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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1970)
•SC'' ■ . M. '.M. . M. Jnfurnished one bedroom duplexes. Avnil- le now for A&M married students and ployees. $60 monthly. 822-3988. 17t4 BUSIEK AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Leans ARM A HOME-SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 1523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 SUMMER CLEARANCE IS STILL IN PROGRESS ON ALL CLOTHING 507o OFF REG. PRICE Ihe Exchange Store THE BATTALION Tuesday, September 29, 1970 College Station, Texas Page 3 Local fire departments to host demonstration Bryan and College Station Fire Departments will host a public demonstration of new fire-fight ing chemicals and equipment at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday on A&M’s Brayton Fire Training Field. Firemen’s Training School In structor David White said fire departments from throughout central Texas have been invited. The demonstrations are expect ed to take about 90 minutes. Brayton Fire Training Field is located south of Easterwood Air port. ★ ★ ★ fied publications issued between 1958 and August of this year. Particular emphasis is placed on research dealing with boron, glass and graphite fiber materials. ★ ★ ★ Engineers compile research publication A A&M engineering group is compiling a publication covering research conducted in the field of fiber-reinforced plastic compo sites. The publication, which will have particular application for personnel engaged in aerospace and submarine design, is the re sult of a 10-month study con ducted under an Air Force pro gram. The document will be pub lished as an Air Force Materials Laboratory technical report. Authors of the publication are Dr. R. A. Schapery, Dr. L. D. Webb and S. W. Beckwith of the composite Materials Group in the Civil Engineering Department’s Materials Science and Materials Engineering Division. The survey covers the unclassi- Text by Dr. Simmang reaches fifth edition Dr. C. M. Simmang, head of the Mechanical Engineering De partment at A&M, is co-author of three widely used textbooks in thermodynamics recently publish ed in their fifth editions by Mac Millan Company. “Problems on Thermodynamics” and the accompanying solutions manual are the work of Simmang, Alexander V. Brewer, and Virgil M. Faries, formerly of the Naval Postgraduate School and now de ceased. Simmang also made the current revision of “Thermody namics,” written originally by Faries. ★ ★ ★ Electrical engineering professors named The appointment at A&M of Dr. Kurt F. Schenk and Dr. Dar rell R. Gimlin as assistant pro fessors of electrical engineering has been announced by Dr. W. B. Jones, department head. A native of Bogota, Colombia, Schenk received his Ph.D. this year at the University of Colo rado. His fields of specialization are electromechanical energy conversion and application of op timization theory to electrical ma chine design, Jones said. BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR RENT Mr-conditioned apartment. Cheap, utili- spaid. Call 846-9653 after 5 p. m. 17't4 Two bedroom furnished and unfurnished irtments. $105 to $115. Central air and It. Married couples only. 846-3408. liversity Acres. 13tfn RENT A HOME TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES ' 2 Bedrooms IMs Baths Central Heat & Air Fully Carpeted & Draped All Electric Kitchens Attached Garage with Washer and Dryer Connections Privately Fenced Back Yard 1 Block from Elementary School 3 Blocks from Proposed High School (Fall ’71) For Rental Information 846-3988 9tfn 1M projector and films for rent—Aggie n (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn HELP WANTED Student: $3.00 plus per hour. Apply: ®ada Inn. 3:30 p. m. or 8:30 p. m. lay. No phone calls please. Mr. Smith. 17tfn HOMEWORKERS WANTED (envelope iressers). Rush stamped, self-addressed >pe to: J. R. Hill, 198 Bowie Street, lega, Alabama 36160. 17tfn AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 tROPHIES PLAQUES Engraving Service Ask About Discounts Texas Coin Exchange, Inc. 1018 S. Texas 822-5121 Bob Boriskie ’55 COINS SUPPLIES Havoline, Amalie, Conoco. 34c qt. Prestone — $1.69 Gal. —EVERYDAY— Je stock all local major brands, 'there low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Almost Any Part Needed 25-40% Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Alternators $19.95 Exchange Starters - Generators Many $13.95 exch. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts !20 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK '32 Our 25th year in Bryan WORK WANTED ling: rk y nylon and gut. Call 846-4477. ns? 1477 of Books, Journals, Theses, Dissertations, and Reports. UNIVERSAL BINDERY 311 Church Street, College Station —. 846-3840 TYPING, electric. Close to campus. Expe rienced. Reasonable. 846-2934. Itfn Typing. 846-8165. OFFICIAL NOTICE I p.m. of the day proceeding pu adline blicatic Rhodes Scholarship shoul R. H. Ballinger, Room c Bldg., by October 6, 1970. I co D2-A It is now time for all Corps izatior s, Sr ce Organ rnization apply for ni versity, C, 1, WANTED ROOMMATE expenses. Call 822-2146 after 5. DEN (next to Loupot’s). We buy magazines, pocket books, tape: tape decks, etc. We buy almost anythin of value—Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). We buy used mags playboys,—Aggie Den. magazines, pocket bo DR. G. A. SMITH Optometrist Specializing in eye examination & contact lenses DIAL 822-3557 DOWNTOWN BRYAN Watch Repairs Jewelry Repair Diamond Senior Rings Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 CHILD CARE \ Experienced child care. Call 846-6536 - from 8 to 5. 17tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN GEN- TER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. ^ 823-8626. Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn Child care in my home by the week, s nights, and weekends by appointment. n Excellent facilities, playground equipment, - registered nurse in charge. 846-3928. 132121 FOR SALE Honda CB 160, two helmets, tools, good condition, tires, very reasonable. After 5:30, 846-0165. 17t4 1963 MGB ; Good condition. $650. 845- 2158. 17t4 1968 Honda DB 350. Windshield, luggage rack. 846-5416 after 5. 16tfn Camaro 1968. 327 Cl, V-8, 4 barrel, 4- • speed, factory air, LeMans Blue, white n vinyl top, radio, low mileage. $1495. 846- 4127. 16t3 n Border collie puppies. Call after 6 - p. m. 846-3924. 15t3 n HONDA SUPERHAWK 305cc. COM PLETELY CUSTOM BIKE. LOOKS GREAT—RUNS SAME. MUCH CHROME. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY — CHEAP ! 846-2940. 14t3 < Twin beds with mattress and springs, f Double bed with box springs. Excellent . condition. 822-4538 after 5. a PONTIAC G. T. O. ’66. POLYGLAS h TIRES, MAGS, HOLLEY, STEREO C TAPES, CUSTOM PAINT. AIR, EVEN a MORE. EXCELLENT CONDITION. $1795. 846-5854. 13t5 ’ Tapes, tapes, 8 track - brand new, guaranteed perfect - latest country west- * ern, rock - soul — The very latest releases, ■ all artists — Fantastic prices — only $4.75 7 each — Tell your friends about this deal— j Aggie Den. 9tfn e Racquel Welch posters - new release - beautiful - also many new red hot posters “ arriving daily - Come see—Aggie Den 9tfn 12 x 60 mobile home. Call 845-6551. 6tfn ~ TOTAL ENVIRONMENT l Surfboards, Posters, Leather, and More Open Daily Thursday e 6 to 10 10 to 9 29th at Stillmeadow in Wee Village 846-0324 4tl4 POSTERS - POSTERS - POSTERS - Z POSTERS. The kind you like—Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn 4 and 8 track tapes, 5 for $15.00 guaran- teed—Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Bumper stickers - Bumper stickers - Bumper stickers - Bumper stickers - All kinds -— Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Tape decks, 4 and 8 track tapes, cassette tapes, radios, cassette tape players. Jointed cue sticks, girlie magazines, girlie films, pocket books, party albums, record albums, playboy pin-up posters, watches, T.V’s. Almost anything. All at real bargains —-Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Jointed cue sticks from $9.95 to $15.00— good selection—Aggie Den (next to Lou pot’s). 135tfn Ann-Margaret Vietnam photos in living color - Fantastic collectors item - Limited supply—Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn Japanese made electric guitar. Three pickups, vibrator and case. Worth over $100.00 but selling for $65. 845-2803 129tfn GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 26th & Parker 822-1336 822-1307 ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. ARCH. & ENGR. REPRODUCTION & MEDIA SUPPLIES SURVEYING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT - • OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE & SUPPLIES 402 West 25th St. Ph. 823-0939 Bryan, Texas LOST Lost Dog: Long - haired dachshund, black with brown markings. Wearing red flea collar. Reward. Name: Shorty. 846- 2302 or 845-2211. 17t3 Leo medallion keyring with 7 keys. Re ward. Call 846-0526. 17t3 SPECIAL NOTICE Quail and chukar hunters. Season starts Oct. 1. Licensed shooting resort. One hour from Bryan-College Station. Dogs and guides available. For information call 846- 5354 or write Box 6358, College Station, Texas. 17t4 IS GOD ALIVE AND RELIGION DEAD? Ask Baha’i. Fireside every Thursday at 8:00 p. m., 1204. Marstellar. 846-9798. 17t4 To be eligible to purchase the Texas A&M University ring, an undergraduate must have at least one academic year in for nine-five (95) residence and credit semester hours. The hours passed at pre liminary grade report period on October )70 may be used in satisfying • the 19, 1970 may ninety-five (95) hour requirement. Stu dents qualifying under this regulation may leave their names with the ring clerk, 7, Richard Coke Building. She, in ^ill chdck all records to determine now Room turn will chdck all records to determ their eligibility. Orders for these rings will be taken by the Ring Clerk starting October 28 and continuing through Decem ber 15. The rings will be returned to the Registrar’s Office for further delivery on or about January 22, 1971. The ring clerk is on duty from 8:00 to 12:00 noon, Mon day through Friday, of each week. H. L. Heaton, Dean Admissions and Records. Attention December Graduates. You may begin ordering your Graduation Invitation: begin ordering your Graduation Invitations at the Building Cashier’s Window in the MSC. 9-12, 1-4, Mon.-Fri. The deadline for ordering is Oct. 15. 14tl2 Aggie Den open from 8 a. m. tin mid night, 7 days each week. Aggie Den (next to Loupot’s). 135tfn 8 a. m. till mid- Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 Female students invited to the Aggie en - f n - — >■-••• —u- J a week. Den - from 8 a. m. till midnight, 7 days 135tfn Maggies invited to the Aggie Den - Come iggies the f 7 days a week. le U join the fun - open 8 a. m. till midnight, 135tfn Aggies ! - Bring your date to the Aggie joy billiards and pin-ball—Ag- 135tfn Den and enjoy gie Den. Ladies invited to the Aggie Den - Get up a party and come enjoy the Ag Den, 307 University. :ion pe: Wood’s Furniti enue. Tele: niture outlet otters you furnishings at prices that to miss. Our Av- fur- home n’t afford prices that you can t afford motto is “We will not be mark of excellency. Wood’s iss. undersold.” The fabulous Furniture Center, Bryan, Texas. SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 WHITE AUTO STORES Bryan and College Station can save you up to 40% on auto parts, oil, filters, etc. 846-5626. Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 909 S. Main 822-6000 Two scientists receive grants Two A&M scientists have re ceived Department of Health, Ed ucation and Welfare research grants totaling $40,952, Congress man Olin E. Teague announced Friday from Washington. The National Institute of Ar thritis and Metabolic Diseases grants are to Dr. Kenn E. Hard ing, assistant professor of chem istry, and Dr. G. Ananda Rao, re search scientists in biochemistry and biophysics. Dr. Harding received $16,742 for biogenetic studies and Dr. Rao was awarded $24,210 for cancer-related research. Both grants are for the first year of three-year studies. Dr. Rao is investigating the mechanism and regulation of glyceride (fat) synthesis in nor mal and cancer tissues. He has researched that area since join ing A&M three years ago. New developments during this three- year period is one reason A&M received the grant, Rao said. M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute in Houston will cooperate by supplying some can cer tissues. Rats are currently used as the control group, but Dr. Rao expects to be using mice later. Dr. Harding’s research is di rected toward examination of chemical reactions by living or ganisms of complex natural prod ucts such as cholesterol, cortisone and other steroid hormones. The key step in the biological preparation of steroid-like com pounds is the conversion of a non- cyclic polyolefin into a polycyclic intermediate, Dr. Harding said. Reactions of this type have re cently been used in the laboratory preparation of steroids. The College Station Light Company 906 S. Jersey Presents M. Davenport Free Food Assorted Goodies Wednesday Sept. 30 6:30 p. m. First cruise for new ship to be Friday Representatives from several institutions with oceanographic interests will take a familiariza tion cruise Friday aboard A&M’s newly acquired research ship, the ORCA. Dr. Richard A. Geyer, head of A&M’s Oceanography Depart ment, said acquisition of the 100- foot steel-hulled vessel will allow the university to expand its re search activities in the Gulf of Mexico. A&M, the only institution in the state with deep sea-going capa bilities, also operates the R/V ALAMINOS, a 180-foot ship. Gey er said the ORCA primarily will be used for research along the continental shelf, freeing the ALAMINOS for deep-water proj ects and long-duration cruises. The ORCA also will be used in Texas A&M’s Sea Grant Program, a National Science Foundation- sponsored program to develop marine resources. Sea Grant ac tivities planned for the ship in clude investigation of the gulf’s Flower Garden area and testing of specially designed equipment. 1970 TOYOTA *1830.00 BRAZOS VALLEY TOYOTA INC. We Service AH Foreign Make Cars Cavitt at Coulter Phone 822-2828 Is this man a double agent? No.. .but he knows a lot about security. He’s Provident Mutual’s Big Man on Campus. In 15 min utes he can show you why it’s important to plan now for future security—and how to go about it. The right kind of life insur ance is a very important part of your financial future. This Professional will show you a plan specifically designed f<5r college men and women. For complete information on the advantages of getting a head start—and our special program—stop by or tele phone today. GORDON RICHARDSON (713) 567-3165 Insurance company of Philadelphia ROSES We Specialize In Them— Red, yellow, pink tropicana We have them. AGGIELAND FLOWER & GIFT SHOPPE Member F.T.D. for out of town orders. 209 University Dr. 846-5825 J. C. (Jim) Harris byj THE BUG SHOP, Inc. 1911 So. College Ave. Bryan, Texas 77801 Phone 822-5383 Bryan's Leading Independent Volkswagen Service TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed Lowest Prices HAM ILL’S TRANSMISSION 33rd. & Texas Are. Bryan 822-6874 INLOXaJ olvd DITCH Gome. visit. HEWSEL RaUK onej. Llifefele 0i(iKe^s The Gift House of Originals 4401 Milam, Bryan Open Mon. - Sat. 9:30 — 4:00 - Mon. and Thur. - Until 9:00 ALL THE FEDERAL LAW ALLOWS. Midwest Video, and all other CATV companies throughout the nation, are now regulated by the Federal Communications Commission. We are pleased to announce that we carry all the channels* legally permitted by the FCC. *Our 10,000 customers, including 500 new families and 190 re connections for former customers (Aug. 20-Sept. 19, 1970) watch KHFI/Austin, KBTX/Bryan, KCEN/Temple, KTBC/AUSTIN, KUHT/Houston, KHTV/Houston, KHOU/Houston, KAMU/Col- lee Station, KTRK/Houston plus 2 channels of music and 9 FM radio channels. MIDWEST VIDEO CORP 846-8876 The CATV Professionals Member of the Texas & National Cable Television Assn.