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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1970)
of Sty inust »4e t iitj j, Hfo, Nliiig «itto j Mt of ,Tl( S Program head set to present graduate talk Dr. R. Philip Hammond, direc tor of Oak Ridge National Labo ratories’ nuclear desalination pro gram, will meet here next week with key personnel in the “Nu- plex” study and present a gradu ate lecture. The lecture, entitled “Energy, Ecology, and Edacity,” will be presented at 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 23, in the Architecture Building auditorium. Theme of the talk will be that man cannot hope to survive unless he does a better job of harnessing energy. Energy is, in fact, the ultimate raw material which can be sub stituted ' for non-renewable re sources, Dr. Hammond points out, but it must be applied with skill and vision. Earlier in the day, the ORNL official will brief Texas A&M’s “Nuplex” officials on a similar program being conducted at the Oak Ridge facility. He will then hear a report on the Texas A&M program. “Nuplex” is a coined word de scribing a large complex consist ing of a nuclear-powered reactor, electricity production, water de salination, chemical processing and production, agriculture and associated activities. The long- range study is designed to help provide low-cost abundant water and electricity. The Texas A&M briefing will be directed by Dr. Richard E. Wainerdi, associate engineering dean, who heads the interdiscipli nary “Nuplex” program. Dr. Hammond’s two-day visit also will include tours of experi mental facilities on campus and participation in discussions con cerning desalting technology and by-products utilization studies at both Texas A&M and ORNL. Other topics involve food crop production research and socio economic and systems analysis research. Through his ORNL post, Dr. Hammond has represented the United States at numerous inter national conferences and missions concerning peaceful use of nu clear energy. Prior to joining the Oak Ridge installation, he was associate leader of the reactor development Che Battalion Warm, cloudy, humid Vol. 65 No. 124 College Station, Texas Wednesday, June 17, 1970 division at the Los Alamos Sci entific Laboratory. Dr. Wainerdi noted Dr. Ham mond has contributed to the de sign of advanced reactors and evaporators, to the metallurgy of plutonium, refractory metals and rare earths and to remote control mechanisms in radiation chemis try and fast neutron reactors. Dr. Hammond is a chemical en gineering graduate of the Univer sity of Southern California and earned a Ph.D. in physical chem istry at the University of Chicago. Thursday — Partly cloudy, wind Southerly, 10 to 15 m.p.h. High 92, low 74. Friday — Partly cloudy, wind Southerly, 10 to 15 m.p.h. Chance of thunderstorms late afternoon. High 89, low 76. Telephone 845-2226 Space shuttle undergoing tunnel tests Wind tunnel tests are being conducted here with a “space shuttle” model designed and built by Texas A&M engineers for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Harry Whitmore, director of the Space Technology Division, said the space-shuttle project is part of NASA’s feasibility study for an earth-orbital laboratory. The engineers plan to put the model through a two-month test program calling for wind gusts up to 200 mph. The model, measuring 69 inches long with a wing span of 48 inches, is attached to a maneuver- able base allowing the craft to be struck by gusts from varying angles during a single test. Whitmore said the main effort in the project is devoted to sub sonic airplane problems. He explained a space shuttle must be a combination of an air plane and spacecraft. It must have the capability to go to the manned space platform, return to earth and land at an airbase, rather than splash down in water. Three killed ROTC units donate clothes to help needy Texas A&M-designed space shuttle—Engineers Joseph Brusse, left, and Joseph Bicknell prepare space shuttle model for wind tunnel tests as Harry Whitmore, director of the Space Technology Division, looks on. Purchasing department in collision due terminal computer of auto-train Three people were killed and two seriously injured yesterday afternoon when a car and a South ern Pacific freight train collided at a railroad crossing one-half mile south of College Station on P.M. 2154. Milinda J. Ercanbrack, 3, and George A. Parson, five months, were dead at the scene, and Mi linda K. Gillenwarter, 17, died at 4:45 p.m. at St. Joseph Hospital. Janie M. Black, driver of the car, and Peggy D. Parson, 15- year-old mother of George Par son, are in serious condition with face lacerations and internal in juries. Texas Department of Public Safety Patrolman George T. Gar rett, who investigated the acci dent, said the car and train were both traveling north when the car turned east to cross the tracks and the collision occurred. University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M.” —Adv. By PAT LITTLE A remote terminal computer is due to be installed in the Pur chasing Department’s storehouse July 15 to handle its buyers’ bill ing and the Exchange Store is in the process of having its book ordering computerized. Exchange Store Manager Chuck Cargill said the student will bene fit from the computerized order ing by the lists of books which will be printed at the beginning of each semester. He said the list will consist of the course title and number, the name of the book, and the pro fessor’s name will be listed in cases of several professors using different books for the same course. The computer at the Purchas ing Department will be used to bill the buyer, as well as provide instantaneous inventory reports and give more accurate service to the customer, Stores Super visor Walter C. Dandridge said Monday. He said the computer will go through a trial period until Sep tember and then be put into full-time use. The computer will be connected to the Data Processing Center, where information on the 11,500 items of the stores is kept on a small portion of a disk which resembles a phonograph record. When a customer buys an item at the storehouse a computer card with the item’s stock num ber and other information will be put into the computer, Dandridge said. “A card will be fed into the computer which will have on it the buyer’s department and the billing account number,” he ex plained. This information is relayed to the DPC where it is run through the computer and an itemized bill with the per item price and the total price will be sent back to the buyer. A bill will be sent at the end of each month to the buyer, show ing purchases made during the month. The buyer will be able to compare his individual bills with this total monthly bill. The new concept, of which A&M is one of the first universi ties to use, will do away with the present system of hand-processing each order. A ticket is written and every two days the accumu lated tickets go to the DPC where they are key-punched by hand and run through the computer. Needy people in numerous for eign countries have clothing — thanks to the ROTC program. Salvaged clothing worn by cadets in the Army and Air Force ROTC programs here is contrib uted to Church World Services, which distributes apparel accord ing to known need. Col. Jim H. McCoy noted con tributions started in 1961, when initial arrangements were made by the late Dr. Dan Russell, 38- year sociology professor. “This disposition is most ap propriate and goes to a very good cause,” the commandant re marked. Floyd T. Mathis, military prop erty custodian, said it is the most practical course available. “By regulation, we can either give the salvaged clothing away to an organization such as this, or destroy it,” Mathis explained. “It cannot be sold to an indi vidual.” The clothing is purchased by Texas A&M with federal funds allocated on a per-cadet basis. The military property custodian returns directly to the Army some items issued for Army ROTC cadets when they become unserv iceable. Shirts, trousers, jackets and raincoats contributed to Church World Service are unserviceable items turned in by cadets for re placement. “Most items have lots of good wear left,” Mathis added. “Some pieces may have unremovable stains or be worn through in places such as pocket edges and on the collar. For people who don’t have any clothes at all, I think these clothes would be very welcome.” “It’s a good way of helping people,” he said. CWS trucks, which average three annual pickups of about 6,000 pounds each, will back up to the 12-dorm services building clothing warehouse Monday for 113 stuffed duffel bags, an aver age size load from Texas A&M. Church World Service pickups also are made at the First Pres byterian Church in Bryan and Our Savior Lutheran Church of College Station. Mathis said Houston and Austin headquarters arrange sorting, packaging and delivery of the clothing to points of need throughout the world. He works through N. A. Sund- wall, Austin field director of CROP which also conducts the Community Hunger Appeal, and Philip N. Zinn, Houston head quarters manager. Texas vets given view of new field Police Division opens course The Police Training Division of the Texas Engineering Extension Service opens a four-week general law enforcement course Monday here for police officers from throughout the state. Chief Instructor Ira E. Scott said approximately 20 officers are expected to enroll in the course. It is the fifteenth offered at the Texas A&M Research Annex training area. Scott noted the 140-hour pro gram gives participants the re quired courses to complete mini mum requirements for certifica tion under Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Education stan dards. Scott pointed out, however, the officers must have one year of law enforcement experience be fore being fully certified. The certification law becomes effec tive in September. During the course, the officers receive training in criminal and traffic laws, report writing, hu man relations, first aid and fire arms training, Scott added. Classes continue through July 10. Texas veterinarians were given a brief glimpse at a new field —aquatic veterinary medicine— during the 23rd annual veteri narian conference. Dr. George W. Klontz, one of five aquatic veterinarians in the United States and the only one in college teaching, pointed out a South Carolina catfish farmer harvested 340,000 pounds of dressed catfish per acre foot last year. The associate professor said it was an indication of what can be done in fish farming, noting 30 cents out of every dollar in farm ing fish is spent on preventive medicine. “Fish farming isn’t a simple matter of having fish in water,” Dr. Klontz declared. “You need the right kind of fish and the right kind of water.” He estimated the average cat fish farmer could gross between $500 to $1,000 an acre, while grain farmers average about $250 an acre. “The trouble with fish farming is farmers are getting into it,” he related. “A rice farmer can raise jillions of fish in ponds, but he may not know what to do with the fish or how to prevent disease.” Dr. Klontz said the same is true of other types of fish, in cluding trout and even salt water game fish. He told the veterinarians at tending the two-day program that fish farming is a whole new in dustry in its infant stage, with A&M offering the only aquatic veterinary medicine program in the U. S. An example of one problem is galvanized zinc water systems, Dr. Klontz disclosed. He said the metal is lethal to fish, yet is used in many fish farm water systems. He disclosed a new metal bait bucket used by sports fishermen has a killing effect on the bait. The conference opened Thurs day morning with 125 Texas vet erinarians expected to attend. GREAT SAVINGS PLAN made even better by new legal rates at FIRST BANK & TRUST. Adv. Youngsters display diving techniques at W. Cain Pool Ready or not, here I . come, oops, I slipped . . . here goes nothing . . . it’s as easy as walking . . .