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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1969)
Page 6 College Station, Texas Wednesday, September 10, 1969 THE BATTALION TTI to Develop State’s Air Transportation Plan Texas Transportation Institute has been selected to develop a far- reaching air transportation plan for the state, announced A&M President Earl Rudder. Rudder said the interagency agreement between Texas A&M and the Planning Division of the Governor’s Office will be modeled after the agreement between TTI and the Texas Highway Depart ment. First-year funds of $70,000 are being provided by the Texas Aero nautics Commission through a matching grant from the U. S. Department of Housing and Ur ban Development. “The objective of the plan,” Rudder noted, “is to make air transportation serve the people and economy of Texas to the best possible degree.” Emphasis will be placed on local and regional economic needs for existing and future air trans portation facilities to serve com mercial, industrial, agricultural and recreational activities. Officials said the study must take into account general aviation, as well as commercial aviation. “We will be working closely with the airlines and airport op erators, along with the councils of government and regional plan ning agencies of the state,” said Gen. John P. Doyle (USAF-Ret.), principal investigator for the project. Specifically, the Texas Air Transportation Plan will identify new and expanded facilities and services required to serve general and commercial aviation. It will be coordinated with other modes of transportation, with emphasis on improving the commercial com petitive position of the state. Doyle said the task will include updating an earlier airport plan and conduct detailed studies of the number, location and types of airports, heliports and seaplane bases needed in Texas. The plan, he continued, will determine expanding needs for scheduled interstate and intra state air transportation required to augment other transportation facilities and services. An important aspect of the plan, the general added, will be coordination of air transportation service and facilities needs with other types of transportation — rail, water and highway — utiliz ing existing and newly establish ed state and regional agencies. TTI also will be asked during the study to make pertinent recommendations concerning the changing role of the Texas Aero nautics Commission and the state- federal government relationship in the field of aviation. “This is a part of a general effort to continue broadening the activities of the Texas Transpor. tation Institute across the entire field of transportation,” TTI Dj. rector Jack Keese said. Assisting Gen. Doyle with the air transportation plans will he Dr. Vergil Stover, TTI’s trans. portation planning program man- ager; John Goodnight, project en gineer, and Bob Hammons, former Braniff International station manager at Austin who joined the institute this month. 1. Low EvermJay Prieos 2. Advertised Specials 3- Cold Bond Stamps soip-nnsp /%£Ji PETER PAN / P5W PUTTEf- 43 12-Oz. JAR 1^1 "TOPQtALiTY PFOovce a a t na&tv \A/teeLY RUSSET fUTATOES /t THIS 'COUPON WORTH \ BOHMto tow 90*0 STAMEN With Purchase of 2 Cut-up Fryers Pu&GtY wieetY 0nCa.' SATURDAY ilJSlUY (AINfO nrvlMC STAMP ADDITION TO VOU« I 0W6K ONIONS “Sw* *1oj K... j* rriMH- PNK riUTin. i-m ktMn.YTi)T)1JiJ? pieeivwieetY fop-ihe rnest c?uauty/vieat5 EA5Y TO PFEPAFE y steak patties...o2>y StW^TTlfs...’StS.f.7 • 1 r 1 • • • • 49 Stokely APPLE SAUCE 2 ^39c Umm- ^...3®* Tennessee 16-Oz /f Oc 5Tfi^W^Fffe.. ^40 g6o(ooo...l2»8» ) \*Je Owe VOVBLB yCRApr mm pufCHAse, 79* | ^roTm . .f.SP WHOLE FRYERS 29f Lee CUT (PAKKS I SPe&TCUTtUeHf) 'Afpree mm&s /lx3S>y HEART - O . TEXAS ^ tenpep CUTUP { PSati^ueA^ JL 49 / PFh^ON AUA^aTZEpr.. .47 ^ /VAILKOF AWW * FIOHTGW.. (fiTfiyfi’ (TrttlVd » f< .< >uin'>\ sa v i v ;s j ifft oTi <Tfi h flliTl f THIS COUPON WORTH 100 WEf G(X£>RW> STAMR5 vwiepi pw5«*npwtni WfYM f S<ATic*i, FeetTWI66VY cHcf EXPIRES: ‘SATUfCOAV L ABIT (ABHID *AVl /j) jj(10 QV^ IUM' , T 0>J^-rTTK -FTirKTAiTTVf jg mmW KRAFT OR BAMA JELLY Your Choice 18 Oz. Jar $1 ** Pi<3glywigoly$- evepTRAr low, low PFiCes a^Efe.r&..19c Ketchup. .. ^. 25c 7c AurYtr^vvAV’ fT r' ^ cdfnme4l>^ 57c oBSocwKfe *1® ^»<e5fe.43c . oJ/C 5Yi 2 Uf > ....^..d/c ^\j\ce{ ^Ti^FAjior 4 (JuAf^BaD LDOSTHDAT Acu/\NTirr Risht? PEftpvep. 111 aral