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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1970)
BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • IltSURANCE F.H.A.—Veteran* and Conventional Loans ARM A HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 FLOWERS ^ Complete Store Baby Albums - Party Goods Unusual Gifts Aggieland Fl6wer & Gift Shoppe 209 University Drive College Station 846-5825 AG'S! JOIN LOU'S BLAZER CLUB Here’s how it works: The first fifty to join Lou’s Blazer Club will each deposit $29.95 for his Maroon Blazer. Then Lou will have a drawing daily for the first ten weekdays before the Texas Tech game. The first Aggie drawn will re ceive his Blazer plus $14.95, the next will receive $13.95 plus Blazer and so on until all fifty have their Blazers with the A&M crest in time to wear to the game. (Please specify single or double breasted) JOIN TODAY ■ Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Tuesday, September 22, 1970 Dr. Rebello elected cricket club captain Dr. John L. Rebello has been elected captain of the A&M cricket club which has opened practice for the coming season. The team will play matches this year with the Houston cricket club and has been invited for a match in New Orleans. Rebello is a post-doctoral fel low in biochemistry. The club vice-captain is B. Shankarappa and A. S. Ramamohan was elect ed treasurer. Both are graduate students. Prof. John F. Griffiths will continue as president and faculty sponsor of the club which meets at 3 p.m. Saturdays on the Me morial Student Center drill field for weekly practice. ★ ★ ★ Floriculture Society to see gardens Many, La., is the destination of the Floriculture and Land scape Horticulture Society of A&M on Oct. 24. Perry R. Ragsdale, president, said the society will be making the trip to view Hodges Gardens in lieu of the regular October meeting. Career Day plans made for this fall -k 'k 'k Firemen’s School conducting course A&M’s Firemen Training School will conduct a two-day special industrial fire-fighting school Tuesday and Wednesday for employes of the E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. Sabine Riv er Works at Orange. Chief Instructor Henry D. Smith said the training will in clude nine fire control projects. The du Pont workers include process operators, supervisors and safety personnel who will be assigned to the company’s ADN Plant, Smith said. k k k 3,072 degrees awarded 945 on graduate level Texas A&M has awarded this year a record 3,072 degrees, in cluding 945 on the graduate level. Registrar Robert A. Lacey said the 1970 total, just compiled fol lowing certification of degrees earned during the summer ses- High school students from all areas of Texas have been invited to make plans to participate in the activities of A&M’s Agricul tural and Engineering Career Day October 10. Exhibits designed to present information concerning careers and study programs in the vari ous fields of agriculture and en gineering will be open to stu dents, teachers, parents and the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in De Ware Field House, commit tee chairmen Agricultural Asso ciate Dean R. C. Potts and Engi neering Assistant Dean J. G. Mc Guire have announced. Faculty and student represent atives will be available to talk with the students, answer ques tions, and distribute printed ma terials about careers within each discipline. Twenty-seven exhib its are planned. The Cooperative Education program, in which stu dents alternate periods of uni versity attendance and employ ment in industry, will be ex plained, McGuire said. County agents and advisers in high school vocational agricul ture departments are asked to encourage attendance of inter ested students, and chapters of the Junior Engineering Techni cal Society are invited to make field trips to A&M for the pro gram. ■ HI WADE MB IT AGAM! Check these terrific savings on laundry and dry cleaning: 99 CENT SPECIAL SUITS 99c •DRESSES 99c All 6 Locations • One Week Only Sale Ends Saturday Sept. 26 TRY OUR ASHBURY STREET STORE BEHIND SBISA ... ON YOUR WAY TO THE CAMPUS. 6 convenient locations in College Station NEAR THE CAMPUS ON THE CAMPUS North Gate East Gate College Main Ashbury Street Hospital MFC BILL WADE One Day Service that Suits You Laundry & to a Tee Dry Cleaners V 1 Radiation treatment makes sewage water reuseable 1HE B sion, represents an increase of 443 over the previous year. This marks the first time Texas A&M has awarded more than 3,000 degrees in one year, Lacey noted. Baccalaureate degrees total 2,- 127, up 394 from last year. The university has conferred 340 doctoral degrees this year, compared to 313 in 1969. In cluded in the 1970 total are 125 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees. Master’s degrees total 605 com pared to 583 last year. FISHEATING CREEK, Fla. OP) — Dr. David D. Woodbridge lifted a glass of water to his lips and drank it dry. Hours earlier the water had been raw sewage from this south Florida camp ground. “It’s clean and it’s good,” he said. The sewage had been trans formed into pure, odorless water — like slightly warm distilled water — by gamma radiation at the first commercial nuclear sew age disposal plant built in the United States, perhaps the world. The $87,000 plant essentially treats sewage in the usual way until, just before final filtering, the effluent is bombarded with rays from radioactive cobalt-60. The process is flexible. Water can be treated to such pureness it can be drunk, or it can receive lesser treatment for use in irri gation. Irradiation with cobalt does more than rid the sewage of dis ease-causing viruses and bacteria. It also breaks up deadly pesti cides and reduces by up to one third the quantity of phosphates and other nutrients in the water. The plant has been in commer cial operation for more than six months, treating sewage from trailers, bath houses, toilets and laundry machines at the Fisheat ing Creek campground west of Lake Okeechobee. Some 10,000 gallons are treat ed daily, with as much as 22,000 gallons on peak weekend days. The plant is the brainchild of Woodbridge and his colleagues at Florida Institute of Technology — FIT — in Melbourne, Fla. Woodbridge heads the physics department and is research direc tor. He founded FIT’s Univer sity Center for Pollution Re search in 1968. William R. Garrett, a Wood- bridge assistant who supervised construction, explained that wa ter from campground sources feeds through pipes into a wet well where paper and other solid objects are trapped and either screened out or broken down so they can enter the system. The sewage flows from there into an air-bubbling aeration fa cility common to most sewage disposal plants. Then its goes into the radiation chamber where it is sterilized by gamma rays. The water does not directly con tact the cobalt-60 but circulates around a core containing the ra dioactive material. The water then moves into a dilution tank where ash created by oxidation of waste is removei From there it goes into a pri mary vacuum filter, a polishing carbon filter and finally empties through a pipe into a nearby swamp. There is no radioactive ma terial in the outflowing water,: 1 and it is perfectly safe to tbe surrounding area, Garrett said, Allowing for evaporation, Woodbridge said a municipalil could save 80 per cent of its wa-1 ter by recycling it any number of times through an irradiator, He claimed the system removi 90 per cent of detergents; 99.85 per cent of all bacteria; reduces by up to 33 per cent the phos phates and other nutrients, and is lethal to viruses causing such diseases as influenza and polio- mylitis. He noted that water put through conventional plants, will chlorine added, will stunt vegeta tion. The irradiated water is so pure that not one weed has been affected at Fisheating Creek, he said. u VANO put rus ing the Pilots of light aircraft seek jumbo jet flight restrictions WASHINGTON <A>> — Owners and pilots of light aircraft are campaigning to restrict flights of new jumbo jets which, govern ment tests show, create tornado like winds that can spin smaller planes out of control. Tests being completed by the Federal Aviation Administration showed the winds swirl off wing- tips of the 747 and C5A at speeds up to 90 miles an hour and can trail behind the planes for miles. The FAA has ordered a five- mile separation at all times be tween the giant jets and planes weighing less than 300,000 pounds. It also is conducting an educational program to alert pilots of lighter aircraft to the hazards of the winds—called wake turbulence or wingtip vortices. The Airplane Owners and Pilots Association, which represents fliers of the 139,000 aircraft in the general aviation field, objects to this approach. “The jumbo jets must be rigid ly confined, rigidly regulated so everyone knows where they are,” says Max Karant, vice president of the AOPA. “They are the dead liest kind of aircraft to encounter in the air. They constitute a clear and present danger.” Although all planes cause wing- tip vortices to some degree, FAA officials say the extent of turbu lence from the 747 passenger plane and C5A cargo plane was underrated. Flight tests showed that light aircraft which penetrate the vor tices within three miles of the jumbo jets can be forced into a sudden roll of 75 degrees. “If they fly into it just right they could go into a spin and lose control of the aircraft,’’ said Robert Martin, FAA’s chief of regulation and procedures. “The vortices are just like little tor nadoes.” A&M gets grant from Phillips Co. Phillips Petroleum Co. has awarded a $3,000 grant to A&M. J. P. Jones of Bartlesville, Okla., director of Phillips’ Re cruitment and Placement Divi sion, formally presented the funds to Acting President A. R. Luedecke during campus cere monies Monday. The award was made through Phillips’ Professional Develop ment Fund. Jones said the fund was established in 1966 to sup port professional growth and de velopment of students and fac ulty in Engineering, the physical sciences, business administration and related fields of critical im portance to the petroleum and petrochemical industries. Jones said individual grants will be administered by deans and department heads in the areas of greatest need for student and faculty awards, traveling ex penses and fees for off-campus professional societies meetings, expenses for visiting speakers and programs and purchase of reference books and professional publications. University officials said the Professional Development Fund award is in addition to fellow ships, scholarships and other established financial support pro grams provided by Phillips. The firm’s other support totals more than $9,000 this year. COURT’S SADDLERY... FOR WESTERN WEAK OR FOR YOUR MARE. FOR SHOE REPAIR BRING IN A PAIR. 403 N. Main 822-0161 DEMOCRATIC REBUILDING COMMITTEE Dave Shapiro, Director of Organization will speak on “The Democratic Stake in a Two-Party System in Texas” Come, Listen, Question Tue., 22 Sept. 7:30 p. m. Unitarian Fellowship on Wellborn Road (Paid for by Democrats for a Two-Party Texas.) M. A. O’Conner, Chrm. Ai Con completii 50 perce and two intercept Any t have onl passe achieverr Had tl this type have bee way LSI “I’m ii ing. LSI their pi James s; A&M and didr until the The cc the 1970 says the have cla: The w the youi gies’ sop have go mentally The A dous all picked encouraj The A ger fuml Bengal fumble ] osu C0LU State’s maintaii schedule up for against But ( taken i noon n closer t DONT LET ANYONE KID YOU ABOUT CATV QUALITY. Midwest Video’s picture is better. By day. And by night. In black and white. Or color. In hot weather. In cool weather. On sunny days. On cloudy days. During a storm. Yesterday. Today. And Tomorrow. And when something breaks, Midwest is the first to respond. MIDWEST VIDEO CORR 846-8876 The CATV Professionals Member of the Texas 8t National Cable Television Assn. A ■