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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1972)
;ou was'. AGGIES ... DON’T DELAY! Order Your Boots Now For Future Delivery - Small Payment Will Do > YOUR BOOTS MADE TO ORDER Convenient Lay-A-Way Plan ONLY $80.00 A PAIR We Also Have Spurs & Chains iEconomy Shoe Repair & Boot Co. 109 E. Commerce San Antonio, Texas 78205 — CA 3-0047 TERM INC Barcelona RESERVE A GREAT APARTMENT FOR FALL RENTAL OFFICE NOW OPEN FOR SELECTION 700 Dominik — Ctill 846-1709 for Information or Em Student Section, Tennis Courts, Basketball and Volleyball ^Courts, T.V. Loange, Pool Table, Club Rooms. iStudent Rates. Efficient, Discreet Professional Management. tSecurity Guard. The Newest in Apartments in College Station/Bryan Area. Student Plan $62.50 per month. We have separate Girls’ Dorm. THE BATTALION Wednesday, July 19, 1972 College Station, Texas Page 3 BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES . . . . 6t per word ich additional day inimum charge—75? Classified Display $1.00 per column Inch each insertion 'flOne day . . 4c per wor Minirr DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication FOR SALE arge secluded wooded homesite off Mun- Drive near College Hills Elementary. % acre lot. Phone Windell 822-3456 be- Itween 6-8 p. m. 132t4 It's really cool—2(H000 BTU Wards air conditioner. Will talk price. 846-2974. 132tl OD ge Sale Saturday 8 to 7—Sunday 1 Jver a hundred pieces good clothing lies', junior girls’, men’s; _ . _ •" , furniture; boat motor; beauty aids cellaneous. 403 Dogwood, off Cross Skaggs. ; mis- behind 132tl Slim Jim. Like new. Cost $100. Will jell for $50 or best offer. Will deliver, n.ii 0034)1^; Call 823d) 113 or come by 1203 Thom Bryan. pson, 13214 A1 p anasonic reel to reel stereo tape deck h amplifier and speakers. Tapes also. 132tl th amplifier and speakers, cellent condition. 846-8344. Must couch. View. sell. Will Moving. 2 talk price. carpets and 1 C-19-Y Collei lege 31t3 f, One stove, 4 burners $40. One refrigera- Htor $20. 2 beds. 903-B 846-0693 after 5 p. m. Cross Street. 131t2 f 10-speed bicycle, England made. Bought this Christmas. $60. 689-2773. 130t3 It’s a steal — 1967 Mustang, V-8, auto matic floor shift. Good condition. Call 846-6545. ISOtfn ■|1970 16’ Super Sidewinder Ski Boat, hrysler, custom trailer, used less than 60 hrs. Call 822-2350 after 5 :00. 120 h.p. Chi I, Good small Brangus Guaranteed. Call 822-3980 after 6. Have several 2 and 3 bedroom new mobile iomes. Move in at $25 down approved edit. See us at HI NEIGHBOR MOBILE HOMES. C.S. 126tfn WORK WANTED | Typing near campus. Electric. Ex- jerienced. Symbols. 846-8966 or 846-0571. 124tfn Fast and expert typing, Julie, 846-0222 evenings. 121tl8 Typing. Call 845-2461. Ask for Kathy. 62tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 67tfn —EVERYDAY— Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66, Gulflube — 35c qt. SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 69^ Each Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy and Friedrich Dealer Prestone Anti-Freeze and summer coolant $1.69 Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 26 Years In Bryan OFFICIAL NOTICE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Howell, William Richardson, Jr. Degree: Ph.D. in Chemistry Dissertation: SPECTROCHEMICAL STU DIES OF COORDINATION COM- FLEXES • I. STEREOSPECIFIC KINETICS O F THE LIGAND-LIGAND EXCHANGE REACTIONS OF D*-(-)- AND L*-( + ) -1, 2-PROP YLENEDI AM INETETRA- ACETATOLEAD (II) WITH D-(-)- TRANS-1, 2-CYCLOHEXANEDIAMI- NETETR A ACETIC ACID II. CIRCULAR DICHROISM STUDIES OF ALKALI METAL COMPLEXES WITH D-(-)-l, 2-PROP YLENEDI AM INETET- RAACETIC ACID AND D-(-)-TRANS- 1. 2-CYCLOHEXANEDIAMINETET- RAACETIC ACID. Time: July 21, 1972 at 10:00 a. m. Place: Room 220 in the Chemistry Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Walton, Ned Ephram Degree: Ph.D. in Civil. Engineering .iSv&Wfi&y'gr a ^■^■■^^^^■DESIG N OF ROADWAY LIGHTING. Dissertation : RATIONAL APPROACH TO Time: July 25, 1972 at 1 :30 p. m. Place: Room 106 in the Highway search Center ?e Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Engineerim ing OF ELASTIC-PLASTIC TRANSI- Name: Tsai, Ping Yung Degree: Ph.D. in Mechanical Dissertation: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE CHANGE OF POISSON’S RATIO DURING TION. Time: August 3, 1972 at 3:00 p. m. Place: Room 128-B in the Zachry En gineering Center George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College . THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Barfield, Merrell, Jr. Degree: Ph.D. in Educational Administra tion Dissertation: THE RELATIONSHIP BE TWEEN PER CAPITA SPENDING AND CERTAIN ASSUMED INDICA TORS OF QUALITY IN EDUCATION. Time: August 7, 1972 at 3:00 p. m. Place: Room 203-AB in Bolton Hall George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Baugher, Richard Wilson Degree: Doctor of Education in Industrial •ee: Education Dissertation: METHODS DENTS IN CLASSES. Time: July 28', 1972 at 10:00 a. Place: Room 8-E in the M. E. Shops Bldg. George W. Kunz. A COMPARISON OF TWO OF SUPERVISING STU- DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY at 10:00 ?e W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College HELP WANTED Help wanted—State Motel, manager. 846-5410. Call or or see 132tfn pai Bu Need 2 married students that will work irt-time. Good commission. Call rns ’70. 823-0869. Bill 132t4 Experienced beauty 822-4407 or 822-6183. operator needed. 108tfn CHILD CARE HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3406 South College Ave., Bryan, State Licensed. R.N. ege Ave., Bryai Virginia D. J ones, 99tfn MOBILTOWN PARK Mobile Homes and Spaces For Rent Spaces $26 - $35 per mo. Natural gas—Pool—Near A&M Stables—$15 per mo.—Working pen and riding area available. TV Cable Available Local Moving Service 400 Ehlinger Dr.—822-5358 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 FOR RENT 2 bedroom house with acreage for rent, miles from campus. Ideal for 4 Vet students. Call Troy 9146. PUE Dean 823-8008 or 822- I32t4 Bedroom for rent, preferred. 823-687’6. for rent. Air conditioned. Girl 132tfn Duplex for rent. One bedroom. Couples only. No pets. Call 822-4201 or 846-6209. 2106-A Maloney. 132t2 New 2 bedroom furnished m furnished mobile home located on 3 wooded acres near University. $120 per month, plus bills. Available Sept. 1. No pets. 846-8051 or 822-6530. 131tfn Housekeeping room with private bath. Call 846-5064. 131t2 Remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 bath hou; E. 23rd. $160 per month. 4 students. 822-6340. house. Couple or lt3 APARTMENTS! Two bedroom — $129.50 One bedroom — $104.00 Completely furnished, air conditioned, and convenient to campus. Homer B. Adams Realty 822-3756 AUSTIN Law - grad. Students Hampton Place Complex 1 B/R “$139.50 - $164.60”, 2 B/R—114 Bath “$159.50 - $179.50”. Studio Apartments. Shag carpet, dish washer, disposal, patio, pool, laundry 846-976 sq. ft. 78752—6 equipment. 300 E. Croslin 512/836-3776. "Aggie Owned & Operated” -612/453-6966 ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES: One and two bedroom furnished apartments ready for occupancy. 114 miles south of Campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934, or after 5, 846-3408 or 822-6135. 68tfn HICKORY | 4 HILLS ■ 1 Mobile Home Lg Community T Bryan’s Newest \ § & Finest ▼ “ Spacies & Mobile Homes for rent Phone 822-6912—823-5701 2001 Beck Street Also entrance on Hwy* 2818 at Industrial Park , I22 tfn CASA DEL SOL APTS. Now accepting applications Spring - Summer - Fall '72 One and two bedroom fur nished and unfurnished. Pool - Air-Conditioned - Club Room. 401 Stasney 1-5 p. m. or Phone 846-3455 . TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Apartment Dwellers Join the Gulf Coast Sailboat fleet and enjoy special low rates for storing your boat in our warehouse. GC-14’s in stock. Go sailing this weekend. Financing available. SPARCO — 846-6544 Gulf Coast Sailboats A SIGN OF THE TIMES at A&M is the Military Walk street sign in a bed of mud. The summer at Aggieland has featured a common sight, construction, and an un usual amount of rain, something not ordinarily in abun dance from June through August. (Photo by Kenneth Stroebel) NASA gives A&M equipment to be used at wind tunnel NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Center has awarded A&M an ar ray of electronic and related equipment valued at more than $100,000. Harry Whitmore, associate di rector of TAMU’s Texas Engi neering Experiment Station, said the equipment will be used in the university’s wind tunnel, where tests are conducted on models of craft being considered for NASA’s space shuttle program. The equipment, consisting of 21 separate items, enhances the wind tunnel capabilities for data recording and instrumentation of the models, noted Prof. Stanley H. Lowey, principal investigator for wind tunnel testing. David L. Millikan, wind tunnel manager, added the NASA equip ment will improve the facility’s testing and research capabilities for various other projects. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED ARE YOU UNDER AGE 25? Auto Insurance at Manual Rates If your driving record is good (not perfect) BusiekJones Agency Bryan College Station 3523 Texas Ave. 1055 Highway 6, So. 846-3708 (Homefinder Bldg.) 846-1614 JAY’S SABER INN Package Store For a good selection of fine liquors and wines. Come by and let us show you. We appreciate your business. STUDENT DISCOUNT 701 Texas Ave. at Saber Inn TIRE SALE SAVE — SAVE — SAVE Security Scat Cats by Gates Cash plus $5.00 & tax on any PREMIUM [IRES & YOKAHAMA RADIALS Sorry no Cheapier AMERICAN SERVICE STATIONS Call or come by 603 S. Texas 846-8982 200 N. Texas 822-1016 3722 S. College 822-5744 THE PEANUT GALLERY OLD COLLEGE HD. ^— PEANUT GALLERY -rw- KYLE FIELD TEXASAVE 813 Old College Rd. College Station, 846-9978 Open 4 p. m. Monday-Friday—7 p.' ih. Saturday “IT’S SOMETHING DIFFERENT’’ No lecture. No preaching. No, none of that. Here are facts about drug laws & the system of justice overseas. If you're traveling to Europe, the Middle East or south of our own border, here are some facts. Because a lot of people have funny ideas about foreign drug laws and justice. Maybe you've heard possession is okay in some countries. That's wrong. Or maybe you’ve heard the laws aren’t enforced like they are here. That’s wrong, too. Really wrong. The truth is their drug laws are tough. And they enforce them. To the letter. Mexico, for example, demands a two to nine year sentence for possession of anything. Carrying stuff in or out of the country will put you in jail for six to fifteen years. There's a 24 year old girl from the United States sitting in a jail outside of Rome right now. She’ll be there for six to ten months waiting for a trial. And after that she can get to ei: ight yeai Spain, a In Spain, after you’ve been sentenced, you can’t take your case to a higher court. You're all through. And nobody can gel you out. Those are facts. And there’s no way around them. That’s why over 900 Americans are doing time in foreign jails. Check the countries you'll be visiting. One fact will come through. Loud and clear. youVe busted orljwhassfe r Mexico. { Sweden. [Japan. Possession, 2 to 9 years plus e. Trafficking, 3 to iOyeai j fine. Trafficking, 3 to 10 years J plus fine. Illegal import or | export of drugs, 6 to 15 years plus fine. Persons arrested on ■ drug charges can expect a j minimum of 6 to 12 months | pre-trial confinement, j U. S. Embassy: Cor. Danubio and Paseo de la Reforma 305 Colonia Cuauhtemoc Mexico City, Mexico Tel. 511-7991 Possession or sale, up t months and permanenl expulsion from the cou U. S. Embassy: Strandvagen 101 Stockholm, Sweden Tel. 63/05/20 | Possession, pre-trial detention. I suspended sentence and j expulsion. Trafficking, I maximum 5 years. Spain. | Greece. [ Lebanon. U. S. Embassy: 10-5 Akasaka l-Chn Minato-Ku, Tokyo Tel. 583-7141 grams cannabis, hne ar expulsion. More than 500 grams, minimum of 6 years in jail. U. S. Embassy: Serrano 75 Madrid, Spain Tel. 276-3400 Possession, minimum 2 yi in jail. Trafficking, maximum 10 years plus hne. Possession, I to 3 years in prison. Trafficking. 3 to 15 years. U. S. Embassy: 91 VasMissis Sophia’s Blvd. Athens, Greece Tel. 712951 U. S. Embassy: Comiche at Rue Aiv Mreisseh, Beirut, Lebanon Tel. 240-800 Italy. Possession: Minimum: 3 yi and 30,000 lire fine. Maxin 8 years and 4,000,000 lire fi 4- Gennany. j Jamaica. 8 years and U. S. Embassy: Via V. Veneto 119 Rome, Italy Tel. 4674 ears | xi mum: I lire fine. Possession, jail sentence Trafficking, maximum 3 plus fine icr Avenue -Bad Godel or fine. years U. S. Embassy: Aver ad G nn, Germany Tel. 02229-1955 53 Bonn-Bad Godeberg Possession, prison sentenc and fine. Trafficking, maximum 3 years at hard labor. U. S. Embassy: 43 Duke Street Kingston. Jamaica Tel. 26341 Denmark, i Bahamas. Possession, fine and detention up to 2 years. U. S. Embassy: Dag Hammarskjolds Alle 24 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel. TR 4505 Turkey. Possession, 3 to 5 years. Trafficking. 10 years to life. U. S. Embassy: 110 Alaturk Blvd. Ankara. Turkey Tel. 18-62-00 United Kingdom. Possession, 3 months to I year. U. S. Embas ling . Bahamas assy: Adderly Buildin Nassau. Ba‘ Tel.21181 Canada. Possession, jail sentence and expulsion. Trafficking, mini mum 7 years, maximum life. U. S. Embassy: 100 Wellington Street Ottawa, Canada Tel. 236-2341 France. Possession, use or trafficking; prison term of 3 months to J 1 years and fine. Customs Cour I will also levy heavy fine, j Minimum 3 to 4 months pre-trial confinement. H Iran. Possession, 6 months to 3 years. Trafficking 5 years to death and fine of 3,000 rials U. S. Embassy: 250 Ave. Takli Jamshid Iran Tel. 820091.825091 Tehran, I. 820 Morocco. Possession, 3 months to 5 years and fine. U. S. Embassy: 43 Ave. Allal Ben Abdellah Rabat, Morocco Tel. 30361/62 I Israel. Possession, heavy fine and expulsion. Trafficking, maximum 10 years and 5,000 Israeli pounds fine. U. S. Embassy: 71 Hayarkon Street Tel Aviv, Israel Tel. 56171 U. S. Embassy: 24/31 Grosvenor Square , W.I., London, England ■ j _TeJ_499-9000_ _ -J— / Possession, use. trafficking: 0 years and heavy ail ISC by a fine or nt and j maximum 10years and fine. Possession of small amount for persom ually punished b light impns expulsion. Nether lands. Possession, fine or 6 months in prison. Trafficking, maximum 4 years. U. S. Embassy: : Voorfiou lague. N Tel . 62-49-11 102 Lange VoorRout The Hague, Netherlan U. S. Embassy: : Frai 19, Rue de Franqueville Paris, France Tel. Anjou 6440 Switzer land. Possession, maximum 2 years or fine up to 30,000 francs. Trafficking, maximum 5 years. U. S. Embassy: 93/95 Jubilaumsstrasse Bern, Nwitzei Tel. 43 00 11 msstn and __L. L.