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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1968)
I — BATTALION CLASSIFIED Political* * ^ Thursday, May 2, 1M8 Announcements Subject to action of the Don. ocratk Primary May 4, 1M8. For Concrouman, Sixth Con- rreMional District: OUN E. TEAGUE T(Bo-Eloetk>n) POE RENT Dv- Call altar • ». au o«*j for Mottur'i m>ma »nti taOraBM ata«to I air aa4 Wt _ ■atrmltr AvaiiaMa M* BTATB MOTEU WANT AD RATES *e 0a» 44 *ar word *0 90t word aaoh addMioaal daj FOR SALE 1M4 Dodo* OT. Md-MlI. GABAGE SALE: im Vlilac* Dr, C-A. atordar. Mar 4. r*raK*r*, etoOil ■iwllaaiBaa. ITStt VET OTUDENT MUST SELL — Ittf ‘oattao rvBaird, m. wait*. <Mux Mao •tartar, radio, air, aawor. ButataUc. MM adtaa. aakia. tfid* tr SI 00 and ■BUM paymmla. Call Md-MM altar I 1T.SM BTU air condHtaMr • Maooaa old. latad .arr littta. S44-71U call aftar S. S74U , » Ptac* diaotta aot — USA* i G.X. Varraa |Ctaaa*r — 17.M , tnfaol ear bad aad auto Itaatta Bwla* |S aacb. aowpWtr S-Gal km MO*; Md-SSSd. 414*4 I Br owaw. tbr** tadruci 1U bath brick l«a Laura Laa*. C* Central boat aad air. ISaaotad D*a aad Ettakoa. Two biorka from tary acbooi. bare* taaa 444-441 raWting «% IMd V W. radio Exealtaat ooaditlon O.OM »Ua*. 144-4224 STStd Anar >r—a*. TW «, orvreoat fMd Mat. Ill; Dr*** blur* SIS ; ata* M abort; aatlrc tat SM. *44-7411. *T»U ■SI Eord Ealriaao. GTA *•*, lib* a a* not mu. Haw »7n or S4*-*m. •TStS THE BRYAN APJ “Congenial Living” Swarata Adult * Pawllr Aroaa mb lit* • AU UtUItta* Paid IMS S. Coitac* Aroauo UaSdaat Manacvr . AH- SS Phocte ttl 4tM Make Yotir D—mH New OFFICIAL NOTICE OfftaSal aMtaw mum urtau te tbo Offtao - a ma — Jt a ca„a.si_ _ at j , , Jflw - VE ■ UMBCHJWM DW Mf W MMHHM MM 1 p. at. al tk* dar prmdtac pakllMtl Tk* ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMI NATION rouuirod *f all iuatar * ■tudonta matortnr la ChtMtatry I* Bfbcduiod for 7 :M p. m. Mar *, 1*M In Room 221. of tko CkMBtatry BulMlac. Stndonte akouid Bulldtn* (or dMataT" 4 la tko Cb cm tat ry l7St4 VICTORIAN AEABTMBNTS NUwar hotWMB pryan E ASM UaWoroItr STUDENTS I I ! Naod A How* 1 * t Bod room Fur. « UafM. Fuel aad PHrat* Courtycr,! I MONTHS LB ASS 12VSMS 4*1 Laka St. AH -:-r: t. TUB GRADUATE COLLEGE Flaai ExaaiaaUoa lor tkr Doctoral Dtcrw Naaa*; Tboraborrr. Frodrirk Donald -too: Doctor ol Phltaoophr h> Poultry Dtaalrtattan: Elfcrta of Can* Star. Bird Douaitjr, Body Wrtabt aad Pbaac FMdii oa Performance ol CBMMBUlal Laror*. 1m: Tkuradar. Mar S. 1*M at t A* vta. *laM: Room 204, Conforrnoo Room. A*ri- cuRural Buildiaa Warn* C. MC Dm* of Gradual* Studta* S74U OFFICIAL NOTICE TEE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Ex*Mta*ttaa tar tk* D*Moral I Naw*: Laady, Lsradall LpwuII Dour**; D.Bd. ta ladaubrial EduMtioa DflMcrtMtlM: __ Tow day. Mar 1. IMS a* l*t«* a.w Room 1*4-A, M.E. Sara* C Hail taaa «d Graduate Stadta* ' 41444 TEE GRADUATE COLLEGE Ftaul Examination for tko Doctoral Da Mhawt UadMkill. Ckartaa M«lwaad Dburuc; Doctor of EdaMttaa la ladaUrtal Educfttloei Dtaawtattaat Tk* Statu* ml aad N«ad tar laduutrtal Art* laMruril** ta Brr*ntk- day Adroettat Batoadary Srkoata, Thau: W.dawday. May M. IMS at i Pfamt Room 1*1, M.E. Skop* Std*. Waya* C Hall Dmb Mf Graduate Stadta* S7St* Coil*c* Station, Texas Paye 8 THE BATTALION In Party Primaries 13 Running For Governor SPECIAL NOTICE 7SS GTO. Fully load**. SI44* Call SS2- S7SU SAILBOATS - FltarttaM "SMcptaa" (ttaallar te Suariak). |4S4.S*. 4Mlr«tud. Contact Windward Sailboat*. 11M Koooix Laa*. AaMia. 44V*2 IS 4SV17M. SSStM WORK WANTED Tkaaia and PtaBirtetion experience Now IBM Satartric wKk OruM xymboia Call aaytiM* S4VSUS. S7St4 Typlau. b*#oe* 12 :M. after S Typlau Wanted, are** year* exporternc*. apacialia* la aeWntiftc. mathematical aad Guaraata* p*ef Mt SS2tf* Eauin**rlnc ay copy. S44-S24* HELP WANTED Expartaated BmuIj Operator 1« Working Condition. Stt-TSSS at aiukt. SMM prrtaM *a S to 11 shift at 11 ad Iso* County Hoopttal MadtaonnlW. Texaa. Ex cM loot Salary. Call aaGort. DI VICSl. Mta* Gloria Rtao or Mr. R G. Clark. sdStfa LOST Black briefcaa* In MSC. Contain, kook, and Important papora If fouad eowtact Charfaa Vlllortwa. 1^14 Reward. STSU LOST — oa aorta aad of drill fMd gnid RING - laarriptioo oa InaMo. Sonti- mMtal vain*. Reward. P(tryear 4T 47Mf PRACTICE CALF POPING HEARN E SADDLE CLI B HEARNS, TEXAS Thursday — 7:30 f. m. Sunday 8:30 p. m. Fr**h Calves 2&I per head Visitors Welcomed. Raualta far tko April IMS AU student, who are candidates for tk* daeru* at Doctor of Pkitaoapky or In-cter mt EdaMttaa ar* roqulrad to cedar booda aa wall am tk* Doctor's cap* and gowna Tko booda ar* te be left at tk* Registrar a Office no later than 1 ;M p. m., Tuaaday May SI I this will b* aceotnpllabad by a rapraaantaUva of tko Unfraraitg EblkBag* SteP*. The Ph.D or D Ed. kooda will not bo worn la tk* proeaMtaa amoa all sack candidates wUI b* hooded oa atage aa part of the ceremony. Candidate* for tko Master's Dag lea wUI wear tk* aap and gown, nil civilian stu dent* who ar* candidate* far tk* Bankalnr’a Degree will wMr tk* cap aad gown : ROTC Seat who ar* candidate* for tk* bach elor's Degree will wear tk* appropriate Uniterm. All Military paraaaaal wko are Candida tee for Ik* degree, graduate or aadargraduate. will wear the uaiform only. Rental of caps and gown, may he arranged with tk* Eackaaga Btara Order* may b* placed between *:** a. M, Monday, April W. and It 00 noon. Snturday. May 11. Ilte rental Is a* foiloar*: Doctor’* cap an< gown. SS 2*; Maater a aap aad gown. S4-7S, Bachelor , aap aad gwwa. Si x* Hood rente! I* tk* Mm* a* that far tk* mp and gown. A 1% antes tax ta required la addition te tkaae ratal* Paymen t ia ra- quirad at the time of placing order. STttlS THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for tk* Doctoral Dag rue Mama: Maker)y Howard Dmh Degree Doctor of PkUmapky la Agrical- tural Economies IRaaartaltaa: An Eeoaaamia A amirs la of Beef Production aad Etaoulau forkaol- ogy aad Commercial Cattle Eoa«kM la the Southwest Texas Higk plains Area, naaa: Tuaaday. May 7. iMS at trM p.m. fSaea: Roam SIR AGtldBWBMl Bldg. Waya* C. Rail Doan of Graduate Stadta S7IU THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination far tko Doctoral Dogma Mama: Thomas. William Baitoa Dagrai: Ph.D. ia Animal Nutrition Dtaaortattaa: Factors lofluoaciag Growth of Myraplaama GakisspUcnae In Synthe tic and Enriched Madia, fkao: Friday. May 4. IMS at I rid ppt. jtaoo: Room US Hannan Heap Bldg. Dean of Graduate Studta S7SU Waya* C. Halt ATTENTION JOR APPLICANTS Tk* BATTALION rt-ea act knowingly H Help-Wanted ads from amployom •rod by tko Pair Labor Standards Act if tkoy offer lam ttaa tko ioaal ■ttakauM wag* or fall te pay bt least tkne aad gam half for oeortlm* hour* Tk* minimum wag* for amptagmMt c over ad kg tk* PLSA prior te tk* IMd Attoo tail iota i* I1.M oa hour with orerthao pay required after 44 hours a weak. Job* BOlWod a* a moult of tko IdM AaaoataaodU mqutra aa hoar minimum with .wvrtimc pay re-juired after 41 hours a awak For ■ pacific is- formattaa. contact Ik* Wag* aad Hour Offtao Of Iks: u. S. Department mt Wag* A Hour ta Puklia Coatracta dlt Professional Bid. Ith A Fran aooy Toaaa 7*701. THE CRADI'ATS COLLEGE Flaai Examination for tk* Doctoral Dogma Naaa*: Garrard. Jr. CtamasM William Dogma: Doctor of Pbltaoophy la Nactaar Knjlnedpr mg Dtasertatlon A Study of tk* Speed of Propagation of Small Amplitude Pres sure Pules* In a Two-Phaa*. Two-l oyn- Mixture with an Annular Flow THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Flaai Examination for tk* Doctoral Docmo Mom* : Johnston. Wallace La moo t Dam*; Doctor of Education in IndnotriM Itaniflio EtaaortaMoa: Factor* Innaenehtg Cartata Pra aagtaaarinx StudaaU la' Baliotlag a Four-Year Institution for the Completion of an Engineering Degree Ttaa: Tuaaday, May 14, IdSS at (rid a.m. Plamt Room ld4A. M.E Skop* SuOdiag Wayne c. Hall Dean of Gradante Studta Sldtll ■Dias. I kiln St. ■SSdtfa Charter new Crie Craft Sport Ftskera for King fishing ttaa. Parti** for « tarn. Book now Coll SXS-SM2 Navaa.^., Texaa or BE »-4ttt. Freeport, Texes tStUO ATTENTION I Pcrooanel aad studsate of AAM UataomRy. See a* before you bay year furniture aad appliance nee da. A about tko student plan. Tk* star* of dtattaotf** famttum—Wood Furniture Com paay. SOI North Texas. TaSapkoa* I 1XX7 StTtfa CHILD CARE aonent I Pattern. Time Friday. May 1*. IMS at S-*:M a. M. Place: Doom Ml-A. W. T. Dakerty Bldg. Wayao C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studta I7M7 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for tha Doctoral Dogma mate*: Maxwell, Doaald Allan ttagrM: Doctor of Phikmophy ia Clril I Caciaoariag Dtaaertattan: NG1 System Dealgn Ttaa: Monday, May S. IdM at 1 rid a. aa. plam: Room IS. Highway Rsaaarch Bldg Kayne C. Hall Dana of Gradaate Studies THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Mlehalk. Victor Edward rma: Doctor of Philosophy >n Physic* Dissertation : ElMtl* and Taataotic Scat- tering of Neuton Capture Gamma Radia tion Time: W ad n aad ay. May t. ISM at t:M p.m. Places Room 221 Cyclotron Bldg. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studta I71t* THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for tk* Doctoral Degree Name: Wallace. Norman E. Degree Doctor of Education In Industrial Education Dissertation t An Analysis aad Reetatoa of the Road Rulaa. and Rond Signs. Parte of tk* Texaa Opera toe's License Exam laa- lion. Tima: Thursday. May f. IMS at 1 rid • X :M > I Place™' Room 1*7. M E Skop* Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studta Sddtll THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Examination for tk* Doctoral Dogma Barker. E. Oaarte Doctor of Phltaophy la Education ttaa: Tk* Impact of Social Chang* oa tk* Lutheran Elementary Parochial School in Tex or Time . Wednesday. May t. IdM at I rid P. te. ftaao; Room SB. Nagle Hall Wayao C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies Sddtll THE GRADUATR COLLEGE Flaai Examination for tk* Doctoral Dogma Nteno: Mato. Dooaoale Anthony Dog I te: Fh.D. la Biology Disserts Hon: Effect of Chamteally Inert Gases la Vitro on Tissue Oitaattm Motab- olism sad Fluid Fluxoa. Thai*; Wednesday. May IS. IMS at 1 rid By CHARLES ROWTON BtatttattMi Editor Ultimatety, “13" is coin* to te an unlucky numter for 12 of tho cmdidtatog running for govgrnor of Tsxss. Ton Democrats and three Re publicans are vying for their party's nomination for the Texas governor’s chair in the two party primaries. Runoffs, if necessary, will te conducted June 1. In addition to voting for other party candidates for lesser of-t flees, members of both political schools will have an opportunity to voice opinions about three ref erendum questions. THE ISSUES are liquor by the drink, legalised betting at t h e tracks, and establishment of a milk price-fixing commission. A referendum is s popular vote on a measure passed upon or pro- poeed by a legislative body or by popular initiative. The results of the referendum have no legal effect. However, legislators will know how Texans stand on these issues sad, ss in the past, will probably act ac cordingly. FORECASTERS see no clear leader in the Democratic gover nor's primary, but Wichita Falls lawyer Paul Eggera, protege of GOP higher-ups, appears to have an edge on his opponents. The top six Democratic candi dates are Dolph Briscoe, Uvalde rancher, former Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr of Lub bock, Texas Sec. of State John Hill of Houston, Dallas lawyer Eugene Locke, Lt Gov. Preston Smith of Lubbock and Houston attorney Don Yarborough. Brenham evangelist Johnnie Mae Harkworthe. Dallas insur ance man Pat O’Daniel, and two xPtace Room SIS-B. Biel ogle a I Seta Bldg Waya* C. Hall Dean of -Graduate Stadta IT lit Houston men, businessman Ed Whitten burg and bank employe Alfonso Velot are given little chance te wia the semination. TWO LAWYERS, John Trice of Dallas and Wallace Sisk of Houston, will challenge Eggera in the Republican primary. In the past, winning ths Demo cratic primary bate been tanta mount to being elected governor. However, Republicans feel that their nominee may ride the coat tails of a strong Republican pres idential candidate in November. Texas went strongly for Dwight Eisenhower in 1962 and 1966. The absence of an issue of great importance to Texas voters has served to eliminate any clear- cut difference among the Demo cratic hopefuls. The question of pari-mutuel betting is opposed by all the Democrats, with the exception of Velot, who favors it because “it would bring in more money for state use." Whittenburg is the only candidate who has announced that he would veto legislation to legalixe betting, regardless of the will of the people. THE OTHERS believe that a side effect of legalised betting would be the appearance of or ganised crime in Texas. Carr has said that, while pari-mutuel bet ting might be regulated by a state racing commission, “there is no way to prevent organized crime from coming where there is legalised gambling. All three Republicans are agreed with the nine Democrats concerning the opening for or ganised crime legalized betting would allow. Liquor by the drink it the issue that has brought out the most divergence of opinion among the candidates. HUI*TT PPMPTT CHILDREN CEN PER. *400 Stertk Coltas*. State Uceaaad Jteaa, R. N 04-4444. Viral ata P- Mtfn Final examinations for the Spring Semester 1968 will be held May 24 - June 1, according to the following schedule: Hour Courses 8-11 S.m. Classes meeting MWF8 l- 4 p.m. Classes meeting MWF12 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting TTh8Fl 1- 4 p.m. Classes meeting MWFll 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting MWThJ 1- 4 p.m. Classes meeting MWF9 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting MSTThlO 1- 4 p.m. Classes meeting TF2 or TWF3 _ _ or TThF3 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting 1IWF10 1- 4 p.m. Classes meeting TThl2 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting M4TThll 1- 4 p.m. Classes meeting MWThl 8-11 a.m. Classes meeting TTh9F2 1- 4 p.m. Classes meeting TFl Date May 24, Friday May 24, Friday May 27, Monday May 27, Monday May 28, Tuesday May 28, Tuesday May 29, Wednesday May 29, Wednesday May 30, Thursday May 30, Thursday May 31 Friday May 31, Friday June 1, Saturday June 1, Saturday NOTE: Final examinations in courses with only one theory hour per week as shown in the catalogue will be given at the discretion of the department head concerned, at the last meeting of either the theory or practice period before the close of the semester 671tl7 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination tor tk* Doctoral Deeraa Nate*: Falk. Jokn Edwin Davraa: Doctor of Education In Industrial Education Dissertation: A Coanpnrtoon mt Introduc tory Industrial Arts wRk Motel and Wood Maaafarturing ladustrta. Tima: Wadneaday. May S. IM* st l:M a.m Place Room 104-A. M E Shop. Bids Waya* C. Hall Doan of Graduate Studta S7»tS Those undergraduate students who has* M asm a*ter hours of credit may purchase tk* Ata M ring. Tko hours passed at the Urn* of the Preliminary Grad* Report. April 1. IMS otey be used ta aatlofykis tk* M hour requirement. Tk* etude*ta qualifying under this regulation may tax* tkoir name with the Ring Clark In tk* Registrar'* Office la order that aka may cheek the records to determine their eligibility to order the Hag. Ordara for the Hag* wilt be taken between April It, and May SI, IMS. All Hags will bo re turned to this office on ar about Jaly IS far further delivery. Tk* Ring Clark ta on doty froas ll:M to ISrM noon. Monday through Friday. S4SU4 THS GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for ths Doctoral Dsgrat Mate*: Crowder. Gena Arnold boftuo: Dorter of Education In 1 ados tire] Education ptaaortettaa: Visual Hildas and Asaanahly Models Compared With Coneanttanal Met hods in Tsacking Industrial Alts. Ttaa: Monday, Mop It. ISM at 1-t p.m Pine*: Room 107M.E. Shop* Bldg Waya* C. Hall Dana of Graduate Studta STSU New TLCB Ruling Could Hurt Clubs Students wishing te place a 1M7 AGGIE- LAND la their high school may pick thorn “ tPufita ta tko office of Stud eat task** Bulldttag, SSStfa GM Lowest Priced Cars $49 79 per Me. With Nermsl Down Payment OPEL KADETfT Scllstrom Pontiac • Buick X7M Texas Aa*. Nth A Parker Stl-ISX* Ml-HOT SOSOLIKS TV A RADIO SERVICE 2enKh - Color A RAW - TV All Makes RAW TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-1941 TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED A EXCHANGED Completely Gearanteed LOWEST PEI CSS HAM ILL’S TRANSMISSION US S Bryaa —Bryaa— IXX-447 4 HOME A CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES A SERVICE KEN’S RADIO A TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 Classic Wax Cal Custom Accessories Hurst Floor Shifts Enco, Conoco, Amalie & Havoline .... 35c qt. Wo stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings 50% Off Parts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts-We Fit 96% of AU Cars - Save 25 - 40% Brake Shoes $3.19 ex. 2 Wheels — many can Auto trans. oil 264 AC - Champion - Autolite plugs Starters • Generators AU 6 Volt - $10.96 Each Most 12 Volt — $11.95 Each Tires Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Year Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 229 E. 26th Bryaa, Texas JOE FAULK *82 21 yean ia Bryaa • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings , Refinished C. W. Varner A Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer ENGINEERING A OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. REPRODUCTION A MEDIA — ARCH. A ENGR. SUPPLIES SURVEYING SUPPLIES A EQUIPMENT — OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE A SUPPLIES AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call; Ccors* Webb Fenners Insurance Group S4M S. Colies* StS-MSI WE RENT TYPEWRITERS Electric, Manual, A Portable OTIS MCDONALD’S 4X» 8. Main — Phone Stt-lSSS Bryaa. Texas 492 Weet 25th St. Ph. 823-9939 Bryan, Texaa ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS You may pick up your invita tions at the TV room. Memorial Student Center. Pleaee pick up theee invitations April 29, 1968, thru May 24. 1968, Mon. - Fri., 8-6. Special notice to thoee graduat ing seniors wko did not order their graduation invitations. The EXTRA INVITATIONS will go on sale Monday, May 18, 1968, at 8:00 a. m. et the Memo rial Student Center, Cashier’s Window. These invitations are ■old on a first-come, first-serve bails only. Now Leasing The New Luxurious Trinity Gardens • Two Bedroom, iVfc Bath * Expart Yard Maintenance • Formal Living aad Dining Rooms * All Electric Built-in G. E. Kitchens • Custom Drapes and Carpets • Carrier Central Heating aad Air Conditioning • Very Large Privately Fenced Backyards • Washer-Dryer Connections ia Gangs • One Block from New Elementary School • Attached Garage • Rentals $169.60 • Children and Pets Welcome. for infonaAtioa call’: V' | 846-2614 or 846 - 5676 * Trinity Place A S. W. Parkway Cettogo Station FREIGHT SALVAGE • Brand Name Furniture • Household Appliances • Bedding • Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures an to full btilKy bg our ragaln Separtmenl. C & D SALVAGE CO. | XX aS A B. Tabor Btraato — Bryaa i .to AUSTIN — Spokesmen for private club operators predicted Wednesday that a new ruling by the Texas Liquor Control Board would either put a lot of clubs — out of business or cuuse approv al of the liquor-by-the-drink referendum. The board ruling prohibits cssn salsa by private clubs for any service or commodity ana said payment of such bills could not be made until st least eight hours later. “We feel theee new require ments will do sway with much of the confusion which has ex isted in the operation of private clubs," said board Chairman W. D. Noel. “This just points up the hyp ocrisy of our state liquor system," said W. Price Jr., executive direc tor of the Texas Restaurant As sociation, which has led support in recent year* for sale of liquor by the drink. “THIS MAY be a good way to get the referendum passed , . . this ruling will hurt a good many legitimate private clubs and it will drastically affect eating places that also have a club,” Price said. “The HemisFsir is already in trouble and this will just hurt even more our efforts to get tourists to come to Texas. Peo ple in California or Washington State or some other states art go ing to hear about this and say ‘Hall, I’m not going to Texas where I have to carry around a bottle in my car all the time if I want a drink before a meal.’ ” THE MANAGER of an Austin private club said he planned to cancel all entertainment contracts “because with this are couldn’t pay the light bill." The TRA ia one of several or ganisations urging approval of the voter opinion poll on liquor by the drink. More than SOO.OOo notices urging the approval have been distributed to Texaa res taurants, hotels and clubs. Valos and Locke are the only Democrats in favor of local op tion choice, while Republican Sisk is in favor because he “believes it could be controlled and the law clarified better as the liquor laws desperately need clarification." Smith, Whittenburg, Yarbor ough, and Eggera feel the people of Texas must make the decision on the referendum vote. / Hill, Mrs. Harkworthe, Carr, O'Daniel, Briscoe and Trice are against the proposal, but only Mrs. Harkworthe and O'Daniel would veto such legislation if it were passed by the legislature. EDUCATION ia another sub- pert high on the list for proposed "i changes by alstoat all the candi dates. Most* have endorsed the Texas State Teacher’s Association proposed salary increase of $1,- 000. Locke, who told the TSTA legislative committee that he would not commit himself to suqh an increase, has since acknowl edged that an increase in teach er's salaries was certainly needed * but setting of a certain amount now, before taking office, would not be a prudent measure. Yarborough, at College Station last week, said that he favors mandatory tenure for teachers. His proposal would protect teach ers from arbitrary diamisaal after a probationary period. During this period, the individual teach er’s competence ia considered but tenure would be granted' only where justified by performance. MINIMUM salary, poverty pro grams, reduction in crime, four- year terms for' governor and’ other state office Holders, amend ing the penal code to provide for more severe penalties for crimes of violence; all are issues that moat of the candidates have voiced their approval on. Another issue that has arisen is whether or not the legislature should hold annual sessions rather than the present biennial session. This means that the legislature meets once every two years... O’Daniel, in answering a Hous ton Post questionnaire, said: “It is my belief the legislature is currently holding annual ses sions, but if they are not, they certainly should.” TYPEWRITERS RenUb-SalM-Scnrict Terras Distributors For: Rovul and Victor Calculator* A Adding Machines ( ATES TYPEWRITER GO. 999 S. Mala 822-9999 v' EXPLAINS USE OF POLICE ON CAMPUS President Grayson Kirk of Columbia University tell a news conference at the New York school that he called city police to evict students barricaded in five buildings because “the university has been paralyzed by the illegal acts of a mi nority of its students, aided and abetted by an unknown number of outsiders.” At right is David Truman, a Colum bia vice-president Sit-in was by 500 to 600 demonstrators at a school whose enrollment is 27,600. (AP Wirephoto) . Airborne A&M Meteorologists Use Radar To Study Clouds A&M Junior Gets $300 Scholarship Robert D. Manny of Fort Worth, junior architecture stu dent at Texas AAM, has been awarded a $800 scholarship by the American Institute of Archi tects. Manny, eon of Mr. and Mr*. H. M. Manny, 2686 Timtorlme Dr., Fort Worth, wee one of ten students across the nation to re ceive awards provided by Bhim- craft of Pittsburg, designer* and manufacturer* of railing and grille systems. The scholarship winner is a graduate of Fort Worth Poly Tech High School. | Airborne Texas AAM meteor ologists will be exploring the clouds this month over South Central Texas. AAM Geosciences Dean Hor ace R. Byers said the university will make daily flights through out May to learn more about the manner in which rain is initiated and to check the ability of radar to M sae” through great depths of ■ clouds. The university will be using an electronics - laden Beech “Queenalr" furnished by the Na tional Center for Atmospheric Research at Boulder, Colo. The twin-engine aircraft will operate from AAM’a Easterwood Airport. Dean Byers, who also holds the rank of distinguished professor of meteorology, will conduct the initial test, with subsequent flights directed by Dr. Vsnce E. Moyer, Meteorology Department head, and approximately six other university meteorologists. “VERY LITTLE study of cloud regime has been done in Texaa,” noted Byers, who conducted simi lar serial research in Florida, Arizona, Ohio and Missouri while at the University of Chicago. He said on* of the principal questions is whether precipita tion originates from the sub- freeling portions of clouds. ’’Previous theories predicted that rain comes from the sub- freezing areas," the dean added, “but our earlier investigations in this area point to warm clouds." HE OBSERVED this informa tion will be vital if weather mod ification is attempted. The dean is chairman of the Texas Water Development Board's weather modification advisory committee. The current series of flights will concentrate on cumulus clouds with 4,900-foot bases and 12,000-foot tope. Byers said the Federal Avia tion Agency office in Houston has given the university clearance to operate specific blocks of air space, primarily between College Station and Houston. Chief pilot for the flights will be William Bullock of NCAR.