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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1970)
Page 6 THE BATTALION College iStation, Texas Wednesday, April 22, 1970 BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and ConTeatkmal Leans ARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. SS2S Texas Are. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 Stallings Sees New Picture This Tim By Richard Campbell Battalion Sports Editor Big, strong and young. That is how the 1970 spring edition of Gene Stallings’ foot ball follies impresses most ob servers after two semi-official scrimmages (one last night) lead ing ultimately to the Maroon and White game scheduled for Satur day, May 9. With 27 players that tip the scales at 220 pounds or more, big is really not the word that should be used to describe this conglom erate of Aggie hopefuls. They are certainly strong and with only COME and MEET SENIOR U. S. SENATOR Ralph W. Yarborough THURSDAY, 23 APRIL Old Woolworth Bldg. - Main St., Downtown Bryan Coffee & Reception — 3:45 - 5:00 p. m. RE-ELECT YARBOROUGH HE FIGHTS THE PEOPLE’S FIGHTS, AND HE WINS (Paid for by young people for Yarborough: John O’Conner, Chrm.) OPTION THREAT—Lex James slides down the right side of his offensive line on an option play during Tuesday nights workout. James and Joe Mac King are currently shar ing quarterback duties on the maroon team. (Photo by Mike Wright) 10IV, LOW PR!Ce$ EVERY RAY SPECIALS! WX&IBI fAY HAS LOW EVERYDAY PRICES! EVERYDAY LOW PRICES! ray has big Specials, Too, every+ime you shop...for total sav ings that add up fast! And Safeway offers a large selection of ail your Spam A Hormtl Product 55* favorite products... the quality you're looking for... the extra values Sliced Pork XXotxz. ^ In Every'Department that stretch your grocery dollars. SHOP and SAVE at SAFEWAY! Remember — It s the TOTAL Food Bill that counts! Pink Salmon Ubby uhm. LOW PRICES EVERY DAY... and SPECIALS, TOO! Chunk Tuna OTSt Safeway Special! Buttermilk 45* Lucerne. Delicious 72-Gal. Flavorl Carton L Big Buy! riarj Margarine 8* Piedmont Va-Lb. Potty t A*.. N ... Wm Safeway Special! Dinners ’1 Banquet. Assorted. Frozen 3 Reg. Pkgs. EVERYDAY LOW PRICES! Kraft Chaos* Food «>«• Velveeta Borden Cheese Cinnamon Rollsw^t . ver 43**45^ 4^534m, r pn 25* 27* 55* WhyPs, Safeway Big Buy! Orange Drink 5™ Vi-Oal.OQ^WkTPs, CortoaAaT 31 g Lemonade 10* Yogurt A^rpiiv 7»-rt. 25*^ 7 ;t EVERYDAY Cortaa LOW PRICES! 49*^ Scotch Treat. Regular. Frozen 6-OZ. Can Fresh Milk s^t Whipping Cream uc^ac^. ^ 4 i* Cottage Cheese^37* ^.39*^ Why Puy 39* 1747,7' Toilet Tissue s,r 294 Facial Tissues.,..:;. :” c ' Enriched Flour Si™"’ t,? 3747,7’ Baby Limas Kr2547.:" Cut Okra Suo-Frosh. Frozen 20hw. Fkfl. 5547,:" Safeway Special! Hunt's Peaches 25* 29-ox. ^Sliced or ★Halve* , Yellow Cling Can Macaroni lmj. ski*n«r'f c^io 16**iV* v Wide Noodles saw, 44* Grated Cheese p sr^r- iz. 35*^ Pinto Beans t.w.h««. i. L ,t 25*77^ White Beans tJXL. BlackeyePeas ^ Green Beans st c o k u :. y ^ i “ 24*X ,v 43* X” Safeway Special! Raisin Bread 29* Iced. Skylark 1-Lb. Loaf Pineapple Juice Spaghetti ‘tsr- Lima Beans "Y-Br Biscuit Mix «— Crisco Oil Bol 44-a MmH Cos 3647,7’ 24**. Cm 4847,7 24-uo. Coo 5947,7 ST 5747,7 Cnoklnf OK 5147,7 2ab. 35* Rye Bread Salt Free Bread 1-Lb. Skylark. Ragular Loaf IWhy^Pur 1-Lb. Skylark Loaf 33* Wfcv, * r Safeway Big Buy! Cake Mixes 25* WHght's. ISVl-OX. Assorted Pkg. Safeway Big Buy! Chunk Tuna Sea Trader. Light Meat Oft'/z-oz. njp Cans A Black Pepper Trad p rH m tr* 33* Cigarettes _carto.$369 Chewing Gum 4* Candy Bars ^ 4* Graham Crackers.^ ^35*^ Soft Drinks 2^,29^/Y,’; Potato Chips ^ w 49* w : BlackeyePeas x hy t«y 59* 2547,7 Safeway Big Buy! Liquid Bleach 38* White Magic Gallon Plastic Safeway Special! Potatoes 2**25* Safeway Special! Biscuits weet Milk ★Buttermilk. 8-oz. Mrs. Wright's. Can I limit 6 Far Custom., I 5* EVERYDAY LOW PRICES! ★French Fried, or ★Crinkle Cut Bel-air. Frozen Orange Juice ta'riUXt,. ss-1947,7 Cool Whip Birds lye s?. 33*^r Strawberries s "^- h ^ 31^7 Corn Flakes F M t Margarine Porkay. Uvular Butter Coffee VLb. 294^;n Shady Lana r-Lb. g5* Safaway. Pro-Ground i-Lb. Detergent Pet Milk Bran Flakes p.*** RiceKrispies k...o, 9 Team Flakes n^o Quaker Oats Raisin Oats 49* w 63V y 13-ox. 174WhrF«y Camixd. Evaporated Can JLI ■ ] 9^ Enchiladas Orange Cake Ice Cream 494 Why P*y 51d 7947,7 S.SS-5947s7 12-oz. 354 Hr 43*^ Quick Oafs 18-0, Box IT 3447.7 3647.7’ Safeway Big Buy! Cream Pies 29* Bel-air. Assorted. 14-oz. Frozen Pkg. Safeway Big Buy! Dog Food Twin Pet. Dogs Love it! 15-oz. Can 7* Kat Nip Tuna Dog Food Cat Food 2547’" ’2/27* FrUtlo, Saaca Cuba* K 6947,7 UtH* Frlikla*. Dry Ocaan Flsb Bananas top Quality Golden Carrots Fresh Corn 2 Lbs. 25* Safeway CaUo 10* 2for25* Grapefruit Lemons Rnfmshlngl Florida. Full Ear* Yellow Onions £17 394 Turnip Greens 2,«294 CollardCreensv^l'^s: 2,c» 294 Fresh Okra c. -...394 Green Beans _u. 294 New Potatoes 2u».294 Green Onions .i:x, 2,.,254 Dried Fruits 5t 5* Off Salat 5* Off fha Ragular Price af Each Fkg. OFF Rag. Price Standing Rib Roast Large End. USDA Choice Grade Heavy Beef (Small End -u>. $1.05) —Lb. 85 Smoked Picnics 43* 6 to 8-Lb. Avaraga (Sliced iZi Whole —Lb. b. 49*) FANCY FRYERS Everyday Low Pricel USDA Insp. for Wholesomeness. Grade 'A' Whole (Cut-Up—Lb. 35«) Lb. 29* Rib Steaks Sliced Bacon USDA Choice Grad# Heavy Beef Safeway Mira Car. .r •iclotnoy #1 (bNllty All Beef Sausage Beef Patties Boneless Ham Canned Picnics Canned Hams Pork Chops Link Sausage sa^y Eckrich Sausage p*.* Short Ribs USDA Choice Grade Heavy Beef Boneless Round Hoary BmI Boneless Roast - Ground Chuck ul._ Armour Franhs 2; Top Sirloin Steak Sliced Bologna..„K:ruu_ 454 JIM ,.$119 .854 554 $149 .754 Kr 894 Corn Dogs Smorgas Pac Lunch Meat rS- SSf-x 3 K7$l ulor. 1-Lb. iPk«. Pkg. Leg Quarters . Breast QuartersnarSTir Drumsticks . Split Breasts Pinwheel Pack^^j.tsi'” 3-Legged Fryers sfe. - Baking Chickens.. 1 .:, Chicken Hens Fish Sticks Perch Fillets USD* Im,. BrW. ‘A’ Pn-CMkW. Jmk. COMPARE LOW PRICES! Pamper’s Dbp “ a a b X'. op *"- ^BS*^* Plastic Panties '"SET- _p r 67* Toothbrushes 3for$l Safeway Big Buy! Golden Book Encyclopedia All Volumes Eaeh^^^^ "1-16" Only NOW on Salel Tomato Soup 10* Melreie Seda Cracker* 1-Lb. Box 1947,7 Town House KP/a-OZ. Can Saltines Cheese Spread £•-«- £7 5947,7 Salad Dressingsr’374 Sliced Cheese Why Puy 3** Sharp. Lucaraa S74547,7 Golden Corn Green Peas Applesauce Bartlett Pears Red Cherries out.. Cream Sty)# Co. Libby. Gardes Sv 224*5,7 17. Sweat Coe '•as. OOiW),, fay » 4At 24* This week’s featurel I Morocco Dinnerware! usselmaa's Coe 1*^23* *25 ^ Ubby 14-ou. Coe 3647,7 Tows Haase. 14-ee. Seer Pitted Coe 2947,7 'A’Bread & Butter Dish with lack Only! <3.00 Grecery Perchese. 33* Ur*.. Pra-CMkW Slab Bacon cq* Pork Roast fie* Smokoc*. By Hie Piece. ~ WmM (Sliced Slab. Uadless—Lb. 69*) —Lb. V Boston Butt. Semi-Boneless. 1 M V 1 (Fork Steak. Batt Cat—Lb. 75*) Lb. WW All Meat Franks Safeway. Fieale Mast Prices IffacHva Thwr*., Frl. and Sat., April 23, 24 and 25, In fifS.Y.&Ji We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Sales to Dealers. SAFEWAY five senior lettermen ret the youth angle is taken care The major difference betwi this practice routine and % of other Stallings years basic offensive formation, Insta ' eX as Ad ames, fi a of the pro-style set that Ed Hi gett ran so well for three yes on j n this year the Aggies follow the staggered footsteps of oti teams that run the Wishbone or Veer T, depending on wta team is running it. Brad Dusek, the all-SWCfitj man of a year ago, has foiinj place in one of the wings oiti T but he will be hard pressed keep the slot ahead of Clifij Thomas and Steve Burks. Jh Black returns to hold either S fullback slot or one of the wit; and Doug Neill is another will chance to break into the starti lineup. Lex James, a sophomu to-be, is running at quarterl*i with Joe Mac King to backlj up. The strong point thus far both scrimmages is the perfon ance of the Maroon (first tea defense. They have proven to! ahead of the offense asthefal bailers move toward their tli complete week of spring drills, Advance tickets are alreadyi sale for the spring game wi reserve seats at $2.50, Facoltj Staff reserved seats at A&M date tickets at $1.50a students advance general adis sion if bought with an adult* served seat at 50 cents. TRY BATTALION CLASSIFI Southv doi cm/pm 1:15 STARTS TODAY 3:15 - 5:15-7:15-9! ■SP* Paramount Pictures Presents Alan J fbkub pr«w^i u r "r/fefile Cuckoo Technicolor* A Poromount Picture |m&9 PALACE Brysn Z'SHW NOW SHOWING 1:30 - 3:58 - 6:31 - 9p.m Gregory Peck In “MAROONED” QUEEN ADULT ART SERIES 7:15 p. m. - 9:15 p. m. “MUTINY ON 69TH STREET’ CIRCLE TONITE AT 7:15 P. M. James Bond’s “HER MAJESTY’S SECRET SERVICE’ At 9:30 p. m. Steve McQueen In “GREAT ESCAPE i ii' a hc.vr 7 • - I DM N uM I H7 Yl A$S- 1 Rtl He’s Man oi utes he import; future go a bo The ance is of youi Profes plan s| college For c the ad head s progra phone Si SH The Min durin GAS S. tapes recoi 45’s Tc goldi OLD POSTE Black I WEST SIDE AT 7:15 PJ. 2 Walt Disney’s Hits “SEARCH OF THE CASTAWAYS” At 9:20 p. m. “BLACKBEARD’S GHOST” EAST SIDE AT 7:05 P.M. “RING OF BRIGHT WATER” At 9:10 p. m. “SHALARON”