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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1968)
THE BATTALION Wednesday, April 24, 1968 0 College Station, Texas Page 3 • Aggies Top Cougars, 6-0, 3-1 By GARY SHERER The Texas Aggie baseballers made it a clean sweep of the Houston Cougar nine Tuesday af ternoon with 6-0, 3-1 wins at Kyle Field. The doubleheader victory was a repeat of the Aggies’ double win over the Cougars last week in Houston. The twinbill completed the Aggies non-Southwest Con ference schedule and ran the Ma GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick tltt T«xa* At*. 2<th A Parkar 822-133C 822-1307 roon and White record to 17-6. BECAUSE OF the nippy weath er, both games were seven inning affairs instead of the normal sev en and nine inning twinbill. The weather did not cool down the Aggies bats, which have been hot of late. Evidence of this came last weekend as the Aggies scored 49 runs while pounding out some 50 hits in a three-game series with Texas Tech. The Aggies produced 14 hits in the two games to go along with their nine-run output. Walter Yarvel, making his first start since an early season shoul der injury, picked up the win in the first game. The College Sta tion junior received relief help from Rocky Thompson and Dave Benesh. Thompson probably would have completed the game, but a sixth inning shot back up the mid dle caught the stocky righthander on his pitching hand. Benesh was called on at that point. YARVEL GOT all the runs he needed in the first inning. An er ror and a walk sandwiched in be tween Bob Arnold’s triple and Terry Dailey’s single plated three runs for the Aggies. Dailey, who transferred here from Blinn JO this season, seems to have broken out of his season- long batting slump. The Austin product contributed three hits to the Aggies doubleheader hitting attack. Two of the hits were ring ing doubles to deep left field. In the second game, the Aggies again struck early with two runs in the first inning. Two singles, by Bob Long and Boyd Hadaway along with Joe Staples double pro duced the runs. Hadaway had three runs-batted- in for the two games with his first game triple to the deepest part of the ball park plating two runs. FRESHMAN HURLER Doug Rau got credit for the victory in the second game. He got late in ning relief help from Dave Lar son. The Cougars scored their lone run of the day of Larson in a less-than-normal manner. — BATTALION CLASSIFIED Political FOR RENT Announcements Subject to action of the Dem ocratic Primary May 4, 1968. For Congressman, Sixth Con gressional District: OLIN E. TEAGUE (Re-Election) WANT AD RATES One day 4C per word 'i( per word each additional day Minimum charge—BOd FOR SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF ABANDONED BICYCLES: Notice is hereby given that eleven bicycles have been abandoned on the streets and picked up by the City dur ing the last several mpnths. Owners of bicycles may have the same by identi fying them at the City Hall. Those not claimed by the owners will be sold thirty days after notice. 670tl Pair of fine English riding boots. Slight ly used. I will be at the MSC April 26 all ay, or write Herbert Voelcker, 6327 Deer- rood, Houston 77027. 569t4 SPORTS CAR: 1964 J Series 111, new top, wire I8S0, 846-6821 Sunbeam Alpine re wheels, radio, 569tfn GARAGE SALE: 405 Milam, C. S. Wednesday, Thursday. Furniture, Clothing, miscellaneous. 669t3 >6 Suzuki 120. Saddle bags, covi helmet, Good condition. $250. D< Room 411 after 6:00. er, orm 18. 569t4 MGTC - $1700. Available May 30. Maj. Caleb. 846-8437. 568t4 SAILBOATS - Fiberglass "Scorpion” (similar to Sunfish). $424.50, delivered. Contact Windward Sailboats, 1108 Koenig Lane, Austin. 465-9215. 453-1768. 665t30 HURRY—Only one left. New 1967 Mus tang, Lime Gold, Ivy Gold Interior, V-8, Air, Automatic, Radio, Console, WSW, Ic, Radio, Console, Wheel Covers, Etc. Save over $700. Author- er, Calvert Motors, Calvert, M ers, E lied Ford Dealer Texas, Phone EM 4-2884. HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 Two bedroom studio apartment, carpeted, central air and heat. Range, refrigerator furnished. Near university. Available May 15th. 846-5618. -le May 570tfn House in Country (Rock Prairie) re- odeled. include grandma for one or two babies and cook supper for aggie and king wife. For particulars come out mod . include grandma for one or two ppe Ing wife. P'or particulars rite Mrs. Cora L. Carroll, Route 3 or tie or write Mrs. Cora L. Carroll, Route J Box 274, Bryan, Texas or call 846-8156. 569t4 One bedroom furnished Apt. $45.00 no utility — $60.00 utility furnished. 4404 Aspen, Phone 846-5373 after 6 :00. 569t3 Recently renovated apartment for rent. Unfurnished. Space for animals. 181' Feather Road. Water and Butane furn Contact W. F. Davis. 822-3518. 1814 Fin urnished. 566tfn STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day and weekly rate, near the University, 846- 5410. 558tfn THE BRYAN ARMS APARTMENTS “Congenial Living” Separate Adult & Family Areas "Children Welcome” Model Apts. Open For Inspection From $120 - All Utilities Paid 1602 S. College Avenue Resident Manager - Apt. 65 Phone 823-4250 Make Your Deposit Now VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS I 1 Need A Home 1 A 2 Bedroom Fur. A Unfur. Pool and Private Courtyard 3 MONTHS LEASE 822-2035 401 Lake St. Apt. 1 CHILD CARE TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN- YER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. 123-8626, Virginia D. Jones. R. N. 99tfn SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION JOB APPLICANTS The BATTALION does not knowii accept Help-Wanted ads from emplo; covered by the Fair Labor Standards if they offer less than the legal minin ge or fail to pay at least time and i f for overtime hours. The minin ge for employment covered by the FI formation, contact the Wage and I Office of the: U. S. Department of L Wage A Hour A Public Contracts I 912 Professional Bid. 5th A Franklin Waco. Texas 76701. 53 Charter new Cris Craft Sport Fishe for King fishing trips. Parties for 6 less. Book now. Call 825-6962, JI AAM University. See us before y< your furniture and appliance needs about the student plan. The st< distinctive furniture—Wood Furnitur pany. 501 North Texas. Telephor 1227 HELP WANTED Wait. ter for part-time job. Ni week-ends. Must be here this summer. Telephone Manager Dutch Kettle, 846-9927 for interview appointment. 56914 Experienced Beaut; Working Conditions 8 y Operator. !22-7588 at ni Wanted, two registered nurses t pervisor on 3 to 11 shift at Madison Hospital, Madisonville, Texas. Ex Salary. Call collect, DI 8-2631, Miss Rice or Mr. E. G. Clark. WORK WANTED Will do typing, after 5 p. m. Typing, 846-5992, before 12:30, after 66 copy. 846 ng sy: -3290. peri 552 TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGI Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSK 118 S Bryan —Bryan— 822-6874 OFFICIAL NOTICE WE RENT TYPEWRITERS Electric, Manual, & Portable OTIS MCDONALD’S 429 S. Main — Phone 822-1828 Bryan, Texas SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-1941 Classic Wax Cal Custom Accessories Hurst Floor Shifts Enco & Conoco 3l£ qt. Amalie & Havoline .. 35£ qt. We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings 50% Off Parts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts-We Fit 96% of All Cars - Save 25-40% Brake Shoes $2.98 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars Auto trans. oil 25tf AC - Champion - Autolite plugs Starters - Generators All 6 Volt - $10.95 Each Most 12 Volt — $11.95 Each Tires—Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 21 years in Bryan FREIGHT SALVAGE • Brand Name Furniture • Household Appliances • Bedding • Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures All damag' utility by ed items restored to full our repairs department. C & D SALVAGE CO. 32nd & S. Tabor Streets — Bryan Used Army Officer’s Uniform. $25 (Quarter Master) 1 Tailor-made Green Uniform $49 2 Set Army Dress Blues $79 each Perfect Condition LOUPOT'S Watch Repair Jewelry Repair Diamond Senior Rings Senior Rings Refinished Jewelers North Gate 8' AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Ford Dealer ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. * REPRODUCTION & MEDIA — ARCH. & ENGR. SUPPLIES » SURVEYING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT — OJ FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE & SUPPLIES 402 West 25th St. Ph. 823-0939 Bryan, Texas Now Leasing The New Luxurious Trinity Gardens Elementary School • Attached Garage • Rentals $159.50 • Children and Pets Welcome. for information call: 846-2614 or 846 - 5070 Trinity Place & S. W. Parkway College Station Official notices must arrive in the Office y of Student Publications before deadline of - g 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication. ^ ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMINA- TION: The English Proficiency Examina- n tions for majors in Botany. Microbiology, ^ Zoology, and Entomology (College of Sci- n ence) will be given April 30 at 4:00 p. m. q in room 107 Biological Science Building. Examinees should bring pen, pencil and n dictionary. 570t3 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE ir Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Matocha, John Edward Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Chemistry ^ Dissertation: The Influence of Phosphorus on the Iron, Potassium and Nitrogen Nu- n trition of Grain Sorghum on Dark, Montmorillonitic Soils of Texas Time: Tuesday, April 30, 1968 at 9 :00 a.m. n Place: Room 129, Olin E. Teague Wayne C. Hall j. Dean of Graduate Studies £ THE GRADUATE COLLEGE . Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Johnston, Wallace Lamont Degree: Doctor of Education in Industrial Education Dissertation: Factors Influencing Certain Pre-engineering Students in Selecting a Four-Year Institution for the Completion of an Engineering Degree Time: Tuesday, May 14, 1958 at 8:00 a.m. “ Place: Room 104A, M.E. Shops Building r. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 570tll THE GRADUATE COLLEGE *1 Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Watkins, Ivan Warren ® Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Physics Dissertation: A study of the Electronic i* Transitions of Sulfur Dioxide y Time: Monday, April 29, 1968 at 4:00 p. m. s* Place: Room 145, Physics Building ia Wayne C. Hall n Dean of Graduate Studies 669t4 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree ~ Name: Gaitgong, Piya >9 Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Plant ■2 Pathology Dissertation : Studies on the Variation in 5- Pathogenicity of Pircularia Oryzae Cav., n The Organism Causing Rice Blast. Time: Tuesday, April 30, 1968 at 9:00 a. m. e > Place: Room 303, Plant Science Building ’<1 Wayne C. Hall Dean -of Graduate Studies 569t4 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Maxwell, Donald Allan Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering Dissertation: NGI System Design Time: Monday, May 6, 1958 at 1:00 p. m. Place: Room 15, Highway Research Bldg. Kayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree — Name: Swindle, William Cason Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Education Dissertation: Lingitudinal Evaluation of the University Academic Performance of Students Previously Enrolled in a Pro gram for Improvement of Learning Techniques Time: Thursday, April 26, 1968 at 3:00 p. m. Place: Room 401, Academic Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 566t5 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Becker, E. George Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Education Dissertation: The Impact of Social Change on the Lutheran Elementary Parochial School in Texas Time: Wednesday, May 8, 1968 at 3:00 P. m. Place: Room 9B, Nagle Hall Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 566tl2 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Wallace, Norman E. Degree: Doctor of Education in Industrial Education Dissertation: An Analysis and Revision of the Road Rules, and Road Signs, Parts of the Texas Operator’s License Examina tion. Time : Thursday, May 9, 1968 at 1 :00 - 3 :00 P. m. Place: Room 107, M.E. Shops Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 566tlS THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Dorsey, Oscar Lee Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Education Dissertation : Comparison of Selection Pro cedures in National Science Foundation Academic Year Institution for Junior High School Teachers with a Prediction Study for Participants. Time: Wednesday, May 1, 1968 at 9:00 a. m. Place: Room 406, Academic Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 566t8 ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION The English Proficiency Examination re quired of all junior students majoring in Education or in Psychology will be offered on April 24, (Wednesday) from 2:00 to 4:00 p. m. in Academic 401. It will b« offered again the same day from 4:00 to 6 :00 p. m. in Academic 206. Students may take the examination either time by re porting to the appointed place at the in dicated time. Examinees should bring pen, pencil, dictionary and composition paper. 553U7 Those undergraduate students who have 95 semester hours of credit may purchase the A&M ring. The hours passed at the time of the Preliminary Grade Report, April 1, 1968. may be used in satisfying the 95 hour requirement. The students qualifying under this regulation may leave their name with the Ring Clerk in the Registrar’s Office in order that she may check the records to determine their eligibility to order the ring. Orders for the rings will be taken between April 16, and May 31, 1968. All rings will be re turned to this office on or about July 10 for further delivery. The Ring Clerk is 1 on duty from 8:00 to 12 :00 noon, Monday through Friday. 549t34 Students wishing to place a 1967 AGGIE LAND in their high school may pick them up in the office of Student Publications, Services Building. 548tfn TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 STAPLES DOUBLES Joe Staples, Aggie catcher connects for a two-bagger in the first inning of yesterday’s second game 3-1 win over Houston at Kyle Field. The Aggies also took the first game of the twinbill 6-0. (Photo by Mike Wright) Golf Split Places Ags In 2nd By JOHN PLATZER Coach Henry Ransom’s Aggie golfers played to a 3-3 tie with Texas Tech in Lubbock last night to remain in the second slot in the Southwest Conference. Texas University took over the lead from Baylor, who had held the top spot all year, by defeating the Bears 6-0 in Austin Monday. Texas is now 2114-814 while the defending champion Aggies are 2214-1314. Texas Tech is third at 1714-1214 while Baylor is now 16-14. The Aggies are at home Satur day to end their regular season with a match against Rice. Texas has remaining matches at Texas Christian University and at home against Rice while Tech is at home against Arkansas and away against Baylor. Fort Worth will be the site of this season’s SWC Meet which is scheduled for May 2-3. TRACK Freshman Kelvin Korver set a Southwest Conference season mark of 169-4 in the discus to pace the Aggies to second place finish in last week ends quad rangular meet in Arkansas. Rice won the meet with 64 points while the Aggies picked up 53. Arkansas and TCU fol lowed with 37 and 20 respectively. Two other Aggie freshmen, Curtis Mills and Rockie Woods, also had first places in the meet. Mills won the 440 in the time of 47.2 while Woods jumped 6-6 1 / 4 in the high jump. The Aggie strong men, George Resley and Ronnie Lightfoot, fin- Sports Car Club Rally Top Spot To ’68 Pontiac Driver Bill Blodgett and navi gator Tom Bunn took first place in the Texas A&M Sports Car Club’s “Sports Car Holiday” rally on Saturday. Blodgett and Bunn piloted their 1968 Pontiac around the 100 mile long course ahead of the second place team of driver Alan Wecker- ling and navigator Emil Pela. The Weckerling-Pela team, in a 1962 Chevy Impala, finished ahead of a 1966 Corvair driven by Skip Van Orne and navigator John Conrad. On Sunday, the “holiday” was completed with a 27-car auto cross. The event, based on top driving skill, was held in heavy rains and Conrad Dalton, in a 1967 Corvette 427, turned in the best time. The club will hold its next meet ing on May 1 in the YMCA. Mo vies of the weekends’ events will be shown at the meeting. Every one is welcome. Land Is At Your AGGIELAND FLOWER AND GIFT SHOPPE North Gate • Cards • Party Goods • Baby Albums • Invitations • Personalized Stationary Military Style Sun Glasses (Jet - Pilot) LOUPOT'S ished 1-2 in the shot put once again. Resley had a winning toss of 56-314 while Lightfoot had a top effort of 53-414. Martin Rollins, an Aggie sen ior, took top honors in the pole vault with a successful attempt at 15-9. Coach Charlie Thomas’ track- sters travel to Iowa Friday and Saturday for the Drake Relays. Other conference team’s in the Relays are Texas, Baylor, TCU and SMU. EXER-GENIE WORKOUT Jimmy Adams (right) and Charley Riggs do one of the many drills on the new training aid, exer-genie. The de vice is designed to help develop proper muscle tone in the players. The drills are performed each day before spring workouts. A&M was the first school in the nation to in stitute this program last season. 'For all your insurance needs See U. M. Alexander, Jr. ’40 221 S. Main, Bryan 823-3616 • TATI IA«M ■NSUKANC^ State Farm Insurance Companies Home Offices Bloomington, 111, Call 822-1441 Allow 20 Minutes Carry Out or Eat-In THE PIZZA HUT 2610 Texas Ave. ELECT J. W. “Jim” OBRIEN t A: \ im! ■ ■ County Commissioner — Precinct I Class ’52 (Paid Pol. Adv. by friends of Jim O’Brien) SCHERTLE’S GALLERIES ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS Priced From $10 to $125.00 CUSTOM FRAMING 10:00 a. m. to 8 p. m. Mon. and Thur. 2016 Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas 10:00 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tues. Wed. Fri. Sat. Phone 822-4317 NEED C ASH ? Borrow $10 to $100 Loans to Students, Secretaries, and All Salaried People. Take Advantage of Our Prompt, Confidential Loan Service. UNIVERSITY LOAN COMPANY 317 Patricia (North Gate) — College Station Telephone 846-8319 ’T '•v • ■ f.7 —