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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1968)
Greyhound Bus Lines 1300 Texas 823-8071 Inexpensive Charter Service for student groups or classes. • Group accomodations arranged. Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Tuesday, November 12, 1968 Student Boycott Thwarted By TU AUSTIN — Two days be fore a planned student boycott, BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans ^ARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. Decals Bumper Stickers Comic Signs Party Records Comic Records Popular Albums Magazines Pocket Books Billiards Pin Bali Third Rational Bank Aggie Theatre Pin-Ups Novelties We cash aggie checks AGGIE DEN Open 8 a. m. till midnight 7 days weekly University of Texas President Norman Hackerman announced plans Monday to improve food service in the Texas Union and elsewhere on the campus. The plans were based on rec ommendations of a student-facul ty committee appointed by Hack- erman last month. These in cluded improved ventilation in the Chuck Wagon, a project esti mated to cost $50,000. Regent Chairman Frank Erwin told other regents, “the hippies have taken over the Chuck Wag on. They smoke pot down there. It’s a terrible situation.” The committee said, “It is ap parent that the major complaints registered against the food in the union are not motivated by the quality of food served but stem from the physical appear ance and environment of the Chuck Wagon and Commons.” Leabo And Bowers Get Appointments From Journalists Two A&M professors have re ceived appointments from ns tional journalism organizations C.J. Leabo, Journalism Depart ment head, has been named the editorial board of the Journal ism Educator, quarterly publics tion of the American Society of Journalism School Administrs tors. Dr. David R. Bowers, profei sor, has been appointed chaimai of the auditing committee of tie Association, for Education it Journalism. ATTENTION ALL CLUBS ROSES FOR THE SWEETHEART Aggie Sweetheart Annella Wright accepts a bouquet of red roses from Corps Commander Hector Gutierrez. Student Senate President Bill Carter (right) officially crowned Miss Wright at halftime at the A&M-SMU game Saturday. Architects Display Paintings In MSC Nixon Plot Reviewed Paintings of School of Arch itecture artists will be on dis play through Wednesday in the Memorial Student Center. Contemporary Arts chair man Tommy Ellis of La Porte said the 27 paintings include works of Joseph Donaldson Jr., John Fairey and Graham Hors ley of the architecture faculty. The exhibit includes ab stracts through realistics in oil, acrylic, pencil, water color, pen-in-ink and Duboss prints. All three artists have traveled extensively and hold fine arts degrees. Donaldson is artist in resi dence of the School of Archi tecture. Fairey and Horsley are assistant professors. NEW YORK <A>) — A Brook lyn grand jury was scheduled to hear evidence Tuesday against three Yameni Arabs accused of plotting to assassinate President elect Richard M. Nixon. The three men — a father and his two sons — also were slated to appear in Criminal Court for a hearing on charges of conspir ing to commit murder, criminal solicitation and possession of deadly weapons. One of the first witnesses to appear before the grand jury would be the 36-year-old man with an Arabic name who told police of the alleged plot. name has not been disclosed, re mained in protective custody, to be escorted to and from the grand jury room by armed guards. Detectives and Secret Service agents, some with a knowledge of Arabic, interviewed residents of Brooklyn’s “Casbah,” in the Cob ble Hill section, for more infor mation on the three suspects — Ahmed Rageh Namer, 43, and his sons, Hussein, 20, and Abdo, 19. Meanwhile Los Angeles police said they had not been contacted by federal or New York authori ties investigating a possible con nection between the suspects and Sirhan B. Sirhan, a Jordanian charged in the slaying of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. The FBI and Secret Service there would neither confirm nor deny the pos sibility of such an investigation. The president-elect, who has an apartment in New York, was met by a heavy security force when he arrived in the city Monday night. APARTMENTS THE INFORMANT, whose (Continued From Page 1) the third apartment manager in the College View area. “Most think that the university is doing the best it can to satisfy every one.” STUDENTS WITH telephones have a special concern. “They are wondering if they will have to pay a transfer charge when their phones are moved,” said Boud reaux. “They feel that since they mukt move, the university should pay the charge, if any.” “We hadn’t recognized it as a requirement,” said Vestal. “I don’t know what will be done. It’s one of those things that will have to be worked out.” “We do not require people to have phones. It is a private ar rangement between them and the phone company. The phones are not pertinent to the situation,” he added. Vestal also noted that the pro ject represents an expansion of plans announced last summer for construction of four new units. Eventually, all new units will be constructed. Athletic Hometown Professional and All Campus Organizations. Pictures for the club sec tions of the 1969 Aggieland are now being scheduled at the Student Publications of fice. 216 Services Bldg. <£>)- Id i' Ives o- 1 ornii B One d 3* t Small : tween ter 5, S C0LLE »ncis. •lairs ! closet fhout i Unfurr ;e new. ATTENTION ALL SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS Make Sure Your Picture Will Be In The 1969 AGGIELAND Yearbook Picture Schedule G-H-I—Nov. 11 - Nov. 15 J-K-L—Nov. 18 - Nov. 22 M-N-O—Dec. 2 - Dec. 6 P-Q-R—Dec. 9 - Dec. 13 S-T-U—Jan. 6 - Jan. 10 V-W-X-Y-Z—Jan. 13 - Jan. 11 CORPS SENIORS: Uniform: Class A Winter—Blouse CIVILIANS: Coat and tie. I and s Itricit: I p. n ewly ents. i mii moni — - Jor rei Sew wit B-4717 1 < ] Aggie ome, 81 Will alter 5 PICTURES WILL BE TAKE): from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. NOTE: Bring Fee Slips To UNIVERSITY STUDIO 115 No. Main — North Gate Phone: 846-8019 Gradu tare for 8064. Want View, f AGGIE DATE PATRONS I ,;^i 1 - ys; Bll- ^ A H OTHER STUDENTS rim. m Spill! - Wmmm 1L k i llll Ik»* -fe 2.00 gum^ v - m *' ■ o w- Jk ML f SOUL....of all the rhythm-and-blues cats, nobody steams up the place like SAM & DAVE wherever they stop, they give completely.* time Ticket* on sate at MSC Student program Office. Now Available The All-New Texas A&M University Directory More than 15,000 student, faculty and staff listings (including home addresses, classi fications, majors, titles, etc.) University Calendar Campus Map Student Senate Listings (Note: The University Directory is more valuable than ever this year. With the addition of the new Centrex Telephone System, almost all students now have telephones in their dormitory rooms. Also, all administrative numbers changed when the new system was introduced. The temporary directory is now obsolete.) Directories Available At: Shaffers University Book Store North Gate Student Publications Office 216 Services Bldg. MSC Gift Shop The Exchange Store Local Banks $1.50 per copy Child Grego 846-400E HUM fER, 3 l23-862< Rewa: Archie ; If yc for Whit Colle 50 . RE HA 33r< ZEf Kl 30 T'! 90