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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1971)
Page 8 College Station, Texas Wednesday, October 20, 1971 THE BATTALION Bland Smith learns leadership as a cornerback and cade Bland Smith By BILL HENRY Assistant Sports Editor If you’re looking for a true leader on the Texas Aggie foot ball team, cornerback Bland Smith, senior letterman from Ty ler, is the man to see. Not only is Bland the starting right cornerback, but he adds such credentials as Commanding Officer of Air Force Squadron 14 (comprised of 43 cadet-athletes) and a distinguished student in the field of Aerospace Engineer- “Football takes up most of my time,” Smith explained when ap proached on how he manages to keep up with all his duties. “I really haven’t gotten the hang of being a CO yet since it’s football season. The only things our squadron does right now is drill and eat together. The Corps Staff understands where our priorities lie and do not force us to conflict with our athletic endeavors.” Smith, 5-9 and 165, was not recruited when in high school at Tyler Lee where he took all-East Texas honors as quarterback- safety but came to Texas A&M as a tryout. A cornerback has the toughest assignment in the defensive sec ondary, having both rushing and passing responsibilities. “The most difficult is the op tion out of the Wishbone,” he said. “When the option comes to your side, you’ve got to contain the pitch man and make the tackle. Many times a team that runs the Wishbone will come out like it’s going to be a run and the quarterback sets up behind the tackle and throws a pass; that’s really tough to defend against. In that case, you’ve got to do your best to bet back into your zone and cover the receiver. Both Baylor and TCU do this.” The A&M secondary is second in pass defense after six games in the Southwest Conference be hind Tech allowing only 115.3 yards per game. “I contribute this to our great secondary coach (Lance Van Zandt) who has emphasized be ing aggressive,” Smith said. “We have worked on breaking for the ball when it’s thrown or when the ball carrier gets the handoff. You can’t wait and then react to the play, you must always be ready to go after the ball. The first of the year we felt he was wrorking us too hard but now we’re glad he did it, because we have benefited from it so For the next two weeks X defensive secondary will have fil work cut out, having to def f “ against both Si Southall 0 f lor and Joe Ferguson of Ark! sas. Baylor will run out off Wishbone along with its pash attack while Ferguson will U to his favorite receiver, Mi!I Reppond, out of a multiple J set. Ferguson leads the SWcT passing while Reppond leads J conference in receiving DO ml OREEM [ 3TA.N/1F>3 J ml OP9EErsl 1 srrA.NrfF»» J ml ml QREEN I arrAN4P8 I Everybody Loves a Winner: PINNY PINCNIN' PRICES AT PIB6LY WIGGLY You always end up in the winner's circle when you shop Piggly Wiggly! Penny-Pinchinn' Prices aren't just a campaign promise with us-they're an every day reality. That's why so many families vote for savings every week at Piggly Wiggly. EVERY DAY LOW PRICES -PLUS S &H 6REEN STAMPS-WHY SETTLE FOR LESS FROZEN FOOD DEPT. Banquet cream pies 4 1 M-u ply Banquet — 8-Oz. POT PIES .... 5 For $1.00 Banquet — 11-Oz. DINNERS 38c Gorton — 16-Oz. 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