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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1969)
Page 6 College Station, Texas Thursday, March 13, 1969 THE BATTALION TELLS OF RAY’S CONVICTION Attorney Percy Foreman stands outside the Shelby County Courthouse and tells news men of the trial and conviction of his client, James Earl Ray, who moments before had been convicted and sentenced to 99 years for the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (AP Wirephoto) Drug Abuse ‘Caricatures’ Past Cure-Alls, Dean Says Young people’s abusive use of drugs is a caricaturization of the preceding generation’s failures and an extremely complex prob lem, a medical expert declared here. “Dependency on drugs and cure- alls as answers to things is part of our culture,” Dr. Joe P. Tupin summarized Tuesday to a Health Education Seminar audience. The psychiatrist and associate dean of medicine at the Univer- site of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston said people have always had pet remedies for what ails them. WHEN I was a kid, the penacea was immersing a cut, scratched or aching hand in kerosene. I’m sure that the only benefits may have been the suffocation of a few germs,” he smiled. The Galveston psychiatric re search director who has worked with mind-expanding drug users and researched drug use among teenagers said the present prob lem isn’t isolated and inseparable from previous habits of society. ‘‘Our children have merely cari catured this point,” he suggested. Tupin noted that since 1953 when tranquilizers went on the market, 70 per cent of medicinal expendi tures have been for psychoactives such as tranquilizers, pain-killers, sedatives and anti-depressants. “WE HAVE an equal problem in the misuse of legitimate drugs,” he noted. Tupin said patterns of usage can be discerned by type of col lege-university or urban-rural high school, but whether the in stitution attracts the drug habi- tuant or causes the student to be come a user is like the “chicken- before-the-egg question.” “Drug use among college stu dents varies between five and 75 per cent of the student body,” he continued, “and the frequency seems to correlate with the intel lectual climate.” Tupin’s figures show that small liberal arts colleges with high faculty-to-student ratios general ly have the biggest problem, with more than 50 per cent of the student body drug abusers to some degree. THE BROADER-BASED col lege with a more heterogeneous student group, such as Harvard, runs less than 50 per cent, he added. Larger state institutions might range from five to 20 per cent of the student body and the average small state teachers col lege or Catholic college has less than five per cent. “High schools have the same problem on the same approximate scale, with the urban school in the higher brackets. But even rural schools have the problem and I think anyone investigating drug usage in a school should assume that at least some will be found,” Tupin remarked. He classified users into three categories according to frequency of involvement with hallucinagens, whether LSD, solvent sniffers or marijuana smokers. FIRST, THERE’S the ‘taster,’ who is experimenting, sticking a finger in his environment. He may take dope one or two times,” Tupin said. He indicated ‘seekers’ are oc casional but consistent users, every two week or longer. “These are the curious and con cerned individuals who question values and abstract phenomena. They are more concerned with ideas than actions, intangibles over tangibles. They are also among the better students,” the Texas-Austin graduate stated. “The ‘heads,’ which come from headers, acid heads or pot heads, take drugs at least every two weeks or more frequently,” Tupin continued. “Their usage is an integral part of their life exper ience. The head uses drugs as a means to understand life and the use is an end in itself. We feel this group really has psychopath- ological problems, and in most cases, were sick before they be gan using drugs.” He noted that science must learn a great deal more about the long-term effects of mari juana and LSD on human physi ology before medical experts can say that a drug itself is detrimen tal to life. New York University will take paid; in two basketball tourna ments during the 1969-70 season. The Violets will play in the Mar shall University Invitational at Huntington, W. Va., and the Holi day Festival in Madison Square Garden. 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