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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1970)
• • . - ..... Page 4 THE BATTAUON College Station, Texas Wednesday, April 22, 1970 THERE ARE APARTMENTS AND THEN THERE IS TANGLEWOOD SOUTH For Those Who Desire Quiet Luxury Living, Excellent Location and Congenial Atmosphere. $145. - $260. Incomparably Beautiful SHORT TERM SUMMER LEASE AGREEMENTS • Decorator Designed - 8 Decors ;orator Designed - 8 D< Furnished/ Unfurnished Fully Can>eted/Draped - Color Coordinated Appliances—Central A&H 1, 2, 3 BR Flat or Townhouse - 1, lYs, 2. 2% baths Separate Adult/Family Areas Professional Landscaping Staffed Nursery - Fenced In Equipped Playground Area School Bus Service Assigned Covered Parking, Enclosed Patios, or Balconies Conveniently Located to TAMU, Shopping Center t and elightful Rooms, Two D( Three Spacious Recreation and Game Pools Two Laundry Areas Professionally Managed FOR LBIASING INFORMATION CALL 846-2026 Mrs. Dorothy Shipper Youngblood, Mgr. Mrs. Lynn Erwin, Asst. Mgr. Extra Tickets for Graduation Available at Registrar’s Office Bulletin Board Seniors desiring extra tickets for the May graduation exercises should come by the registrar’s of fice and give their name and the number of tickets they will need. Dr. Carl Landiss, head of the health and physical education de partment, said that last year at the graduation exercises 300 to 400 people were unable to get seats, and for this reason each senior has been restricted to four guest tickets to this year’s grad uation. These tickets have already been sent out. Landiss requested those stu dents who will not be using their 'tickets to the exercises to return them so that they may be given to someone else. He added that by this they hope to be able to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend. Students will receive their tick ets by mail as soon as their re quest can be filled, Landiss said. TONIGHT Veterans Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Rooms 3B and C in the Memorial Student Center. Senator Bill Moore will speak on specific state problems. The club will have a very short meet ing following the speech. Sailing Club will meet in the Architecture Auditorium at 7 p.m. to plan for the Fort Worth re gatta. Texas A&M Advertising Society will meet at 7 p. m. in Casa del Sol gameroom to discuss plans for ad recognition week. THURSDAY Army Cadet Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p. m. at 1105 Francis Street to prepare for the PHT banquet and elect new officers. Society for the Advancementol Management will meet at 1:J| p. m. in room 202, Francis Hal to organize their Houston trip. tonight on the tube Numbers in () denote channel on 3 (5) cable 3 (5) 3 (5) 5:00 General Hospital 3 (5) 3 (5) 5:30 CBS Evening News 3 (5) 3 (5) 6:00 TX Times News 3 (5) 3 (5) 6:30 Hee Haw 3 (5) 7:30 Beverly Hillbillies 8:00 Johnny Cash 9:00 Health in America 10:00 TX Final News 10:30 It Takes A Thief 11:30 Richard Diamond Let the Figures Do the Talkin'... PIGGLY WIGGLY ENNY PINCHIN’ PRICES SAYi SSiSks '■& ALNVk WHITE LIMA &EAN5 W'S'S 5AUC6 SAVE hs&mtv FI/W5 JEUOS KRAFT Miracle We Give Double COLD 60NO fcVegY mm OP/VWPE. PU|2CHA5£ PI5C0UNT PRICED CN PETROlEU/VN JULY 20Z TAR VASELINE % 47 JoHNJOhW JOHNSON gAPY ■■ SHAMPOO 59 <2>K. 5|ZE UCT A£B0-shave^49 lAPOE CAN POLI0ENT FRYERS ‘ IFt THESE E^TPA 5PEGAL ^ EA T FEATU^" CUT UP FRYERS 5PUT &R011ERS Lb 331 __.k;35 ^ U5DA 6 WE A WHOLE lb SIRIOHU 89 ^ iHf 5 3* Ham Roast ib 98 FRWite'SS^ aSAST- .te 57* AJSJ- BACON Yv FAfAiLY PPC AA PORKCIW? 89^ K le.5*7/ am ®NV5TlC^—Le 49c 89^ thW--> 45c A&M HAM SHANK lb 79c BUTT lb 89c FAMlWWflNERS n CoMTAIN^ a BREAST (5TP9 WITH back <2. UE6 QTRfwnH BAC(C aPK35.0FSiBier5 W|N^ uB. EVECYDAY low price? CTN- SUGAR.5 efe .. FUCOR-S^f.. 5 & WGfOOO.I^S.S.SS? . IIPB 27c 48c 45c 25c 3 ^c% $1.00 Kleenex 3 for $1.00 SHORTCNING -3 ^- - 75c UPTON T£A.^.. A 1 ?.. 4ic OR&HEECruiCE jS&.ft'St'anZ /55c WTANT COFfEE 'XgZSt.M- ^ FREE FREE FREE FREE THIS COUPON WORTH toofna Goto bond With pup Of ? I0 - o£ n^re ( excluding TtWcc P’BOLY WIGGLY ONLY kxpikf.s '10 limit oik r.nupon ret pahii y t^FREE FREE FREE FREE tfT EXTRA FANCY WASHINGTON DELICIOUS APPLES »17 c Texas Oranges 2 lbs 25c AvOCadoS each 29c New Potatoes 2 its 19c Fresh Pineapple each 39c Cop-E-Cat — Fish Flavored CAT FOOD THE5£ PRICES Goer? THUPS i FRIf SAf-APRIL 73-24ta5i '