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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1969)
MLia BATTALION Thursday, March 13, 1969 College Station, Texas Page 5 City Lies en % heli r In h uture, ;s ® t a*ii rw 1 Dean lieclares lior cently ce j t®itory: Mtjitis |i ntry-Mt nd Ceutj, Giliraltat, imp# What the city of the future might look like is a three-dimen sional megalopolis — if rapid un derground excavation can become a reality. “It seems obvious that the ef ficiency, the health and the viabil ity of the city would be enhanced enormously if we could make the city truly three-dimensional,” proposed Dr. Earl F. Cook, acting dean of the College of Geosci ences. In reality—if perfected—rapid excavation would provide various underground levels of activity for such things as intercity trains, vehicular traffic, “pods” for intra-urban transportation and utilities. Cook pointed out that rapid underground excavation not only has a potential for improving cities, but reconciling conserva tion with development. HE NOTED that while popula tion is exploding, cities are grow ing four times as fast as popula tion. “The modern city is essentially two-dimensional,” Cook said. “All urban activities compete for use of the two-dimensional surface.” He described cities as becom ing “congested to the point of stagnation and disintegration,” and offered rapid excavation as a means to “revitalize cities by making them truly three-dimen sional in the flow of people, goods and services.” Likewise, he said, the need for mineral and energy resources is growing twice as fast as popu lation with conflicts between mineral exploitation and surface conservation becoming acute. “MINERAL reserves are de creasing rapidly in richness and accessibility,” he said. “Rapid un derground excavation offers new alternatives for mineral develop ment in harmony with surface conservation and promises sig nificant extension of our mineral resources.” Cook said when it is considered that the vital flows of people, goods and services in a city take place essentially on a two-dimen sional surface, “the modern city becomes a wonder—that it works at all!” The geosciences professor be lieves rapid excavation offers a rare opportunity for the guided development of a technology to serve several human needs. “Left to itself, rapid-excavation technology will develop slowly and haltingly, governed by the existing demand for end-use sys tems,” he added. Cook noted that 90 percent of the people will be living and working in 10 percent of the land area of the U. S. in the next few years. “RAPID excavation promises great new flexibility to urban and regional planning,” he said. Development of continuous bor ing machines costing over $1 mil lion each — like gigantic drills with power units — are now able to eat through rocks much faster than the old method of drills and blasts, Cook pointed out. There are problems, however. “We cannot predict the quality of rock to be discovered,” said Cook, noting that the drills can- | not adjust to fractures and changes in strength of rocks. a $ After Church Go SBISA CASH CAFETERIA 11:00 a. m. to 1:15 p. m. Greyhound Bus Lines 1300 Texas 823-8071 • Inexpensive Charter Serv ice for student groups or classes. • Group accomodations arranged. 305 No. 1 In College Sales Fidelity Union Life Insurance Company 303 College Mkin 846-8228 $7,000 CHEAP Podunk Center, Iowa, is up for sale for only $7,000. Homer Weeks, who owns the village—consisting- of a one building gas station, grocery store and cafe, plus a four unit motel— has moved to nearby Winterset. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Braman, above, pause in front of the booming sales complex. (AP Wirephoto) Constable School Slates Discussion On Texas Driver Licensing Laws Seventy-five justices of the peace and constables are expected here Monday to study changes and procedures in the law. The justices, who date their position to the first magistrate appointed in 1327 in England, will take part in a three-day JP and Constable School. The school is sponsored by the Engineering Extension Service’s Police Training Division. Sessions will be held in the Memorial Stu dent Center from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday and Tuesday, and until noon Wednesday. Ira E. Scott, head of the Police Training Division, said the pro gram is opened to all judges and officers interested in the subjects for presentation. INCLUDED in this year’s pro gram will be a discussion of new laws on driver licensing and land lord-tenant relationships. Scott added such cases are usu ally processed by the precinct jus tice court on a local basis. Speakers include Jim Bundage, Texas Liquor Control Board; Nor man Suarez, Texas Department of Public Safety; Judge Joe B. Brown Jr., Dallas, and Carol Vance, Harris County district attorney. Transport Confab Open To Students Faculty-staff members and stu dents are invited to attend the 11th annual Transportation Con ference without paying registra tion fees, announced Maj. Gen. John P. Doyle, MacDonald Chair professor of transportation. The March 27-28 conference is sponsored by the U. S. Depart ment of Transportation and the Texas Transportation Institute. Theme for the 1969 conference is “Emergency Transportation Controls.” Sea Scientists Find Oil Off Mexican Coast A&M oceanographers have found oil where extensive oil bearing deposits were unsuspect ed—on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico. Bottom cores from a location about 600 miles south of Houston and 400 miles west of Cape Ca- toche on the Yucatan Peninsula were drawn from the depths Saturday. Examination by geological oceanographers aboard the re search ship Alaminos revealed a tar-like substance. X-ray radio graphs made on board showed it contains crude petroleum. “No one was previously aware of such thick deposits in deep water,” noted Dr. Richard A. Geyer, oceanography department head. DRS. ARNOLD Bouma and Richard Rezak and oceanography doctoral student Frank B. Chmel- ik described Tuesday retrieval of the core. “We were coring a knoll on the Campeche Gulf continental rise on Friday,” related Bouma. “The core included a piece of material at first suspected to be charcoal.” Analysis proved otherwise and the Alaminos scientists continued pelagic sedimentation c o r i n g s across the slope of the knoll, an underwater hill 1,530 feet high. The last core of the two-week Alaminos cruise produced the un usual find. IT WAS TAKEN at the foot of the knoll, at 9,870 feet. The three-inch in diameter, 40-foot long coring device penetrated less than six feet into the bottom and was bent due to the hard texture of the oil tar. The 2,400-pound weighted pipe was dropped free from 10 feet above the bottom. “It was extremely heavy on the pull-out,” commented Bouma, who noted core pipes have been lost because hawsers would not stand the pull-out strain. On ship, the scientists removed nearly eight inches of the tar, a 40-inch plug of calcareous sedi ment, another 12 inches of tar and, at the top, a two-inch sedi ment layer. “Indications are that at least these tar layers, maybe more, are there very near the surface. The tar shield is so stiff it doesn’t float up into the water as it normally would do,” Rezak said. Half-Price Sale on Campus Directory 75 Student Publications Office (Services Bldg.) Exchange Store Shaffer’s University Book Store LIMITED QUANTITY Tir*$tone Not just a RELINE! We Do All This Work 1. Replace brake lining on all four wheels 2. Arc lining for perfect contact with drums 3. Rebuild all 4 wheel cylinders 4. Turn and true brake drums 5. Inspect master cylinder Guaranteed 20,000 Miles or 2 Years ALL FOR ONLY 6. Repack wheel bearings on both front wheels 7. Inspect brake hoses 8. Replace brake shoe return springs 9. Add Super Heavy Duty brake fluid 10. Road test car Price for drum-type brakes on most Fords, Plymouths, Chevys, American compacts. Others slightly higher. GUARANTEE —We guarantee our brake lining for the specified number of miles or years from date of installation, whichever comes first. Adjustments prorated on mileage and based on prices current at time of adjustment. V2 PRICE 2nd Tire When you buy the 1st tire at our low everyday trade-in price Tir*$fon* SAFETY CHAMPION full 4-PLY NYLON CORD TIRES SIZE Tubslass Blackwilte Tubnlcw Whitawilts Fad. Exdaa Tax Par Tim l*t Tir« 2nd Tim 1st Tim 2nd Tim 6.50-13 $21.00 $10.50 $24.25 $12.12 ai.79 7.35- 14 7.35- 15 23.25 11.62 26.50 13.25 2 07 2.08 7.75- 14 7.75- 15 23.75 11.87 27.00 13.50 2.20 2.21 8.25-14 8.15-15 27.25 13.62 30.50 15.25 2.38 2.38 8.55-14 8.45-15 30.00 15.00 33.00 16.50 2.57 2.67 prices PLUS taxes and 2 trade-in tires off your car. WITH THIS COUPON FRONT END ALIGNMENT $R69 MOST AMERICA! MOST AMERICAN CARS Parts extra, if needed Chuckhole impacts can throw wheels out of alignment, causing unnec essary tire wear and making steering difficult. Let our experts realign your wheels to manufacturer’s original specifications. Coupon oxpifes M^rcb 31». 1969 YOUR CHOICE OF THESE SERVICES WITH THIS COUPON mmmm m •Brake adjustment •Tire rotation •Front wheel bearings repacked •Flat tire repair or • 14-point safety inspection Coupon expires March 31, 1969 69c EACH n r\ n n f) n n f) n WITH THIS COUPON WHEEL BALANCE $169 Precision balancing by our tire experts will enable you to get maximum tire mileage. No extra charge for wheel weights. Coupon expires March 31, 1969 Per Wheel ^ High Performancefire Center Texas Ave. & Post Office Street 822-0139 STORE HOURS-8 to 5 P.M.-8 to 5 P.M. Saturday