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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1968)
THE BATTALION Page 4 College Station, Tex^s Wednesday, May 15, 1968 Allen Is Named A th lete-Of- Year Grady Allen, a tri-captain and all-Southwest Conference end, will be Texas A&M’s Athlete-of- the-Year at the Southwest Con ference Lettermen’s Awards Luncheon here Thursday. The sixth annual event is co-spon sored this year by the Salesman ship Club of Dallas and will be a feature of that organizations weekly meeting at the Dallas Athletic Club. Allen, the only A&M player to receive special Tecognition at the championship s q u a d’s football banquet, is one of four all-SWC gridders who will be honored. The others are Greg Pipes, Bay lor’s all-America lineman; Jay Collins, Rice’s Bob Quinn Award honoree, and Hartford Hamilton of Arkansas. Allen, Collins and Hamilton shared consensus all- SWC recognition as defensive ends. To be honored along with the four gridders are Gary Overbeck, Texas’ all-SWC basketball play er; Jerry Utecht, SMU’s cham pionship hurdler; John Scovell of Texas Tech and Eldon Gresham of TCU, football captains who have earned post-graduate schol arships for their outstanding classroom work. Allen, who observed his 22nd birthday anniversary with an outstanding performance in A&M’s Cotton Bowl conquest of Alabama, is a finance major who edged baseballer Joe Staples for the honor to represent A&M at the luncheon. The Nacogdoches senior was recipient of the “Ag gie Heart Award” for the 196T season, recognition that goes for all-out effort. He has signed to play professional football with the Atlanta Falcons. Felix R. McKnight, editor and co-publisher of The Dallas Times- Herald, will make the Athlete-of- the-Year presentations to the eight Southwest Conference hon- orees. , BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 PIZZA INN WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Includes Salad, Garlic Bread, Coffee or Tea SPAGHETTI With Meat Sauce $1.35 Per Platter CHILDS PLATE ORDER TO GO (Dones not include Salad or Drink) 75c $1.25 Across From Ramada Inn Open Daily 11:00 a. m. to 12:00 p. m. — Sunday 1:00 p. m. to 12:00 p. 413 Higrhway 6, South Phone 846-6164 NEED CASH Money Gone After 9 Months of School? Then see us for a personal loan. Take advantage of our prompt, confidential loan service now. UNIVERSITY LOAN COMPANY 317 Patricia (North Gate) College Station, Texas Telephone: 846-8319 C&S Sales S Service The Radiator Shop 1308 CAVITT BRYAN, TEXAS 822-3298 Major Company Credit Cards Accepted. Same Day Service 15% Discount With This Ad. Want to help drill an oil well? You’re about to graduate in physical science, biological sci ence or mathematics. You’re looking for a company that offers unusual opportunities for advancement. We’re a leader in domestic and international oilfield service operations. We’re looking for candidates for our Drilling Fluid Technologist School scheduled for June and July. If you think we’ve got a lot in common, fill out the coupon below and mail it to us. f Employee Relations: Baroid Division National Lead Company "'N I P.O. Box 1675, Houston, Texas 77001 ) Please send me more information about a career as a Drilling Fluid Technologist. NAME. ADDRESS- CITY .STATE. DEGREE. -AGE. V An Equal Opportunity Employer Ag Nine Deserved ‘A Better Fate’ A&M’S ATHLETE-OF-THE-YEAR Grady Allen, senior from Nacogdoches, named recently A&M’s top athlete for 1967-68, will represent his school at the Southwest Conference’s Lettermen Award Luncheon Thursday. Swim Program Registration Set For G. Rollie May 26 Registration for the first ses sion of the College Station Recre ation Council Swimming Program is set for May 26 in the lobby of G. Rollie White Coliseum from 2 to 5 p.m. The registration fee is $4 for residents of College Station and $8 for non-residents. In order to compete in the program, children must be 6 years of age, 51 inches tall or be able to swim 30 feet. Classes for the first session will meet three times weekly from June 3-29. The second session is scheduled for July 1-27. Both learners ses sions will be conducted by Coach Art Adamson. Testing will be required of all children who can swim but have never been enrolled in the College Station program. The testing will be in the Downs Natatorium at Texas A&M from 5:10 to 6:10 p.m. on May 22, 23 and 24 and on May 26 from 2 to 4 p.m. All swimmers are expected to bring a suit and cap. A competitive program will be offered both sessions from 7:30 are your used books becoming stacked? j l |i ' Sell them or trade them in on new books at LOUPOTS. You pay less and trade higher when you deal with North Gate to 9 a.m. daily. During the month of August this program will con tinue on an invitational basis under Pat Patterson, new swim ming coach at A&M. Patterson will also teach Life Saving and Diving courses and manage the Wofford Cain Olympic Swimming Pool. Patterson, who was the coach of Joan Spillane, the only Texas girl to win an Olympic gold medal in swimming, coached at the Uni versity of Arkansas for the past two seasons. Plans are currently being made to sponsor one or more swimming championships in the Olympic Pool this year. Ladies classes are not sponsor ed by the Council but will be offered. The beginners class will be held from June 3-29 and the advanced class from July 1-27. Fees for these classes are $6 per session. Registration will be in Coach Adamson’s office in Downs Natatorium on June 3 and July 1. Cloudy skies, wet grounds and rain always will remind Coach Tom Chandler of his 1968 Texas A&M baseball team. “They deserved a better fate,” he opines. A&M lost three games to rain- outs (one with Baylor and two with Texas) and consequently a chance to share the Southwest Conference title and represent the SWC in NCAA playoffs. Seven of A&M’s nine starters batted over .300 in SWC play in posting a 10-5 mark. The Aggies had the best overall record in the SWC at 21-7. As a team, A&M batted .295 in league play and led in virtually all phases of sta tistics. They lost two games to Baylor, the first played entirely in the rain and the second halted by rain after seven innings. An other loss was to Texas Tech in Lubbock in a game played in 50- mile-per-hour wind. Although they officially fin ished third, behind Texas and TCU, the Aggies beat Texas in the one game they played and they swept all three from the Frogs. Senior catcher Joe Staples, who was all-SWC as a sophomore and junior, won the SWC batting title with a .391 mark. Second baseman Pete Maida finished with a higher average, .394, but did not have enough at bats to qualify. Other regulars over the .300 mark: Leftfielder Dave Elmendorf, .364; shortstop Jim Raley, .353; third baseman Terry Dailey, .340 and centerfielder Bob Long, .328. The rightfielder, Robert Arnold, was close at .293. Had the Aggies won the three games that were wiped out by rain, one with Baylor and two with Texas, they would have fin ished at 13-5, same as TCU, and would have gone into the playoffs by virtue of three victories over TCU. Ag Foursome To Compete In Beaumont Coach Charles Thomas an nounced that he will enter a Tex as A&M foursome in the Lamar Tech Memorial mile relay Satur day in Beaumont. The race will be a feature event in the Ty Terrell Relays, honoring the late track coach at Lamar Tech who was killed re cently, along with some of his track squad, in a plane crash. The Aggie foursome that ran a 3:09.8 this year for a school record include Steve Bancroft (48.4) , Mike Boyd (47.0), Curtis Mills (45.9) and Robert Vaughan (48.4) . A&M also will enter Larry Mc Intyre in the pole vault. McIn tyre this past season was ineli gible for competition. Of the four, only Vaughan will be lost through graduation to Coach Thomas’ team of next year. Bancroft and Boyd are both juniors while Mills is a freshman. Aggies Land Swimmer Texas A&M has signed ace schoolboy swimmer Steve McMil- lion of Houston Memorial to an athletic scholarship for next fall. McMillion, state champion in the 400-yard freestyle and a member of the state title relay team at Memorial, was a high school all-America swimmer. McIntyre will be expected to take up the slack in the field events on next spring’s squad. Martin Rollins the Southwest Conference pole vault champion and the conference’s top perform er throughout the season with a best of 16-1^ has completed his college eligibility. FLORSHEIM SHOES 3un Starnes men's meat PALACE NOW SHOWING Features: 1:10-3:13-5:16-7:19-9:23 20TH CENrURV-FOl presents (Mon y km plANET ApES cm/pm STARTS TODAY Sandy Dennis In “SWEET NOVEMBER' — QUEEN HELD OVER BY P0PULA1 DEMAND Julie Andrews In THE SOUND OF MUSIC” i i For Your Corsage For The Ring Dance It’s The Student Floral Concession. See Your Dorm Salesman Or Stop By The Floriculture Greenhouse Thursday or Friday 8-5; Saturday 8-12. Carnations Double Cymbidiums White Orchids Lavender Orchids Student Floral Concession “Run by Aggies for Aggies” P l k