Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1968)
THE BATTALION Tttundajr, M»y 2, 1968 4 ColWg* Station, Texai COMMISSIONED Robert D. Lindsey of Mc Allen, a 1%6 Texas A AM graduate, has been comis sioned an ensign in the U. S. Navy Reserve and assigned aboard the USS Bradley. Bulletin Board TODAY The Amarillo Hometown Club will elect officers at 6:16 p.m. at the Country Kitchen. The Houston Hometown Club will make plans for a summer party at 7:30 p.m. in Room 201 of the Physics Building. The Garland Hometown Club will meet at 8:30 p.m. at the YMCA. Dues will be collected. FRIDAY The Texas AAM Ms line Biology Asnecistion will begin its annual field trip today until Sunday to Matagorda Island. All those in terested should sign the list in front of room 113 in the Biology building. Demonstrations Spreading To High Schools By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Student demonstrations spread ing from colleges to high schools and a strike by teachers in Mary land combined to keep thousands of young Americans from their classrooms Wednesday. The entire 2&481 enrollment of New York's ObleitfcU Univer sity, closed by a weak-long stu dent sit-in finally‘’broken up by the police, idled anothed day sway as the school administration de cided on s further cooling-off period. More than 700 Columbia stu dents whom the police had ousted Tuesday from five university buildings faced charges of tres passing and other offenses. There was talk of s general student strike to back demands for the resignation of the university pres ident, Dr. Grayson Kirk. Taking their cue from the Co lumbia demonstrators, 22 students of the Stony Brook, N. Y. State University began a sit-in at the school business office, protesting the presence of county police on the campus. The police moved in after arresting 33 students on drug possession and sale charges in a January raid. Defying a threat of wholesale suspensions, pupils—mostly Ne groes—renewed sit-in demonstra tions at four Cincinnati public high schools to protest disciplin ary regulations. Police arrested about 100 for ignoring orders to disperse. School Supt. Paul Miller al ready had announced that 1,400 pupils involved in sit-ins at six high schools Tuesday would be suspended at least 10 days. Judge Benjamin Schwarts of the Hamilton County Juvenile Court backed Miller with an order placing all suspended pupils under house arrest. He said they could go out in public only If si-cunt- panied by a parent, and must be home by 9 p.m. .. FOLGEITS, SHURFINE MAR. CLUB, MAX. HOUSE COFFEE Your Choice' PRICES FOR Thor. - Fri. - Sat. May 2-3-4. Shurfrcah—Twin Pak POTATO CHIPS 10-0*. Pkg. Pard Tall DOG FOOD EGGS 39' FLOUR.....5“49c L. 5 s rr$1.0« 5 N ;r$i.oo Sharfiae—Cream er Whale GOLD CORN Sharfiae—Early Harvest SWEET PEAS ♦ kgulak giimd* Brazos Residents May Participate In May 11 Contest G. Rollie White Coliseum will be the May 11 site of the annual Brazos County power weight-lift ing championships Contest Chairman Hsnry Heatheriy, AAM mathematics in structor, said medals will be awarded to winners in sever classes. The top three ‘‘overall" weight lifters, he noted, will re ceive trophies. Heatheriy announced the con test is open to all Brazos County residents, including AAM stu dents. He said rules of the Ama teur Athletic Union will be fol lowed. The weigh-in is set for 1 p.m. May 11 in the coliseum looker room, with the contest to fel low at 2 p.m. in the second floor w,iz’.t roem. LIMIT ONE LB. OF YOUR CHOICE With $5.00 or More Purchase Excluding Cifarettm and Beer. ’Your Choice Curtis Candy BABY RUTH Mrs Quanity Rights Reserved ★ DR. PEPPER Bottle Carton LIMIT 2 WITH OTHER PURCHASES BAMA JELLY 4 K *1 • Apple - |Blsrkbcrr> • Apple - Grape • Apple. Pkna • Apple - Strawberry “Mix or Match or Butterfinger Reg. 39r Each 10-Ct. Pkgs. A. F. « / Gallon MELLORINE Brand V2 Carton _ _ Plastic DUST PANS No. see Cans FRUIT COCKTAIL Shurfine—1‘ess A Carrots, Sliced Squash or CHOP BROCCOLI « M :iT % , ~ ' - -- ^ Shurfine—Baby Limas, B. E. I'eaa, Field Peas W/Snaps 19-Ox. Pkgs. onnrimi i.imsK. n. e,. reaa, r iem r< MIXED VEGETABLES Chec, Banana, Fudge or Coconut COLONIAL CAKES Match" 23-Ox. 89c Just Wonderful HAIR Gillette—Injector BLADES Brock—Dry er Normal SHAMPOO , Westpac—Crinkle CUT POTATOES ... Reg. 29r 1 7 Const /; Reg. UJfO ... Reg. 95*3 SPRAY Regular nr Hard Ho'd Reg. 99f r <* ICE TEA GLASSES —-~- Avacado 25-Ox. Glasses Sunkist ORANGES.... 19* Yellow ^ SQUASH 19* California ^ TURNIPS...2! 29' V elk»w onions....2 i 29' U5.D.A. CHOICE (Heavy Beef, Full Cut) ROUND STEAK t ICEBERG "FRESH CRISP” LARGE HEAD Tenderl sod .... Lb. 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 2*9 E. 24th Street 251* Tesas Avenue Dewntawn USDA Grade 'A' WHOLE i ' l OffMN arrxMPe an* • a a a Lb* A VALUABLE COUPON FREE 100 EXTRA Green Stamps With this COUPON & the Purchase of $10.00 or More Exc lading Cigarettes and Beer ORTS SUPfR MARKETS . COUPON VOID AFTER MAY 4, 1*68 V V V V V y v ♦ * • > * * y y y y v y y i/y ULtat yK canned ham SLICED BACON RATH’S WEINERS PORK CHOPS Swift Premium Mayrone 51 »4” 65* 45* 69 Full Vi Loin Family Pak — Lb. \.