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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1968)
i- Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Wednesday, April 24, 1968 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Sound Off ‘When he goes for privacy, it’s a letter from his girl!” Employment Down, Output Increases During the first four months of 1960, Detroit manu factured 149,000 more cars with 136,00 fewer workers than in 1955. In recent years, textile output has increased 56 per cent while employment has fallen 35 per cent. And by 1975, according to an article in Man Magazine, an estimated 20 million office and factory workers will be replaced by machines. The problems of unemployment and automation are growing. The career you’re preparing for today may not need you tomorrow. It may not exist. Some keys to survival are education, flexibility, and a constant effort to upgrade job skills. It is true that automation also creates new jobs, by 1970, a quarter of the nation’s labor force will be employed in semi-professional or technical which did not exist in 1930, according to the article. It is the unskilled and semi-skilled workers whose jobs will be rendered obsolete. “The employes who cannot adapt are headed for ex tinction or for marginal survival doing the most menial of tasks,” the article noted. Former Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg says that for a worker to survive he must be “flexible, be willing to upgrade or develop entirely new skills, abandon one area of the country for another and get a thorough education.” Throughout your college career, you must examine your future job jn light of a new technological era, take courses to prepare for automation, and be prepared to constantly train, retrain and continue your education. Even Dow Chemical requires its janitors to have a high school education and pass a battery of aptitude tests. There may be some far-reaching merit in burning the midnight oil for those upcoming finals. Editor, The Battalion: I am writing this letter in re gard to the recent letter in “Sound Off” by Ryan Bernard. I feel Mr. Bernard came off his handle in his letter and made several state ments which were not true and made some generalizations which were not verifiable. To begin with, Mr. Bernard is speaking about the criminality of the cowboys, referred to the incident last fall between Mitchell and Leggett halls. Myself, I don’t think anyone involved, cowboy, longhair, or otherwise is a crimi nal in any sense of the word. Mr. Bernard said that a cow boy struck another boy shorter than he was. This is true, but what he left out was that “shor ty” started the scuffle and ag gravated the cowboy. Also, the only knife involved in this inci dent was the one used to cut down Leggett’s sign. If Mr. Bernard feels this isn’t true, let him produce some of these people who were allegedly held at knife point. I doubt if you’ll have many volunteers for that farce. Also, Mr. Bernard mentioned that the cowboys were the ones to use the “R. E.” to embarrass the young ladies. I can’t deny that he did see some cowboys display this end of their personalities, but we all know that this method is known to all Aggies and not restricted to the cowboys or long- hairs or any other single group. I think this is something which none of us are proud of and which Mr. Bernard wanted to pass off on the cowboys. Then, Mr. Bernard proceeded to make some snide remarks about the manner in which we dress. Well, friend, have you ever looked at what kind of hat Presi dent Johnson or Governor Con- nally wears ? I’ll tell you, it’s western. Men were wearing western hats and high-heeled boots a hundred years before you ever had) a hair on your head, and will probably be doing so long after we are both gone. Can you give us any examples of respected men in our nation today with long hair, beards, mustaches, and wearing motorcycle helmets with obscene material on it? Please don’t misunderstand, I’m not trying to justify the vigilante action taken in the haircutting of “our dear friend from Atlanta, Georgia.” He has his rights as a citizen to look as absurd as he wishes. But even you must admit he does look a sight better since that incident. Bill Clampit THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter- prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for ipublication of all new dispatches credited to it or not herwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all ottr matter herein are also ] Second-Class postage ■eserv paid repu ved. at College Station, Texas. News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-6618 846-4910 or at the editorial office, Room 217, Services Iding. For advertising or delivery call 846-6415. Building. Members Lindsey, chairman ; Arts; F. S. White, Cc Titus, College of Veter lege of Agriculture. the Student Publications Board are: Jim Dr. David Bowers, College of Liberal College of Engineering ; Dr. Robert S. ;erinary Medicine; and Hal Taylor, Col- Mail subscriptions full year. are $3.50 All >er semester; $6 pel ubscriptions subject to 2% year; $6.50 per full year. AH subsi sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: 217, Services Building, College, Station, The Battalion, Room Texas 77843. student newspaper published in College Station, Texas dail Sunday, and Monday, and holiday The Battalion, lished in Collei day, and Monday, and holiday periods, Sep May, and once a week during summer school. at Texas A&M is Station, Texas daily except Saturday, riods, September through Servie Franc Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising ices, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association EDITOR CHARLES ROWTON Managing Editor John Fuller Features Editor Mike Plake Editorial Columnist Robert Solovey News Editors Steve Korenek, Jim Basinger Sports Editor Gary Sherer Asst. Sports Editor John Platzer Staff Writers Bob Palmer, Dave Mayes, Tom Curl Photographer Mike Wright TOWN HALL REGULAR SERIES Presents The 5th Dimension Town Hall Season ticket holder and Activity Card holders admitted free Ticket prices: Date — $2.00 - Student — 2.50 - Gen. Adm. — 3.00 Limited Reserve Seat Ticketc Available On Sale At MSC MSC Student Programs Office. “Special” Added Attraction THE COUNTDOWN FIVE APRIL 27, 1968 — 7:00 P.M. G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM CIVILIAN WEEKEND Editor, The Battalion: In the moments before Muster began, I sat watching G. Rollie White fill up. Just about 98% of the people had uniforms on. An other 1% were civilians and the remaining 1% were guests. My hat is off to these civilians who were there and to those who at tended Muster elsewhere. But when these figures are compared to the ratio of total enrollment for cadets and civilians, I think this points out some sickening attitudes. When we can’t fill G. Rollie White to honor the men who fought and died to establish free dom for Texas, and the Aggies who have been taken from us this past year, I wonder what type of Aggie we are turning out today. The Corps was there—where were the civilians ? The civilians who are also hard to find at Yell Practice ? The civilians who are bothered by the Corps drills on Saturday mornings ? Well, let me tell you something —without the training the Corps has given A&M men in the past, you wouldn’t have the great name of Texas Aggie to associate with. And it makes me sick to think that these people, who think more of the bag, the flick, or the tube than they do of Muster, wear the same ring I do. Editor, The Battalion: This year will be the first time that I will not donate a pint to the Aggie blood drive. It’s not that I’m against the drive — what I am against is the “come- on” used to lure one into donat ing blood. They claim: “Anyone who do nates blood is eligible to receive unlimited amounts of blood for himself and his family during the coming year.” I have heard of several cases where, for some reason, blood was refused, and I know of two cases firsthand. First a home town bud was hit by a drunk dur ing the Christmas holidays, and is still in the hospital today. He needed lots of blood; and if sev eral Aggies had not come through, he would have been in bad shape. Second, an outfit bud’s parent needed blood during an operation. Again, blood was refused, and he had to give a pint of his own blood for the operation. Again, let me say it is not the blood drive but the false claim made by the blood drive as my reason for not donating a pint. John Thompson ’69 Mike McLennan ’68 (Editor’s Note: Alpha Phi Omega Blood Drive Chairman Tommy Thomas said that APO was not aware of such practices. He said anyone with such a problem should contact the Student Senate for aid.) By Robert Gonzales Through Corps Channels The 9th Annual Class Induction Banquet given for seniors by the Association of Former Students will be held May 6, at 6:30 p.m. in Sbisa Dining Hall, and will feature a steak dinner with all the trimmings. Speaker for the occasion will be John Caple ’52, former class agent and business man from Fort Worth. Seniors may go by the Association of Former Students Office in the lower level of the Memorial Stu dent Center and pick up a free banquet ticket and your wind shield decal. ★ ★ ★ All Army R.O.T.C. junior Ca dets participated in a practice warfare exercise Saturday morn ing and afternoon. Each military science class was organized into a platoon of four squads and spent approximately five hours at the Heavy Equipment School west of the campus. The platoons were given a series of objectives to take and were engaged by fresh men and sophomore aggressors. Leadership positions within the platoon were rotated so that each cadet had an opportunity to dis play his ability to the observing senior cadets and Army officers present. Bulletin Board Clubman iSportscoats f T 2>tm 9tiunc9 ^ ^ tntnfc wear I HJJMIt • IWWV l>\\\ 1 TODAY The Hillel Club will elect of ficers for next year at a 7:30 p^m. meeting at) the Hillel Foundation. The Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Me morial Student Center. BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 —E L E C T— J.T. “Jim” GLOSS State Representative .... District 18 AGRESSIVE - MATURE - RELIABLE Political Ad Paid For by J. T. Closs RE - ELECT RAYMOND A. NOLAN Brazos County Commissioner Precinct No. 1 20 Year Experience Your vote will be appreciated. Political announcement paid for by R. A. Nolan s n mad' Houi term Fiel< T1 repe over Hou: the ferei Wi me i Sub, ocra F gres Oni 3 NOT BICYC MSC CHAIRMANSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR: Recreation Radio Faculty - Staff Committee Minimum GPR for chairman is 1.4 Minimum GPR to join a committee is 1.0 Deadline April 26. Benny Sims Harry Snowdy Mac Spears Jim Finane Or get applications in Student Programs Office CASH FOR USED BOOKS We Sell To 100 College Stores loupot's Look at the Man Then Vote .... BILL PRESNAL State Representative May 4th Democratic Primary Paid political announcement by friends of Bill Presnal THE THINKING MAN’S CHOICE MM You can’t just wish your way out of the kind of problems we’ve got today. You’ve got to think them through—and that takes a lifetime of getting ready. Think about Viet Nam. a brutal conflict that tears the nation. A new kind of war against a new kind of enemy, that requires new concepts of concerted mili tary, political, and diplomatic effort. This is a time when we must explore every avenue toward settlement-but keep up our guard against the temptations of a camou flaged surrender. Think about your dollar. Weakened and shrunk by buy-now-pay-later politics, eaten by taxes, threatened by the balance of payments and the gold drain. It’s going to take skill and understanding to get an $800 billion economy back on the track-and keep it there. make our nation whole again by making our people one again. Think about the world. Its complexity and its challenge. Russia. China. NATO, SEATO, the OAS, the UN. Europe.The Middle East. Africa. Latin America. Asia. Nucleararmsand diplomatic maneuvers. Aworld entering the most dangerous period in its history, and looking to the United States for leadership that can take it safely through. Think about the Presidency, its awesome powers and its lonely responsibilities. The range of things a President has to think about, know about. The great decisions that he alone can make, and that may determine the fate of freedom for generations to come —and even the survival of civilization. Think about your children. About their schools. Their college. Will there be a place for them? And the world they inherit. Will it be worth inheriting? Will they have a world to inherit? Think about the cities. About the civil war ripping our nation apart. About violence and crime and despair. About the need for both the rule of law and the light of hope. About the new statesmanship needed to Think about the one man who is best quali fied for that office. With the sure hand, the balanced judgment, the combination of seasoned experience and youthful vigor. The one man who has gained a per spective on the Presidency unique in our time-from 20 years in public life, eight of them at the very center of power-followed by a rare opportunity to reflect and re-study, and tomeasure the pressingneedsof America and the world in thisfinal third of the 20th Century. The one man prepared by history for the world’s toughest job—the one man who can really make a difference in these troubled, dangerous times. NIXON'S THE ONE! Auth. & Pd. for by Youth For Nixon, 1726 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz PEANUTS HERE'S THE WORLD-FAMOUS WRIST WRESTLER TAKING PART IN A PRACTICE MATCH BEFORE HE60EST0 PETALUMA FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIPS.. THERE'S FEAR AND TREMBLING IN PETALUMA T0NI6HT' ^