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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1970)
z ^ Unne 10,^ ^Chamber thinks census low. 0 >v. iplus tomers tion. Thij ,n Channel of $5.00), een going :cessful in option of reduce, of P. ne in the HE BATTALION Wednesday, June 10, 1970 College Station, Texas Page 3 urges uncounted to call LOOK AGGIES All you can eat $1.30 Choice of one meat Drink & Dessert Extra SWANZY^ CAFETERIA 2025 Texas Ave. 1970 TOYOTA $1830.00 BRAZOS VALLEY TOYOTA INC. We Service All Foreign Make Cars Cavitt at Coulter Phone 822-2828 The 1970 preliminary census count was a major topic of dis cussion at the regular weekly meeting of the Bryan-College Sta tion Chamber of Commerce Exec utive Committee. It was unan imously agreed that a major ef fort should be made to see that all persons in Bryan-College Sta tion were counted in the census. Meeting with the Executive Committee was Mayor Jerome Zubik, Mayor D. A. Anderson, City Manager Ran Boswell, and City Manager Fred Sandlin. Anyone who thinks they were not counted in the census is urged to leave their name and address with the Bryan-College Station Chamber of Commerce office (Phone: 822-3721), so that a fol low-up can be made to be sure everyone was counted. Do not send your census form but keep it; all we need is your name and address at the current time. If you have previously left your name and address with the Chamber or with the news media, it' will not be necessary to call again. According to the prelimi nary count, Bryan-College Station has a combined population of 49,- 772. The preliminary count for College Station is 17,283 and for Bryan, 32,489. This total is 228 people short of the 50,000 count which is one of the necessary criterion for receiving a metro politan area designation. It is important to all segments of our community that we have this met ropolitan area designation and all citizens are urged to cooperate in this community effort. Texas vets arrive for annual con fa b Approximately 125 Texas vet erinarians will be on campus Wednesday through Friday for the 23rd annual Conference for Kantfn man's cologne, with the Spirit of Sweden. TOWNSHIRE / BRYAN, TEXAS. 77801 LET US ARRANGE YOUR TRAVEL... ANYWHERE IN THE U. S. A. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Reservations and Tickets For AH Airlfties and Steamships — Hotels and "A"*' Rent Car Reservations IP -Call 822-3737- Rpbert Halsell Travel Service 1016 Texas Avenue Bryan Designed With College View And Hensel In Mind! Room air conditioners of distinction. ana has developed a big capacity air conditioner that is 14,500 BTU and operates on 115 volts! 14,500 BTU 115 Volts No special 230 volt wiring needed! Model 615-2F IT S GOT ALL OF THE FEATURES! NO SHORT CUTS. • Automatic Thermostat. 8 Fresh air & Exhaust. • 3 speed fan. 8 Woodgrain baffle front. 8 Dural directional air control. 8 In window or thru-the-wall installation. ■ ^ $349 ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE: AMANA 5-YEAR TOTAL APPLIANCE WARRANTY It’s Free! The big difference is that it covers Parts & Labor for 5 full years. Amana warrants tor 5 years from date of original purchase in U. S., free replacement or repair, including related labor, of parts defective as to workmanship or material under normal use, and returned through Amana’s dealer-distributor organization. Owner is responsible for local cartage, repairmen’s travel expense if required, replace ment of gaskets, filters, rubber or plastic parts, and installation kit material. Owner is also responsible for normal maintenance service (cleaning of coils, water drains, motor lubrication), and normal deterioration of appearance items due to wear or ex posure. Any product subjected to accident, misuse, negligence, abuse, defacement of serial plate or alteration shall void the warranty. In Canada, the warranty applies as above except that it does not cover taxes, duties, assessments levied at time of part export. HAIR APPUANCE CEISTER 408 W. Carson 822-1719 L Texas Veterinarians. Dean Alvin A. Price of the sponsoring College of Veterinary Medicine noted special committee meetings of the Texas Veterinary Medical Association, Texas Ani mal Health Commission and Ani mal Health Division of the TJ. S. Department of Agriculture are scheduled all day Wednesday in the Memorial Student Center. Dean Price will host a con ference reception from 7-9 p. m. that evening. Thursday and Friday sessions include a general meeting and special session on feedlot medi cine, small animal medicine and horse and farm animal medicine. Forty faculty members and guest instructors will speak dur ing the programs. A ladies program is headed by Mrs. James D. McCrady of Bryan. Mrs. McCrady will be aided by Mrs. Wallace Bay, Mrs. C. K. Jones, Mrs. Archie Flowers, Mrs. Robert L. Boss, Mrs. John Huff and Mrs. C. H. Bridges. The ladies program includes a public relations workshop, party for student wives, the Veterinary Auxiliary Past President’s Break fast Friday morning and a lunch eon and business meeting in the First Presbyterian Church Fel lowship Hall at 11:30 a. m. Fri day. Tours of the Large and Small Animal Clinics, Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnistic Laboratory and U. S. Department of Agricul ture Veterinary Toxicology Lab oratory and Entomology Research Laboratory are planned Friday afternoon. ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Sunday Services: 8:00 A. M. 9:15 A. M. Adult Class 10:20 A. M. Nursery and Kindergarten 9:15 A. M. Rector: Wm. R. Oxley Chaplain: W. M. Seeliger 846-6133 BUSINESS EDUCATION SUMMER TERM BEGINS JUNE 16—REGISTER NOW The perfect gift for a son or daugh ter js one that provides lifelong security. Business skills are high ly prized today Qualified secre taries and Accountants are readily employed- Office skills con be mastered within months at a cost within the reach of every parent. McKenzie - Baldwin provides tree placement service. For years the dempnd has exceeded the supply. For details about IBM Key Punch Course Dial 822-6423 Special 6-Weeks Summer Course in TYPEWRITING for TEEN-AGERS. ENROLL NOW. McKENZIE-BALDWIN BUSINESS COLLEGE 702 South Washington Avenue Bryan, Texas SIX FLAGS OVER TEXAS... SEVENTH ANNUAL JAMBOREE SAVE OVER s 2 00 ON A REGULAR s 5 00 TICKET PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT. JUNE 11 - 12 - 13. Westchester A. F. GRADE ‘A’ LARGE EGGS Stoneware DISTINCTIVE HAND-MADE WESTCHESTER STONEWARE FOR THE ULTIMATE IN CASUAL DINING Westchester Stoneware U ideal for informal dlnlnff at Ita best. Dramatically different for modern livin* with the ac cent on eaaual dining. Completely hand made In the finest tradition of real Stoneware. Heavy metal bearing clays baked with extreme heat tnak* this Stoneware hard and strong; resistant to chipping. • OVENPROOF • DETERGENT PROOF • DISHWASHER SAFI • FADfe PROOF MADE IN U.S.A. OR YOUR COMPIRR IR NOW DURINO THIS EXTRA ORDINARY OrriR - NEViR BirORI AVAIIABIR AT SUCH TRRMRMOQUS SAVINGS. This week's feature coupon offer ((SI QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. .••••• Only $1.69 Westchester Stoneware 3 Pc. Place Setting; (Plate, Cup & Saucer) With $5.00 or More 'Purchase. Excluding 1 Cigarettes & Beer. . . ..... . COLfPON GOOD THRU JUNE 13 Pepsi-Cola 3 6 Btl. Ctns. LIMIT 3 WITH $5.00 OR MORE PURCHASE. EXCLUDING CIGARETTES & BEER. U. S. Good Crown Baby Beef A. F. Sliced or Rath’s ROAST BACON STEAK RATH FRANKS Baby Beef Chuck Westpac Frozen GREEN BEANS 2 Z: 20-Oz. Pkg. 20-Oz. Pkg. CUT CORN GREEN PEAS CORN ON COB 3 Pkgs. Your Choice 3 Ear 8 Oz. Pkg. Pkg. rnskies pm* CAT FOOD 7 MELLORINE F 3 15-Oz. Cans Vi Gal. Ctns. Shurfine — Frozen Fresh Sweet Fresh CHERRIES CARROTS PINEAPPLE FRESH RADISHES GREEN ONIONS 3 Fresh »49c 29c 3s$l 1-Lb. Bags 3 r* 29c For 3 p", 29c Fashion Girl — Reg. $1.29 PANTY HOSE Anti - Perspirant — Reg. $1, RELAX Shurfine CORN MEAL Pair 5 LB. BAG 66c 55c 39c Carolina 1 Elberta .. PEACHES CHUNK TUNA 4 No. 2«/ 2 TP Cans $1 O No. Vi Ql .0 Cans tpJL an* BLACKEYE PEAS “ 2 29c BREAD rZ" 3^ 87c TOMATO SAUCE XIOc SALAD DRESSING F £L ..JTc ORRS nniiTC r’nrTortxT nrvrtra irni? iCSl! THIS COUPON GOOD FOR ,, 100 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS With Purchase of $10.00 or More Excluding Cigarettes or Beer. ORR’S SUPER MARKET Coupon Void After June 13,1970. 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th STREET DOWNTOWN 3516 TEXAS AVENUE RIDGECREST