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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1970)
■ ■ • . -■ .. ^ Rollie If, ^udents is wall of ^iation S (—I IFRTK^^VMC^FR TOWNSHIRE / BRYAN. TEXAS 77801 ‘rang Club or cot; Boyd will !0r ?e, first tj ^ alen , SCc; whall Flesij BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—V^tcraiu and ConveRtionml Lbeuib ARM *'HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. Aojk (h» Ridgecrest) 846-S708 ‘“h, treas^ fflmtariaiiiu ® r °f anns, 1,000 $5 to $10 BOOKS (LOU’S MISTAKE) These were bought for resale and the edition changed. Now Selling For 95c or 10 for $7.50 Build Your Library At Lou’s Expense ATTENTION SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS 7 DAY Summer Board 1st Session $104.40 June 1 - July 10 2nd Session $104.40 July 13 - August 21 And for the First Time 5 DAY Summer Board 1st Session $93.90 2nd Session $93.90 You can’t eat for less anywhere else! ! Aggie writes Nixon of A&M patriotism A&M’s 1970-71 Corps of Cadets information officer has written President Nixon pointing- out the demonstration of respect and love by A&M students for their par ents “as well as their patriotism, their faith in the American sys tem and their confidence in our future.” faith in the American system and their confidence in our future. . Fitzhug-h pointed out in his letter that thousands attended Parents Day activities. Thomas C. Fitzhug-h III says it shows “the other side of the coin” in the current series of campus disturbances. The junior g-eophysics major used the recent Parents’ Week end program as an example of the A&M students’ expression of feelings. His letter said, in part: “Sunday afternoon (May 10) there was a demonstration on our campus which probably escaped the attention of your office. As in the other demonstrations across the nation, the participants here were thousands of young, idealis tic, intelligent and concerned Americans expressing the inten sity of their feelings. “There were, however, two striking differences between oc currences here and those else where. First, there was a sur prising absence of the photog raphers, cameramen and reporters who so readily covered other cam pus demonstrations. Second, the purpose of this demonstration was a radical departure from those so widely publicized events else where,” Fitzhugh wrote. “You see, Mr. President, these students were demonstrating their “Sadly enough, elements of the national press corps were absent. On the other hand, one can only speculate on the amount of pub licity the occasion would have re ceived, had a small handful of individuals with far different pur poses interrupted these proceed ings. “The blame for the obvious dis parity in the amount of attention given to this responsible, sincere point-of-view lies not only with the news media, but also with our elected public leaders. . . ” Fitzhugh continued his letter by noting the Saturday commis sioning exercises and Final Re view of the Corps of Cadets, with Gen. William C. Westmoreland, Army chief of staff, serving as commissioning speaker and re viewing officer. “It will indeed be interesting to see if this ‘demonstration’ will pass as unnoticed as those in the past. “If it does , it will not alter the ideas and beliefs of the par ticipants. They do not thrive on publicity and their faith and sin cerity will remain constant in even the most difficult of situa tions. “Nonetheless, it would be re freshing if such an event were to be in the spotlight for once. . Services for Lt. Johnson Funeral services for 2nd Lt. Robert Henry (Bob) Johnson, a 1969 A&M graduate killed in ac tion in South Vietnam May 12, were conducted Friday in the College Station First Baptist Church. The Rev. Dr. Malcom Bane and the Rev. David Rowland officiated at the services. Burial with full military honors followed in the College Station City Cemetery. Arrangements were under the di rection of Hillier Funeral Home, Bryan. * • Lt. Johnson is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sandra Free Johnson of College Station; one son, Rob ert Henry Johnson Jr., at home; two brothers, John H. Johnson Jr. of Houston and Mark H. Johnson of Paris; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reep of Paris, and grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Redbum of Bagato. THE BATTALION Wednesday, May 27, 1970 College Station, Texas Page 7 Rad " " Classifieds 2J200se*a Hertzs Not every year perhaps, but ever so often, families need to "set away from it all." Start saving for this great vacation now. Small amounts saved regularly, plus compounding divi dends, add up surprisingly fast. For example, set aside just $50 a month. In only two years your savings, plus compounded earnings at our cur rent rate, will show a total of more than $1200 in your passbook—your passport to faraway places, ready to go whenever you are. Savings Passbook Your money grows faster at Bryan Building and Loan because of sub stantial earnings on passbook savings, automatically credited quarterly. Open or add to your account now. Get S & H Green Stamps free. Save by mail with postage paid. Use the drive-in windows at both Bryan of fices, or visit the Save-Mobile in Mad- isonville and Caldwell. BB&L has been your Savings Center since 1919. 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