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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1972)
Page 6 College Station, Texas Wednesday, July 12, 1972 THE BAHAI Apartment Dwellers Join the Gulf Coast Sailboat fleet and enjoy special low rates for storing your boat in our warehouse. GC-14’s in stock. Go sailing this weekend. Financing available. SPARCO — 846-6544 Gulf Coast Sailboats Seminar told College business manager necessary Accounting of educational re sources goes beyond dollars and cents, the Tarrant County Junior College District chancellor said Tuesday at A&M. Dr. Joe B. Rushing said he is concerned that colleges and uni- SALE TROPICAL FISH GUPPIES, PUPPIES, ETC. 5 for $1.00 — Silver Angels, Neon Tetras, Black Mollies, Marigolds 3 for $1.00—Algae Eaters, Kahli Loaches, Cory Doras, Tiger Barbs, Three Spot Gourami $1.98 Pr.—Various Show Guppies All Glass Tanks : 5 Gal. $3.98 10 Gal. $4.98 15 Gal. $8.98 20 Gal $10.98 29 Gal. $17.98 DIRECTIONS: Go 1/2 mile south of the Ponderosa Motel and turn left for 1 mile and turn left for 1 mile and turn right to No. 19 Lake Placid — The Home of Guppies, Puppies, Etc. . . OPEN: 6-9 p. m. Monday thru Friday 1 - 6 p. m. Sunday. 846-7385 — 846-8047 versifies spend money to manage their money and let it go at that. “A good, mean business man ager is necessary,” the two-cam pus Tarrant County official told participants of an Academic Ad ministrators Seminar. Too often, however, the business manager manages only as long as it in volves money. “Administration tends to for get him in terms of managing the resources of space, time and equipment,” Rushing maintained. Twenty-three college and uni versity officials are considering resource management in the ad ministration of higher education in the two-week seminar. Sessions conclude Friday at Texas A&M and move Sunday to Baylor Uni versity for the final week. Rushing, speaking on resource management for multi-campus colleges, summarized working- level points at which adminisra- tors manage resources. “We equate resources with money, but it goes beyond that to space, manpower, time and equipment,” the Association of Texas Colleges and Universities president said. Effects of using enrollment to allocate funds to campuses of the multicampus system, cost-ac counting systems, decision-mak ing, plant management, assign ment of programs, standardiza tion for multi-campus mainte nance, space assignment, inven tory, cross-campus cataloguing, security and program develop ment, among others, on resource management were detailed by the seminar speaker. ’ Rushing noted that junior col leges that become too oriented toward transfer to senior colleges has resource management impli cations. “Becoming too transfer oriented is a disservice to occupational education,” he said. “It requires a tough attitude and the willing ness to say that this is an occu pational education program of two years duration that leads to a job-marketable skill.” The problem, Rushing explain ed, is that a student gets into a program designed to equip him for the job market, decides he likes the academic life and wants the degree. “We have committees meeting regularly with the senior colleges, that sit down and work out the transfer problems,” the speaker added. “There is going to be a continuing problem of transfer from occupational education, but overall we have good relations with the senior colleges.” A&M grant engineer receives to study pollution ■■■■■I mmmM mimmm il: MODEL DS-3065 IIS mm ieiiii m * i- rvrM soimic 1M/FM Stereo wlih e-iracK Platter Save 40.00 I A ROOMFUL OF SOUND without a room full of equipment. The compact, big sounding Dyn Sonic Model DS-3065: AM/FM/MPX Stereo with an 8-track cartridge player built in. Designed to fit your style of living, this deluxe unit has a walnut finish wood cabinet with matching wooden speaker cabinets in Spanish decorator style, and the speakers have the latest two-way air-suspension system. Smoked blackout dial, slide controls, stereo light indicator, headphone jack, input jack for record changer, automatic channel selector with channel light indicator. Compare 149.95 109.95 FREE HEADPHONE SEI WITH PURCHASE OF SYSTEM il i :: Kustom Kreations, Inc. n Compare 9.95 7.95 MODEL 122 MODEL DS-156 1 Compare 10.95 in AM/FM 8.95 MODEL 154 Toko il / Leave il Ills OUTDOOR FUN RADIO For picnics in the park re- When you leave your car, does your car stereo leave with you? Or does it stay behind for someone else to take? With "Lock Mount" universal mounting bracket, you can easily take your stereo with you when you lock your car. Model 122 mounts under the dash. Model 154 mounts to the floor. Both made to fit your stereo, C.B. unit, etc. Built-in contacts for 2- or 4-channel systems. Get one today. laxing at the pool or surfing at the beach, take along this portable AM/FM Dyn Sonic DS-156 radio. This radio fea tures recharging circuitry and AC adapter built-in. Also a telescoping antenna for sharp, clear reception. Reg. 19.95 /17.95 ' d e, 903 S. Main, Bryan, Tex. 822-1589 STORE HOURS: 8:30 - 5:30 Mon. thru Fri., 8:00 - 1:00 Sat. 3S An A&M research engineer has received an $83,875 grant to de termine water quality standards which consider uncontrollable pol lution due to mechanical failures and unusual environmental prob lems. The grant includes $76,695 from the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the re mainder from TAMU’s Texas En gineering Experiment Station. air pollution standards include consideration for unusual prob lems, he added. Once the data has been col lected and evaluated, the com puter center at A&M will be used to define what can be ex pected given unusual or uncon trollable problems, Dr. Shih Said. Dr. C. S. Shih, environment and computer expert, is principal investigator. He said the 18- month study will involve gather ing data from the San Antonio River Basin for use in a com puter model study to define water quality under a number of variables. NSF awards grant $10,400 to Physics ARE YOU UNDER AGE 25? Auto Insurance at Manual Rates If your driving record is good (not perfect) Busiek.- Jones Agency Bryan 3523 Texas Ave. 846-3708 College Station 1055 HiKhwaySSo. (Homefinder Bldg.) i 846-1614 Cox . - 1 sio r am c IMPOR l EI) 3 & 10 SPEED 611®' Sales - Service - Accessories £A s Cro! in t Har San CliT Gilane Lou: 10-SPEED TAM A Now In Stwi teri; Kelt enee oatli CENTRAL SUPPLY AT 715 S. Main Bryan 822-2228 Closed.% A $10,400 National Science Foundation grant has been awarded A&M for equipment in Physics Department undergrad uate laboratories. Included will be evaluations of the waste water treatment facili ties in the San Antonio area, fresh water inflow, natural en vironment effects on the water quality and an economic study considering the cost to maintain desired water standards. The grant to be matched by TAMU will be used by Dr. Gil bert N. Plass, head, for new lab equipment and accessories. Dr. Shih pointed out mechan ical failures and unusual weather conditions—both dry and wet— affect the water quality. Most NSF made the grant among 371 others to help colleges and universities improve undergrad uate instruction by updating lab equipment. Coleman Loyd, NSF programs coordinator at A&M, said more than 1,500 proposals were submitted. The 1972 grants totalled $2.9 million. “You’ll put on a happy face when you wast our place”. O Join lean SMILE WASHATERUMn str 11 and part DRY CLEANING f ee Rooi Triple Load Washer Double Load Washers Single Load Washers Newest Dryers Located at 3800 Alani Drive Bryan Near Texas A&M One block behind Pepe Tacos—turn on Lynn or Ehlic: —go down one block—stop at SMILE WASHATERIA (New air-conditioned brick building) x ^ 0 ‘ ^ ' f V, SBISA HALL BASEMENT NOW OPEN EACH EVENING MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 5:00 P.M. TO 7 P.M. jjJ MANAGER CHEF PAUL J. PETERSON AND HIS CULINARY STAFF OF FER YOU THESE DINING DELIGHTS: * HOME STYLE COBBLERS AND PIES FRESH FROM THE PENISTON OVENS. * HOT ROLLS AND LOAVES OF BREAD BAKED FRESH DURING each meal. * FOODS SKILLFULLY SEASONED TO PLEASE THE MOST PARTICU LAR GOURMET. .1: FRESH STRAWBERRIES AND OTHER LOW CALORIE FRESH FRUIT and gelatin desserts. * FAST SERVICE IN A PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE. OPEN MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY — 11:00 A.M. TO 1:15 P.M. 5:00 P.M. TO 7:00 P.M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY — 11:00 A.M. TO 1:15 P.M. P/S The “JOLLY GREEN GIANT” is visiting Peniston Cafeteria, but he is not signing auto graphs. ‘QUALITY FIRST” Wit deo Dry guy thei ulai Our $1.2: