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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1967)
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Friday, November 10, 1967 Amendment No. Six Can Benefit A&M Outdated laws are like fat balloons which need to be popped, and the people have the pin to do it. On Wednesday we reviewed only one of six amendments proposed for the state constitution, and on which you, the voter, will decide tomorrow. Of the six proposed amendments, perhaps the most im portant one for Texas education and, thus for Texas A&M, is number six. It would permit non-elective state officials and em ployes to serve in other non-elective position under the state or federal government where there is no conflict of interest and where the state will benefit. As the League of Women Voters pointed out in their “Voter’s Guide’’, the proposed amendment would make qualified personnel available for additional state services, thus doing away with the employment of special consultants in many instances. Personnel of state supported schools, such as A&M, could serve on national boards. Such boards have a strong influence over the allocation of federal grants, and Texas’ relatively minimum number of grants in comparison with some other states can be attributed to this lack of represen tation on influencial national boards. We do not feel that there would be conflicting loyalties among employes serving the state and federal government simultaneously. The amendment provides that there not be a conflict of interests. We would hope that under a new law, those who did serve in two capacities could maintain efficiency with job time divided. CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle “The way I have it figured, we’ll be in good shape if we win the next two games!” Bulletin Board MONDAY The Young Republicans will hear Albert Fay, national com mitteeman from Houston, at 7:45 in the Coffee Loft at North Gate. TUESDAY The Geology Club will hear Bernie McGrath of Texaco, Inc. speak on “The Geology of West Texas” in Room 105 of the Geol ogy Building at 8 p.m. The Department of Recreation and Parks will present a Gradu ate Luncheon Seminar at 12 noon in Room 113 of the Keep Aggie Graduate Dies In Vietnam James R. Hottenroth of Mont clair, Calif., 1964 Texas A&M graduate in mechanical engineer ing, was killed in Vietnam in mid- October in the crash of an Air Force plane. Hottenroth was first sergeant and commander of the Maroon Band. He was navigator aboard a C-130 that crashed in South Vietnam. The captain was with the 776th Trooper Carrier Squad- ron stationed at the 63rd Air Base Group headquarters, Taiwan, For mosa. The officer was married to the daughter of a Chinese general at Taiwan. Building. Dr. Claire Gunn will speak on National Pai-ks of Ven ezuela. The MSC Bridge Committee will meet in the Art Room of the Memorial Student Center at 7:30 p.m. The Entomology Wives Club will meet at 8 p.m. at the Brazos Valley Nursery. The Aggie Christian Fellowship will meet at noon for Informal Fellowship upstairs in the YMCA. Hamburgers and cokes are avail able. The M. E. Senior Seminar Pro gram will hear W. H. Younger of Allen-Bradley Co. speak on “En gineering Sales” at 10 a.m. in Room 303 of Fermier Hall. Varsity Town Suits at 3tm Sturfwe ^ w mcn'e tucnr 100 NORTH MAIN • HI m ajjl.ill . IIH\\Y |l\\s //Hill 4^ WULV L Jt emi • Stationery, books, cards • baby albums • shower invitations • baby announcements • shower centerpieces • napkins, cups, plates etc. AGGIELAND FLOWER AND GIFT SHOPPE 209 University Drive Bonfire Special Campaign Hats $5.95 With Cord LOUPOT’S North Gate BUSIER AGENCY REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE F.H.A.—Veterans and Conventional Loans ARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 John Hotard Don’t Worry, Mom And Dad, They’re Taking Care Of Me 21 Nov. 67 Dear Mom and Dad, Well, it looks as though I’ll be getting to come home in a couple of days. It sure will be nice since I haven’t been home since I came down here. 1 know I haven’t written, but I’ve been busy the past nine weeks. Guess what? I’m in the Air Force. How about that? When I got down here last September they asked me if I wanted to be in the Corps. I said, “The What?” Well, this guy in a sharp-look ing uniform wearing these riding boots looked at me kinda funny and said, “Where you from, sonny ?” I TOLD HIM 1 was from New York City and that my Dad grad uated from here in 1932. Dad, how come you didn’t tell me this was a military school, huh? Anyway, this real nice senior took me aside and told me that the Corps was this large fra ternity on campus and almost everybody joined it. He said that I would get to be in parades, and march at football games, and hoy, it sounded real exciting, so I signed my name on the dotted line. This senior grinned and this other senior walked over to him, handed him a dollar, and told him, “Baldridge, how did you do it? That’s your fifth one this morning.” THIS PAST week we’ve been building the traditional bonfire. Our bonfire is different from any other school’s because we use real trees. What the freshmen do is g‘o out into the woods and carry the logs to the truck. To do this we use . . . uhh . . . we . . . uhh . . . we chop down these smaller trees and put them under the log and then all the Fish carry it to the truck. On top of this, I have to chew chomping tobacco. OH, BY THE WAY, 1 got a letter from Shirley the other day telling me that our engagement was broken and she was going with this guy from Rutgers. For this I got a Silver . . . anyway, the guys were real sympathetic about it. Well, I’ve got to he going. I’ve got to go to the library and get some sleep. Last night I only got to wear my jump boots to bed and had to sleep on the springs. Love, Harry THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim X.indsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowers, College of Liberal Arts; F. S. White, College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. Titus, College of Veterinary Medicine: and Hal Taylor, Col lege of Agriculture. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M is published in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday. Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use foi republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-G618 or 840-4910 or at the editorial offioe. Room 4. YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call 84&-6415. Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school year; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 2% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building, College Station, Texas 77S43. EDITOR Managing Editor ... News Editor Sports Editor Copy Editor Editorial Columnist Photographer CHARLES ROWTON John Fuller Jerry GTisham Gary Sherer Bob Palmer Robert Solovey Mike Wright TRW is success by association From Los Angeles to Houston to Washington, from Space Systems to Ocean Systems to Information Systems, young people are making things happen at TRW. The Hunter's Prayer Let Me Shoot Clean, Kill Clean, And If I Can’t Kill Clean, Please Lord Let Me Miss Clean. COMPLETE DEER PROCESSING Curing and Smoking— Sausage, Ham, Salami We smoke all types of game Turkeys, Pheasants, Game Ducks GUARANTEED SERVICE HANSON'S 2701 Texas Ave. 822-3116 Take a look around any TRW location. The young faces outnumber the old by a good margin. The vast majority of scientists and engineers you'll meet are under thirty, or forty at least. Why? Because we depend on young ideas, new ideas, fresh ideas. That’s why we need you. What kind of a place is TRW? Ask around, Talk to your professors and faculty advisors, or your friends who are already working with TRW. Most of our professional employees applied to TRW on the recommendation of friends. Here are some of the disciplines where new graduates may find career oppor tunities at TRW: Computer S c i e n c es / A n a I y ti cal Research / Aerosciences / Informa tion Systems / Digital Systems / Com munications Systems/Reliability/ Guidance & Control / Sensor Systems / Microelectronics / Electric Power / Space Vehicle Design / Antenna Sys tems Design and Analysis / Mechani cal Engineering / Product Assurance / Integration & Test / Systems Engineer ing / Circuit Design / Electronic Coun termeasures & Electronic Intelligence Systems If you’ll be receiving your degree (Ph.D., MS or BS) in Engineering or Science this year, check with your Placement Director and talk with us while we're on campus. If you can’t make it at that time and would like to be considered for openings in the Los Angeles area, Houston or Washington, send your resume to: W. D. Mclvers, College Relations, TRW, One Space Park, Redondo Beach, California 90278. An Equal Opportunity Employer TRW (formerly Thompson Ramo Wooldridge) is 60,000 people at 200 operations around the world who are applying advanced technology to space, defense, automotive, aircraft, electronics and industrial markets. NOVEMBER 14 ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS TRW CAMPUS INTERVIEWS PEANUTS HOW ARE V01/R BASEBALL TRAPES] C0MIN6,CHARLIE BROWN ? AS By Charles M. Schulz TERRIBLE ..PEPPERMINT PATTY SAlP THE ONLY PLAYER SHE'D BE IKTERESTEP IN W0ULP BE SNOOPY.. "7" IT0LPHER, , ‘N0'.'...Bi/T MAYBE I (JA4 WR0N6... -ir~ YXJ MEAN YOU'D \TRAPE YOUR 0(i)N POE /JUST TO WIN A FEW BALL 6AM££?! ~V •* WIN . .HAVE Y00 EVERNOTLEP WHAT A BEAUTIFUL W0RP THAT 15 f "WIN/" WHAT A POWERFUL sounp!‘Win/" “Win/'“Win/" rrc