Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1971)
m BATTALION j Wednesday, October 20, 1971 College Station, Texas Page 7 ugbyclub comes from behind to win in Austin Playing at Fiesta Gardens in lustin last Saturday, the Aggie [ugby Club’s First Fifteen rolled its nineteenth consecutive vie wy this year, whipping Austin Sold Rugby Club 22-10. Touted to be the hardest they L 0 uld face, this game against the Colds evolved into a battle of eed, strength and fitness in diich A&M was well tested. Fif- Ben minutes into the first half lie Aggies were behind 6-0 from f0 penalty goals, and Austin Ipectators were gleefully predict- ig the long awaited downfall of Ihis year’s Texas Rugby Union Phampions. Indeed, Austin Gold uoked formidable, but quick cov- Iring and hard tackling by the Iggies prevented the Golds from [ffectively opening their running game. In attack the Aggies were tre- lendous. Continual battering [orced the Golds to retreat. A did herd of charging A&M for wards broke through near the |nd of the first half, and Captain Steve Sturman touched down to live A&M a try (4 points). Kick ing against the wind John Gunn lissed a difficult conversion. At Ihe half the score stodd 6-4 in lustin Gold’s favor. In true Aggie style, A&M came back fighting. With the wind at Ittieir backs they took full advan- age of the second half. Powerful forward play fed the ball to the bard running backs, and Gunn broke two tackles to score a try. Reconverted (2 points), and the Iggies went ahead 10-6. The game now belonged to !A&M. Austin Gold managed one Jtry from a penalty to give them la total of 10 points, but the Ag- Igies went over the Gold’s line (twice more in the person of Giles I Port—once from a 100 yard run, land once from a combined for- jward rush in which he touched I down. Two more trys by the Ag- [gies were disallowed, and one I penalty kick signalled as good by [both touch-judges was disallowed [by the referee. However, the Aggies showed [true Rugby spirit and kept their [tempers well, expending their en- jergies only to score again. It was a fine game played against a | strong team, and in the regular [season this match is certain to promote very keen competition. BIG JOHN GUNN (13) explodes into the Austin Gold end Jim Cortez and Georg-e McCarroll. The win was the nine- zone to score a try for the Aggies in their 22-10 victory teenth straight for A&M in rugby this year. (Photo by last Saturday. Backing him up, in the numbered shirts, are Michael Huslage) ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL »■■■ *4ni CALL 822-3737 1016 Texas Avemie Bryan NOTICE! FACULTY, STAFF, AND STUDENTS. MSC BARBER SHOP Is Open Monday Thru Friday 8 to 5:30 p. m. Specializing in razor cuts, flat tops, styling and your kind of hair cuts. Also, have a fulltime shoeshine man from 8 to 5:30 p. m. Monday thru Friday. Thanks. Curt Flood will have his day in Supreme Court; baseball’s antitrust exemption to be tested By BARRY SCHWEID Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON <^ > >—The Su preme Court agreed Tuesday to hear Curt Flood’s argument that professional baseball enslaves its players — a judicial move which could point the way to ending the exemption from antitrust laws now enjoyed by this sports busi ness. Former Justice Arthur J. Gold berg will argue for the one-time all-star centerfielder at a hearing now tentatively set for mid-Jan uary. A final ruling is expected by June. This is the first time in 18 years that the court has been willing to consider a legal attack on the structure of professional baseball. The sport currently en joys immunity from both federal and state antitrust laws, an ex emption the court has been un willing to grant football, basket ball or any other professional sport. Hood and Goldberg center their attack on the so-called “reserve system,” which binds a player to the team that holds his contract. Once a player signs with a team, he can play only for that team unless it chooses to trade or sell him. All clubs use the same con tract. A balking player has only the option of quitting the game if he does not like contract terms. Flood calls this a form of slavery. Flood began the suit when the St. Louis Cardinals, for whom he had starred, swapped him in 1969 to the Philadelphia Phillies in a multiplayer deal. He refused to report and sat out the 1970 sea son while two lower federal courts rejected his claim. Flood played briefly for the Washington Senators last spring but with his skill diminished he abruptly left the team and is be lieved to be living now in Major ca, Spain. In 1922 the court decided base ball was essentially a sport and not an interstate business bound by the Sherman Antitrust Law. In 1953 the Court said any change in baseball’s status is up to Con gress. Be A “TEACHER- Student High School juniors and seniors need your help with subjects in which they have problems. If you are proficient in any subject, please attend the organizational meeting of the“Y” Tutoring Club at 7:30 p. m., Monday, October 25 in the All Faiths Chapel. If you’d like to help, but can’t attend the meeting, call Rick Lambert at 5-1769, or Alvin Stewart at 5-5876. Student Y Association “WHERE YOU ALWAYS BUY THE BEST FOR LESS” ©IKON'S 1402 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas STORE HOURS: MON. thru SAT. — 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. WE HONOR BOTH CARDS— Prices Effective Oct. 21, 22 & 23 Use Gibson Instant Credit CLEARASIL 1.2 Oz. Cream Medication, Famous Skin Tone Formula Or Clearasil New White Van ishing Cream. Reg. $1.09 Now Only 77c G. E. HAND MIXER Powerful Yet Lightweight. Reg. $9.99 M-18 Now Only 8 47 SQUEEGEE No. 6010C Ideal For Cleaning Windows and Floors In The House. Reg. 99? .. 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