWtrlaal Eagtnaartag OlaoartoUoa : TRANSRN T LOAD MODRl °F AN INDUCTION MOTOR Ttam: August IT. IMt at SM a. m PI***:. »te!te .»l«-A ta tha ZmStry Bagt- THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Flaal Exumtaatloa foe tha Doctoral Dagraa Mom: Groaa. Daaald Edwin ltagm»^Ph.D. ta Health A Physical Diaaertettoa : CFTECTS OP KNOWLEDGE OP OPPONUNTT PAST PERFORM ANCE ON PERFORMANCE OP A MOTOR TASK AND ITS INTERAC TION WITH NKED ACHIEVEMENT. Time: Aagast IT. 1*TS at 1 M p. m Plate: Room SM ta a Rollte White Ooorgo W. Kuboo Dean of tha Graduate Coltag* TEE GUASUATB COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral I Lea. Kwang-Wu PhD. ta Ag i lea Kara! yr tempki CONTENT TUBE AND MOISTURE CONTENT ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES O P BROWN RICE "tow August IT. IVTt at trte a. m 'lace: Room SM la tha Agr Em Ooorgo W. Koaos Doaa of tha Graduate Colima TEE SUADUATS COLLEGE Name: Philip. C. V Degree: PER ta CL SEVERAL MOREL SYS TEMS POE NONHEME IRON-SULFUR PKOTKINA Ttoa: AagWOt IT, IMS at to:M a. m. Ptaoa Room BU ta the Library George W. Kuaoe Dean of tha Graduate Collage CLACKERS ARE OUT, according to the Food and Drug Administration, which proclaimed the novelty toys to be dangerous. Miami seaport director Irvin Stevens holds up some un used clackers, with 47 tons of them shown in the background. The toy produces a loud clack as two balls strike each other, but unless someone devises an idea to save the un claimed clackers, they will be buried at sea. (AP Wirephoto) TEE QUADUATE COLLEGE Flaal Examiaattoa for the Dotterel Dagroo Homo: Cooper. Robert Norman Dagroo: PVD. ta Mithomotleo Education DtooortoUoa: ESTABLISHING THE RELIABILITY OP INTERACTION ANALYSIS Ttoa: Auguat to. 1STS at ltd* a. m Plaaa: Room MS ta BoMoa Hall nailoo W. Kuaaa Doaa of the GradoOto College THB GRADUATE COLLEGE Flaal Examiaattoa for the Doctoral Degree Nome: Whttaey. Namoe Gtoaa Dagroo: PVR ta Float Pathology Dtoortattea: LIFE CYCLE AND ASH FIC1AL INOCULATION OF NBOVOS- 8IA HORRIDA ITAKI PADW. A KHAN ON ORYEA BATTVA L Ttam: Auguat 1R IVTt at 1VM a. m. Plaaa: Room MS ta the Uotoorotty Library Ooorgo W. Kaaae Doaa of the Graduate College George W. Kunee Doaa of the Gred> THE GRADUATE COLLSGB Flaal EiomiaaHoa for the Doctoral Degree Noma: Seeker, Pool Eoooe Degree: PVD ta EMM^ DtaoettoMos: 8KONDAEY PRODUCTION OF SELECTED IN VERTCRRATES IN AN EPHEMERAL POND Thee: Auger* 81. 1VTS at StoV p. m. • Piaoo: Boom 4M ta the Btotogical Re tone. BMg. OMts* W. Kaaae Gonzalez wins Ford fellowship Stephen M. Gonules of San Antonio has been selected for s Ford Foundation doctoral fellow ship MppuHin* graduate studies at AAM. A senior in biochemistry, Gon zales expects to complete the bachelor degree this summer. The Fqrd Foundation fellowship is one of 160 granted to 09 blacks, 48 Mexican Americana, 22 Puerto Ricans and 18 American Indians. The swards average $6,000 a year for up to five years. Doctoral fellowships are grant ed to minority students just be- ginnhig graduate study. They are designed to increase the supply of minority college and university faculty members. Fellowships cover full tuition and fees, books, supplies and a monthly allowance The Ford Foundation also an nounced 899 recipients of a vanced study award* and 98 dis sertation fellowship* in ethnic studies. A total of $6.6 million waa allocated to 1972 programs. Barcelona kI s| k\ I \ <.kl \l M’\k I Ml \ I I (»k I \ \t < ! ! U I NOW Oil \ ! (’K Ml I ( ‘(HI Dm ( .ill M'* I 'Oti ■V Btudeut Sectiau. TSaala Osurte, Courts. T.V. Leuagc, Peal Table, Club Studeat Ratea. Bffkicsrt, Diecreel Prufi Security Guard. The Newest la ApartmeMte Is College BtudssM Ptea $82.59 pur sseuth. We have id VaCeybaH Maaagusueat. fBrvan Area, i OwW Duns. i; WHY PAY MORE? For $139.00 per month yon got: New 2 bedroom furnished apartment, central sir con dition and best. (No noisy window units) Owner pays water, sewer, garbage ft TV cable. Adja cent to new, modern washateria. No long lease necessary. i Try. If you don't like, you can move by giving proper notice. Vet Med Student ft AftM couples preferred. Few apartments available now and Sept! 1. 822-5286 There's nothing the lettermen enjoy more I than putting together a little dose harmony... On the highway we make harmony by blending in with traffic. Driving Friendly to make it all work together." Gary Pike of The Lettermen Presented as a Public Service by the Governor's Committee on Traffic Safety Presented as a Public Service by this newspaper